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Truly uneducated people applauding the distortions and

Posted: Jul 24, 2013



what are you talking about - sm

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I get it. Insults are permitted as long as they are vague, meaningless, and we don't know who they are directed at.

...about the hit POTUS just scored by making sense and lookin' goog - in economy speech

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and the ease with which he made the immature, irresponsible do-nothing factions in Congress look like the slouches we all know they are, living on taxpayer dole, refusing to work while trying their best to eliminate federal govt once and for all.

He looked like a goog alright, to the uneducated - masses. They believe what he spews.

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spew - uneducated
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Typical typo police insight. - nm
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well done! - nm

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OMG - Which scandals were fake? - But the sheeple bleat.
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We've lost count and interest in trying to keep up with - all the distractions.
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Who cares?
Liberals don't care, I notice you're using - Obama's speech word. LOL
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that's right - sm
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Liberals don't care.
Conservatives are arrogant.
Christians are lunatics.
Southerners are ignorant.
Generalizations are stupid.
Could be because we speak the same language. - Duh.
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Not the first time on this forum GOP obstructive behavior was called a distraction. Won't be the last.

full of sound and fury, signifying nothing - outright, absolute nothing

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Headline of Chicago paper wants to know what recovery - he is talking about. Speech fail.

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Which paper? What headline? What was the story under the headline? - Where's the link? nm

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