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Obama's mother--doing the research

Posted: Mar 21, 2012

Some are saying Obama lied about the death of his mother from cancer. Watch the below link and decide for yourself.;

Specifically at about 8:40 on the timer - nm

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Who said he lied about her dying of cancer? - The lie is his commerical about insurance.

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She had insurance with a co-pay. She had a problem with Disability issues. They are not telling the full story just to make it look like she did not have good insurance and died because of it... a lie.

A usual, much do about nothing - More research

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Here's exactly what President Obama said about his mom's terminal illness and last days in his campaign ad: 

"She wasn't thinking about coming to terms with her own mortality...She had been diagnosed just as she was transitioning between jobs. And she wasn't sure whether insurance was going to cover the medical expenses because they might consider this a pre-existing condition. I remember just being heartbroken, seeing her struggle through the paperwork and the medical bills and the insurance forms. So, I have seen what it's like when somebody you love is suffering because of a broken health-care system. And it's wrong. It's not who we are as a people."  See link 1.

She was diagnosed with cancer in the middle of changing jobs.  Anyone in that situation would be worried about pre-existing conditions and coverage.  As it turned out, they did cover some of the expenses, but not all of them. Struggling with paperwork, insurance forms and bills.  Anyone who has faced a major illness (especially one that is terminal), surgery, or serious accidental injury can relate to that struggle.  My ex-husband had a balloon angioplasty and stent placement a few months back.  His in-hospital and rehab charges for ONE procedure, an overnight stay and PT so far have been $90,000!!!  Insurance covered 80% less the deductible, leaving him with bills amounting to $18,000 plus a $1500 deductible.  The stent is occluded.  He's going back for a re-do tomorrow and will face similar financial woes while going through rehab.  This hardly compares with the expense of extended treatment for advanced cancer.  It's a bit of a stretch to construe any of President Obama's statement as a lie.   

So what if she was applying for disability?  By the time she was receiving terminal care, she had already depleted all her financial resources.  She was undergoing cancer treatment, unable to work, and trying to get a disability claim authorized for her living expenses and to help pay hundred of dollars of monthly medical expenses not covered by her policy....according to the very same author of the book the right wingers so often cite to discredit the president's statements.  From Janny Scott's book "A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother:"

"Once she was back in Hawaii, the hospital billed her insurance company directly, leaving Ann to pay only the deductible and any uncovered expenses, which, she said, came to several hundred dollars a month. To cover those charges as well as living expenses, she filed a separate claim under her employer's disability insurance policy."  See link 2.  This claim WAS denied for pre-existing condition.  Not hard to imagine that this denial left President Obama's mother worried about insurance coverage, bills and mountains of paperwork, especially since she could no longer pay the expenses her medical insurance did not cover. 

I have a question.  Would any of you want YOUR kids to watch you go through that and be saddled with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debts to pay against a retirement fund worth "more than $2000" that disqualified you from assistance while on your deathbed ?  Some mean-spirited poster below said it was too bad she didn't live long enough to see "Obamacare" repealed (as if).  From where I sit, I say it's a shame she didn't live long enough to see her son address the lessons he learned from the circumstances of her passing and how he instituted historical health care reform for the benefit of an entire nation.  I'd bet my bottom dollar when he prioritized pre-existing conditions in the plan's implementation phase-in stages, he had her in mind.   




Please see message. - sm

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You wrote: "Some mean-spirited poster below said it was too bad she didn't live long enough to see "Obamacare" repealed (as if)."

I agree it was mean spirited, but it DOES reflect Republican thinking today, something we should ALL fear for our lives.

OBAMACARE is a total nightmare. Wake up - and actually READ the bill.

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You have NO idea what a disaster you are asking for. If you think things are bad now, it will get worse! It is NOT that Republicans dont care, they just see this bloated mess for what it is.

That was not mean spirited - taking it the wrong way - sm

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The message was meant that its awful she died and if she had lived she would have seen Obamacare repealed. Which is a good comment because it means she would have lived.

People really need to get a different line of hate trashing someone and stop twisting their words into something they didn't mean.

Thank you for taking the time to write such a great post - sm

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This issue is too personally close to me and I am not able to say how I feel about it because my emotions are just so strong. Can you imagine being a mother knowing you will die and leave your children? Especially now that Republicans are so against children and the poor? The fact that there are those who would deny people care and a way to keep keep their dignity during the death process absolutely makes me sick. All I have to do is look at the 3 people who have clicked the dislike on this and I know the world is full of evil.

I agree, it was a great post. I still don't - undetstand why SM

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some feel this affordable care act is so horrendous. Is it because the government will provide some help for those who cannot afford it? It this another "I don't want my tax dollars going toward something like that"? I have heard the same thing about planned parenthood. I guess these same people are okay with their tax dollars providing subsidies to the oil companies. What is wrong with people who could care less about those less fortunate? I realize there are some who take advantage of the system, but I feel strongly that the majority of those in need are in need through no fault of their own. I really wonder about the median age of those who are against helping anyone else. I am an older person, and wonder if this attitude is more prevalent in the younger generation, the so called entitlement generation, who care only about themselves and screw anyone else. It is really sad what has happened to people to make them so cold.

I am assuming this is the reason for objecting to the affordable care act. There are so many positive aspects to it that will benefit everyone. What else could it be? I would not acknowledge anyone who is against this simply because it is Obama's baby. It is becoming more apparent that there are many people who just hate Obama and anything he proposes. Hate being the operative word. It is becoming apparent that there are many people who hate him because of the color of his skin or are too ignorant to realize he is not Muslim despite what Fox News projects about that. I find that the more hateful you are, the more ignorant you are. Ignorant to me does not mean stupid, it means not availing yourself the opportunity to educate yourself about different issues. It means not making knee-jerk decisions or reactions to information, but rather taking the time to research and learn the truth. For instance, the statement that Obama has not nothing to help this economy is ignorant. Are there facts to back this up for instance or are there facts that show this not to be a true statement? The statement that Obama has made it worse, not better than it was in 2008. Really? If you are not running for office, then this is an ignorant statement. Again, IMO, the word ignorant is not a bad word because all you have to do is open yourself up to learning and research and make an informed statement.

well said - nm

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