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Kids visiting in summer, still having to work

Posted: Apr 12, 2013

and I am one who works straight through without taking time out of the day. I know I can get Netflix for them, they have their Ipads, can get some crafty things to make and some games like puzzles and the lot. I know this sounds like a lot to me but I don’t want them bored to tears. We are planning trips while they are here but then the work days are still hanging around in between. Any other suggestions some of you mothers have for the time you have to be at the keyboard? ;

How old are they? - MT

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It sounds like there are more than one so they can play with each other. Depending on the age, but even when they get older, they sometimes want attention. I have worked at home my son's whole life and he is now 12. He cares now about not bothering me because he knows I lose money when my hands are off the keyboard. When he was younger he made me feel guilty if I were not doting on him all the time and it was hard for him to understand how important it was that I work and that I did not want to put him in daycare, and I was still home for him. The activities vary depending on age. Now he is old enough to watch TV, netflix, computer games, do artwork, and he films his own utube train episodes so that keeps him busy. But when he was younger it was indeed more challenging. Good luck to you! It is hard but really worth it to be home with our kids even if we do have to be at the keyboard all the time.

Did not work from home with my kids so - Whattodo

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they were either in school, camp, at daycare, visiting family during the summer so I did not have to plan out their days. Working as I did then, would have hated to be keyboarding so much and mainly ignoring my kids. I am one who thinks this job takes so much attention and that is where I am when working. These are some children, friends of mine, 9 and 11. The older one loves crafts, the younger not so much. They love dressing up and making pictures of my kittycats. Most of the time they will be here will be vacation days but I know there will be 4 days straight that I work (only doing this part-time now). Have better half doing some cooking for us, that way lunch can be easy set up and then free for dinner myself. I can hardly wait for them to arrive!

Depending on their ages... - Nana

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Seems sometimes there is no good idea as kids can become easily and quickly "bored."

Here's what I've done from both a mom and now a nana standpoint:

Assign a few simple household duties. Even younger children can do little tasks. In fact, sometimes younger kids like to feel they contribute. You could have some kind of reward system, too.

I don't know if you have access to a library, but you could get them set up at the local library and take them over to check out books. My grandson is an avid reader and loves going to the library to select new books.

Do you have an inexpensive digital camera? I challenged my 10-year-old grandson to take photos while visiting (of all sorts of things) and then, with my help, we created a memories slideshow together. We used Windows Movie Maker, which was included free on my PC. He then had his slideshow of his time with us.

Kids are all different, but my kids and now my grandson's favorite thing to do is create with Legos, so I have a large set on hand that I ordered from Amazon.

The last idea I have is baking, which is dependent on ages, mess, etc. Might not be a good idea if they need careful supervision.

Those are GREAT ideas! - Whattodo

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So much imagination! I cannot think of things like you have, wish I had that but I really appreciate the thoughts. They do not need close supervision and love to "do things" like our crafting at Christmas.

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