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These 2 first ladies have always been proud of
Posted: Sep 24, 2012

They both have a humble and - sm
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classy countenance and are somewhat funny in an understated way. They have never had to convince anyone of their patriotism.
Yay, Barbara! - SK1
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She should run for president. She'd kick some BUTT.
Michelle has earned her title as first lady - - Radical Militant Michelle
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No, Marie has not - nm
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Especially when your caught saying on camera "all this for a damn flag".
What was that about? I never heard it. - Aunt Sue
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For some reason, I can't hear this. I'm going to see if I - can find another one. Thanks, though.
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Duh. I'm not SUPPOSED to hear it!! - Aunt Sue
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What a dope. I found others on YT that say something about "how pretty they fold that flag." No way. Not with that look on her face of pure disdain.
I don't read disdain in her face - (your supernatural skills notwithstanding)
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I am surprised anyone thinks they can read her lips under these circumstances. It's just really reaching, in my opinion.
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and I'm using "ugly" as a southern thing meaning, "mean and hateful."
I can't believe this commentary - Outraged
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No friggin' way. If Michelle Obama sneezed then smiled, someone would put it on YouTube and caption it "Michelle Obama spreads disease and laughs at it."
This kind of ridiculous speculation and supposition is all too disgusting for words. Those words match her lips about as well as a 1950s subtitled Japanese monster movie. Absolutely beyond the pale that anybody would give this any attention at all. Unbelievable.
There are people sitting around all day making this stuff up and, more amazingly, people sitting around LAPPING IT UP. I can understand the former -- they're getting paid big bucks by their corporate sponsors to get a Republican (any Republican, they don't care who) back into the White House. But the lappers? I can't even fathom what goes on in those heads.
Believe it. I'm outraged too - at the actions of Marie
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I don't care if Michelle sneezes and farts in public.
Why don't you read up on Marie Antoinette (the original).
You don't get it and never will.
Done here.
Proud of their country, definitely. - Proud of their
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husband/son?... complete silence speaks volumes.
Huh?! - vf
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Shame on them for pretending not to know the horrible history of this country! On second thought, they would have a different view than some of us, so I guess that's understandable.
Laura and Barbara Bush are the true meaning of a - gracious and sophisticated First Lady - sm
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Laura Bush was one of the finest First Ladies of my time. She is graceful, beautiful, intelligent, and she represented the country and earned the respect of many. If people who didn't like her husband said they liked her. Its sad we have not had anyone as gracious since she was our First Lady. I didn't care for Bush Senior. I heard Barbara Bush was a fine First Lady too, but since I didn't care for her husband I really didn't pay much attention to her. I heard she did very good things while First Lady. Maybe one day well have another sophisticated, gracious, and wonderful First Ladies. Ann Romney will be a great First Lady too.
Looking forward to the regime change.
I agree.... - SK1
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Both very strong women in their own way. Like you, I was never very impressed with Bush Sr., but I thought Barbara was fabulous. Level headed, intelligent and outspoken. That is one sharp lady underneath those pearls.
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