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Nice going Huckabee!

Posted: Sep 19, 2010

Speaking at the Value Voters Summit on September 17, Baptist minister turned politician turned talk show host, Mike Huckabee, denounced the notion of providing health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions.  How very Christian of him!

By the way, if you refuse to accept this Forbes blog as a reliable source, do a Google search on the subject and choose whichever source you prefer.



Pre-existing condition - g8-MT

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If everyone can get insurance for pre-existing conditions, then lots and lots and lots of people won't buy any insurance at all . . . until they have the pre-existing condition. That means that people like me who pay for insurance ALL THE TIME will be paying much higher insurance fees. That's not fair. End of subject.

What it means is, even if you paid for insurance for - years, and you develop a - sm

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medical condition while you have that insurance, if you're unlucky enough to lose your job and can't afford COBRA, then if you find a job that has benefits in the future, you might not get to be covered if you had a pre-existing condition. THAT'S unfair.

g8-MT, you are right and I agree with you. - sm

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If you have a pre-existing condition you should expect to pay more for coverage. What exactly is wrong with that?

End of subject? Not quite. HCR mandate has - rendered your argument moot, and

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because coverage is mandatory for everybody, whether they are paying for their premiums with or without a subsidy, the cost of premiums will stabilize because of the HUGE expansion of the pool of insured. Besides, health coverage is no different than any other form of insurance. Folks who go through their entire lives paying premiums to insure their cars, property, lives, etc.,and never make a claim, end up bearing the burden of claims costs on those who do. That is just a plain and simple fact of life.

Not end of subject. I disagree - what's fair and not fair...

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First, I have health coverage, so I'm paying. If I had my choice I would not have health insurance and here is why.

I'd love to take my $380 deductable, stick it into a health insurance account and then when I need health insurance I'd have to money for my doctor appointment which I go to once every 2-3 years if that. I would have had my OB/GYN appointment paid for in full with my money. I would have my glasses and eye appointment paid in full with my money. But no...not only do I pay over $380 a month, I have no health insurance. Having a catastrophic policy where I have to charge up $10K each year before the insurance company pays 80% of anything over 10K is not having health insurance and that is not fair. I'm paying for everyone else but me. That's not fair.

Health insurance is not a requirement and it should not be one. The people who use the reasoning that everyone pays for car insurance is not a legitimate excuse because not everyone has a car. Half the people in my families do not have cars therefore they do not have insurance, yet they ride in a car everyday. So should they be forced to pay an extra tax because they get into a car and could get into an accident? After all that would only be fair so it would spread the cost around more.

There are people out there who do not feel that people should be forced to pay for a product they do not use. I'm one of them, even though I have it because DH says we should because I've read if you don't have it you will have a hard time getting it down the road.

Health coverage is different that other forms of insurance. To say it's no different is just wrong. It's a product they are trying to sell us at an unbelievably high cost which is not fair. If everyone in the US pays for health insurance it still is not going to lower the premium for those who already have it. Also, there are still people who are and always will get free health insurance.

Saying its not different you might as well say...well then lets take food. Everyone should have to pay an extra tax for food because there are those who can't afford food, and everyone has the right to eat, therefore if we all pay an extra tax it spreads it around equally.

Saying it's only fair might sound good, but it's not fair that people should force other people to buy a product so that those who already have it can get theirs for cheaper. That's not why I buy health insurance, so that you can get yours for cheaper. That's not fair to people who don't want to purchase that product.

Unfortunately I don't think this discussion will end anytime soon. Even if the thieves get their way and force everyone to buy something they don't want to, it's not going to change/lessen the cost of those already buying into it. They will continue to pay high premiums and I will continue to have crappy rates and still have to pay a high cost without getting the benefit of using it. Unless something serious happens to me. But then I'm still going to have to take out a loan cos I don't have 10K sitting around. If I didn't have to pay this rip-off premium I would but now I don't. That's not fair.

But them mama always told me "whoever told you life was fair".

P.S. - I forgot to add - what's fair and not fair

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At least with car insurance you can get a decent and affordable rate and if you have never had any accidents and have a good driving record you can get a better rate. If you work at home and use your car only very frequently you even get better rates. And with car insurance if something happens it's paid for. I don't have to come up with 10K first before they pay.

Give me health insurance rates the same I pay for car insurance and give me a better rate for not going to the doctor, and even better rate because I don't go anywhere so the chances of getting sick from coworkers is null. And give me a policy that I can get a cheap rate and have my doctor appointment once every 2,3 or 4 years is partially paid for and I would have no problems with getting health insurance.

Forcing me to buy a product I don't want is not fair. What's going to be next for something I don't want buy they force me to buy.
For heaven's sake, cancel that silly policy. - sm
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It makes no sense to complain about being forced to buy a product you don't want when you are voluntarily paying for one you can't stand.

You DO have a choice until 2014, so choose NOT to pay - for a policy that

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you are so unhappy with until then and instead, place the money in an account, just as you propose to do. That way, you don't have to pay for everyone else, as you put it. No one is stopping you from doing that but you. If you are paying $380 per month on a catastrophic policy with a $10K deductible, you have nobody but yourself and your INSURANCE CARRIER to blame. But as it stands now, "should" (as in not being required to buy insurance) is not an option after 2014. I prefer to deal with that reality.

I never said everyone pays for car insurance . . . that is what you heard. Fact is, auto liability insurance is compulsory in most states for car owners. In those where it is not, there are various methods used to pressure them into carrying insurance. For example, in NH, a $500 fee is assessed per vehicle for those who do not carry insurance. Other states use stiff fines, license and registration suspension and revocation, even jail time. In any case, generally speaking, car owners constitute the insurance pool from which claims are paid and among them, the ones who pay lower premiums who have good driving records ARE, in fact, paying for claims made by ones who have accidents. Whether or not your car insurance ends up being personally beneficial is a gamble, plain and simple, like it or not. It is just the nature of the beast. Not fair? Oh, well. In that respect, life, disability, property and health insurance IS NO DIFFERENT.

Your riding in the car analogy is inventive, even cute, but does not apply when it comes to health insurance. It reminds me of the fact that not everyone has school-age children, so why should we ALL be forced to pay school district taxes as a major component of our property taxes? Maybe we SHOULD NOT be, but we ARE. Do we hate it? Of course. Not fair? Oh, well.

Every single person, from newborn to centenarian and beyond, is subject to expense-generating health care. This would include yourself, your parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, in-laws, children, grandchildren, friends, coworkers, bosses and vast numbers of strangers. We all have a vested interest in the cost, availability, accessibility and quality of health care. HCR is attempting to address these issues. How do you think the cost of the insurance and poor quality of benefits you so bitterly decry got that way in the first place?

You really do not know WHAT is going to happen to the premiums of those who already have it, and it is not as though they do not have options that allow them to acquire coverage at more affordable prices once the reforms are in place. This is not rocket science. Health insurance is hawked by employers as a benefit and their contributions are made in lieu of salary and/or wage compensation. When I look for a job, salary is not my only consideration, but rather the quality of the coverage and the amount of employer contributions toward health, life and disability insurance versus mine is every bit as important.

I would not hesitate to quit a job with high insurance premiums and deductibles, poor coverage, limited choice, etc. to take one that offers better benefits at lower cost. Last time I checked, HCR does not prevent me from changing jobs and, once it is implemented, I would then have the option to purchase insurance from the exchange before accepting work someplace else. Under the current scheme, the only available alternative is the insultingly and ridiculously sky-high COBRA extension of the poor high-cost coverage from the previous employer. I am also delighted at the idea that if I choose to return to contract work, I will still have AFFORDABLE ACCESS to health coverage, something that is unthinkable at the present time since I have a pre-existing condition.

Personally, I do no begrudge those who are unemployed, poorly paid, the working poor, etc. access to health care. In fact, I do not feel put upon by the idea of feeding the hungry, either. To each his own, I guess. I would be willing to bet that you are all about market-driven supply and demand in terms of price controls on items you DO want and that you DO use.

Maybe you are super healthy and young and invincible and all, but trust me on this. The day will come when it is your turn to have major dental work, birth a baby, be diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure, take care of a terminally ill parent, be supportive of a friend with advanced breast cancer, say good-bye to a coworker who is broad-sided on the way home and ends up disabled in a wheelchair, or face any number of life's cost-prohibitive health-care dilemmas. When you are looking at health care from the other side of that coin, it will not appear to be so black and white to you then.

And your mama was right. Who ever said life was going to be fair? So stop whining and suck it up.

As usual, a BLOG. Here's what he really, not taken out of context and - in a way it does make sense

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This link leads to an internal server error. - Care to share the point you were trying to make?

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Tat is, assuming it was more than a just another tiring slam against blog content that makes perfect sense.

No it doesn't. The link goes to a - sm

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youtube interview with Mike Huckabee speaking himself. This way you can hear what he has to say rather than some liberal blog who, as usual, got it wrong.

I am not the poster who thankfully posted the actual interview link, so we could hear what he really said, but I will share the point he was making.

He said about the pre-existing condition - "yes, there needs to be a way that people aren't excluded completely, but lets be careful we don't say the insurance companies out on the private market place have to take all comers regardless of the basis, because if we apply that to every other kind of insurance that would be like saying I'm going to wait to buy car insurance until after the wreck. Or even worse, I'm going to wait to buy life insurance the day after my loved one died. Obviously there has to be some sense of shared risk. That's how insurance works and I think that there is a disconnect again. We ought to have a way that people can get health care they need, but there ought to be have to be shared responsibilities, and if you choose not to have insurance then you are going to have to pay for your own illnesses, and it it means we do a means (unsure if this is the word) and we find out that your assets and say look you chose to buy a car and have all the channels on cable TV and buy front row concert tickets, your neighbor was buying health care insurance, you don't get yours after the fact and then just pay a little $325 fine while your neighbor over here has been paying several hundred dollars over here for his insurance. That is what makes so many people mad. We are penalizing the responsible and we are rewarding the irresponsible. That's not something Americans understand or agree with".

So...he never did say anything about people with pre-existing conditions should not be able to get insurance. As usual the liberals got it wrong.

I even read the article posted by the OP and he did not say that either in that article, but the liberals went and put their own spin on it.

If you have something against him because he used to be a minister or you have something against him because he has his own show on the Fox station that's one thing, but saying he said something he didn't say is not right. Then you have to throw in the "How very christian of him", so makes people think you have something against christians. If so, that's your prerogative. I'm not a christian and I could care less, but you should at least have the decency to not say he said something he didn't.

He even said in the interview people with pre-existing conditions should be able to get insurance. So yes, guess that would be christian of him.
My post was in response to 2 posters - the OP and the one - who claimed it went to a server error.
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The first part of my post I replied to the correct person that stated the link did went to an internal service error when it didn't and I transcribed what he said for that posters benefit.

The second part of my post about having something against Huckabee was in response to the OP who posted "Nice going Huckabee" who had the fact wrong.

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