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Greedy people with money

Posted: Apr 8, 2013

Have you ever noticed that people with the most money are the most greedy with it and those who have little will give you the shirt off of their back?  I have been so frustrated with my family lately, the way they behave, I cannot understand it!

The older people in my family have A LOT of money.  Some of this money is money they earned, they all made a good living, BUT a family member died and nobody even knew it, but he was a millionaire.  He never lived like a millionaire, he pinched pennies and surprise, he left his money for all of his children.  These family members of mine (grandmother, great aunts, great uncles) now have more money than they could possibly spend in their lifetime.

I have a cousin who needed a kidney/pancreas transplant (Type I DM) and she needed $100,000.  Between all of these family members who got all of this money, they could easily pay for the entire transplant with no problem.  BUT, rather than doing that, they put these little collection jars throughout town, other people arrange fundraisers, etc., to try to get her the money.  She was down to needing only $10,000, because she got large donations from various organizations and I was standing there when one of my very wealthy uncles was so kind as to donate $100.  I asked my mom why he didn't just pay the $10,000 and my mom even acted like that was crazy and acted like the $100 donation was great and the uncle made sure everyone saw him donate and such.  I mean, I donated $100 and I make a horrible MT salary, but this man who just bought a SECOND house that is 20 miles from his first one, because at his age, of course, he needs one on the land and one by the water can only donate $100 for a person's LIFE?

I am not retirement age, I still have kids to support, but if it came down to it, I would give my last dime to save someone's life, whether they were family or not.  I think it frustrates me more, because these people are at church all of the time and are always telling me I should go to church more, inviting me to church and such and I don't feel like they live the way they preach.  I don't know, just my rant for the day.


It's their money - not yours

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It's not your business to tell them what they should do with it.

If you want to be a millionaire and give away all your money to people who didn't work for it, then acquire the skills you would need to do that and do it.

You have no right to decide what other people do with money that is not yours.

They didn't work for it either! - Never said it was mine

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I said the money was GIVEN to them, they inherited it and well, if a person needs a kidney transplant, I guess shame on her for not thinking about that ahead of time and figuring out how to become a millionaire herself during her life struggle of type I DM. I just wish there were more people in the world like me, that's all.

I understand where you are coming from. - MTGranny

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I would be frustrated as well. We like to believe that everyone cares about everyone else, but the fact is, many just are so wrapped up in themselves AND money and forget the real meaning of life.

They will have Him to answer to, so you just pray about it and continue to live your life as giving as you can.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster - does not
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care what people do with their money.

It doesn't matter how they got it; it's theirs. You have no idea what sm - Fed Up

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their situation is, what her situation is, why they are doing this, etc. Maybe they know that if they get sick and don't have that money, no one will help them. Maybe they already gave to a charity of THEIR choice. Maybe they have it stuffed in mattresses or are using it for chicken bedding. Doesn't matter. It's not your money.

The point - is

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that IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY. You are free to do what you want with your money. So are they.

Agreed. It's none of your business what they do with - THEIR money

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If it were yours, you'd have a say, but you don't.

Greed? - see msg

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Maybe these people are thinking they'll need the money if they get sick. Maybe they are afraid of setting a precedent in the family, like, if he gives to one, he'll have to give to all if they get sick. He is not responsible for all the relatives if they get sick.

Can you just picture all the relatives expecting/asking for money, then getting all bent out of shape if they gave to one and not another?

It is a "ME" generation - MT2

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In this day and time people are "selfish" to say the least. While I can relate to future expenses and no one wants to just throw away life savings, but I, like you, if I knew my money would save a person's life, I would put that first and foremost. For a person to think that maybe they will have future expenses or something, they are thinking of themselves first and sadly that is the way the world goes these days.

greedy people will get their own one day - msdaisy

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i agree with you--especially the last paragraph. i have the same in my family. i would help anyone at anytime-but when i need help i am told to take a number and wait my turn or well, you knew that when you started. if they were not family, they are not the types i would choose to be around, they do nothing but suck your energy and snipe behind my back or even in front of me--in turn i just smile and leave....could go on--just wanted to say you are not alone-to your own self be true.

You are being just as greedy - nm

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Stop counting other peoples' money. - Bad manners.

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It's none of your business.

Wow - MT

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Venting, the response you have gotten on this post just goes to show the creeps that frequent this board. Just as with other posts, when someone tries to post something positive, everyone here beats them down. It's the same thing with this. You are posting your concern over someone's life, and everyone is telling you that you are the one being greedy. This is absolutely unbelievable. The people that frequent this board are definitely people I would be ashamed of knowing in the real world.

You and Venting are free to - do

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whatever you want with your money. If you choose, you can give it all away to everyone looking for a handout and impoverish yourself and your family. No one is stopping you. You will be amazed, though, at how quickly all those people you helped disappear as soon as you need something.

Not really the same thing - sm

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She was saying she didn't understand why money shouldn't be given to save a person's life, not buy that person a car! Maybe it's just the same to some people and the value of a life means nothing. I know I would give anything I have to anyone who needs it and I have never in my life struggled or had problems with money. Even if I gave my last dollar away, I know I will be provided for, I believe in God and doing good for others.

Yes, it kind of goes to show...... - X2

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Why many stay in the MT world working from home.......they don't have the personality to work night shift at a mortuary, LOL.

I think many at-home workers somehow lose personality skills and say such mean things on this board, when in fact if they did work in a "real" environment, I doubt they would be so bold as to say half of the stuff that they say on here.

I'd like to tell you a true story as to why I can see their viewpoint - and why they pinch pennies

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After my dad died my siblings and I inherited a lot of money. We did for everyone else. Cousin Bob couldn't afford groceries that week, we bought him groceries. Sister Mary was totally broke and needed a prescription, we got her what she needed. Brother John needed this or that we got him. We spent a lot of money helping people out who needed it. If the money was invested properly we should have been set to have a nice little retirement saved and be able to relax a little bit. Within less than 2 years it was all gone. All of it. I don't regret getting my family the things they need, but I wish I had been a little more careful. Now I'm struggling and now I have a better appreciation as to why more rich people hold on to their money and penny pinch. Especially with the economy if the people with money spent it on everyone else or just spent it foolishly when they need it the most (maybe for a future operation or nursing home or whatever) they won't have it.

Not what this is about - MT

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The OP is not posting about herself...nor is she wondering about why they won't pony up for some groceries. Her post is ASKING and WONDERING why people with money refuse to give more than someone without money. Her POINT was that she, a BROKE MT, like the rest of you claim to be, gave $100 of her money that she didn't have to give because it was to SAVE A LIFE. Her uncle, WHO IS RICH, boasted about giving $100 and acted as if he contributed the moon...when in fact, he could have given a lot more. Sure, should he have given the whole $10,000 or $100,000 for the procedure? No, maybe that's a little extreme, but could he have donated $500 or even $1000 when this broke MT was able to find $100 in her wallet to give? This isn't at all about whether or not the uncle should have completely paid for it. This is about the fact that she is wondering why people with money won't part with it when they have it to spare, but people who don't have money will spend more than they can afford to help someone out. This was the actual question and concern. It's amazing to me how many of you can't seem to read between the lines and are instantly accusatory. It's ridiculous.

Another perspective... Sm - Old Woman

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You mentioned the uncle (as well as others in the family) having "money to spare" and that they should have given more to the family member in need. This is just my observation from living with and knowing people of the generation that these great aunts and great uncles probably came from. That generation, for the most part, came up hard and had to work and save for anything they wanted. This is a harsh teacher and, at their ages now, they have learned that hanging onto money, even "found money," is wise. They are likely concerned about their own health and, with the way the Medicare system is being chipped away at, I can't say that I blame them. I think that the uncle who donated $100 was generous, just as the MT who donated $100. There are programs to help people needing such an extensive surgery, and now that the bulk of the money has been raised, perhaps that avenue should be investigated.

Like I said, just my opinion, so don't shoot the messenger!
Not to mention the fact - that
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if the uncle gets a reputation as a soft touch, every deadbeat in the family will be lined up at his door looking for a handout.

Again, it's his money, not the OP's, so he gets to decide what happens to it, not her.
My Point, too - see msg
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That was my point I was making above. If Uncle gives a large amount of money to help someone, then the relatives will be banging on his door. It's HIS money--and I was also saying that he has his own family and that's his first obligation. How do you know they don't need the money for someone's health in their family? How do you know he doesn't donate large sums of money to charities to help people who need kidney transplants???

I was trying to put a perspective on it - AND STOP YELLING! - and why they pinch pennies

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if you can't control your anger please take your hostilities out on someone else. I told you why they probably are pinching pennies.

So, here, let me make is simple for you so maybe you can understand.

People who have money don't have money by giving it away all the time.

I think it's great her uncle gave $100. Maybe there were other things he was giving to and that is what he could afford. YOU DON'T KNOW! STOP ASSUMING! IT'S NOT YOUR OR HERS MONEY! THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT WITH "THEIR MONEY"

I gave all mine away to family members who needed it. Now I've got nothing. THAT is why people with money try to hold onto it. You never know what kind of an emergency you will have in the future. They probably want to make sure they have enough to cover emergencies for themselves.

IT'S NOT HER MONEY and nobody should be dictating what everyone should be doing with their money.

Get it?

greedy rich - good worker

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They can also be mean-spirited and hateful of those who are or those who become poor. We hit some very hard times after living a pretty well-off lifestyle. My neighbor who never saw a hard days work in her life started spreading the word around to contractors that they should not work for us (my husband is a general contractor) because we migh go bankrupt. Then her teenage kid who goes to high school with mine was heard telling a table full of peers that my daughter lives is a nice house but we haven't made a payment on it in "years" and it was in foreclosure and we were "low-lifes". I told my daughter to call the mom (because they used to be on friendly terms) and ask her to let her son that it was hurtful what he said. The mother's response was "well, it was in the newspaper so it's public". What a stinking b***ch! Let me tell you, she's lucky she still eyes...

Why would you as your DAUGHTER to call about it? - anon

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How horrible.

Because she just said her daughter knew the woman. - wow

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Asking her HIGH SCHOOL daughter, who knew the woman, to call is not out of line. WOW, some people!
thank you! - good worker
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Thanks for the support of my situation. I truly appreciate it. Some people are so quick to judge, just like that horrible neighbor of mine, no difference.

because - good worker

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Because she was like a close aunt to her and they did a lot of things together. Also, at 17, I think people need to learn to address "uncomfortable" issues for themselves and speak up for themselves. So don't be so quick to judge until you know the facts.
Guess I missed it - anon
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Apparently you are as good a parent as you are a money manager, silly me.

it doesn't matter - money

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It doesn't matter if they donate or not. Fact is, it is sad that the health insurance doesn't cover it. Nobody should be afraid to lose his or her life because of money. The health care system here in the US sucks.

I am from a country where everybody has health insurance. Nobody has to fear for loss of life for not being able to pay for cancer treatment or a kidney transplant. It's covered by the health insurance.

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