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Honesty. Are you for it or against it in a relationship with

Posted: Apr 20, 2012

Is honesty over rated? Is it better to not be honest? How much honesty can you expect from your BFF before it interferes with your relationship?  I'm thinking you can only be so honest before people either want what you have or the other way around.


seriously? relationships either - ?

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man/woman, mother/daughter, mother/son, father/son, sister/brother, BFFs, etc. etc. all revolve around honesty. Why would it be over rated? and what does it have to do with someone wanting what you have or visa versa? Honesty shouldn't interfere with friendships, if anything it should make them better, I wouldn't want to have relationships without honesty, that's just dumb. Why would you not want people regardless of BFF or just people in general to be as honest as they could be with you. I don't understand

It all depends - honesty can be a bad thing at times - anonymoose

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Honesty in whose opinion or situation. An example is my sister. She's very forthcoming in what she says. You ask for her honesty and she tells you exactly what she feels, however, it may not always be right. It's right to her, but she's not in my situation. I want honesty in questions like - do I look like dork with this hat on. Not I want your honest opinion about my new boyfriend/husband.

As for me being honest to my husband it all depends on the situation. Of course I'm honest in important things, but not always honest like say when I dropped the fork on the floor and he asked what happened I said nothing because I didn't feel like listening to him rant and rave for 5 minutes about how we'll never be able to keep things if I keep dropping and breaking things or he'll get germs and get sick. It's much easier to be dihonest and give him a new fork from the silverware draw and tell him the nose was that I stubbed my toe against the cabinet.

As for honesty from other people about my relationship - I don't want it. Nobody knows my partner better than I do. I would never live my life like they do and I don't need them telling me what they think about my life.

I believe in honesty with tact and knowing when to - not say anything at all.

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I tried it twice. Ended both friendships. - LeavingLostWages

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Twice in my life I've had a friend that was behaving in ways that were driving me away and hardening my heart to them. I figured, hey, if I was doing to same, driving people away from me, that *I* would want to know! So I told them as kindly yet directly as I could. Both of them couldn't handle the truth, and it meant the end of the friendship. After the first one, I suspected it might happen with the second one, but by that point I didn't wish to continue on with the "friendship" anyway.

Most people are not self-reflective. They cannot seriously look at themselves and their actions, take an honest inventory of themselves, and then change course so as to change their lives. A few can, but most cannot.

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