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Democrats have a religion problem. A conversation with

Posted: Dec 31, 2016

White House staffer, about the party’s illiteracy on and hostility toward white evangelicals. There aren’t many people like Michael Wear in today’s Democratic Party. The former director of Barack Obama’s 2012 faith-outreach efforts is a theologically conservative evangelical Christian. He is opposed to both abortion and same-sex marriage, although he would argue that those are primarily theological positions, and other issues, including poverty and immigration, are also important to his faith. During his time working for Obama, Wear was often alone in many of his views, he writes in his new book, Reclaiming Hope. He helped with faith-outreach strategies for Obama’s 2008 campaign, but was surprised when some state-level officials decided not to pursue this kind of engagement: “Sometimes—as I came to understand the more I worked in politics—a person’s reaction to religious ideas is not ideological at all, but personal,” he writes. Several years later, he watched battles over abortion funding and contraception requirements in the Affordable Care Act with chagrin: The administration was unnecessarily antagonistic toward religious conservatives in both of those fights, Wear argues, and it eventually lost, anyway. When Louie Giglio, an evangelical pastor, was pressured to withdraw from giving the 2012 inaugural benediction because of his teachings on homosexuality, Wear almost quit. ;

The only thing that unites them is their hatred for Trump and - conservatism.

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Of course we hate Trump & conservatism. - Both are insane and evil.

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Problem with religion.... - EmpireLady

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...only if someone is trying to shove it down my throat and make the laws of the land follow their religious "rules." What part of separation of religion and state, as stated in the constitution, don't you all get? Every single church and pastor has their own interpretation of the Bible. So, which religion is it going to be that we all must follow? Baptist? Catholic? Lutheran? Satanism? Buddishm? Of course, you will state only Christianity, but whose version? Religion has absolutely no place in politics, because if it did, would that make us any better than the Taliban who insist all follow their particular view of Islam? Nope, it wouldn't. This is a country where one is free to believe and worship as you see fit. What you cannot do is impose that belief on others, and most especially you cannot impose it into the laws of the land. It's really so simple.

"(S)eparation of relgion and state" - does not appear in the Constitution

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There is no such phrase in the Constitution.

The First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This means that the State (as England did) must not determine for the individual what religion he observes.

This "separation of church and state" is a distortion cooked up in the '60s, spear-headed by atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair. The concept of "voluntary" never occurred to her (as with most leftists).

Should voluntary prayer be permitted in government schools? I believe so. Should students be FORCED to pray in government schools? Yes.

Read it before you bleat it.

ETA - toggle-type-itis

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Should students be FORCED to pray in government schools? NO.


Voluntary prayer - EmpireLady

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Yep, and the key point in that amendment states that NO LAW shall be made establishing a religion. That's pretty clear to me. As for voluntary prayer in schools, any student in this land can pray in school. Nothing stopping them. In fact, students can have prayer clubs before and after school, or during their free time, on school grounds. What a government funded school cannot do is push one particular type of religion onto all students.

It's not the government's responsibility to be teaching our students any kind of religion beyond the broad educational sense of "this is what is out there."

Hey, tell your kids to pray away all they want at school, as long as they aren't disrupting class time or being obnoxious, rude, and cruel about it to others. It's always been beyond me why it is claimed "God has been taken out of the schools, or fill-in-the-blank." I don't know about your God, but mine is everywhere, at all times.

Religion destroys civilizations. - nm

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