Why I dislike leftists.
Posted: Mar 13, 2010
I dislike leftists for one reason, and that is the fact that they are mostly liars.
Ask a right-winger if he's a capitalist and he'll say "Damn right, I am!"
Ask a left-winger if she's a socialist, and she'll never admit it. Instead, she'll launch into a trillion reasons why she's not a socialist. Yet, at every opportunity, you'll hear her railing against the capitalist system and telling you why government is the answer to everything, why government should confiscate property or "wealth" (that dirty word happens to mean "anything you own") and give it to other people, why government should make decisions about the use of resources in society, and why capitalists are greedy pigs who should all be thrown into prison.
Leftists are socialists, and that's okay. What isn't okay is that they are lying socialists. They're closet socialists. In a world of practical hetero-economism, they are heterophobes who hide behind the curtain with their microphone and wind machine, declaring themselves to be the victims of homoeconomophobia.
I hate phonies, and have only met one leftist in my life who wasn't a phony. She declared herself to be a socialist straight up and proud of it. We went into battle, each of us determined to acknowledge the truth when it hit us between the eyes. Six months later, she was no longer a socialist, and in fact she had come to hate socialism.
It's much like abortion. The truth is, you can't defend abortion on any grounds, and I say this as one who once never thought much about it. Dilate-scrape-so what? Then I got a look at an 8-month fetus, and a 6-month fetus, and a 3-month fetus and I tried to discern just when this little creature (whatever it was) became a "human being", and I was forced back, back, back to the moment of conception, when the BIOLOGICAL FATE of the organism was established as unequivocally human. There was never any chance that this creature was going to be a frog, or a centipede, or a kangaroo. It was human, and it was human from the moment of conception. Wow. We're talking utterly inescapable logic, not emotion, religion or anything else.
So, then I thought about "rights". If the creature was human, we were weighing one human being's rights against another's. And there was no way I could make out that the mother's rights superceded those of the child. If anything, did we not have a greater obligation to the helpless? Funny how those who argue for "the poor", "the disadvantaged" in society do NOT argue for the truly disadvantaged, the unborn human.
I hate liberals because their beliefs are based on "convenience", on "whatever feels good", and on class distinctions that they themselves should, by their own philosophy, most abhore. They support some classes but not others, and they believe in limited government only when it comes to interfering with their right to live their lives as it happens to be convenient to them. They, like anyone, could give all they own quite voluntarily to the poor, but they prefer to take it from others by force. They are just as likely to frequent the tax accountant to make sure that they do not pay one cent more than required as is the unabashed capitalist.
They are, in short, the world's worst hypocrites.
The only question i have is, who could possibly be a liberal and keep all these self-contradictory ideas straight in their minds? The answer, of course, is that the human mind is capable of playing any trick you care to conjure up, but cold hard logic is very hard to come by and it is not in the liberals' makeup to be intellectually honest with themselves - nor could they be, and remain socialists. Secretly, they know this. Afraid to articulate it even to themselves, liberals understand the fundamental cracks in their own logical foundations. Hence, whenever you begin to cut close to the bone, you will almost inevitably see the liberal becoming hysterical, almost as if their lives were being threatened. In a sense, of course, their lives ARE being threatened, and they will scratch, claw and strike out blindly to protect themselves.
It would all be pathetically funny, if it were not that the charade prevents us from finding common ground among ourselves - a centric median, so to speak. Give me an unabashed, honest socialist any day rather than a lying liberal leftist. An honest socialist can be brought face-to-face with the inherent weaknesses of socialism, but it's a mug's game to talk to a lying liberal leftist, who either doesn't know why she thinks something - or doesn't think at all. ;
Simple as - that
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Just because all leftists fit your definition of socialist and most of them will not say they are socialist you don't like them? How refreshingly simple. If everyone felt that way, all we would have to do is get every leftist to admit being socialist and get all capitalists to admit they are greedy pigs, then capitalists will like socialists and socialists will like capitalists. What a wonderful world it would be. :)
You're not what we would call a - deep thinker, are you?
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Try re-reading (I know this is going to be a wasted effort).
Help us all out then and tell us what the substance - is
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The OP is written extremely simply and well. It requires no deep thought. You dislike them for one reason - mostly liars. It took a lot of deep thought from you to write that I'm sure.
If you think that your "restatement" of the OP - captures the meaning
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...you're either nuts or you're not paying attention.
Captures the meaning? Dislike for one reason - mostly liars
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isn't captured? lol. It's the most simple concept there is from one side to the other. Each side feels that way about the other. So, the OP is something deep? ROFL
FYI, the OP edited the original post after you replied - there should be some
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notice on the posts that they were edited and what time. It screws up the string when people go back and edit because of a reply and then act as if they didn't.
The edit changed nothing of substance in OP whatsoever. - Nice try though
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Boy, are you getting desperate!
That is correct. Only added the last paragraph. - Liberals will seek ANY port in a storm.
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I saw the edit and it actually offers an "olive branch" to liberals.
Another example of liberal lies. Is there no limit?
You are mistaken - SallySue
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Three quarters of the post was added in the edit.
I saw that too. That's why she made the statement about not being a deep thinker - SallySue
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and said to go back and read it. Hmmmm, maybe she's a leftist because most of them are dishonest.
"SallySue" (excuse my laughing my guts out) - you SEE nothing.
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If you "SAW" the edit, you don't POST your POST.
Please stop - my sides are aching.
What? - SallySue
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You make no sense. Maybe you should pick your "laughing guts" up now. Oh brother.
"Feels that way" isn't reality. - Capitalists will not lie about their positions.
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Okay, let's go over this again, 1-2-3 like Sesame Street.
1. Leftists are socialists who do everything in their power to deny that they are socialists.
2. Right-wingers are capitalists who don't have the slightest hesitancy about identifying with capitalism.
3. Capitalists can show empirical evidence of their contribution to society while socialists can only point to the ash-heap of history.
Of course, #3 explains #1, doesn't it? Of course it does.
Baloney. Capitalists will lie about pretty much - anything if it makes them
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richer, even at the expense of everyone else.
Your post also demonstrates how painfully little you know about lefties-I would not do it anymore because you embarrass yourself. Nice to see you can count to 3, btw.
so funny to read this thread: jobless MTs trying to be philosophical - and
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continuation: and "deep" thinkers. LOL - and
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twiddeling one's thumbs often makes the mind go wild.
Nothing philosophical about this post-only done - to further widen the divide
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with no redeeming factors whatsoever. It certainly demonstrates what I have known all along~that some people on this forum have absolutely no interest in understanding anyone else or learning anything. One of the many, many things I dislike about conservatives. They (and I will at least have the decency to acknowledge that I do not dislike ALL conservatives) are among the most closed-minded people and are great at remaining completely obvious to their own multitude of flaws. They are masters of rationalization when they or other cons do something completely wrong and will justify it into the ground but let someone on the left do the same thing? Yeah, right. Totally self deluded about their own selfishness and total and complete lack of empathy or concern for others, about their racist streak, about feeling that the almight dollar is more important than people (I know some of you are proud of that trait but it is NOT a compliment) and their desire to want to make everyone live according to the dictates of THEIR conscience, and they love to utilize the government that they profess to hate to bring this about. Hypocrites and liars. And I have to say, this post demonstrates the kind of single-minded, hateful, rotten to the core type of attitude that I see here everyday. You should be ashamed of yourself, but I know you are not. Shame is not part of your personality-only shameless hate and selfishness and the desire to bring down others. I am taking a break. At this moment, I am ashamed to be associated with this group (not the entire group-you know who you are) in any way.
Correction-that should be cons are OBLIVIOUS - to their own multitude of
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flaws. Long day.
Excellent post! Bravo! Couldn't have said it better myself. (nm) - Nikki
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So as a liberal, you are open to other opinions? - Anon
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But then in the next breath, you rail against conservatives, saying they are the "most closed-minded people," have a "multitude of flaws," "self-deluded about their selfishness and total and complete lack of empathy....concern for others....racist streak," and are "hypocrites and liars."
Wow, you seriously need to read "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
Why would any conservative want to engage in meaningful dialogue with you in order to "understand anyone else" after your vicious ad hominem attack on them?
And I daresay the OP really hit a nerve with you....
I swore I would not respond to you again but - 1 last time, I guess
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I was mainly railing against this conservative who felt the need to go on line and say something as hateful as "I dislike leftists" and then proceeded to generalize and spew in a way that is beyond comprehension. The OP is not interested in "meaningful dialog" and my response was only in response to their (or your???) unprovoked attack. It does not surprise me that you would stand up for this person, whoever they are. You seem to support anything that just exhibits blind hatred towards people who disagree with you.
Done with you and your ilk. Too much blind hatred and do not want to live like that or feel that way. Good luck to you if that is the way you want to live and feel.
I truly have no idea who you even are, as you didn't put a name to your post... - Anon
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so I have no idea when you "swore not to respond to me."
I guess it's easier to hide behind anonymity when hurling insults right and left.
You would know all about that, wouldn't you~ - ANON
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At least I put the same handle on every post....It's Anon with a capital A. - Anon
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I don't expect posters to put their actual names, brainiac. However, if people are going to repeatedly insult me, the least they could do is post a consistent name as they leave their drive-by epithets.
Is that really so hard for you to comprehend?
those are your "rules" and how you - birdie
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interpret their use. Guess what. Others think otherwise.
I also use the moniker Anon with a capital A. - Anon
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How is anyone supposed to distinguish between your posts and mine?
Don't know how this can get any funnier! You - people are very careful to be anonymous
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yet you're afraid that people can't differentiate which "anon" is you.
Why not just get a moniker like everybody else?
Loved it! So true, too.... - Anon
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I was a democrat from the time I registered to vote at age 18 until I was 43. My parents were both democrats, so I was too. I didn't give it too much thought all those years because, 'hey, I was for the little guy,' and all that.
However, as a Catholic it became harder and harder for me to sweep the pro-choice issue under the rug. If democrats were truly for the "little guy," how could they be in favor of heartlessly killing an innocent child in the womb?
I finally realized that the democrat party had left me, which is when I changed parties to republican. I began learning more and more about politics and government, and along the way became a conservative.
That's one of the differences between the parties: To a democrat, it's all about feelings; to a conservative, it's about logic.
Ha!!! There's nothing logical about - religion
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or an anti-abortion stance, for that matter. Claiming that conservatives follow logic has got to be the funniest thing I've read on this board to date! The whole anti-abortion belief because it is a baby from the moment conception takes place is SOLELY based on "feelings," and those "feelings" are mostly stemming from religious belief. If you were using logic, you would realize that keeping every single unwanted birth, where the kid will grow up in who only knows what kind of circumstances, if he grows up at all, is not a caring solution at all. The furthest thing from it, in fact. YOU are the one being selfish and thinking only about your own religious guilt, and not about the REST of the kid's life...only that it be born! Where is the logic and caring in that? Not there.... WAY kinder to unwanted babies to not even have to endure what may be ahead, and go straight to "heaven," right?
Nobody knows what the future holds, even liberals like you. - Anon
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Who the heck can say what circumstances a child will grow up under? If that was the case, Beethoven would have been killed in the womb, as well as Jesus!
And if what I posted is the funniest thing you've ever read on this board, then you certainly need to get out more....because you have no life.
FYI, scientists agree that it is a baby from the moment of conception, so you might want to get out of the 80s mentality that it's just a blob of tissue. With the advent of ultrasound, that ridiculous theory has gone out the window.
If you truly have no problem killing an innocent human being, then I really feel sorry for you, and even more so for your family.
Again, missing the point. - If you care so much
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about the child, you would worry more about how they are going to grow up, and not just about the fact that they be allowed to be born, against the mother's wishes (deeming them more likely to be abused/neglected). Any mother who didn't want their baby has the right to make that decision! Plus, maybe YOU should get out of the 80s, 50s, whatever, mentality and accept the fact that it's a moot point. It's legal. Not going to go the other way.
And yes, any conservative claiming "logic" is hil-freakin-larious no matter how you slice it!
Oh, and you can save you worry for my family. I could never have had an abortion myself, as I wanted my chilren. That's why it's a personal choice. Everyone is not me, and I definitely believe anyone has the right to end an unwanted pregnancy...and, oh yeah, they DO! Hmmm.....
Now, do I see your faith wavering? You're not sure what the future holds? There may be hope for you yet.
Fantastic post! Could not have said it better - myself! Love it!
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since you claim not to be a leftist - birdie
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You cannot possibly know what is in the minds of those you hate so much. Your entire rant was conjecture and projection. You are lacking only a soapbox and a corner.
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