Palin at NRA in convention in Charlotte on May 14, 2010, with two teleprompters in view
It’s unclear whether she has used teleprompters in the recent past, and if so, how often — but in February, during her appearance before a tea party conclave, she was caught red-handed, so to speak, with crib notes written on the palm of her hand. Around that same time, during a Fox News softball interview, she said she didn’t want to be the leader of the tea bagger movement because, “It’s much bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter. It is the people’s movement. It’s about the people and I’m proud to be a part of this.”
During the 2008 presidential campaign, when she was the Republican vice presidential nominee, Palin was a serial user of teleprompters. We posted a gallery of photos of Palin using teleprompters at about 20 separate events on Pensito Review’s Facebook page .
Palin is not the only Republican hypocrite on the issue of teleprompter use. At the annual CPAC convention in February, Florida’s charismatic tea bagger senate candidate, Marco Rubio, read a joke about the president’s use of teleprompters from teleprompters on the stage. Soon afterward, Minnesota’s GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a presidential wannabe, read a false statement about the president and teleprompters from a teleprompter.
Here’s coverage of Palin’s NRA speech from the Charlotte Observer:
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told a big crowd in Charlotte on Friday afternoon that the right to own firearms can be defended best in the election booth…
Palin, an NRA member, didn’t disappoint those who had come to hear her defend guns rights — and take a few pokes at the Obama administration…
Palin talked about repeated efforts by anti-hunting groups to limit hunting in Alaska.
“Left-wing groups talk about eating organic, wholesome food,” she said. “We do that. We just happen to shoot it first.”
“I have bad news for those groups. Bambi’s mother is dinner — even in L.A. Where do those people think their venison comes from. The deer didn’t die of natural causes. It wasn’t road kill.”
Palin also talked about the Tea Party movement, a conservative push to limit the role of government. Tea Party supporters have vowed to elect conservatives in this November’s midterm elections, and Palin said, “I can’t wait for the midterm elections.
“Some reporters are trying to portray us Tea Party people as racists or violent or rednecks. I don’t mind the redneck part, actually.
“But the rest of that is ridiculous — absolutely ridiculous.”
“Ridiculous,” except, of course, for the irrefutable evidence.