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Obama wrong AGAIN

Posted: Jan 13, 2015

Drill, baby, drill!!  

Love karma. LOL


U.S. oil "savior" producers will slow soon - prices too low

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"Across the United States, oil production has surged by more than 3 million barrels per day in the last four years and by more than 2 million in the last two years alone.

But almost all of that production increase has come from recently fractured shale wells which are now declining rapidly and must be replaced to sustain let alone grow output.

However, drilling rates are plummeting. The industry has idled almost 130 oil-directed rigs (8 percent of the total) since Oct 10, according to oilfield services company Baker Hughes.

Oil-directed rigs are being idled at the fastest rate since the financial crisis in 2009 and before than 1991 and 1988, and hundreds more will be taken out of service in the next few months.

The net result is that production will be declining month on month by the end of the year, though in the next few months it might continue increasing.

Some analysts have questioned whether US oil output will indeed fall, arguing improvements in drilling and well productivity will offset the smaller number of rigs operating and wells drilled.

That seems implausible. Given the large stock of comparatively new wells, rapid decline rates, and sharp drop in rigs operating, a truly enormous improvement in productivity would be needed to keep production flat let alone on a rising trend."

Much of President Obama's discouragement towards "drilling" is directed toward the environmental issues and developing energy independence. Even "producing" our own oil does not allow energy independence, as can be seen by this article, the wells cease production and the oil men have to begin new production, which they probably won't since prices are so low.

There is Saudi Arabia, which seems to be fine with the low prices right now, probably in an effort to bankrupt South American interests and hurt Russia and Iran. After they have met their economic objectives, ruining others, they will probably tighten prices, just as our production has slowed down and prices will sky-rocket again.

But, enjoy it while it lasts.

Dems change tune after mocking GOP for ‘drill, baby, drill’ - Obama trying to take credit...LOL

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Back when gas topped $4 a gallon, Republicans chanted "drill, baby, drill" at rallies across the country -- arguing more domestic drilling would increase supplies, reduce dependence on foreign oil and boost the U.S. economy. 

Democrats, almost universally, mocked the GOP plan. In 2012, President Obama called it "a slogan, a gimmick, and a bumper sticker ... not a strategy." 

"They were waving their three-point plans for $2-a-gallon gas," Obama told a laughing audience during an energy speech in Washington. "You remember that? Drill, baby, drill. We were going through all that. And none of it was really going to do anything to solve the problem." 

"'Drill, baby, drill' won't lower gas prices today or tomorrow," Rep. Janice Hahn, D-Calif., echoed on the floor of Congress in 2012. "But it will fuel our addiction to fossil fuel." 

Today, Democrats are singing a different tune, as increased domestic drilling has led to a record supply of domestic crude, put some $100 billion into the pockets of U.S. consumers and sent world oil prices tumbling. 

The price of a gallon of regular gasoline on Monday was $2.13 nationwide, and below $2 in 18 states. 

"Of course [Obama] was wrong. We've seen oil prices fall internationally now by half since last June," said American Enterprise Institute economist Ben Zycher. "The U.S. is now the biggest oil and gas producer in the world, or almost that, and the effect has been to drive prices down as we've seen." 

Most of the domestic increase is due to "fracking" for tight oil in shale deposits across the U.S., as well as advances in directional drilling, where numerous pipelines diverge from a single platform in numerous directions, for a large cost savings. 

But the gains, according to oil experts, come off private, not federal, lands. 

Oil production on federal lands -- those under the president's control -- fell 6 percent since 2009, according to the federal Energy Information Administration, while production on private lands increased 61 percent. 

Nevertheless, Obama is touting the lower prices, which injected billions into the improving U.S. economy. 

"America is the No. 1 producer of oil, No. 1 producer of gas. It's helping to save drivers $1.10 a gallon at the pump over this time last year," the president told a crowd last week in Detroit. 

Zycher, a former UCLA economist who also served on President Reagan's President's Council of Economic Advisers, called it "rather disingenuous for the president to take credit for the decline in oil prices and gasoline prices and the increase in incomes generated by increasing production." 

He added: "It's somewhat amusing. He's taking credit for an increase in production that has happened largely on private land and had nothing to do with federal government policies."


William La Jeunesse joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in March 1998 and currently serves as a Los Angeles-based correspondent.

NOT. D policies haven't changed. Detroit speech was about economy recovery - fuel efficient cars

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i.e. energy conservation, Michigan's improving unemployment rate, cut in half since 2010, and the auto industry's comeback, which wouldn't have happened if the GOP, who wanted it to go belly up, had its way. It was in that context he mentioned gas prices. He was stating facts, no seeking credit. It always kills me when Fox tries to speak for democrats and ends up spinning itself into the ground.

When has he been right? - NT

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