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Broken toe help! Also...Wrist/hand pain relievers?

Posted: May 27, 2010

Okay, I'm pretty sure I have broken my baby toe... I slammed it so hard into a door frame yesterday... :(  fell to the ground in pain! today it is no better and IM such a baby haha.

Do you know to just buddy tape it?  I know they dont do much at doctors and I dont have insurance yet through my MTSO so I'd rather try to deal with it on my own, been icing it.

Along those lines... my wrists used to wear out a few years ago first, but now it is the top of my left hand, in between my thumb, second and third finger joints almost... I looked up "arthritis" cause that's all I could think and it said Ice it.  So I did.  Then I thought, what about heat though?  Is this the kind of pain to alternate the two?  I really hate that after only a few hours of typing it starts to be really bad in this one hand.  I have started antiinflammatories as well... IM still young so it really sucks, IM sure I am developing CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME, (haha my word expander is up)... is there  a way to avoid that in our line of work?



toe/wrist - mt

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I broke the toe next to my baby toe. Just get some medical tape and literally tape them together for a few days. It's no big deal. I walked around on my heel for up to 2 weeks, though. It should heal quickly. Definitely no need to go get an x-ray.

For arthritis, I am young too (40) and developed it when I was 36. I now take 800 mg of ibuprofen every day in the morning with breakfast. This helps a lot but does not completely take away the stiffness while typing. I am learning to live with it. I often take hand breaks and stretch my fingers backwards all together at the same time, then bend the whole hand forward at the wrist. The most important thing to do is keep it moving. I tried hand splints, but that didn't really work for me with typing. I just think frequent breaks and lots of stretching is the best thing you can do. I do ice my hands from time to time. Heat doesn't really do much for me, except for taking a shower. That is helpful in the morning when I wake up at the Tin Man all over. lol I also have FMS, so that could be contributing as well. If you truly are developing CTS which is much different from osteoarthritis, then please google exercises for CTS so you can get on it before it gets to the point where you might need surgery. Best of luck.

The best thing you can do for joint pain... - Deb

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(and it sure works wonders for a host of other ailments all over the body) is to give up dairy in all forms. Drugs won't cure you, only eliminates the symptoms for awhile. I'm going to be 58 in September and none of my joints ache, especially my hands or fingers being an MT. All my siblings (2 younger, 2 older) have some form of arthritis. Older bro ACL repair and arthritis....older sis knee replacements and arthritis.... younger sis carpal tunnel surgery and arthritis...younger bro bad gout and arthritis-- but they still love their dairy. ;)

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