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Attention-seeking mother-in-law

Posted: Sep 22, 2013

So, my MIL is 100% in her right mind and she is VERY attention-seeking lately.  She has always been one to like to keep the pot stirred and get attention that way as well.  She has a few medical problems, including a seizure disorder and she is always really good about taking her meds and such.  Well, lately, her new thing is when someone doesn't jump for her the minute she says jump she threatens to stop taking her meds.  She says there is no reason to take them anymore since people do this or that to her, it's always about HER.  When she threatens to stop taking meds, then of course everyone in the family have to call or go see her and tell her she MUST take her meds, etc.  Friday, she asked me to take her to the grocery store and I told her I had a few hours of work left and THEN I would be happy to do so.  Because I didn't jump right then, she made the statement of not taking her meds anymore.  I said to her......."Well, you are an adult, really that's your choice if you don't feel you need them anymore" and OMG the ENTIRE family (other than my husband) is mad at me now.  Really though, I don't feel any of them should be contributing to her nonsense and I just don't want to take part.  She is a grown woman, 100% in her right mind and she knows she needs those meds.  If she doesn't want them, then fine, whatever, but that's not going to get me to the grocery store any faster.  Do you agree with me, or am I just a mean woman myself?


Nope she's manipulating you... - anon

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Next time suggest she call another family member because you just can't do it right away. If they want to cater to her threats then let them had her manipulations. Otherwise if you're not really afraid of the family's repercussions, and you might bring this up first, tell her if she continues to threaten not to take her meds then her doctor needs to be made aware of this and DO IT. Could be someone (her doc) won't be interested in her fits and will put her need to take her meds BLUNTLY to her.

Mine's not a MIL, it's my mother. Every day something hurts, something's not right - I swear a hangnail is a terminal illness. I finally told her the other night if she gets "like this gain" - can't breath (her as a pulse ox monitor and I'll see the read out) or her blood pressure is too high or too low (and she has a cuff and I've seen the readings, she won't wear her oxygen, only carries it - dumb if you oxygen is low wear the thing!! I finally told her next time it became a pity me session for attention and she was really that bad that I was calling an ambulance!! Not put up or shut up. She's always been a hypochondriac and LOVES to see the doc and get new pills after new pills with her poor me presentation. She has 3 benzos, Tylenol 3, cholesterol meds, bp meds, Xanax prn, plays with be BP meds and has even fallen twice. She CRAVES attention and has always been nacissistic. The threat to call an ambulance has quieted her down for the last two weeks - ah, peace!!

My mom is the same way, except threatening to - call the ambulance will not work

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She actually *wants* us to call the ambulance, or wants us to take her to the ER. When she gets to the ER, they take all her vitals and tell her she's fine, then she gets mad at the doctors, like she has such an unusual/sophisticated disease that they can't even figure out what's wrong with her. And they're all jerks and idiots. Both of my parents are on a fixed income, and she spends so much money going to the ER and doctors' appointments, my poor dad is now trying to go back to work after being retired for years. The ironic thing is, HE is the one with all the real health problems.

I am the opposite - mom

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I stay out of my grown kids marriages unless they need my help. If I am in pain or need money I keep it to myself. Yes, I secretly wish I wasn't so silent, but I think that behavior is so needy me me meee-ish!

My MIL does the same thing! - sm

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Mine was with eating and not because she wasn't getting her way, just trying to get attention. She would call up various family members and mention how she hadn't eaten anything all day, they would tell her how she knows she should eat and family members would actually bring her food that they cooked. It's sad in a way, because obviously she just wants the company, but on the other hand, we have a big family and family does visit often and to manipulate people into coming over isn't a great thing.

She brought up to me ONE TIME about how all she had eaten was a few grapes and an apple that day or something like that. This lady is a morbidly obese woman, so I really, really doubt she has even skipped any meals, but when she told me she wasn't eating, I told her that may be a good thing, losing weight could help with her diabetes and her blood pressure. She never mentioned to me again about skipping meals once she saw no attention would be given on my end.

You were right. - xx

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You and your husband appear to be the only members of that family with any common sense or backbone.

You did absolutely the right thing. Your MIL is a self-absorbed diva. Call her bluff when she pulls that nonsense and don't let her control you, which is what she wants to do.

You offered a perfectly reasonable compromise that would give her what she needed while allowing you to accomplish what you needed to do. She wasn't happy because she was not able to control you by inconveniencing you or forcing you to change your schedule to accommodate her. Let the rest of the family throw their lives away catering to her if they want to but don't be guilted into following suit.

Wish I had my mom or MIL. - Beth

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Seems she has a void needs filling. I hope I go out quickly. Would have to not be able to do for myself and be dependent on people waiting for me die.

it doesn't sound like anyone is waiting for MIL to die - sm

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I don't think that's what the OP is saying at all.

The OP's not waiting for her to die. - Ally

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I don't think the OP minded her MIL asking her to do something. I think what she minded was the MIL threatening to not take meds that she needs, because the OP being able to help her MIL after the OP was done working wasn't good or fast enough.

I have an MIL that does the same thing. She lives with us, we help her. I don't mind helping her. I don't want her to die. I'm not waiting for her to die. Considering she's 65, I hope she's around for another 30+ years.

I just don't appreciate working and my MIL saying to her son that we don't care about her, and she will just pack up and put her dogs in the car and move, because we couldn't do something right at that moment.

Again, though, I hope she lives at least another 30 years. I'm sure the OP wants her MIL to have a nice long life too.

I have the same MIL - Sweets

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I have a MIL very similar to this. She is 78 years old now, but for the last 35 years that I have been married to her son, she has been the center of her world and no one is allowed to occupy center stage. The current drama is over her fourth great-grandson who was born three weeks ago. She has still not seen the baby and is currently telling everyone that the baby's parents never come see her, no one ever comes to see her, that her four kids and multitudes of grand kids never come to see her.

This is the true story: This new baby was born via IVF to my nephew's wife who has endured two rounds of treatment of cancer with grueling chemo. The baby has jaundice and is not nursing well and the parents are sleep deprived. Plus they are moving into a new place. They unfortunately have not felt like showing the baby off to anyone! The baby's grandma (my sister in law) arranged for a dinner so great grandma could come to my SIL house and see the baby. Not good enough! My MIL refused to come. She wants them to bring the baby to her.

I wish I could say that the grand kids come to see my MIL often. They don't. They just do not want to deal with their grandmother. She says anything she wants and gives no thought to hurt feelings. My niece got married this past summer and refused to even invite her grandmother. I did not agree with this, but the last time my niece saw her grandmother, this is what happened: my niece was complaining about her mother's new boyfriend (parents are divorced). My MIL said, "Well, you know your mother is just a whore." This upset my niece so much that she left and has never spoke to her grandmother since then. I thought she should have invited her grandmother to the wedding, but my niece flatly refused. My MIL was deeply hurt, but she just could not understand why her granddaughter got so mad at her! When I tried to tell her that you cannot call someone's mother a whore, she began to cry and yell at me.

However, I have learned to just shut her down. If visiting in person, I get ready to leave and just tell her that she needs to calm down or I will have to go home. Generally, she will calm down. It's all drama and attention seeking. Not sure why though because she is an attractive woman still and very active physically. She does not treat friends this way - only family. Unfortunately, the grand kids and great grand kids do not want to deal with this behavior and avoid my MIL.

Difficult Mom's and MILs - anon

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Unfortunately this has become very common. It's truly, truly sad. My children adored my mother growing. Now my oldest is in college and as expected is very busy. He stopped by to go to lunch with me the other day and mom lives right next door. He did stop over to talk to her as well, but "uh, only for a few minutes". She'll drive 45 min to see my sister's kids so she's not an invalid. Here's an idea if you want to see him makes plan with him. My daughter worn a "modern" ripped shirt the other day - two tank tops underneath, nice jeans, but the reply was "she can at least clean up if she plans on being seen with me - the kid's 12 and this IS the fashion. I loudly told my daughter she looked great! It's a constant barrage of "no one helps me". Truthfully when my sister married I divorced myself from my surrogate husband role and whadda ya know, new BIL won't help her either. He has 2 small children, works over 40 hours a week and she's 45 minutes away. She has NO friends - she doesn't like woman. She won't date and hasn't since my dad died when she was 48 - she hates men too. Anymore on the rare occasions I choose to go with her somewhere kids with us or not I have a completely blunt conversation about "we are going to get along, RIGHT!?!!" Otherwise I won't go. My Bday is coming up. I plan is to have my son and daughter go to lunch with me and that's it. My sister is as bad, very superior and condescending. It's my Bday and I refuse to be miserable. Mother's day was shot to h*^* over her dramatics and need for the whole day about her. I've finally decided I will see her only if things go well otherwise I'm gone and no more family holidays unless they're short. IF she asks why I've tell her but I doubt if she'll come out of her narcissism long enough to acknowledge she's ever done anything offensive or just plain wrong. I don't wish her to die, like the other poster's stated, I've just decided that for the remainder of her time her I'm going to have some peace!

I think what you said was good. No one else - had the nerve to say it,

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but I think you did your MIL and entire family a favor by calling her out.

ADDING: As long as your MIL is sound of mind enough to know that she SHOULD be taking her meds. If she has dementia or something, I absolutely would not encourage you to leave it up to her decision. :)

MIL - Kathie

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Gosh, your MIL is a classic manipulator! I can't believe the rest of the family don't see through her like you do. My MIL is also a piece of work, believe me. Don't even get me started . . .

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