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I made jokes about it, but I never took anyone that said this would happen seriously.

Posted: Jan 6, 2013

I admit I was wrong.



LOL. Good if you lean toward the views of the - pres if this was passed SM

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or awful if you don't. I personally think there should be term limits on the SC justices. They get so old they are out of touch with societal changes.

You should have. - Aunt Sue

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P.S. Sorry - didn't mean to sound so short, but (sm) - Aunt Sue

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when he was elected the first time, I predicted this. He's like a bad neighbor that moves in and brings down the neighborhood and you can't get rid of him.

Wow! - nm

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I think you are trying to see something that - isn't there. Typical.
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No respectable site mentions, wickipedia has - brand new note without references. Be very afraid
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if that's a favorite form of stimulation, but even if it was real it'd have a snowball's chance... A dem.
WTH are you talking about? - English speaking only
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You might be right. If we're taking over the - country, all mainstream media will be in on it.
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Tell you what--if any major media outlet mentions this and tries to suggest it couldn't possibly pass, that'll be proof it's time to run for the border!
Are you serious right now? MSM is encouraging him! - Yikes!
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Something is there - bootstraps
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Very racial, and not so veiled, especially for those who grew up in neighborhoods where that phrase only meant one thing.
A reference to the Obamas moving in and there - goes the neighborhood is
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a racial slur? Come on, Boostraps. You're imagining things.
It is a racial slur - bootstraps
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It is a derogatory statement used by racists when a different ethnic person/family moves into the neighborhood.

It is a well known phrase that rolls off of the tongues of racists.
Of course. EVERYONE knows that. - Including the poster. sm
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BTW, thanks for calling 'em on it. For some reason racists delight in indulging it but hate to be known for it. Go figure. At any rate, like sunshine on vampires, it causes them to just shrink away.
disingenuous at best - nm
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OMG - Enough with the phony accusations - It has nothing to do with race
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We used to say that about out of towners moving in. We had a couple with kids move up from the south. They were Caucasian. We used to joke with them about being from out of town and would say "well, there goes the neighborhood". It has nothing to do with race, but then again you already new that.
But weren't black. In black context it is racist. - bootstraps
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The way it was presented, Obama the one moving it, it had everything to do with race, but you already knew that... if you followed the thread.

"In the present day, the phrase could be used in a joking way to express disapproval of a newcomer who sets some precedent for change in the social environment.

"I would caution, however, that it originated as an expression of resignation and disapproval of racial minorities moving into previously all-white neighborhoods. Key drivers of housing integration in the U.S. include Shelley v. Kraemer, a 1948 case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racial covenants were unconstitutional; the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which banned discrimination in housing; and court-mandated school desegregation busing which began in the 1970s."

"Many in the white majority considered integration undesirable, either because they believed the newcomers would make bad neighbors, or because they believed that white disinclination to live in integrated neighborhoods would mean a decline in property values, and or both. If one minority household moved in, others would soon follow, and the neighborhood, it was said, would go into terminal decline."

"This sense of the phrase is far from forgotten. Even if you intend to refer to some other characteristic of a newcomer, it may be interpreted as singling out his or her race, a phenomenon which is the basis for the entire South Park episode “Here Comes the Neighborhood.”
No one cares about black context. That was not the - topic.
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I care, and I'm not "no one." - Not black either.
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Those of us who still remember the civil rights movement and what it was like before it happened and are not racists or bigots, embodied that same awareness of dog-whistle phrases. They are every bit as offensive now as they were then, so when encountered, they will continue to be called out and exposed for exactly what they are. I don't just do this in an anonymous forum setting, but maintain an absolute zero tolerance policy toward this kind of rhetoric in all family and social circumstances.

I've been married for 24 years to a man who, to my horror, I discovered had racist tendencies shortly after we were married. He's never gotten a pass from me, not once, when verbally expressing these sentiments (sometimes unwittingly). I point out similar contexts to him whenever they emerge in the media, entertainment and social realms, and have argued against racism and bigotry over the course of our marriage and let him know exactly how offended I am by them. The result has been a heightened awareness on his part, and a slow but steady evolution AWAY from those views, first out of respect for me, then out of respect for himself.

I've done this with my son, who was raised to respect racial and ethnic diversity but, who in the past used dog-whistle phrases in passing, often within a comical context. That no longer happens, at least not in my presence. The same can be said of my relationship with my sister, who no longer expresses those feelings to me. I've done the same thing in social relationships, where I am not nearly as forbearing, as it is my standard operating procedure to avoid racism and bigotry in any elective relationship, be it friendships, coworkers, bosses (changed a jobs once to get away from one), even academic settings with fellow-students, instructors and professors. I will not knowingly maintain long-term relationships with any of them.

Zero tolerance for racism and bigotry has been a major driving force behind my political activism over the past 45 years. I cared then, care now and will always care about "black context" which, for me is a misnomer. Racism and bigotry is an equal opportunity offender.
You don't get it. We don't want to hear it. - nm
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No, you don't get it. You are the ones always - bringing it up when someone doesn't agree.
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You are right - see message
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When a blatant racist remark is made, we disagree. So you agree with racism?

Funny how the racist can make the ugly statement, but the one who "disagrees" is accused of pulling the Race Card.
Talk about spin! - You're a master!!
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How so? - The Master
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Do you agree with racism?

No spin on my part. Your word was disagree. Yes, I disagree with racism. Do you? Do you believe people are inferior and deserve to be disrespected because of the color of their skin?

Just be honest.
lots of people care - sm
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If you don't want to be held accountable for playing games, don't play games. It's that simple. It's more than reasonable to call the OP out on her racism. Lack of integrity sucks, doesn't it?

Aunt Sue, you are so obviously a racist, - sm

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spouting old racist retoric, common about 60 years ago. FYI...Ronald Reagan was for abolishing presidential term limits.
I've been gone all day, just got back and read this mess. (sm) - Aunt Sue
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It's obvious to me that those accusing are the racists - very typical since the COMMUNITY ORGANIZER became president. That is what I was talking about, he has no business even BEING in the Whitehouse. He is just a Chicago thug who hung with thugs, and still does. He has no clue of how to make the country better. He wants to destroy it, but he has a lot smarter people than him behind him telling him what to do. You people love the race card, though, don't you. Unbelievable.
The beauty of democracy is - this
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It doesn't matter if you, or a minority of people who think like you, think he has no business being in the White House. It's what the majority thinks and they thought it twice, over 3 million the second time.

George Bush owned a baseball team.

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

But they had business being in the White House because the majority of people said so.

At least the POTUS's previous experience/occupation had something to do with and contributed to the well being of the common American.
How can you use his high-principled years as - a community organizer as an epithet?
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This man was among the very top peers in his class at Harvard. Editor of the Law Review, which is read by the top jurists in our country. He could have been making big bucks in short order at a top law firm of his choice or first headed for a clerkship in the Supreme Court.

He ignored both money and status to go teach people how to help themselves and in the process improve whole neighbors and change the lives for the better of those in them. How can you not know that this is a noble and honorable endeavour?

Those of you who are religious, what choices did the people your religion holds up as fine examples make? Their behavior is meant to guide those who would follow them, not serve as something to sneer at.
Show me his grades - prove he was at the top. - (sm)
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I don't think he ever had principles in his entire life.
Fire-breathing ditto-heads now being shunned - by their own party ranks.
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Discredited birthers, recently morphed into obsessive college transcript-gaters, perhaps THE most ridiculed conspiracy theorists in the nation, helped poison the GOP well last November. Keep up the good work.

Magna cum laude, Harvard Law School, top 10%, ranked second only to Yale in 1991. Get over it, already.


They can't get over it. He's black. That's all - they see (NM)
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or can't see. too bad for them.
"They" are also equal-opportunity hatemongers. Anyone who calls - them "they" is on their enemies list.nm
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I like many black people - Allen West, Herman Cain - the AMERICANS.
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You only like American black people? - I am baffled by you.
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I misspoke. I meant not the Communists - - the real Americans who love their country.
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it's your language, Aunt Sue - sm
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if you could tell us what you mean when you say the president WANTS to destroy the United States, maybe we could talk. If you just want to call him a thug, it can be hard for other people to relate. Certainly, if you have something valuable to share, you would want to make it as clear as possible to as many people as possible.
I think her agenda is crystal clear - and unsolicited
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"He's like a bad neighbor that moves in and brings down the neighborhood and you can't get rid of him."

In response to a lure thrown out to the conservatives who might bite. And she did.

Republicans will continue to be blindly led by this useless, meaningless propaganda. But I say, go for it, Reps!!
I mean exactly what I said. He is fundamentally changing - it - his words, not mine. Destroy, build up.(sm)
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There's really no point talking to you liberals. You have your talking points straight from the Commie's mouth. You're drunk with Kool-Aid and taught to spout racism at every turn. I don't care to engage in this stupidity any longer.
Gave you a big "like" for your LAST sentence. We'll all - appreciate it, believe me. nm
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you never stand by your own words - sm
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you can't even make sense in the space of four sentences. So which is it - YOU mean what you said, or it's HIS words, not YOURS. You are so unaccountable. And so very typical.
You can put this to rest - bootstraps
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Would you feel comfortable saying to a group of friends that included African Americans:

Obama "is like a bad neighbor that moves in and brings down the neighborhood and you can't get rid of him." ?
:). Or as I asked, dare to post it on your Facebook page - or e-mail it to all your friends? nm
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Proposing an amendment does not make it so - bootstraps

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Michelle Bachman proposed repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

Steve King proposed repeal of 16th (eliminating taxes)

I don't think any of these have a chance of making it all the way.

Reagan mused about ending 2-term limit for President, not necessarily for him, but for future presidents.

One of DH's fishing forums has a 45-minute advertisement - and harangue about Obama's secret

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plan to secure a third term. This is, of course, only part of his plan to seize UNLIMITED POWER!!

I used to believe it was important for everyone to vote. Our great national "experiment" is in constant danger of failing because some people simply are not capable, and others unwilling, to vote responsibly.

I now believe a basic understanding of how the world actually works should be a requirement for voting. Some kind of "at least one foot in touch with reality" test.

I'll try to be civil this time - see message

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There is no way term limits for president will be extended. Neither party wants this. Democrats would not risk having a 3-term Republican in office.

What I suspect is happening is the right wing is trying to exacerbate the hate that already exists amongst its base. Manipulating them, getting them riled up, stirring the pot at every opportunity...

I suspect the only reason the bill was introduced was for the same reason Bachmann introduced the kill obamacare bill: To make a statement of either support or opposition for the respective bills.

Both bills will stagnate in committee.

Sorry I insulted fishermen.

Careful. You might lose the entire republican - sm

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supporters if they are given a test about "how the world actually works."

See message - KLG

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Snopes not reliable. - I never go by them. (sm)

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Besides, if this is about how others have put that amendment up before, I already know that. With the political climate being what it is, and Obama being a C, that doesn't matter anymore.

this is 2nd time Obama referred to as a "C" - What does it mean?nm

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People seem to get upset when they see the word here. - I'll give you a hint (sm)
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North Korea is a C_______country.
Well, that's a tad better than the other words it - congers up (nm)
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Oh, for heavens' sake. You can say commie. Completely - inaccurate, but what's new with that.nm
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So you're calling the President of the United - sm
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States a COMMUNIST????

It's clear to me that he loves America and is trying to do what is best to help the MAJORITY of people in this country, not just the uber rich.
without vocabulary, it's all they have - sm
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one would wonder what they might impart if they had command of the language. They might even have good points, but in the absence of verbal skills, we'll never know.

The last paragraph of your link gives hope but - backwards typist

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Harry Reid is more onerous than ever and wouldn't put it past him to push such legislation through. It is scary.

"According to our survey, not a single one of these proposals was ever so much as brought to a vote before Congress (they were all referred to committee and languished there), much less passed and sent to the states for ratification."

How could Reid push it through the house? - Isn't he a senator?nm

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You only THINK he's a Senator. It's all part - of the conspiracy. nm
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ahhh, it all makes sense now - ty
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I guess it wouldn't hurt to watch them chase their tails.
This must be the goofiest post on the board!! - sm
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Unless that's the way Republicans really think, which makes me even happier that Obama won.
Didn't say he would push it through the house - backwards typist
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He is a Senator. The bill was born in the House but the Senate also has to vote on it if it passes the House (but I hope it doesn't get that far).
we can only hope... - oh brother
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It's not going to even get out of committee!

The whole story was published to rile up and scare people and stir up more hate for the POTUS.

But if you remain concerned, start by making a list of the Republicans in the house that would vote for it, and then start pondering why someone would waste time on writing an article about something that has absolutely no chance of happening.

Well, better to want to be scared if you can't help it. Insecurity is a key - factor in all this after all. nm

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Where is your source for THAT??!! - NM

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