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Another reason to keep religion out of gov't

Posted: Feb 12, 2010

The Virginia House of Delegates, their version of the House of Representatives, passed a bill on Wednesday that bans companies from tracking their employees with implanted microchips. On the surface, the bill sounds libertarian, albeit in a far-sighted Blade Runner sort of way. But it turns out that the bill’s sponsor was motivated by a more Old Testament perspective: stopping the rise of the Antichrist.

"My understanding—I'm not a theologian—but there's a prophecy in the Bible that says you'll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times," Delegate Mark L. Cole told The Washington Post. "Some people think these computer chips might be that mark."

I asked him, “So, you believe that Barack Obama is going to bring about the end of the world?” “Absolutely,” responded Pastor Drake. “Yeah.”

Fellow Republican Virginia Delegate Charles W. Carrico expressed similar concerns: “I believe there is a time that Christ will come back to receive his people home… and that there will be an Antichrist that arises during that time, and those that remain, to buy or sell anything, they will have to take on this mark."

. . . rest of story here -- talk about paranoia . . . .



"Pastor Drake" - Sam

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WTH? He's probably a racist and he's DEFINITELY a nut job!

You can be a murderer, a racist, a homophobe, commit genocide, adulterer, child molester . . . - Really?

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but it's okay if it's in the "name of God", because all you got to do is repent or confess and you're good to go

posts show ignorance on religion/beliefs - luvzminis

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Not surprisingly, such posts show ignorance and misunderstanding of religious beliefs, and once again, some people seem to enjoy, for whatever reason, putting words in the mouths of those who do not think like them.
Perhaps a better beginning topic for this post might be this question: "Why is it okay with some people to have the government stick their nose into religion??"
Nowhere does it say any religious views should be TOTALLY censored, yet that is what some narrow-minded individuals want. There are groups who don't want religious freedom, despite the Constitution. What are such people so afraid of?? It just shows that there are still some people in society who just don't get it, so they want to impost their views on everyone else.
Ignorance is when someone demands rights but are . . . - Really?
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not willing to extend to those same rights to someone of a different viewpoint.

I never said anything about censoring religion -- but you know, it works both ways -- religion should not "stick their nose" into gov't.

I absolutely believe in one's right to practice their religion freely -- I don't condone Muslims killing the "infidels" any more than I condone a Christian killing someone who goes by the law of the land just because they don't agree with that law .. .

This is how it goes:

"All men are created equal", not:

"All white, heterosexual, Christian men are created equal . . ."

yes, and keep your gov't out of my religion - dem

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paranoia ??? NOT ... it's called biblical prophecy.

What is that supposed to mean? Be specific - if you can. nm

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I'd like to know the answer, too. Guess there really isn't one. (nm) - Nikki

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So she's required to answer - within YOUR specified time limits eh
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Perhaps (gasp!) she has a life outside this forum.

Of course, you know very well that the struggles over the separation of church and state have cut both ways, presuming that you're a reasonably informed person, so there's really no need to rehash the history, is there?
I'd like to read her response if there is one forthcoming. (nm) - Nikki
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So would I. While waiting for her reply, suppose you take - a stab at the answer instead
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of a jab at the poster? Try providing some specific examples of your claims that separation of church and state cuts both ways. Give us all that overwhelming evidence that shows government interference in the free exercise of religion trumps religion's attempt to intrude on the founding fathers secular construct. Keep in mind that the Supreme Court does keep rather meticuous records.
I'd love to hear the liberals answer, and I'm still waiting too. - Anon
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Answering incomprehensible statements not possible. - Obviously, no one knows what U R talking about...a
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a....again. No cliffhanger zone. - nm
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Then you think the government SHOULD be able - to track people with microchips

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I don't personally care what reason people give for opposing this Orwellian idea as long as it never comes to pass.

And, for that matter, I don't laugh at people for their faith or call them "paranoid". Follow my lead.

The government didn't think so and ruled against it. - It was religion that tried to rule in this case.

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"My understanding�I'm not a theologian�but there's a prophecy in the Bible that says you'll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times," Delegate Mark L. Cole told The Washington Post. "Some people think these computer chips might be that mark."

I asked him, �So, you believe that Barack Obama is going to bring about the end of the world?� �Absolutely,� responded Pastor Drake. �Yeah.�

For now yes - but what about the next time? - Gee, maybe we should track religious people with c

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There's really no quantitative difference between a legislator saying that he's opposed to something on religious grounds and one who says he's opposed to something because the power brokers who put him in office don't like it.

Each one is just espousing an article of personal faith - just different "religions", that's all.
Wrong. There is a set of laws in place to prevent this. (sm) - Nikki
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In America, according to the Constitution, we tolerate ALL religions, not just one.

For a politician to WANT to implant chips in people he/she suspects are agents of the "Antichrist" (in this case, President Barack Obama) violates the Constitution, and the legislators who denied this bizarre, "witch-hunting" request upheld the law.

Lots of different religions, some that include witch-hunts. Only one law that respects ALL religions. You're allowed to demean this President all you want, but you can't legislate laws that permit you to assault innocent citizens with implanted chips.

No contest.

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