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I need some advice about my son's relationship.

Posted: Dec 29, 2014

My son has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for a year and a half now.  I have always liked her.  She went out of her way to endear herself to me.  She hugs me and tells me she loves whenever I see her and ends every phone conversation by telling me she loves me.  My only problem with her is that she comes from a kind of messed up family with a mom who has a prescription drug problem, which isn't her fault; however, I see some of the same tendencies in her.  She has back pain and fibromyalgia at age 23 for which she gets Norco from her doctor fairly regularly.  She has insomnia and is on Ambien chronically.  She has anxiety and takes Xanax.  I recently became aware that she bought Xanax illegally.  I confronted her and my son about this and she said her mother had stollen hers and that her doctor would not refill the prescription because it was too soon.  I think she has a problem.  My son believes everything she says. 

A few days ago, my son and the GF were fighting.  She left their house at 11 p.m. at night and did not come home all night long.  At 4 a.m. my son calls me in a panic because he woke up and she wasn't home.  He said it wasn't like her.  He wanted me to come and get him and go look for her.  His car is in the shop.  I said to wait until it was light outside and if she wasn't back I would come over.  Well, she wasn't back so I went over and got him.  He said he thought she could be in a wreck or something bad had happened.  I had my suspicions, but said nothing.  We didn't find her at any of her family's houses and so we decided to retrace her steps.  We found her at one of her friends' houses, passed out in bed with another guy.  My son was devastated and I had to drag my son out of the house to keep him from beating up the guy.  She of course says nothing happened.  She drank too much and passed out.  I was angry, but left them to hash it out between the two of them.  A few days later, my son wants me to come over and talk to the GF and reassure her that I don't hate her.  I told my son I didn't hate her.  I feel like I never knew her and that she put on a really good sweet girl about.  I also told my son that I was absolutely not going to sit there and let her lie to my face.  He said he believed her, that nothing happened, that she wouldn't do that to him, she loved him.  He said she just passed out.  So I said, yeah in bed with a guy, when there was a perfectly good EMPTY couch sitting in the living room.  He didn't want to hear any of what I had to say.  He has his doubts, I can see it, but he's willing to put blinders on, what can I do?  So I said fine, I can fake it, if she can.

Yesterday, my son calls me to tell me that she is pregnant.  He wants my approval and support.  I am sick about it.  I couldn't breathe when he told me.  He said "please mom, I love you and need you to be happy for us.  I can't do this without your support."  I'm having dinner with them tonight and I am at a loss as to what I'm going to say.  I keep telling myself that it's done, she's pregnant and my son believes it is his, and me lecturing them and voicing my disappointment won't change that fact.  What do I do?  What do I saw?  I want to cry.  This is all on top of the fact that I have started to go through menopause and I just can't handle any of it!


You do what any great mom would do - clyde

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You love and support them because you love and support your son. This girlfriend is his choice. He had a choice to get together with her, to sleep with her, to stay with her when she made really bad decisions, and then to stay with her when he had evidence she cheated on him. This is his choice and you love him.

So, as you sit across the dinner table from them tonight, you tell them that you love them and you love this child. If they press it further or bring up her sleeping around or her prescription drug use, you let them know that you're concerned, but you're there for them 100%.

In the months to come, you may discover the name of her OB/GYN, and if that's the case I'd suggest you make an anonymous call to that physician to inform them that she has been using pain medication for her medical conditions (and that's how I'd word it too). That puts it in the hands of her doctors to drug test her (and the baby after delivery).

You may be faced with a situation over the next 9 months where your son wonders if this child is his. I'd suggest he get a paternity test done in the event that HE brings it up. If he doesn't and the child is born and they raise this child, I would drop it. Being a parent isn't about genes. It's about love and commitment. Regardless of whether this child (after it is born) is genetically his, after that first moment he holds this little baby, this baby is his.

When you have doubts and you're up in the middle of the night with your brain turning this around and around, remind yourself of 2 things:
1. Your son is a responsible adult and this and every other obstical in his life is his decision. You are just along for the ride, and you'll be there for him no matter where this road takes him.
2. You love your son unconditionally, and you'll see that you will love this baby unconditionally too. The girlfriend will take some work, but because you love your son and your grandchild, you will love the mother of this child too.

Congratulations, Grandma!! I too have been through a similar experience and I now love my daughter-in-law like a daughter. It took lots of work and lots of biting my tongue and lots of middle of the night phone calls with my son that ended with me crying myself to sleep in private because my heart hurt for him but now that time has passed it really is good.

Your son needs you...so be there for him and be happy for him even if you have to fake it. You may be the only support they have at this time and you need to be that person for them because that's what all great moms do...we're there for our kids and wait for opportunities to present themselves for us to make a difference.

P.S. If your son has a drug problem (which is possible given the issues his girlfriend has, and no parent wants to hear it), please get him into a treatment facility immediately. That's the only time I won't be there for my kids. If they turn to drugs and alcohol, I will not enable their abuse. I will help them seek help but I will no enable them.

Best of luck to you. I'll be thinking of you tonight.

Mamma's baby, Daddy's maybe - You ever heard that?

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I will give you an example of a mother upholding her son and his "child." A guy I was married to had a previous child, almost grown by the time we married. Young guy had girlfriend, girlfriend had baby. The ex of my husband was so ga-ga about the baby, pictures, Pampers, furniture, the whole 9 yards and wanted my husband to be ga-ga also, wanted my husband to accept his "grandchild." My then husband (now deceased), don't believe he ever saw "his" grandchild. Ok, young love. The mother of the child decides she wants to leave and guess what? The baby never belonged to the one she wanted to pin it on (the son of my husband) and up and moved and mama gone and baby gone also. Can we say DNA up front? If she is sleeping around (which seems to be the case) I would never fall for a "grandmother" term, no congrats coming from here because the baby might not be his. I am sure you are aware of this possibility, probably more so than him. Before I put myself out there and go ga-ga over a child, I would really like to know it is mine rather than Tom, Dick or Harry's grandchild. My thoughts- maybe you are like the ex of my husband and so, so want a grandchild willing to accept someone else's, that could be the case here.

Start detaching and do not involve yourself any further with sm - IMO

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their relationship as far as dinners, talking to GF about behavior, don't go to any doctor appointments, don't plan any baby showers (it's bad etiquette for grandma to do it anyway). Your son is a little too dependent on you if he's calling you to intervene or to take him out looking for her in the middle of the night.

If he calls you with their problems, tell him he's an adult with a good head on his shoulders and will need to figure it out himself. He can either find a friend to complain to or hire a therapist, but not you.

Your menopause? See a doctor, I can't imagine menopause knocking you around like that and my symptoms were awful (constant hot flashes, inability to sleep, etc.).

Or is this emotionality something that's in the family (because your son seems to have it also). Whichever, it has nothing to do with menopause.

It is your choice as far as how much or little interaction you have with them, as well as your choice whether to be upset by this or not.

Wow. Judge much? - SM

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You make a lot of assumptions for someone you don't know. And just because your menopause didn't cause you to be more emotional than usual, doesn't mean it's not a common menopause symptom. It's very common.

OP- Sorry, not much advice for you. I'm not sure how I would handle this, but I think I'd just try to be as supportive as I could to my son, while trying to be as true to myself as I could regarding interacting with the girlfriend. On another note, I'm going through menopause currently, and I'm definitely more emotional about things that normally wouldn't get to me, so I can sympathize with this being harder to handle at this stage. In fact, I don't think I've ever met anyone who DIDN'T get more emotional during this time!

Meet me, my name is, oh sorry do not post that - but never menopausal symptoms

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I have long past menopause, actually the end of the periods came with partial hysterectomy at age 48, retained ovaries but those are long gone. I never had 1 minute of hot flashes, mood swings, ups or downs. My mother was exactly the same except did not have any surgery, just went thru with no symptoms. I had 2 maternal aunts. None of us ever used hormones of any kind. I don't know about symptoms in the aunts, just their non-use of hormones like mother and myself. Not all experience issues, I was a lucky one.
More than you know! - OMG
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I have had hot flahses now for 14 years straight. No end in sight. There is a very strong history of heart disease on my mom's side of the family, and two doctors told me that hot flashes and heart disease can go together. At any rate, you are truly blessed. What I would not give for one day without the dreaded hot flashes and interrupted sleep for years. I have tried supplements, over the counters, etc. Some actually made them worse, and doctor does not advise HRT because of history of heart disease.
My post above and I am not the OP - OMG
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I can only hope that this post is a result of your - menopause

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There are people that get too emotionally invested in people and things...I think it's clear that you'd be on the far end of that spectrum. Sad, just sad.

Not menopausal but agreeing with detaching - find her comments right on

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This woman does not even know if the baby is his, my goodness!
But she does know that her son is her son - clyde
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And nothing wrong with her telling him she does not - want to be put in the middle
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Call his GF to intervene? If he is a father then time for him to put his big boots on and take responsibility. Congratulations? For what, may not be his child and even calling someone grandmaw? The son is not sure he is the father, why should the mother jump in all excited? Not this lady.
Response - clyde
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First, I never ever said to call the GF to intervene. And, according to the OPs original post it sounds as if her son thinks the baby is his, and he has told the OP that he needs her support. Where do you see that the son is not sure he is the father? The OP is not sure he's the father, for sure. I also never said she should jump in all excited. I merely suggested she tell them that she is there for them.

The OP was asking for input on her situation...I gave my 2 cents worth. I stand by my advice. Whether she takes my advice or doesn't really doesn't matter to me. Everyone parents differently. For me, I will never turn my back on my children, most of whom are grown with families of their own, and with one son I have gone through a similar situation so I believe that I do have some experience with this or I would have never responded.

#haventexperiencedmenopause #lovemykids
You said congrats, grandma, if not genetically his - once he holds?
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I have had experience with a baby put on someone who was not his father (no relationship). The grandmother accepted and loved this child that she thought was her's. Holding and not genetically makes it okay? Apparently not in the situation I described because the babys's mother up and married another guy, the real father and left the so called grandmother and fake father in their dust. The fake grandmother was crushed as she doted on her fake grandchild for so many months and then poof. To say congratulations and call someone grandmaw without really knowing sure sounds like jumping in all excited.
You must work out a lot...because you sure do jump to a lot of conclusions - clyde
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Did I say to attach herself to them, turn the spare bedroom into a nursery, text them baby names daily, throw them a baby shower, and raise the child as her own if they decide they no longer want to be parents? I'd explain "being supportive" to you but I really think you're enjoying this workout you're getting from jumping to conclusions. Watch your head and don't jump without a good support bra...but Jump On, grandMAW, Jump On.

#overandout #ohmy #somebodydidnttakehermedstoday #boing!
Somewhere somebody's head - is exploding
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GrandMAW? - Just another observer
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Never saw it spelled that way . . ? Like I said. . I'm just an observer.
Just wanted to say - Observer
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I realize you were also pointing out the weird spelling. Not coming down on you! It actually made me smile to see you capitalize the MAW part!
We kids called our grandmother Mam-Maw - and that is how she spelled also
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What a beautiful, loving person she was. I miss her so much.
This is the OP here and thanks to everyone who responded kindly. - SM
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As for the woman who has decided that her menopause is THE menopause to which all menopause should be compared, let me just say with all the hormonal-fueled indignation I can muster - BITE ME! Do a little research and you will see that you are the anomaly. The average menopausal woman will suffer mood swings, hot flashes, fatigue, sleep disturbance, poor concentration, yada, yada, yada. So while I'm happy for you because you apparently had the nirvana of menopause, the rest of us - the average ones - do have to suffer with symptoms in varying degrees. Perhaps the loss of hormones has caused you to become unfeeling, cold hearted, and mean spirited. Maybe you were a nice person before menopause, who knows?

As far as my son and his situation, he is my son. The thought NEVER crossed my mind to pull away from or turn my back on him. He is my son. I will love him forever. I have decided I will support his decision to stay with this girl and should he find out in the future that the child is not his, I will support him then as well. I have voiced my opinion about the situation. That's all I can do. I cannot force him to behave the way I think he should behave. I am sure once the shock wears off, I will become excited at the prospect of being a grandma. Although starting menopause and finding out your going to be a grandma all in the span of the same few months, is a lot to process! So give me a break will ya?

You have a choice to make about your place in this--sm - anon

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If you choose that you want to be part of your son's life, then you will most likely need to bite your tongue quite a bit and respect his decision. It is impossible to say if the child is his, but he is choosing for it to be so.

I would not get involved in their relationship issues as far as talking to her. They have a lot of things to work out, and that is something they need to do together. I would say that you should support your son, tell him you love him and that you are there for him through thick and thin because that is what parents do.

Let's face it, many relationships are a crap-shoot, no matter how well vetted partners are. There could be a very rough road ahead of your son or it could turn out to be something wonderful in the end.

I would go to dinner with a home drug test - in hand

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You have to decide how much of yourself you are willing to give up in order to make their adult relationship work. If you go tonight, take a home drug test. If she pops positive for anything other than her prescribed medications, tell her you will give her 10 days to admit herself to a drug treatment facility or you will involve CPS. This is no longer about just an addict and a codependent spouse. If they want to play house and bring a child into this world, they better do it sober and not bring another drug addicted child into it. Tell her you will show up at random times with another drug test if CPS doesn't.

Tell your son not to call you in the middle of the night. It is his wife, his relationship and he needs to man up and hold her accountable during her pregnancy.

Tell them they need to consider all their options before they get too far into this pregnancy because you will not raise their child should they decide they are not up to the task.

I am raising my granddaughter born to immature, too young parents who were farting around the place and brought a child into before they were ready to parent (and neither your son nor his girlfriend are ready to be stable parents). Here is something that really had an effect on me, something another grandmother wrote about babies born to individuals choosing the life style your son and GF are living:

Layaway Kids
Parents, are you tired of taking care of your children? Do you have better things to do than to sit home and care for your children’s needs? Do you want to party? Do you need a break? Do you have better things to do with your money than spend it on boring things like good food and clothing for children? Well help is here now! Just put your kids on layaway! Its FREE and easy. Just drop them off at your parents house. Grandma and grandpa will spend the time, money and love to see that your kids have the best of everything. They will change stinky diapers, wash dirty bottles, and rock screaming babies, clean up their messes and do anything that needs to be done.

On the Layaway Plan, you never have to worry about your children! Grandparents will buy them what they need and take them where they need to go. Never again will they be late for school because you were too tired to get up and get them ready after that party last night. You can buy that new car, fashionable clothes or just spend your money on junk food and CDs. Your money is yours to do with as you wish. The Grandparents of your layaway children will buy the shoes, school clothes, and toys. They pay for dancing lessons, tutors, braces, and doctors visits. If you have a bad day you can just kick back and relax. No more thinking of feelings other than your own! With your children on layaway you have no one to think about but yourself. No one there to bother you! If your kids have a bad day its not your problem. Grandma and Grandpa will be there to wipe their tears, calm their fears, and give them cookies and milk. If they are sick, Grandma and Grandpa will gently wipe their fevered brow, hold their head, and help them to take their medicine, and walk the floor with them all night.

Grandma and Grandpa will go to all the dance recitals, soccer games, school conferences, doctors and dentist appointments, and other activities your child is involved in. This leaves you free to pursue your own interests.

You are Young! You need the freedom to live your life and be all that you can be. You need to find yourself. It’s OK! Your parents are old. They have lived their lives and have nothing better to do than to care for your children. If they have not found themselves by now they never will.

The best part of the Layaway Plan is your property is always there for you. Unlike most store layaway plans you can visit your property any time you like. You can take the children out any time you like, play with them and then bring them back whenever you feel like it. Children can be fun at times like Christmas and Birthday parties. You can dress them up and show them off and take credit for how cute and well behaved they are. After all you brought them into the world. If they make a mistake or behave badly you can explain to others it is because of the bad influence of the grandparents who have been caring for them. When you are done sowing your oats, when the party is over or becomes boring, your children will be there waiting.

Anytime you like you can cancel the Layaway Plan and reclaim your children. By law they are your property and the grandparents have to give them back. By virtue of your ability to create a child you reign supreme in the courts of this land. It does not matter if you have abused them, abandoned and neglected them for years. All you have to do is go into a courtroom and show them that you want your children back and might be able to parent them. Your rights as a parent supersede those of your children and their grandparents. The Layaway Plan is free, easy and best of all legal. Every court in the land supports it. You are the parent and you have your rights!

Children Are Not Property

Children are not property. They deserve a safe and stable life. They should not be put on layaway indefinitely. The Children and the Grandparents and Special Others who provide kinship care for the children should not be kept in limbo forever. Absent, irresponsible and unreliable parents must be held accountable for their inaction.
The Adoption and Safe Families Act signed into law by President Clinton sets firm time limits on how long a child may stay in foster care before being freed for adoption. It states that if a child has been in foster care for 15 out of the most recent 22 months the state must file a petition to terminate the parents rights, find and approve adoptive homes for these children. This law excludes children that are being cared for by relatives and are not in the foster care system. The reason for this exclusion is that sometimes the relatives caring for the children are not in a position to adopt and would lose custody of the child forever if it were to apply to them. This is a good law and it has helped many children have safe and permanent homes. There ought to be another law! 5.5 million children are being raised in grandparent headed families. One third of those children live in homes with no parent present. These children fall through the cracks and live in limbo without the security that comes with having a permanent home. Forever is a promise that kinship care givers are afraid to give to the children in their care. They know that no matter how many years a parent has been absent and unreliable, that parent can come back, prove only minimal competence to reclaim their children from what in most cases is the only stable home they ever knew. New laws covering the rights of children whom neither live with their parents nor are under the umbrella of the foster care system is needed. We need a law that will protect the rights of children being well cared for by relatives who are not able to adopt them while enabling the grandparents and other relatives to adopt if they choose and are qualified to adopt. Children being cared for by relatives should be accorded the same rights as foster children. If a grandparent or other relative wishes to and is qualified to adopt, the same time limits should apply. If the parents fail to rehabilitate themselves within a reasonable amount of time the rights of those parents must be terminated and allow a qualified grandparent or other relative who have been caring for the children in their absence to adopt those children. Only then can children, grandparents and the special others who are caring for the children depend on the promise of FOREVER.

Another mother to a son - Sweets

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I went through something very similar with my eldest son. By Christmas 2009, I sat up with him night after night as he cried himself sick and I was so scared he would commit suicide. They were engaged, she "hooked up" with some other guy, found in bed, meant nothing, oh no she's pregnant, and big fight and blurted out it was another guys baby - a long Jerry Springer drama.

This had gone on and on for 5 years and I did all the good mother stuff. Supportive, loving, understanding, stayed out of it, let my son make his own decisions. Well, all he did was go running back. The baby was born - a beautiful biracial girl, Not the guy she had named after all. This girl slept with so many men and lied through her teeth to my son. He believed every word she said.

I tried to be supportive after the baby. In fact, I loved that little girl. But long story....It all blew up again. This time I reacted badly, I was done with the whole situation. I gave orders to my son thar he was NEVER to bring that girl to my house again. If he decided to stay with her, then he could go with my love but I would not be in his life anymore. I was done watching him suffer and keep going back for more.

It caused a rift in my family. My husband was furious. Everyone said I was a horrible mother. I did not care. My son was 22, working, and still living at home. I kicked him out and said go live your life.

For one year, we barely spoke. My son loves me a lot and I hurt him tremendously, but I was done with all his drama. I had two other children to finish raising. By the end of that year, he came home, not crying, but admitted that she was sleeping with another guy. I let him move home.

Soon after that, he met a girl he had known from high school and they were soon engaged! Married now and new baby. We don't talk much about his former girlfriend but it comes up sometimes. It scarred my son but he finally grew up.

My lesson from this? I honestly don't know how to handle this situation. I did all the good motherly things and it did not help. It was wrong to react the way I did and kick her out of my life but it sure brought peace to my life to not be involved anymore. In fact, my middle son had a drama queen girlfriend recently and I said NO. You can date her over my dead body. (He was 16.) I was scarred too by the whole baby mama drama.

Things are going good now. My sons think I am a bitchy and controlling mother but they still love me. In many ways, my sons seemed to be happier when I put my foot down. It never worked being that warm and supportive mother.

You need to force your son to "grow up" - sm

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It sounds to me like your son is still in "kid mode". I really don't believe that he believes all of this girl's stories, but it is easier for him to seem like he believes it, but you don't. That way, like maybe she will act better because YOU will get mad at her and he doesn't have to look like the bad guy. He asks for your blessing almost like being a "tattle tail", almost threatening the girl that YOU will be mad or whatever.

I think, like another poster said, it's time to tell him that he is an adult and you raised him to be able to make adult decisions in life. This calling you at 4 a.m. to look for her and such, that is what he should be calling his buddies for, not you. Your relationship with her should not be a reflection of his relationship with her. If he doesn't like something she is doing, then HE needs to confront her about it, not expect you to do so.

When you go to dinner with them, you should tell them the same thing. You should tell them that you REFUSE to be a part of their "personal" relationship and your relationship with her will be about you and her, not about what goes on in their relationship. If they are having issues, then your son has to step up and handle those issues.

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Good morning...I need some advice and at this point any advice is welcome :-)  I have a 5 year old energetic, funny, sweet little boy who is in kindergarten.  I just had a short meeting with his teacher yesterday who said that she is having some real issues with my son in class.  She says that he is very disruptive and acts silly all day.  She says that he is not mean by any means and is very sweet, but he just simply will not concentrate on the task at hand but would rather ...

Need AdviceJan 15, 2010
I've been living with a guy for 12 years. There are some aspects of his personality/behavior that are positive. However, he has a habit of mocking me at just about every opportunity, belittling, that kind of stuff. When I get upset he says he "was being funny." He likes to contradict me in public when possible and point out negatives - not so much about me specifically but demeaning comments about things like my dog or my hobbies, etc. I ask him to please not do these things in public but i ...

Need Advice - What Would You Do?Jan 19, 2010
I need advice on what you would do in my situation.  I'm so upset about it and my husband says not to do anything and basically dismissing it.  I'll try to make this as short as possible.  My family has been best friends with another family for about ten years.  They're just like family. We do everything together.  This past weekend their 16 year old daughter stayed over because she had a track meet and the rest of the family was going away for the lo ...

Need Some Advice On What To DoAug 27, 2011
I wanted to see if anyone has some advice on what to do on a situation I am having with my ex-husband's girlfriend. This past Monday morning my apartment complex called me and told me that they received a fax the evening before that I wanted to be treated for bedbugs! I told them that I didn't send a fax and didn't have bedbugs, and asked her what number the fax came from. She wouldn't tell me. She then asked me why I didn't leave my phone number on the fax only my addre ...

Need Advice Please....Feb 10, 2010
Ok, here goes.... My husband drives a truck.  When he comes in his dad (who is divorced and lives with his mother who is in her 80s and I guess you would say has no life) comes over.  Well, no problem there except he don't know when to leave.  LOL  He comes around 10 or 11 am and stays until 10 or 11 pm.  Then the next day he is back again unless he is working and then he comes after work.  I don't mind him coming to visit every day when my husband is in ...

MIL AdviceOct 25, 2010
Our family was planning a trip to Disney World this summer and then I decided that maybe we should go to California (where we are from) and go to Disneyland, that way grandparents can come.  Since then, my MIL has taken it upon herself to plan out ourentire vacation, starting with trying to make our motel reservations on the drive there and ending with making them on the way back.  If she were just being nice, it would be completely different, but really, she is just being controlling. ...

Need AdviceJul 22, 2011
I'll try not to make this too long, but I have an 18-year-old, soon to be 19-year-old son who just told me a couple months ago that he is gay.  I was shocked, but not totally, as I had suspicions before because he never really showed much interest in girls.  Anyway, I told him I love him no matter what and that did not matter to me.  it took me a couple months to get over the heartache of it, though.  His dad doesn't know yet, nor his younger brother, as I told him ...

Need Some AdviceJul 18, 2011
I am having some issues with my boyfriend.  He has not been working for a while now and I have been paying rent/bills/groceries all on my own.  No big deal, it has to be done, but what I am having a problem with is his bi-weekly "allowance".  He needs his own money to spend, and I understand that, but no matter how much money I tell him I am going to give him, it is never enough.  He is never happy with what I give him (usually a couple hundred dollars).  I never sp ...

Need AdviceApr 05, 2011
I need some advice about my sister-in-law.  We are going to her house next week for three days.   Well, she wanted my husband to help her buy some power tools and teach her how to use them and put up a trellis.   So that was the plan for Friday.   I was okay with that – didn’t feel too left out.  Now she has made other plans for Saturday that I don't want to do.   How do I politely tell her I’m not into spend ...

A Little Advice Here PleaseAug 18, 2016
Just got on line to check bank account held jointly with fiance.  I see a charge on a credit card that I don't recognize (plus a service fee charge).  Questioned him about it  a couple of days ago and got vague answer (s).  Today, I called the 1-800 number and asked what kind of businesses they billed for.  I was told a wide array of different things.  One of which could be porn videos.  Not happy at all as I do NOT want this in my house.  Why can ...

Advice, PleaseSep 02, 2016
Asking advice here. My mom is in a nursing home.  They provide great, compassionate care, and there's a waiting list to get in.  I'm grateful that she's in a place we can afford, and it's only 3 miles from my home. When the need arose, I got her a wheelchair, which Medicare is still paying for.  It was a brand-new chair that was fitted to her petite frame, and she was able to propel herself with her feet.  About 6 weeks ago, I noticed that the chair in h ...

How Do You: Advice PleaseJun 13, 2010
I am separated from my husband and soon divorcing which is actually a  very good thing for my son and me.  We were under a lot of stress, pressure and difficulties with living in his house.  But my son grew up with his kids and he has not told them anything about us never coming back.  I tried to get him to go to counseling, and despite many of my friends warnings even went to our pastor which just made things worse, b/c my husband works under this guy as a pastor too.  ...

Cat Advice?Jul 25, 2012
Cat people, should I take in a neighbor's cat? In a nutshell: We thought this "stray" was hanging around our yard last year. I talked to her and she let me pet her. Nasty winter weather came. We couldn't take her in because we have an old blind cat who tries to fight her off sometimes. So I went door to door with her picture, looking for her home so we wouldn't have to take her to a shelter. Bingo. She "lives" a couple houses away. The woman there was very nice, has a sec ...

Advice PleaseNov 17, 2012
Hi all, I have been offered a position in the front office of a medical facility.  I am probably going to take it.  While my problem will not weigh into my not taking it, I need some advice on how to handle something. Way back when I worked in a large office, there was ALWAYS something going on where they wanted everyone to chip in financially for something.  Somebody is having a baby, somebody's somebody is having a baby, somebody is having a birthday, somebody is retiring ...

Advice On New JobAug 11, 2016
Well, I went to a job fair yesterday, had to go back and my daughter went with me and we both got jobs! Problem with mine is it's only seasonal till Feb. Of course, if the job continues and I've done well through the training and the actual job till Feb., I could possibly still have a job. Better pay right off the bat and $1.00 for EVERY HOUR worked till Feb. bonus in Feb.!!! I need my high school diploma or transcripts and can't find them anywhere! My transcripts are with m ...

Advice About DadNov 01, 2013
I need some opinions about whether or not to try to contact my father who I have not seen in about 30 years. My dad left when I was nine and moved out of state. I think I saw him one time not long after that. The last time I even spoke to him on the phone was right before I graduated high school. He had wrote me letters and sent cards for a few years after he left asking me to come visit, which I never agreed to do. We didn't have a very close relationship even when we lived in the ...

Need Some Advice Jan 13, 2014
I would appreciate any advice on how to sell Hummel figurines, etc.  My stepfather wants to start clearing out a lot of things in preparation for the future, and in the event I would move in with him at some point.  My mother died four years ago, and during her lifetime she bought a lot of this sort of thing, along with the colored glass in yellow, green and blue.  I have never sold anything on eBay, and don't know how to go about getting a decent price for these items.  ...

Advice PleaseJun 21, 2014
I don't know if I need advice or just want to vent. My husband and I enjoy having close friends over, going out to dinner with them, doing get togethers and other such things. Out of 4 couples, 2 of the couples are so dysfunctional that it makes me crazy. No alcohol is involved here, so we can't even blame that. I don't claim to know what goes on behind closed doors, but when we're all together, it's the women who fly off the handle at their husbands for the stupi ...

Need Cat AdviceJan 27, 2015
My cat is hiding underneath my neighbor's shrubs and will not come home. He is afraid I will keep him inside so he doesn't trust me anymore. He stayed out all night last night and I finally saw him this morning. I tried coaxing him, bribing him with food, and he just ran away to find a safer hiding spot. He got into a cat fight on Friday and got a small puncture wound. I kept him in on Sunday to keep an eye on the wound and he was not happy about it. That's why he doesn' ...