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That's not the worse of it. A Phila. local TV station - Backwards Typist

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interviewed a woman who was 6 months along and she decided, in the waiting room when she saw the filty conditions, that she didn't want to have the abortion. She states she was dragged into the room and drugged and the abortion took place anyway. She has had 4 miscarriages since then.

Ex-Governor Rendel (emphasis on ex) can't understand how this could happen. Yeah, right.

Here's the video - Backwards Typist

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I made a slight mistake in my last post about this woman. They didn't drag her into the room.  Here she is talking with a reporter.


I just don't see how anyone - Trigger Happy

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as far along as 6 months could want an abortion. I'm sorry....I can compromise against my better judgment and turn a blind eye to early term abortions, however, an abortion that far along is 100% murder IMO.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about in my post below about adoption - Who are these women?

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A question I have is WHY didn't anyone report him? - Backwards Typist

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I believe there will be a lot more women coming forward now like the first woman did....but why didn't she report them? I don't understand why something so traumatic and heinous [to her] was not reported.

Read about this yesterday, it is - truly sad

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For the agencies who looked the other way, there should be indictments handed down to them. This is not just about drug dealing, this is about human rights. Furthermore, the MSM sanitizing their version of the news on this does not help.

It took me two days to read the 281-page grand jury report. It broke my heart. The hardest part was looking at the little baby in the shoe box. I thought about my own son who was a preemie at only 4 pounds 10 ounces, and is now a wonderful father and husband.

We women need to instill personal responsibility and self-worth in one another. Words of kindness and acts of love, generosity, faith, hope and charity be our best friends as we go through life. Helping each other out spiritually and emotionally goes a long way. If we practiced this every day, we wouldn’t have stories like this. We wouldn’t have doctors/monsters like this to prey on the weak and helpless, because there would be none. I hope other women will come forward and speak out against this.

Again, this doctor, his cohorts, and the agencies that aided and abetted in this crime should be prosecuted and other abortion mills throughout our country vigorously investigated and shut down. This should not have happened.

why she didn't report - ...

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she didn't report because, as you said, it was traumatic and heinous. She was abused by a monster when she was seeking a most private medical service.

If anything, this story exemplifies the importance of access to healthcare services by ALL members of society - not just those who can afford them.

If safe abortion and/or healthcare had been available to this woman, she would not have had to seek out this monstrous freak.

Hello, at this stage in the game, why is this woman even getting this done? sm - Third trimester

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She chose to have this procedure done. I would certainly expect that someone had to tell her what to expect beforehand. Come on, shouldn't she also take responsibility for the death of her third trimester, almost fully developed child? A lot of premature babies are born nowadays. Did she really go in believing that the doctor was just going to suck out some material that had not fully developed yet?? Of course not. Surely she felt her own child in the third trimester insde her belly developing day after day. Just how would a physician perform a third trimester abortion on an almost fully developed fetus???? Quite frankly even if the conditions of the clinic were deplorable, I would like to know what each and every woman who went to the clinic thought was goig to happen to their moving, living, third trimester fetus when they got there. I mean come on, even a clean and spotless clinic is going to have to abort a live, third trimester fetus and do whatever has to be done to abort if you're pulling out a live fetus (which means what??, killing the now live fetus that has just been delivered)?????

Easy...blame those against legal abortion. - Pro Choice

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Here is the case of a woman who went to Planned Parenthood for an abortion but was scared off by the anti-abortion picketers. She eventually ended up at this clinic of horrors because she was told that there would be no picketers there. If the rabid anti-abortion protesters would allow women to have abortions in safe environments without being harassed, places like this would be put out of business.

Right on! Women shouldn't have to go back to - the days of COAT-HANGER abortions.

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No...but they shouldn't be having - sm

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abortions that far along in their pregnancy either.

Now, all of the sudden, it was a baby... - Kendra

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She paid someone $400 to dispose of her child, after she was scared away from Planned Parenthood by protesters, and now, when it is all said and done, she says, "I don't know what he did to my baby." Had she been thinking of the baby as a baby beforehand, this would not have happened. I am not so sure I feel for her, but I sure do feel for the baby, regardless of how he/she was killed. All of these people disgust me.

I don't know, but wouldn't putting one's baby up for adoption been an - alternative in the 3rd trimester? Who are these wo

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The third trimester you're almost through your pregnancy, sm - htnboha

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Someone going in for an abortion at this stage should know that the baby is almost fully developed. How else are you going to get an abortion? I don't understand this, give women the option to have an abortion at this stage in pregnancy seems outrageous. My point is how would the physician abort a child at this point? Women must take some responsibilty of their own for making this kind of decision on aborting a child this late in pregnancy also. This is outrageous, but not just on the part of the physician performing the procedure but for those women seeking out this type of procedure!!!!!

Okay, I'm almost done. Shame on any of these clinics (dirty, clean, or otherwise), sm - for giving a 3rd trimester abortion

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I mean a certain majority of these third trimester abortions have to be living infants upon abortion!!! That should be the outrage here, not just this one particular doctor but any doctor or woman giving and getting such a procedure.

I guess I don't really understand the difference... - Kendra

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between a third trimester, second trimester or any other abortion. Is it only killing a baby because it looks more like a baby or because it could live outside the womb? If given the chance, most of the babies aborted earlier would develop into the same stage infant. Why the outrage at the late stage abortion and the acceptance of the early stage abortion? I will never understand why anyone thinks that it is okay to kill the most vulnerable of our society. I just cannot wrap my head around a child being a "choice."

I certainly agree with some of your points, sm - but

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as you said, If given the chance..."

I did a little research on this and came up with this - sm

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The Third Trimester
Third trimester abortions are generally accomplished with the same basic procedures used in the second trimester. However, because the babies being killed are larger and more likely to survive the procedures, modifications are made. For example, because her child is larger, the mom's cervix must be dilated more than it would be in a second trimester abortion. Additionally, chemicals that are used to soften the baby and make it easier to pull apart and remove are administered in larger a quantity. They are also given earlier so they have a longer time to soak into the baby's tissue and bone. As for avoiding "The Dreaded Complication" (live birth), babies killed during the third trimester are more likely to be given feticidal drugs and they are given them in greater dosages.
Sometimes, the procedure itself is modified. For example, one of the most common third trimester abortion procedures is the intact D&E described earlier. This method is also known as D&X (dilation and extraction) or partial-birth abortion. When this procedure is used in the third trimester, the abortionist maneuvers the baby into a breech position (feet first) and then pulls the baby out of the uterus up to its head – leaving the baby’s head just inside of the uterus. It is not at all uncommon for the baby to still be alive at this point. Now the abortionist pushes a long pair of scissors into the base of the baby's skull and creates a hole. He then inserts a suction tube into the hole and sucks out the baby's brain. This modification to the intact D&E procedure insures that the baby is not born alive, and it helps make the head smaller so that it is easier to pull out of the uterus

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