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I've been doing some research on oil.

Posted: Jul 16, 2010

A lot of debate has been going on in regards to drilling for oil especially in light of the tragic oil spill in the Gulf.  Many people do not want to drill in our own country and I understand that.  There are risks involved.  However, technology has decreased the risks and I believe that if big oil companies had followed regulations and let inspections occur when they should have, that this recent disaster could have been avoided.  In saying that, I'm all for looking into alternative fuel sources but we have run into road blocks there with people complaining about the impact those alternatives will have on our environment as well as cost, etc.  I guess a huge concern of mine is our dependence on foreign oil.  We are literally funding countries who don't like us.  I have a HUGE problem with that.  Therein lies a huge reason why I say drill here.

When we talk about oil we primarily think of fuel for our vehicles.  However, I would like to share a list of things that we use frequently that contain oil.



Bubble wrap

Dishwashing liquids



CDs and DVDs



Heart valves



Panty hose


Lycra fabric

Polar fleece


Credit cards

Toilet seats

Drink bottles

Insect repellant

Hair brushes

Brake fluid

Household paint


Artificial limbs

Life jackets

Lunch boxes

Nail polish




Artificial turf


Fishing line

Flower pots

Hair spray


Tennis Rackets


Car seats

Golf balls.


I'm sure there are many more things that contain oil but this is just a small list I've come across during my research.  You talk about using alternative fuel sources and I agree...but what about all these things we use that contain oil that we don't even think about.  It is obvious that we do depend on oil and that we shouldn't be giving money to foreign countries for that oil...especially since they want to kill us.  So...that is why I say...drill baby drill.  How often do major oil spills occur?  This last could have been avoided had regulations and inspections been followed and/or done.  Just some food for thought.


Aha-forgot grocery bags? - Backwards Typist

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If people would just use cloth bags, there would be a lot less of these in circulation, or even take the same bags back for the next order.

I must clean out my cleaning closet 4 times a year for the piles of bags I accumulate. Just going to the store once for groceries gives me 4 or more bags. There's only so many wastebaskets in my house. I also use them to cover counter appliances, my office equipment, etc. but still wind up with a million of 'em.

I just bought a cloth thermo-lined grocery bag and stuff it with as many plastic bags I think I may need for the groceries. It's working out better this way although they don't last more than 2-3 orders. Hopefully, in the year 2025, I'll be down to my last bag. LOL

Plastic bags - good for filling when you send packages. - Linda

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Sorry, got off point. Yes, we need oil. - Backwards Typist

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We should be able to use our own oil for this country. Did you know most of Alaska's oil goes to Japan? We don't benefit from it.

From what I've been seeing and reading about oil and natural gas from shale, it's too expensive, too environmentally destructive and too dangerous period. Wells are being contaminated, accidents are happening on a weekly basis just in PA, and they are not being inspected as they should be either.

Oil wells in PA have been idle'i.e., not drawing oil, since the 1960s. Same with western NY and natural gas wells. What's wrong with starting those up again? The oil and gas is still there as far as I know. I can't quite remember now, but I think the government shut them down back then because we had too much oil and not many people used natural gas. (This was before they started making all the different products out of oil.)

There have only been 5 barrels of oil spilt in.... - rm

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40 years. So the stopping of drilling of ill is just plain dumb. This is all about Obama's plan to pass cap and tax. BP had over 500 violations!! The cleaning of the oil spill has been a joke. Believe me I know. My husband is down there as I write. It infuriates me!! Then we have these ignoramuses that put down oil companies. We need oil to exist. Our economy would be shut down in 1 week without it. We also do not have the technology yet for alternatives. That's why Obama in his speech could not specify anything. Wind is way to expensive and solar is not practical. Nuclear is not gonna happen because of the tree huggers. So what the heck are we supposed to do. I have heard from several sources that we will be dependent on oil at least another 20-40 years. So accept it those of you who think we just stop drilling. Oh deep water drilling, sure stop it but the greenies won't allow us to do enough shallow water drilling. Land drilling either is limited. FL where we are from won't allow it when we so desparately need jobs. I could go on and on but I won't. I can't even listen anymore to his lies and the other people who are just plain ignorant like Rosie. So sick and tired of it all. Oh and there is racism everywhere so stop picking on the teaparties those of you who are. Just shows how low you guys stoop when everyone knows there are nuts in all types of people groups. There is more reverse racism.

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