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Palin tour

Posted: Jun 3, 2011

This is one of the funniest stories by a so-called reporter that I have read in a long time.


'It's like following Princess Diana'
By: Kasie Hunt
June 3, 2011 09:14 AM EDT

SEABROOK, N.H. — Sarah Palin’s bus is plastered with a mock-up of the U.S. Constitution. But her entourage — both the three-vehicle motorcade that includes the bus and the smaller, two-SUV version she uses for smaller events — hasn’t been very respectful of traffic laws.

They speed. They run red lights and stop signs. They make last-second lane changes to get off the highway, sometimes without signaling.

So do the reporters following them.

Journalists in the caravan trailing her “One Nation” tour bus describe the experience as harrowing, a rolling menace careening up the East Coast in hot pursuit of the former Alaska governor who declined to provide any advance itinerary of her tour over six days on the road.

As they left the clambake she attended Thursday in New Hampshire, Palin’s two-SUV caravan traveled at 52 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone as it peeled away from the hosts’ neighborhood. Both cars blew through a stop sign about a mile later. They did 70 mph in a 55 mph zone on I-95 — and then, after they got off, without signaling, flew right past a flashing sign informing them they were going 45 mph in a 35 mph zone.

And that was after they had already stormed the major cities — and just missed driving through a tornado on the road into Boston.

On Tuesday, the bus nearly hit a biker turning off of Pine Street in Philadelphia.

On Wednesday, after a police escort led the bus through a closed section of the Lincoln Tunnel, the bus ran at least two red lights racing up Sixth Avenue and through Columbus Circle in Midtown Manhattan. Before long, a cop pulled up, pointing out to the first reporter trailing the bus how many lights they were running. The reporter apologized — but begged to stick with the bus. The perplexed cop let him go.

On Thursday, the story was much the same. Palin’s two SUVs — used for minor events and tight spaces — braved the tiny, winding streets of Boston’s North End. And when the bus joined them, the trailing car in the entourage ran two red lights after the bus barely made it through the yellow, as did the media caravan, leaving behind a traffic jam for the locals.

The reporters who are speeding, tailgating, cutting off other cars, blasting through roundabouts and passing on the right in an effort to keep up, say they have no other choice since they never know what Palin’s up to or where she’s headed — and aides typically won’t tell them anything. Once they’re on the road, they’re filing urgent updates by phone and figuring out unorthodox bathroom breaks, like the reporter who pulled over to relieve himself on the side of the highway going from Gettysburg, Pa., to Philadelphia — drawing notice from both Palin aides and the rest of the trailing press.

“It’s like paparazzi,” said one reporter who followed Palin to the Thursday evening clambake. “It’s like following Princess Diana.”

Dan Hirschhorn contributed to this report.


Politico got it wrong - not like following Princess Di - Princess Di had class

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Why they even put Princess Di's name in I have no idea. Princess Di had class and what she did mattered to people all around the world. She was beautiful and eloquent.

I used to like SP. Felt she got some bad wrap (sp?) during the last election.

Now I'm just sick of the woman. She has gone from being a politician to just being a woman using other people's money to travel around.

She's just leftover hash to me. Okay the first time, after that it goes in the garbage.

Thank goodness I'm an independent.

LOL! Yeah, I think following Palin's bus must be - more like following Tonya Harding.

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Welcome to the Freak Show.

The Americans are armed! The Americans are armed! - Ding-dong, shoot-shoot!

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Gotta love the way that tour wound down. Couldn't agree more with the Tonya Harding analogy.

Truly, you people make me laugh. I am no Palin fan, - but its amazing the obsession with her

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If you are all sick of her, quit talking about her! As far as class, well, the ones with no class are the people who constantly dig at her just for the sake of being hateful.. that is true low class.

PDS - icedT

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I'm with you. I'm not a Palin fanatic and I hope she decides not to run, but I really do get a chuckle out of watching the press and other MSM in their attempts to destroy her. It has got to be driving them crazy since it's been over 2 years and she's still around. They say they want her to go away and yet they continually talk about her and are now following (stalking) her on this bus tour. I don't blame her for not telling them where she's going - I wouldn't either. They are just dying to know if she is running or not and what her plans are. They don't understand why she draws so many crowds. Fear can be the only explanation of why they continually try to take her out. You have to give her credit in that she knows how to play them. The term "them" also would include the Republican establishment. She's got them spinning their heads around too.

There are so many people who despise her and she has brought them out of the woodwork, so to speak. With Palin, they have exposed their "true colors" with their hatred and vitriol against her and her family (even her young son). Forget the issues, they cross the line of politics and go straight for the children!  How could any mother not be disgusted by that?

I think it was Charles Krauthammer who coined the phrase Palin Derangement Syndrome, wasn't it?  There's a funny explaination of it here: http://www.moonbattery.com/archives/2011/02/palin-derangeme-1.html

No matter your politics, you have to admit that there has been nothing like her in politics - at least not that I can remember in my lifetime.  The crowds she draws are huge, and that scares the Obama team to death (and probably even the Romney team!)  If you step back and watch, it really can be quite entertaining.

The Politico article is one of funniest I've read in a long time. Serious journalism? I think not.  They have just reached a new low.

Agreed - Sarah Palin must incite some real fear into... - ndmt68
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the political establishment because I don't remember anyone being covered so thoroughly in the press (including children). Even Google John Edwards, Rielle Hunter or their baby and you might find 3 pictures or so. That is big news right now, too.

Are they trying to overexpose her hoping she will never run? I'm not saying she would make a good president or not, but one has to wonder why all the spectacle.
press - icedT
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You won't see much of the Edwards fiasco on the news. On the CNN site, it's noted under "Other news." I had a hard time finding it at all on the MSNBC site. It's not on the main page. You have to go into the "Politics" tab. HuffPo has it towards the bottom of the front page, about 22 articles from the top. It's below articles about Dr. Kevorkian and about 15 articles down from an article about how Alec Baldwin feels about Romney.

He was their chosen one for quite a while and they are quite embarrassed about the whole thing. They won't comment on the issue. They just can't criticize one of their own.

Just imagine if a former Republican vice presidential candidate was indicted by a grand jury this week. And just imagine if we found out that he (or she) had an illegitimate child at the same time the spouse was battling cancer. On the other hand, lets get back to this Palin bus tour and the traffic problems it's causing. Now THERE'S some important news!
Everyone else's fault when you are late to the punch? - sm
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It was all over the news, lasted about a day, and hopefully it is gone like the non-news story it should be. Just like Palin (ugh--hate to even type the word) should be.
news - icedT
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How do you figure the indictment of a former vice presidential candidate is a non-news story?! Please don't tell me it's a non-news story because he's a Democrat.

Are you really serious or just joking? If you're joking, I'm sorry I missed it. It's sometimes hard to read feelings on forums.
There was one day of nonstop coverage. - Enough and good riddance.
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Just because you missed it does not mean it has not been covered. I am sure it will be covered ad nauseam as it develops. As I said, non-story, because who really cares? Just like no one cares about Palin except the 24/7 bored "news" media.
There was one just within the past week or so - Shwartzenegger - and it was covered day and night
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hours and hours and hours and hours.....etc.
Oh, where did you ever get that idea? - Obama and team could care less about her
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It is all the bored zombies out there who apparently eat up the junk on the 24/7 made-up news channels. I wish she would just disappear along with Donald Trump and Snookie and the rest of the bad TV. I miss the good old mysteries, sit-coms, and even Westerns that used to be on TV.
Wow. Your post sounds like an instant replay of - Limbaughs comments from
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last week and a paraphrase of the Republic Herald article entitled Rush on Media Obsession with Palin Bus Tour which I just happened to read yesterday. See link. Must be just a coincidence. Thanks for the heads up on the PDS thing. The PDS database provides a rich resource that is sure to come in handy and save a lot of online research time between now and Nov 2012.

BTW, Krauthammer coined the Bush Derangement Syndrome phrase which evidently referred to the widespread antiBush sentiment and bipartisan voter assessments that ultimately helped sweep the house and senate in 2008 and give Obama that impressive 7 point spread. PDS on the other sounds more like a new diagnosis her therapist came up with to describe the constellation of neuroses and psychological disorders she manifests on an almost daily basis, except perhaps when she is asleep.

argh - icedT
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I sound like Limbaugh?! Good grief, I've been called a lot of things, but I assure you I'm not one of his Ditto-Heads or whatever they call themselves. I know a few of them and they tend to be HUGE Palin fans. I just honestly thought the article was funny when I read it. Rather, I thought is was funny in a pathetic way.

No one from the Palin-hating side can tell me why they are obsessed with her. Who was that creep that rented a house next to hers? Can't remember his name. He was writing a book wasn't he? That's just sounds odd to me that someone would go to such lengths for "research." Gives me the heebie-jeebies! Why do the book if she's a non-issue and not a threat?

Tell me the liberals are not that stupid to waste all that time and energy. Why not use that valuable money and air time on a true threat to the re-election?

The fact is that the MSM and Obama/Dems would not spend so much time trying to take her down if they didn't feel threatened by her. That's not their style. Hillary is a good example of how the Obama machine works. The talkers on MSNBC rail on Palin each and every night. I'm sure they have other fish to fry, so to speak, don't you think? I see that even you can't help yourself with the insults. My point exactly. Thanks.
LOL. You are so right. They could not resist insulting - you immediately. I dont think I could
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vote for Palin, but to be honest, I am getting close. With the cluelessness of Obama and friends, and the direction of the country, Palin seems to have at least the common sense needed. When she is speaking one on one in an interview, I like her so much better than that shrill voice she has when screaming at a pep rally of sorts. It really is hilarious the way networks like MSNBC complain Palin is getting too much attention, yet they keep talking about her. ..obsessive compulsive hatred is what I call it.
Sarah Palin Veneration Syndrome (SPVS) - became an APA DX last year
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Its etiology, signs and symptoms make for a fascinating read as does Palin Derangement Syndrome as described in your post along with her kingsize textbook case of narcissistic personality disorder. SPVS is akin to sort of a strange mix of hero worship and mass hysteria. The APA speculates the cure will be established after a prolonged period of intense grieving in the aftermath of the inevitable crash and burn that lays in wait at the end of the spiraling downward trajectory of her politcal career path.

Imagine having the power to inspire a brand spanking new APA DX! A fitting legacy for Mama Grizzly if ever there were one.

Well.....this is the last I have to say about this - Princess Di had class

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You replied to the wrong person. I am not obsessed with her. I don't have time to be obsessed about anyone. I have other things in my life going and rarely even know what is going on in the news. When I see her on TV I change the channel or mute. And I'm not the one who started the thread. I added how I felt about the article the OP posted. That's not obsessing. You should learn that there is a difference between not likely someone and being obsessed with someone. None of these posts show the obsession you refer to.

I have absolutely no feelings of hate towards anyone. I was simply stating that Princess Di had class and she did. Her achievements helped people all around the world. SP does not. Doesn't mean I hate her. I'm just sick of her and wish she would just go back home.

As far as low class, well, the ones who come out protecting her and wrongfully accusing others of being hateful are truly low class themselves.

By the way...I voted for McCain/Palin, so I do not hate her. Just sick of her and wish she'd go back home.

What's that saying about assuming?

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