Romney's Religion Prejudice against Women, Gays, African Americans (sm)
Posted: Oct 31, 2012
Women and African Americans are not allowed to hold high positions within the Mormon church. How many of you are women? How can you support a candidate who does not believe in equal rights except when he is in front of the camera, and will give no details or explain supporting the church prejudices?
His church believed it was OK to rape 12 year-old girls and force them into polygamous marriages. Their believes come from prophets to talk to God. Do you really think God condoned this?? Do you want a president who asks the prophets what God said about ending the war??
Well, what some Mormons did a century ago aside, Mr. If-You're - Going-to-Have-Women-Working tipped his hand again
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this morning, addressing supposedly the problem of poverty but immediately talking instead about the problem of "single mothers." (Exactly the sort of mental boomerang he performed when he answered a question about equal pay by talking about women needing flexible hours so they could get home and cook dinner on time.)
Apparently if my friend Kathy, a mature single mother BY CHOICE who makes about $70K or so, got married this would help reduce poverty, as would the many women who finally tossed their bums out hauling them back in and supporting them again.
Of course not. Because for Romney the more important issue troubling our country is not poverty, it's the sins of having sex and babies outside of marriage. Mormons really, really, really disapprove of those. Those Mormon undies he wears remind him daily of the moral importance of spiritual and physical purity.
For us, his candidacy is quite simply about social engineering--back as far as he can manage. If only he could, it apparently wouldn't just be to the 1950s because "Mormon-style" women's roles had been on the skids for a long time already at that point. More like the 1850s.
BTW, anyone hear if Anne does dutifully ask Mitt for counseling on how to fill out her ballot? As the good, traditional Mormon wife she prides herself on being, I'd bet good money she does.
Yawwwwwnnnnnn - The Sarge - sm
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Getting tired of the fear mongering. I'm not voting for a priest, rabbi, or minister. I could care less what they do in their church.
I'm voting for someone to be the President of the country.
And hey, at least they don't behead people in their religion.
That's the point, fella. You ARE voting for a priest. - But some people like what he's selling. nm
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He's a High Priest in the Melchizedek priesthood order. - Bishops must hold High Priest rank.
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Facts, dear, not fear.
If you don't think what they do in their church - grits
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affects what he'll do in office, you're mistaken. I was raised in the Mormon church, and their beliefs are very much a mandated lifestyle. Their beliefs inform everything, and I do mean *everything,* they do.
I don't like fearmongering either, but as you said in response to me down the board, facts aren't fear. Facts are facts.
So we should have been a little more concerned with - the church Obama went to for years?
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Maybe what he's doing is his church's way of showing "the chickens have come home to roost" Or maybe he's just thinking "God**** America"?
I thought religion wasn't supposed to be important in a president - or is that only for the democrats?
One pastor's views do not equal - grits
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the entire doctrine of a major organized religion.
I was speaking from personal experience. Do you have any relevant experience with regard to Obama's former church? Do share.
I do with the Mormon church - not the poster - you're replying to, but...
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I had a wonderful experience being raised in a Mormon church. I don't attend anymore, but that was a personal decision, not anything to do with it taking control of my life.
I'm wondering, though, how much research did anyone do into the Trinity United Church of Christ that Obama attended for years - not just the info on the pastor, but on the entire doctrine of the church, including the Black Value System.
It's interesting reading. I mean, if we're going to start picking apart religions, let's be equal opportunity pickers!
WHICH church a person belongs to isn't the issue. Romney is - constantly letting slip social beliefs stemming
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from his religion that differ very widely from what most people believe. Again and again listening to him slip off script, I've gotten the feeling that he believes imposing his social mores on the country is a big part of the job he's taking on. Obviously, his disapproval of the way most of us lives our lives is never far from his mind.
A President Romney would very much be in a position to use a stick-and-carrot approach on society and to destroy laws and programs that generations of past Americans developed only after decades of societal decline and suffering made their need obvious.
This isn't okay. A president always brings his personal beliefs, but he is supposed to represent the people, and the Mormon religion is an extremely socially conservative outlyer that emphatically does not.
Actually the founder was - quite fond of beheading
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as part of the "blood atonement" ritual, where you kill someone to save his soul. They did't get rid of it until 1888.
BTW, at least Muslims don't bathe in their underwear. Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww
Ridiculous - jewelz
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Bathe in underwear? What are you talking about? Mormons don't bathe in their underwear.
Another false scary story.....oooohhhhh - I'm wery wery scwared.
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Even if were true....ooooh let's see....
Take a bath in your underwhere or have your head chopped off. Hmmmm...I don't know....kind of a tough one. Hmmm...still trying to make up my mind. Gosh, my underwear or my head...I think I'll take bathing in my underwear. Right after I buy a vowel. ROFL.
My goodness people, that's all you got? Nothing of substance? No political issues that will affect the lives of Americans? Just...he takes a bath in his underwear. ROFL.'s a little secret..I've taken a bath in my underwent a few times myself.
Every religion has it's weirdness. Some wear poity little hats, drink Kool-aid and eat bread in church, others chop off the heads of people.
You guys really need some new material. And nothing that is from a comedy routine either.
If you lived in Utah... (sm) - Angie
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You would see how Mormonism has taken over the government and influenced the decisions. Mormons believe they are THE only true religion and they want to convert as many as they can. Romney has already decided to put his Mormon beliefs to law, forcing them in the rest of us, i.e. forcing rape victims who are impregnated to carry the baby to term, but not including any assistance for their time off work, job protection and medical costs. How about child support and a college education?
Having moved from CA to UT it is obvious to me how the government is run by and for Mormons and I don't want to see it happen to the entire country, taking away our freedom. This is not fear mongering, this is what I have actually been witness to in Utah.
Why do folks keep trying to plant fear - anon
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of Romney using things they don't really know a lot about? I am so tired of people lumping everyone in every Christian denomination together as all believing one thing. That is not true in any Christian denomination including the Mormons. I saw a news line on MSN this morning saying Huckabee tells people they are going to H--l if they vote for Obama. Now, of course, had to check that one out. Video featured a blacksmith (I guess) and was directed to Christians, probably Baptists in particular, who believe works done as Christians will be rewarded. You would probably have to be the audience the video was intended for to get it. Sort of like the one the Obama supporters have of the young girl talking about her first time with Obama. Doesn't appeal to me but probably does to some little 18-year-old chick out there. Anyway, I did not hear Huckabee anywhere in that video say anyone was going to H--l. In fact, no Christian I have ever known or heard of believes any true Christian is going there. I suspect Romney believes somewhat the same as the Baptists do on that, which is why he was so hesitant to parade out the many, many people and families he has personally assisted over the years. Just as our country has progressed and is progressing past racism and keeping women out of roles of authority, the churches have and are likewise in the process of doing the same. African Americans had the right to vote before women. We have a first African American President and I dare say will probably have at least one other before we see a woman in that role, but that day will come. This gender sterotyping is not limited to churches (including Mormons). Many Mormons are very progressive and have no problem with homosexuality, racial equality, or women in leadership positions. As I have said before, Ann Romney looks and sounds like she is anything but under Mitt's thumb.
We all have our fears. Some fear...Obamas. The sliippery slope - I fear is religious zealotry +
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So did our Founding Fathers, though. We're all doing fine with religions by the thousands (literally) and with our government.
But that the two could come together as so many are constantly working to make happen? NOT an imaginary boogieman.
Can't elect anybody then. - anon
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No may not be imaginary, but I have not heard Romney trying to impose his religion on anyone. The main thing religion would give most candidates (and all candidates usually profess to have some--including Obama) would be morals. I am sure you don't agree, but I think Romney has more of those than Obama does.
Uhuh. But his morals say I'm an immoral person. - That's a BIG problem for me. nm
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Where do you - get that?
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I've never heard him preach to anyone about being immoral. I know quite a few Mormons - my best friend for starters - and there's no judgment from her or her family because I don't attend her church. There's never even been an insinuation that heaven is not for me just because I'm a Lutheran and not a Mormon. A president would have a hard time pushing religious ideals on this country - that's why there's such a push back about the birth control issue from the Catholics.
It's okay. After you die they will baptize you Mormon. - nm
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Yes, Romney does plan to impose his religion on others... - Angie
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By outlawing abortion and marriage between gay couples.
And how exactly is - he going to do that?
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I can't wait to hear this!
He will LEGISLATE it. Welcome to your theocracy. - nm
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And that would get through congress - how?
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I'm pretty certain no one in congress would risk their reelections by passing through religious-based legislation, even hidden in some nonthreatening bill.
They've already risked reelections by - sm
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blocking progress in this country when flat-out REFUSING to compromise with President Obama.
Their hatred for him is palpable, and they don't even hide it. They've got these crazy tea party people that, for some reason, almost all Republicans are following in lock step. You don't think they will continue to follow in lock step under a President Romney?
Good for him. I am against abortion except in the - wannie
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cases of rape or incest (I even struggle with that because it involves the taking of a life). I certainly oppose the thing called "gay marriage." I don't hate gays. I don't dislike gays. I have acquaintances who are gay. One of my daughter's best friend in college was gay and I have never yet made him feel unwelcome in my home. I just don't support the lifestyle.
I don't understand why it matters. - RC
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What do you lose by gays marrying?
It can't be the sanctity of marriage, because that was obliterated by plenty of straight marriages already.
It's not a matter of me losing or gaining anything. - wannie
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It is my belief that marriage is between a man and a woman and I don't beleive in gay marriage. If the fact that Romney doesn't support gay marriage makes him a more appealing political candidate to me then that it is my perogative. 
But why don't you believe in it? - RC
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I want to know what you think is wrong about gay marriage.
Because I am a Christian, read and believe what the - wannie
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Bible says. I realize this is a political board and not a faith board, so that's as far as I will go on the subject on this board.
My statements are strictly about Mormons, not all religions (sm) - Marge
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You can talk about how SOME Mormons are OK with women in leadership roles, but the fact is that women are not allowed to be priests in the Mormon church, only men are allowed to be priests. African american men and women are not allowed to be priests in the Mormon Church. Are you going to tell me this is not prejudice? Do you think it is safe to have a president who support these outdated beliefs? Mormons only believe that marriage should be for members of the opposite sex - they are against gays. These are facts and I am simply stating the facts.
African American men are allowed to be priests. That - wannie
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was changed in the 1980s or 1990s.
Careful. - --
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Under Obama administration you could be imprisoned if your negative posting incites Mormons to attack. Hillary will be calling it a "hateful, hateful" post and you will be in big trouble. Seriously, don't you think it is probably offensive to any Mormons who might be reading this board?
Just curious what this board would sound like - if Obama were Mormon
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Mormons would be right up there with cannibalism and voo-doo
Actually most of us don't care. We care about issues affecting us - The Sarge - sm
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We don't care if if's mormon or muslim. It's what he does in office that people care about. That's what we have been trying to get across since he's been in. We don't care about his religion, his color, his sexuality or anything. We care about the issues that affect us.
There would be tons of posts... - ZvilleMT
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about how wonderful Mormons are and how much good they do. It's the same double standard - wouldn't expect anything less.
Shouldn't you be in a militia somewhere fighting for - the America you think has been lost? NM
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Where did that come from? - --
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I think America is lost and should join a militia because I think if you are going to be respectful of one person's feelings you should be respectful of the other's? It was a joke anyway meant to help you see how bad it can be to go to extremes. But seems you went there anyway.
Oh, sorry. Reading comprehension problem. Yeah, time - to sign off. Peace. nm
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No, I do not think my post is offensive to Mormons. (sm) - Marge
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Mormon are proud of their beliefs, so why would they mind my stating them honestly in public.
If this mindset is so compelling to him that he CANNOT stay on - on script 7 days before election,
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what's he going to be saying behind closed doors if he actually gets hold of the presidency and shucks the pretences.
It's really amazing how how hard this guy finds it to stay on track and just do the job on his schedule that day. The real him, whoever that is, keeps popping out.
Mormon president - Bobo
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All this talk about religion takes me back to 1960 when everybody was scared about Kennedy winning the presidency (popecicles, etc.) It was stupid then and it's stupid now.
I remember, but I don't agree (sm) - Marge
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President Kennedy did not tell the public during his campaign that he was going to make even married people abstain from sex unless they were planning a baby (a Catholic rule). Romney IS telling us that he is making decisions based on his religious beliefs. That's the difference.
Mormon president - Bobo
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Argument aside, it's nice to know that someone my age is still having to work. Sure sucks doesn't it.
Yep, Bobo. Still working. Will be 60 in the spring. - Marge
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Kennedy had the sense to respect separation - sm
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of church and state.
It's apples and oranges to compare Kennedy to Ryan and/or Romney.
Have you actually done any research on the Mormon church - or do you just make this stuff up as you go?
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Raping 12-year-old girls? Come on!! Do some real research and then come back and talk!
Of course I've researched! (sm) - Marge
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I've researched the history from the polygamy days where yes, they forced 12 year old girls into marriage and yes, they raped them. Believe me, it is NOT consentual at that age! I have many Mormon friends I speak with daily and read the paper. In fact what I am saying is pretty common knowledge here in Utah.
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