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Mother Jones now admits (sm)

Posted: Sep 19, 2012

the tape was edited.  Who cares?  I didn't see anything wrong with it the way it was, and his poll numbers seem to be up because of it.  Most normal people are sick of all the entitlements and it's just common sense that the people receiving them will vote for the administration giving it to them.  Obama is making us a Nanny State. 


I found this article that explains exactly who...sm - VTMT

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the 47% are. Apparently a significant portion, including seniors and people utilizing tax loopholes, vote republican.

I'm sick of all the "victims" and freeloaders:: - Not all of the 47% are poor

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Look at the "gimme" entitlement mentality on this board. I will vote for Romney because of that video alone. Funally, someon hase the guts to call it like it is.

It seems to - me

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that the lazy people have been getting away with freebies for a lot longer than the Obama term. My solution would be to increase the amount of social workers who actually figure out who is getting what. They need to be able to find the people who have made it a life-long career to be on welfare. There are really people who need it, but so many who don't. Rules need to be changed on welfare. I think they need to have drug tests, not be allowed to receive more money for having more children. Since childcare is paid for if you are on welfare, you should have to do some sort of work for it. I also believe the tax breaks for the rich need to be cut. With that being said, if Romney gets in and downsizes government, then we will have less social workers to do their jobs. This government needs to stop playing rich against poor and do what is right for everybody, not just one group or the other. I am one who pays taxes every year and don't want to support a bunch of lazy people, nor do I like the fact that the wealthy pay less because of tax breaks. The whole tax system needs to be reworked so it is fair all around and the gimmie programs need to have new rules on who gets it and the loop holes need to be removed so the wealthy pay their fair share. It has always been that the middle class has taken the most burden in this country when it comes to taxes and that is not right. All need to do their fair share. This party game is destroying our country and will continue to do so. Both parties have good and bad and they need to come together and do what's best for all.

But our systems ARE working, keeping workers in - trouble from crashing. SM!

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Just how many families do we see huddled in blankets on the sidewalks? With help when really needed, most are able to stay in their homes and not lose everything while they ride out these hard times. THAT's why the numbers are so high right now.

It's NOT freeloaders. This is a lie. With welfare programs eliminated, criteria for qualifying tightened, and funding to them cut, the numbers of genuine moochers are lower proportionally than they've been in decades (and they were seldom more than roughly 10% then!).

Another big, big reason for that 47% is the medical revolution. We're not dying before we finally got/had to retire the way we used to. (This is WONDERFUL, even if it does mean we as a people have to make adjustments.) And if, after working all our lives, our incomes are low in our blessedly extended elder years, we do not require ourselves to use our grocery budget to pay income taxes. Of course.

Our systems ARE working, and working for us. As always they're in need of a tuneup and occasional overhaul, but, considering the heavy demands and attacks they endure, they're meeting our needs encouragingly well. A hint of how much better they could work under less adverse conditions.

BTW, don't we all agree? People who've worked for decades, often half a century and more, and are still taking care of themselves should not have to put up with being referred to as moochers on society!?)
I see - people
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every day who are taking advantage of the system. Maybe you live in a different world than I do. I see so many people that are on welfare, not because they need to be but because they are too lazy to get a job. I see people getting on disability and then out skiing or something. I also see corporations using all kinds of stuff to get tax loopholes so they don't have to pay taxes. I stand by what I said. Welfare needs to be reformed and tax loopholes need to be taken away. If this were to happen, then the people on the streets that really need help would not be there and the lazy butts that just don't want to work would be.
I do live in a different world than you do. Where...sm - anon
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I live people do not brag about being on public assistance, welfare, food stamps, heat assistance, etc., so no one has any idea whether their neighbors do or don't participate. Do your neighbors freely exchange that information?
I see people on these forums planning to go on - unemployment for "vacation." SM
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That doesn't mean these takers (I'm so abused I deserve the rest--paid for by the rest of you) are more than a small minority OR that their feckless little plans usually succeed. Especially, they do not mean that we should do away with unemployment insurance. (And I note that no one's calling for THAT. A little too close to home?)

Fact is, we notice big time when someone is cheating. I remember too well a well-to-do neighbor who used a FEMA program to retile his master bathroom--and boasted about it. And others. Whereas, I don't know anyone who gets food stamps. Or, actually, maybe I do and they're not talking about it?

BTW, that neighbor? A staunch conservative. You've heard the line, I'm sure: The system's corrupt, everybody cheats, I've paid in for years, I'm entitled to get a little of what I've paid in back (i.e., cheat the first chance he got to stick his own greedy, unprincipled hand in).

Unlike people like that, I believe in those systems and do not believe in abusing them. They are today's version of following Jesus's teachings for a nation of 300 million people. I pay in gladly to help people in real trouble. And by and large, that's what those programs do.

Is that the only reason? - bootstraqps

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Because there are many other issues he discusses and he even gives some insight how he will solve unemployment.

They were words to the effect that when we get in office, things will just work out. Sounds like a plan.

And let's "kick the ball down the field" and hope we have a good result with Israel/Palestine peace or lack thereof. There's nothing anyone can do.

Under the Romney/Ryan tax plan. Taxes will be raised on the 47% to afford tax cuts for the rich. They are definitely entitled to my money.

We mustn't be under the illusion that if we take away foodstamps, unemployment insurance, Medicaid, etc. etc., that our taxes won't go down, no they will go up. Instead of helping those who need it, we'll be enhancing the bank accounts of the rich.

People on public assistance put money back into the local community because their needs are basic. What happens when they have less or nothing? Okay, so they should get a job or another job... but since there's no money to spend, local businesses also lose money and lay off/don't hire, and potentially go out of business. Too bad for them too. We can just add them to the ranks of the "gimme population."

Yes, some of them are military personnel overseas. - Many retired after decades of work. NM

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I am sick of people living high off the hog - and not paying their fair share

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This goes for all the "classes." I am sick of middle-class people using the emergency room because they are too cheap to buy health insurance (maybe because they want a fancy car or house) and then expect everyone else to pick up their tab.

I am sick of rich people abusing the working class by investing overseas and not paying their fair share of the taxes that should support the highways, bridges, workers, etc. they use and abuse.

I am sick and tired of the poor and disabled for being labeled as not paying taxes when they are paying social security and Medicare taxes, State taxes, sales taxes, licenses and fees. It usually works out to a larger percentage of their income than the rich who have the fancy accountants and lawyers hiding their money in the Caymans.

You're really talking about responsible egalitarianism. Everyone - pulling their weight. No free rides. Vote for it!N

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Here's a link to the complete Romney video and a transcript - for reading or quick searches. SM

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For those who prefer to examine primary sources themselves.

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