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Unemployment down to 7.8. Why?
Posted: Oct 5, 2012

Except for the 873,000 - who said they are employed.
[ In Reply To ..]
We realize what a black day this is for the Fox flocks, but their grim doom-and-gloom one-line zingers and sour grapes can't change the FACT that the dip in the UE rate is not the only economic indicator showing economic recovery.
So what will the GOP's theatrical liar-in-chief do with his "above-8%" campaign trail refrain? Do you think he stay ensconced in his denial and keep bleeding it for all it's worth by simply dismissing it as a fact-checker's folly, or will he graciously trash it now that it's no longer true? After all, judging from his debate performance, he thinks voters are too lazy to keep up with their own facts and figures and too stupid to understand the meaning of steady gradual recovery.
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