Huckabee and the Duggars--Friends forever
Posted: May 22, 2015
Back in January, Huckabee questioned the Obamas' style of parenting while praising the Duggars, telling PEOPLE: "I've pointed them out as an example of something that's wholesome and wonderful."
These Republican candidates sure do keep the subject field diverse. ;
He shold never have been placed in a public position, - and I bet this will be the end
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of the Duggar show. But to try to equate this to all Republicans is like trying to equate all Democrats with Bill Clinton's well, shall we say, extramarital activities.
I didn't equate this particular event to all - Republicans--I said
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the subjects that are coming up are very diverse within the Republican field of candidates.
Another straw man argument and projection from the fear-and-smear party. - sm
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No one tried to equate anything "to all Republicans."
Republicans are so used to demonizing all Democrats for the actions of a few that they have to project their fear-and-smear tactics onto Democrats. It's as transparent a straw man argument and projection of their own playbook as you'll ever see.
From what appeared on the front page of - your comment I had hoped
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you were talking about Huckabee. He is so gone. No one is going to have any respect for him after this one.
This is like how the Catholic Church covered up sexual - abuse and got away with it for
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decades, plus their banking scandal.
huckabee etc - jane
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perhaps mr h did not know that the boy was messing with the girls. this was likely covered up. just sayin....
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