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What would happen if no goverment funds

Posted: Oct 3, 2013

What I just heard on TV is absolutely incredible. A woman was talking about the shutdown and her question was "how do I afford the $200.00 per month I need to buy my baby's formula?" When you are in a place to where you have children, you and you alone should be responsible for the care and upbringing of that child, no one else, not your parents, not the neighbors and surely not the government. Years ago when social security started it was not for people to live on, rather to supplement when a person retired, got sick, disabled. People should get off their fat behinds and make a living and not be on the backs of other people working and contributing to keep their life up. ;


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First off, no disrespect to anyone on any kind of assistance because I have been there myself and I certainly appreciated it and used it but not abused it. And this does not apply to any of you honest people out there on assistance:

That being said, to the users and abusers, get off your duff and get a job even if it's minimum wage, get some self-respect! I know more than a few on assistance and all they do is complain. Makes me sick! One friend of mine "only got $400 a month" to feed her family of 4 and yet ran out of food before the next SNAP card payment. What?? I can't even deal with that ignorance. Our government is in turmoil right now (when aren't they though?) and that's all she thinks about? SELFISH!

You can't live on minimum wage - IT'S TOO LOW - wheres_my_job

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The Republican party is being selfish, with Ted Cruz right at the top of the selfish list - although he has lots of competition. Boehner come to your senses and do the right thing for once!!!!!!

Your posts put me in a prepper state of mind. I for one would love to get the 700 lb gorilla s/m - Momof2

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called Fedzilla off my back, BOTH PARTIES.

It's not sustainable, it will collapse. Prepare yourself by at least storing food, s/m - Momof2

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and things you will need to survive because when the freebies run out, your neighbors may think what is yours is theirs. I've already experienced that.

I already do that... - AMT

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It's pretty scary to think that it may come down to some zombie apocalypse every man for himself kinda thing. Those doomsday preppers have the right idea. I do have a stockpile of food, toiletries, etc for emergencies. I've been of the mindset to have enough stocked away in case of losing income, sickness, etc. Kinda reminds me of the Biblical stories about 7 years of feast and then 7 years of famine. They didn't put any food away during the feast and look how that turned out.

p.s. Sorry to hear that about your neighbors, that's awful.

I am the nicest gal around and will share what little I do have, but if that time ever comes then it's too bad, so sad, shoulda saved up, not my problem.
I confess, I watch Doomsday Preppers! I too have stockpiles of food, SM - Momof2
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toilet paper, Band-Aids, toothpaste, triple antibiotic ointment, aspirin, things like that. I'd like to learn how to go off the grid.

What kind of neighbors do you have? - I hardly ever see mine

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I really have in this week seen 2 people each once and we live side by side. We say hello if we see each other in the yard but no visiting each other. What kind of neighbors think what is yours is theirs? Strange to me.
I've had a neighbor come into my house and take food, which I would have s/m - Momof2
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gladly given to him. I left my front door was unlocked when I went for a walk. Also, someone took my lawnmower from my garage. I would have gladly let them use it.

There's a guy who drives around my neighborhood in what I call a Sanford and Son truck looking for stuff. It's kind of a joke.

I really want to sell my house and move to the country. I live in a town of about 300,000.

you are right to a point - what happened

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I agree with most of everything you are saying except would you rather give OUR tax dollars to a foreign country or help our own. Yes everyone should take care of their own, I did it, being a single mom with 4 kids, working and going to school, but when I first got divorced I needed some help also. Used it for a few months and then didn't need it anymore. So unless these people are on it for years and years how about showing some compassion. Not everything is in their control.

Second what about Social Security. It has become the government welfare. Why do you think Social Security is in the mess its in, because the government raids Social Security whenever they feel necessary. That is not their money, it is our money and we have no say over it. Social Security was created so people would have something on retirement. Its not an option for most of us to put in, its mandatory and I don't appreciate anyone but me sticking their fingers in my fund and then giving me less when I retire. The government just can't do whatever they want and its okay. Its not.

Never a single mom but a divorced mother - and knew could not afford

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more than 2 children which is what I had. I never had to rely on anyone and that was after the divorce with no child support to help me see my way through. I raised my children on my own by working more and earning enough to where I did not rely on food stamps, section 8 and the like. I knew my limit about the amount of children and what I could afford, not what I could get from others.

As far as social security and it being the gov. welfare, not sure what you mean here. Do you mean when a person reaches a certain age and retires or if someone gets SS for being disabled when they are not and could be working. I have no problem with people who retire and then draw from the money they have put in. I do have problem with people who draw disability and should not. I know a man and his wife who have drawn for years and both could hold jobs. That I do not approve of.

sorry for wrong choice of words. - explaining

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What I mean by gov. welfare is when the government needs money they raid Social Security. Pretty much every President has done this for decades. It is not their money to raid.

Yes I agree people who are on disability and don't need to be should not be on it. That is a very good point. If you don't put in you don't get out. And neither does the government. No government employee contributes to SS. So no one in the government should touch our money.
Seems like I heard something similar about Texas - not contributing to SS but
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maybe someone from Texas who knows this can fill me in. Heard something regarding teachers or something similar. So if no one in gov contributes, then how is that working for them on retirement? Unaware of that.
gov employees have pensions. Not SS. - nana
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All government employees have pensions. They do not contribute to SS for that reason.

I learned about this in court one day and a man was being sued and he was claiming that his pension should not be garnished because it falls under the same category of SS. Judge ended up disagreeing.

I live in a suburb of Detroid and that is what most of this bankrupcy is about, pensions that they have to pay and don't have the money to pay into the funds. Again big government trying to screw the little people.

If Detroit goes bankrupt everyone who gets a pension from the city with lose their pension with nothing else to fall back on.
Govt employees DO contribute to SS. sm - civil servant
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Used to be a system called CSRS (civil service retirement system) but they got rid of that in the 80s and phased in social security.
Back in the 80s you could opt out of SS. I think it was Galveston.SM - IndyMT
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This option had been provided when the Social Security Act was passed in the thirties.
And if you could opt out, then what was left - Remember hearing
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about similar. Just a side note I visited Galveston last year. I always thought in my mind real country. I guess because of the song but extremely pretty town now. I know it was destroyed some years back from a hurricane but costal real pretty town. I expected cowboy town, surprised.

assistance - nana

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Or what about all the government bail outs? What about Goldman and Sachs who got a government bailout and then all the higher executives getting lavish trips, huge birthday parties, etc. I would rather take care of the little people and give them food stamps and assistance rather than give any huge corporation, who ran the company into the ground a bailout. I don't particularly care if they repaid it or not it was still a bail out. Corporate welfare is what we all should be upset about. If they can afford to pay millions to the top people and give huge bonuses then they don't need to stand with their hand out.

Something is wrong that we think its not okay to help the little people.

At least companies provide - employment

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and salaries that people use to pay their own way and contribute to the economy. Welfare parasites just suck the taxpayer dry and demand more. They breed and breed and expect the rest of us to provide and then raise yet another generation of parasites.

Nana - Welfare Queens - Nick

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In the course of my education as a law student, I frequently have occasion to go to the law firms of "corporate America" firms (always in the fanciest buildings, BTW). I can tell you that the real "welfare queens" are the captains of industry of corporate America. And no, I am not a flaming liberal, just a realist. I know what I see.
I agree. It's all wrong. Both parties do it. nm - Momof2
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Nick - nana
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Thanks for confirming this for me. I knew it happened, seen it happen with all the bail outs from Wells Fargo to General Motors and a lot in between.

I just don't know why it seems everyone is okay with corporate welfare and giving our tax dollars to corps that most don't pay back or are required to pay back but not to an individual family. I just don't know where compassion for human beings went.

Does everyone remember the Bible story about the fish that fed hundreds? That is the Christian way.
I like your story, and you are correct about - OP
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the Bible story about the fish. The moral of the story was you teach a person how to fish, not handing fish out. You teach a person how to work and thus not needing handouts. Makes lots of sense. Perfect story that just makes my point.
No the Bible story is about - Linda
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feeding those who have nothing. See Matthew 14:13-21. It says nothing at all about teaching people to work. I do agree with teaching people to work, but the Matthew account of the feeding of the 5000 says nothing about that.

i would like to know how many of those applauding - the freeze on WIC

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have applied and qualified for Pell grants? First time Homeowner's grants? I could go on....

great point.... - nana

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I don't see anyone jumping on this one.

What about all the transcriptionists who come on this board and have to apply for food stamps because of what has happened in our industry. They shouldn't get a little help? I am sure they feel horrible applying for something they never thought they would have to apply for, and here some of you sit tearing them down. What a great bunch we are. Hope you never ever have to walk in their shoes cause I am so sure you would starve to death before asking for some help.

What about unemployment? How many feel that is their right?

What about this thread that has been going around to get money from the government because your job was outsourced overseas? Why is that any different? Maybe you should just get another job so you can make more money instead of using our tax dollars to get more money? How many ways can you say hipocrits?????

Right. - Anything

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to avoid paying your own way. Why make the effort? Just keep taking and taking. Pretty soon the Utopia of absolute equality will be achieved because anyone who does work and pay their own way will be so heavily taxed to pay for the parasites that they won't have anything, either.

I have applied for and received neither. SM - Momof2

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Any time you take something from the government there are strings attached. No one is saying they are against helping people out, but it's the ones who EXPECT it that bother me. And it never seems to be enough, they want more, more, more. I raised 2 kids on my own because of divorce. I found out I was eligible for aid and it make me so angry that I worked 2 jobs and took no aid. There used to be a stigma attached, there isn't anymore.

I don't have a problem with helping people, food stamps, welfare, etc. But there should be a limit.
I did the same, but the poster below says she - does not believe we could
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do it without getting any sort of aid. I have always and still do think if you want something there is a word called work. It is amazing. You can have so much with just doing that one little word. I never wanted to just settle. I wanted to be able to get things I wanted and most of all buy the necessities of life.

But that's "different" of course - wheres_my_job

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if children suffer because of their parents' stupidity, it is all right and proper. That's how it should be. Whatever is screwed up about one generation, we must ensure that the next generation is scarred by it, so it can repeat the cycle. That's the American way. *sarcasm*

I wish there was even more money going to social programs, to shield those children from their parents' mistakes - one benefit IT IS CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN to give children in screwed up situations what they need, so they can MOVE ON and make something of their own lives.
No wait, I was wrong... - wheres_my_job
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The US has an all-volunteer Army. Why would anyone volunteer, if they weren't desperate, there were no jobs, no opportunities, I mean, that would really cut down on the next generation of recruits.

No, it's better to have millions of people in poverty in the US, because then their children willingly become cannon fodder for the next military action.

Nope, everything is just fine the way it is. We need to make things EVEN HARDER for poor and working poor in the US. Who knows when the US will have to invade another country! We need boots on the ground! Yeah America!
But the offspring of the - welfare class
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do not "move on." When they are raised to be parasites, they simply continue the parasite life. They perpetuate the attitude of entitlement and continue to suck the taxpayers dry.

Why don't we start an online donation for the WIC moms here! - MT looking

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Let's put our money where our mouth is.
My husband and I give $$$ every year to - someone who needs help.
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Sometimes it's someone at his work (usually a single parent--not always a mother. Last year we gave to a single father) and sometimes it's an organization. If we're giving it straight to a person, we do it anonymously through his manager's help.

We usually don't have a *lot* of money, but always end up with a few extra hundred dollars. The most we've given is $1000.
I give, too - Nick
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Mostly I give to the Food Bank, but I also find individuals who are needy and give them what I can. Because I am in career transition, I do not have a lot of extra cash, but plan to give whatever I can afford to someone needy this year as I have in the past.
Oh, right. - Like
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the taxes that fund their handouts aren't already bleeding us dry.

You think social welfare is bad? It is half what - we spend on corporate welfare

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Social is what most people get upset about, because we actually see it happening. But when a company like Bain Capital is bailed out, even though the CEOs are worth millions, we don't see that. We see the woman in our neighborhood who is buying her groceries with an EBT card. Well, guess what. Bain and other corporations took FAR more than the woman with the kids who is buying her groceries. And trust me, they didn't *need* it any more than that woman did. They are still rich and own yachts. Oh, and they're also buying the legislation that keeps it that way.

Am not talking about all payouts, am only talking - about responsibility you should

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have when you have children and not expect others to pay for their food and upkeep. If you have 1 or 4 children and cannot provide for them, you should not have is what I am saying. The woman saying this looked like she was not missing her meals and also looked like she was able to get out and work instead of looking for a handout. I am not talking big business- that is another topic. Talking about a person's responsibility or lack as in this case.

how do you know she doesn't work? - nana

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Maybe she works for minimum wage and can't afford formula or food. I'm sure you know how expensive formula and food is and someone making minimum wage surely can't afford either of them. So whats wrong with helping the working poor or people that can't find jobs for whatever reason.

Welfare is welfare whether its to an individual or to a corporation so that is not another topic.

That is exactly what we should be talking about, because corporate welfare is not acceptable.

Why have compassion for the corporations but not people. God really must be tired of all this hatred in this world.
Exactly! But if you cannot afford to buy - then you should not have
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I have bought formula and still buy food so yes I do know. My point is and will say again if you cannot afford a child then you do not have a child. As far as her working, no do not know for sure but I have had minimum wage before while I had my 2 kids at home. The only difference was with the low paying jobs I had more than 1 which would equal to more than the minimum wage.
seems like you have all the answers - nana
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And she does what with her baby while she is working 2 or more minimum wage jobs? Expect the baby to take care of herself. Are you aware of how much childcare costs now a days? My daughter pays $168.00 for 1 child in daycare.

And I bet while you had your 2 kids and working 2 mininum wage jobs you were buying food, formula, paying a babysitter, paying for rent, utilities, clothes for your kids, shoes etc. Something does not add up at all.

With the price of everything now hell we can hardly afford groceries and both me and my husband make good money. And my kids are grown now so I don't have to support them any longer and we still could not afford to live off of 2-3 minumum wage jobs.
Do not have all answers but enough to get by - Childcare, I realize, from years ago
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what it is now, understood. My childcare with both children tied in with my in house job at hospitals. I did pay for everything else, bought clothing at Salvation Army and food. Maybe it does not add up to you but it can be done and I did it. You don't have to have steak each night to survive. One time when really not a lot of money bought potatoes and beans. One night fried potatoes, the next night mashed and beans along with that. It filled everyone up. If you and your husband not able to hardly afford groceries then you might want to look into ways to cut corners. Best of luck to you.
well, friend, life just doesnt always work out that way - condoms break, pills fail
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i have even had a friend that had a vasectomy fail and he had a daughter (which wound up being the best thing that happened to him) but it's hard to say just to not have children. Life happens. and then you may need help. THere's nothing wrong with that. we all need help from time to time!
If condoms fail and pills break then maybe - you should do both and
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back that up with a third birth control preventative. Personally when I hear such I think the person just making up the story. As far as a vasectomy failing, person with a pinch of sense knows return visits to the physician for some time afterwards to check and make sure no sperm count. I believe anyone not wanting a pregnancy can make all safety checks to not have. Again, if you cannot afford you should not have.
wow. Im sorry whatever has happened to you in your life - to make you such a better person
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glad i dont have to live with you.
should, should, should - Nick
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Seems like you spend a lot of time "shoulding" on people.
And your point is - So now go crawl back
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in your hole.

Welfare is welfare. Corporations need to show - responsibility as well.

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They are the ones using the majority of the welfare money. I'm just offering a little perspective.

Besides, sometimes people have kids when everything is fine, and then something happens and everything is NOT fine. I'm glad we help those people. I don't want to live in a country where we leave families in the ditch. Sorry. You're not going to get my support on this one. Especially when so many of those families ARE working.

I have a problem with it being called an "Entitlement." nm - Momof2

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Why do people get mad when you try and empower people s/m - IndyMT
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by being as independent as they can be and accuse you of being heartless and not compassionate?

This is all SOS DD if you get my meaning.

It's all wrong and it done for power. - IndyMT

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or when car companies are bailed out and bankrupt solar companies. nm - Momof2

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Re: Corporate welfare queens - Nick

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If your really want to get your knickers in a twist, rent a film called THE SMARTEST GUYS IN THE ROOM. It is available through Netflix. It is the story of ENRON and how they, um, you know, the public. Skilling, et al are, IMHO, the biggest scumbags on the earth. They are the real "welfare queens."

Like I said, when your policy is to rob Peter to pay Paul, sm - IndyMT

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you can count on enthusiastic support from Paul.

This is what happens when people become so dependent on the government. They don't know how to take care of themselves. Churches used to help people like this.

but now churches are all about fleecing themselves - not god

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much less people

Whatever happened - NK

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compassionate conservatism?

It's an individual who is compassion, not a government. SM - IndyMT

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When the govt takes from one group to give to another they do it for power, not compassion, and it works and keeps them in power. I think it's more compassionate to teach a person how to be self reliant.

Guess you should be breastfeeding then - nm

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I'd rather my tax dollars pay for baby formula than junk food - AMT

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No joke...one of my family members works in a bakery and they had a lady come in, order a big fancy wedding cake, and pay for it with food stamps. That's not right!

I'm not saying she doesn't deserve a nice wedding cake for her kid but all that money went for one cake for one day, what about the rest of her family's food for the month? That's just wrong!

Why can't SNAP cards have an acceptable food list like WIC checks? If you really need help with food then you should use that handout for healthy food and not crap! Why should I help you buy soda and candy and chips and ice cream and pizza when I'm living on Ramen. Nuh uh!

I could go on and on about this all day but I have work to do and taxes to pay and money to budget for food since I "make too much" for any kind of help!

Have you heard of a "food desert?" - wheres_my_job

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I have been to neighborhoods where there simply was NOT access to fresh fruit and vegetables. They are called food deserts. The food isn't available, so people get used to not eating healthy, then all they eat is junk...even when the healthy stuff is available.

There is a reason - why
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decent stores avoid those neighborhoods. The solution is to make some effort to get out of there.

Breastfeed someone else's child. I did not do - that with my own.

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When my children little we used Carnation milk and if the child got constipated we then added dark syrup to it to relieve the constipation. Milk alone should not cost a huge amount of your income. I did not have throw away diapers with my daughter even though others were using them. I got cloth diapers and had hanging rack, washed those out, hung those out and just think of the money I saved. You can be more frugal, you know.

Kind of hard to do if you cannot breastfeed though - sm - XXX

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Not everyone can, I for one are one of the few who just cannot make milk, all I got with either kid was literally a couple drops of milk. I remember formula was not cheap, luckily my mom would buy me 10 cans at a time of the powder(about $300) at Costco. I'd go thru a can in a few days toward the end of that first year, so easily $300 a month to formula.

I think WIC and food stamps are great to help those that need the extra help, but those that abuse it and "live" on it most of their lives are totally in the wrong. Or pop out kid after kid to get more money each month in assistance. I have had a couple friends use both. Both used it until they got employed again (both had lost their jobs), w/o the help I do not know what they would have done. It took one friend over two years to find a new job, she is slowly getting back on her feet now though.

What really gets me is children were fed for years - and years before store bought formula

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and they lived and thrived. A child does not have to be breast fed. A child does not have to get formula that costs $300 for 10 cans. That is ridiculous. People buy into they have to purchase this high cost formula and throw away diapers and feel like their hands are tied.

Nasty. - MT

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God forbid you should go broke someday.

Or - the little princess

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could get a job and stop expecting the taxpayers to support her and her spawn. Where is the sperm donor? Why isn't he paying for the kid's formula?

I agree with you. - sm

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I'm tired of people gaming the system, and there are plenty of them out there. There are people out there who truly need it and those people usually get off of it as soon as possible. It's the career welfare recipients who need to be booted off the system. We have raised a generation of participation trophy kids. No one has to try harder than the rest because everyone will get something. We don't let people fail any more and so no lessons are learned. Personally, I'm about out of compassion for people. It's not my responsibility to take care of anyone but my own family. I live within my means. If I only have so much money to spend on food a month, that's what I spend and that means many nights of Ramen noodles and PB&J. That's life. No one owes me anything and I owe nothing to anyone else. People need to learn how to take care of themselves.

I agree, I believe in equal opportunity, and that doesn't always mean SM - Momof2

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equal outcomes. We are not all the same, with different motivations.

Why should the taxpayers be - responsible

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for feeding her children? She knew she couldn't afford to support children, but she had them anyway, now she expects the rest of us to take care of them. She can get off her butt and get a job and pay for their formula herself.

WIC - Ari

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Do you know our enlisted men are making so little money that they have a WIC representative at the Naval Hospitals OB/GYN department for the pregnant moms to sign up. That is a sad sad statement for what we think of your military personnel.

The reality is - that

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SOME junior enlisted personnel take advantage of WIC and other welfare programs because they have nonworking spouses and more children than they can support. There is no mystery about the income an enlisted person will receive. This information is readily available to everyone thinking about enlisting. Their income is no mystery to them if they choose to acquire a family that needs support after they enlist. They should know they can't afford a nonworking spouse and a bunch of children until they have advanced a little in rank. Some go ahead and do it anyway and then whine about being too poor to support a family.

Not every junior enlisted person has such poor math or money management skills that they end up needing assistance. MOST of them have the sense to wait until they have progressed a couple of grades before taking on significant financial burdens such as nonworking spouses and children. The sad part is not that SOME junior enlisted personnel need WIC. It is that those junior enlisted personnel who need it made stupid choices and got themselves into that position. It is not the fault of the US military or any government conspiracy. It is their own fault.

Yeah, and as she was complaining about - wise one

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not getting her welfare money, she was probably holding her new iphone in her hand with her freshly manicured nails as she got into her new SUV, on the way to the mall.

Let us question who is "on the backs of other people" - wheres_my_job

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Right now the Republican party is sitting on my back pretty hard.

What would happen - Old Pro

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The amount of judgment in your post makes my heart ache. You judgment of "fat behinds" gives evidence of the hatred in your heart. Please stop to remember that you yourself are but one accident or disabling illness away from having your life severely changed. I was very fortunate to raise my children (3) in a time when money was plentiful in the MT world. I had other skills to fall back on. Not everyone is so fortunate, and I give G-d thanks every day that I was able to make it to retirement without having to face some of the serious employment horrors that so many MTs face today. You might be a little bit surprised to hear a Jewish woman quote from Mother Teresa, but I will. She once said something very important: DON'T BE SO BUSY JUDGING PEOPLE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO LOVE THEM. Please, for your own sake as much as for the sake of those you are castigating, please consider that they are human beings. You (or I) have no right to judge them. A little compassion can go a long way in these perilous times.

Disheartening, isn't it? - NK

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Not a word of concern for a baby who is already here and needs to eat. Almost 9 million women, infants, and children in jeopardy, and all we should care about is whether a mother gets her nails done. Astounding, really.

What that parasite - pays

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for her weekly manicure and other luxuries would be better spent caring for her children. If she has money for manicures, she doesn't need taxpayer handouts. The sooner we stop letting those parasites pick our pockets, the better off everyone will be.
"That parasite" - Nick
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It must be nice to automatically somehow know all the facts (NOT) and be so perfect that you can name-call and shame others. Where is your heart?
Where is my heart, you ask? - my heart
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My heart and my money are open to causes I believe are worthy. You may be happy to throw your money away on parasites and freeloaders. I prefer to ensure that our disabled veterans and wounded warriors are not forgotten. They deserve whatever we can give them. People who choose to become dependent on the hard work of others to feed their children when they should be taking responsibility for themselves are parasites. Continuing to allow them to drain us dry is doing them no favor and fostering resentment in those expected to support them. Continuing to enable the welfare class simply perpetuates the problem and produces generations of parasites.
My heart - Nick
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I do not feel that I have the right to call others names such as parasites and freeloaders. Though I am not particularly religious, I do believe the caveat about not judging others. You do not know their circumstances, what brought them to their circumstances, or what you yourself would do if faced with the same circumstances.
That is not name calling - it is simply
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a factual description of how they have chosen to live. They have defined themselves by their choices. It was the choices they made that made them what they are, not anyone's labels.

I would be the first one to feed her baby, but when the fed becomes the daddy, something is wrong nm - Momof2

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As long as people keep giving - her handouts

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she will never become self sufficient. Leaving her to her own devices is probably the best thing that could happen to her.

Would never change my mind about mother - not having children if they cannot afford

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to have them. You would never be able to tell me that all the people receiving WIC, section 8 and the like have suddenly fell on hard times, never. Maybe you don't know anyone who works the system but I have in the past. One lady had 4 children and she knew the ropes well with welfare, etc. She got welfare and let her sister who was employed claim 2 of her children on her income tax and thus the sister got money from those children without them ever living with her. I also knew a person who sold her food stamps. I also know of 2 people on disability who spend their time either shopping or the husband fishing. I have seen plenty of abuse. I have no pity on anyone who sits back waiting for a handout. I can state what I feel and that is how I feel. Don't have kids if you cannot be personally responsible for them and their upkeep. I remember some years ago trying to talk my father into Meals on Wheels after his retirement and not being able to drive because of eye issues. He thought ridiculous even when I tried to tell him he had paid into SS and this was part of what was offered to him. He would have no part of it considering handout. His wife told me as a child during depression people would come by their residence with fruit offerings to the children and she was never able to have any. Her father thought handout. Instead of relying on others I came up with relying on your own self.

There are some people abusing the system - but not all.

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I try not to lump everyone together in the same group.

On a side note to your statement, the House voted 4 times to fully fund the govt, except SM - MT looking

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Obamacare. It's in the Congressional Record and you can look it up. It's the Senate the voted not to authorize the money to be spent.

I wonder how many people are aware of this - nn

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I wonder how many people are aware that most people that receive public assistance and have children also receive monetary assistance along with their food stamps? About a year and a half ago, when I lived in Florida, I was shocked to see people come into a major grocery store (usually around the first of the month) and getting cash off of their food stamp cards and of course, I was one of those people that felt that something like that was TOTALLY wrong. However, not long after that, I found myself in the position where I had to apply for food stamps after losing my job. I found out at that time, that people who had minor children also received cash assistance along with food stamps, so it may not necessarily being people selling their food stamps, but receiving this cash assistance. I also think there are some states where if the custodial parent is receiving child support, then that is added to the food stamp card as well.

I have heard of stores buying the plastic food - stamp cards, are you kidding

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about perhaps not necessarily selling stamps? They do not pay entire amount for card but percentage of what the card is actually worth. People still are able to sell food stamps as they did years ago when they were in the form of paper.

This was not about the store "buying food stamps" - nn

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This not about the stores "buying" food stamps. This is about actual cash assistance that the food stamp recepient receives if they have minor children. When an EBT card is "swiped" at the store, it will ask if it is cash or food. If the person has minor children, more than likely they are also receiving cash assistance. That is how they are able to buy liquor and cigarettes using their food stamp card or receive the amount of their cash benefit in cash. I asked the food stamp office in Florida how people were able to do this and I was informed then that the cash assistance was only available to people with minor children, and this to my knowledge, is available in all 50 states.
That makes me so mad! It's a FOOD card NOT an ATM... - AMT
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I understand your post. I am not saying that everyone does this but it does make me angry that some people do this. That is not right. Period. It should only be for food, not cash. If you're that hard up and need assistance, the cigarettes gotta go. Period.

And another thing...just because a person does not have children doesn't mean they shouldn't get help if they need it either. I feel that's discrimination just b/c a person doesn't have 4 kids at home that they don't need food or heat either. I know someone whose working and still struggling and barely making it but b/c she doesn't have children and it's just her that she doesn't qualify. Should she just pop out a kid on person then to get assistance? That's how you work the system I guess.

Again, these are just my opinions on the subject and I am very blessed and thankful to have a job and food. I know it could always be worse and never hope to be in that situation (again) but I would never abuse it. I'd be happy to get what I got and not complain or scam anybody. That's what I got a problem with!
Poster from above re: Getting cash on EBT card - nn
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I so agree with the point that you are making. When I first saw these people at the courtesy counter and taking out large amounts of cash and seeing it was an EBT card, I began to wonder about it as well and couldn't figure out how people could be doing it. When I got to the point where I ended up applying for food stamps, I asked about it and was told it was only applicable to people with children. Again, I am thinking that the EBT card is probably tied in as well to people who are receiving child support, as it would be an easy way of tracking whether or not the noncustodial parent is meeting their obligations in paying the child support. Not sure exactly how it works, but I agree that assistance like that should also be available to the elderly as well.
EBT food versus cash assistance - the cards look the same
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If someone has a card and they are able to use it to get cash, I wonder who you are to judge them for how they use it?

There are a whole lot of people who care for relative children (aunts caring for nieces and nephews, grandparents caring for grandchildren - and even half siblings of grandchildren, etc.). It has become the new foster care system. The reason behind that is that is saves the government money. Licensed foster care benefits are usually three times what the government pays relatives to keep children.

When my granddaughter came to live with my, my daughter decided I was "rich" enough that she would not work to pay court-ordered child support. For four years. I was single and lost employee after employee position because I struggled with working at home and being able to afford childcare for a toddler. My state gave me $165 a month from the fund of TANF (Temporary Aid for Needy Families) based on the child's income (which was zero since the parents were not able to be located or refused to work/pay CS). What I did with my little $165 a month (a drop in the hat of caring for a young child for four years as a single parent) was my own business. Sometimes it paid for car repairs. Sometimes it paid for food that WIC didn't cover. Heck, sometimes it paid for gas in my car to go to the park so I could get the kid worn out so she would take a nap and I could work. And sometimes it paid for a bottle of wine on the weekend so I could get a decent night's sleep.

I think most of you are simply uninformed about the cards, how to qualify for them, what they are intended to be used and basically, how the system works. I have since adopted my granddaughter and taken her out of the system, but God knows what would have happened to us if it had not been for that assistance when we needed it during those four years.
You have just made the point of not endless - money as handout- buying wine?
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Money for gas to go to the park and then money for a bottle of wine? This is what we pay our taxes for? Even if this did go on, you should be ashamed and I mean really ashamed to admit it. I had 3 children for 2 years living with me, no income on the kid's part at all, no food allowances, no food stamps, no money for their clothing. I worked. Let me say that again, I worked and provided. I did not take money from anyone. I do not see how you can rest knowing you basically stole money that should have been used ONLY for the child's upkeep. The money you used for gas and your alcoholic intake could have helped someone who really might need it, not frivilous.
Im not ashamed and you have no right to judge me - sheesh
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Yep, the money for gas to the park, and to the library and to the grocery store and to the visit family and to the therapist she needed....that IS providing upkeep for the child. My own mental health with an occasional bottle of wine was also in her best interest. I did work or did you miss the part where I said I was single? I know you are not so delusioned as to think that $165 supported us for 4 years. I still work. I still raise her and will be raising her for another 8 or 9 years. I took her off subsides. Congrats for taking in other people's children for the 2 years you did so. I'm glad you were the hero those children needed in their time of need. You didn't say that you were single, not relying on the support of a hubby though.

As I said, for you to judge what I did with the money only hurts my opinion of you. Your comments trying to make me feel bad fall on deaf ears because you show your ignorance/lack of empathy.
just wondering, do you really believe - parks are for children not on fed subs
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We should start handing out little red commie cards to children and post police at the park gates to keep out children whose guardians receive some sort of financial subsidy from the government.
You need to get off your high horse - poster who mentioned getting cash assistance as we
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That money can be used any way the "custodial parent/grandparent" sees fit. It is much the same as someone getting child support. Don't tell me that a person receiving child support, doesn't occasionally use it for gas for the child/children? When I was divorced. it took me many years to collect child support. When I finally received it, I was told by the Court that I could spend it anyway that I saw fit, since for the majority of my children's growing up years, I had used my salary to provide for their basic needs. So what that the poster said she bought an occasional bottle of wine -- wine is really not that expensive and she might have decided to treat herself and have a glass with dinner. She spent that money on gas to take her grandchild to the park -- so what? How many parents nowadays even do something like that for a child -- they buy them video gams and let electronic toys be the entertainment de jour.
your post brought up a good point - cash assistance
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When I applied for the $165/month benefit from TANF, I had to sign over my right to the state for their efforts to collect. For example, by the time I adopted the child, the combined outstanding total for the two child support orders against the parents was about $25,000. When I adopted and I instructed the state to stop adding to that figure, I also had to surrender any claims from any money they collected in my life time.

As soon as the adoption was final, my daughter went back to work. I heard from her a couple of years ago complaining to me that the state was garnishing over 50% of her paychecks for back child support. That will continue until her debt is re-paid to the state. Since she is now 28 and has another 40 or so years in which to earn income, she will probably be paying for the rest of her life because interest and penalties will continue to accrue. I am not able to get any of that - I had to sign that I was happy with the $165 x 48 months, much less than she will end up repaying to the state. I recently checked and the balance for the two is over $40k. I will NEVER see that and the state NEVER gave me anywhere near that amount during those four years.

I would like to see the poster's indignant anger about THAT issue since s/he was so outraged over an occasional bottle of wine or gas for going to the park.
The 3 kids I kept for 2 years was completely - on me, got no outside help
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I was married but being married as opposed to not having a husband means really nothing. My husband on disability and with his getting only about $200.00 per month, I supported totally on my own. I love the way people think if you have a husband you must be supported by them. What a crock.
so your family DID get government assistance - love how some people exclude themselves
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when getting on their high horses. You still had a person who was standing next to you, day in and day out, able to watch the kid(s) for five minutes so you could take a shower or have surgery and have someone to watch them while you are trying to come out from under the effects of anesthesia once you get home from the hospital.....what a crock YOU are!
No, my family did not get assistance - So wrong
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When your husband on dialysis, you hardly can "stand next to you, day in and day out" when they are going into last days of kidney failure wiht nephrotic syndrome. As far as my getting assistance, it was his disability and his alone. I never got one red cents off him, never even got a bottle of wine like some here.
sorry, government assistance is still government assistance - sheesh
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I thought of something you did not say. Since you didn't take any money from "anyone," that means you enabled the parents of those 3 children to take a 2-year break from their parenting responsibilities with no consequences. You did not require them to be financially or emotionally responsible for their own obligations, so you allowed yourself to be their government assistance. If people can't take care of their own children, we should send them all to you? If not you, then who? See, I don't think you looked after the best interest of the children if you failed to hold the parents responsible by enabling them to be irresponsible for 2 years. What a piece of work!
Their parents died, how do you suppose they - take care of them then
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Have no idea how they could have taken care of them from the grave. Your idea of gov assistance is far different than mine apparently. I had no disability and if I did probably still would never buy wine with it. Just saying.
hmm, in-home custody without government involvement? - not buying it - NM
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You do what you want and let me do what I want. It's called living in the US of A.

Well boo, hoo, hoo - Now

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the little freeloading loser will have to spend her cigarette and tattoo money to feed her baby and might have to skip her manicure this week and buy the cheap beer.

Boo hoo hoo - Nick

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Does it make you feel big to call names at others? Sounds like sandbox behavior to me.

I think they should do away with government - assistance altogether

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There seems to be plenty of charitable people on this message board alone who would very happily donate their money to the needy. The rest of us who would rather not have our hard earned money taxed out of our paychecks to pay for freeloaders can use the extra money for the luxuries we've been missing out on all these years, like enough groceries to last an entire week or heat for the winter. I haven't shopped for clothes outside of a thrift store in years. I've never had a manicure or an iPhone. I have more important things to spend my money on like rent and electric bills.

Do all welfare recipients game the system? Of course not. But plenty do and I'm sick and tired of paying for them. Where's my heart? My heart is with my family, where it should be. I take care of my own. I should not be forced to take care of anyone else.

You big hearted people can get together, pool your money and take care of those you feel need it. I just bet you'd be more selective in who you chose to help if you actually had to do the accounting.

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