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I am proud of my president and am
Posted: Mar 20, 2015
I'm ready for Hillary to put on an orange jump suit - Obama deserves one, tooBO^u-yo-i^
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Sick of all of the Dems.
Orange may not be the right color for the Hildebeast. - sm
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She seems to look OK in green, though.

This is hysterically funny - We can wish - Maybe our Christmas gift!
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I think green was the color she was wearing (sm) - Abby
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when she said, "What difference does it make?" Must be a lucky color for her.
Green is the color of her God--money - BO^u-yo-i^
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You are on a roll today Abby!
Bwahaha! Love it. But be careful - I hate bias
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only left-leaning posts seem to be welcome here. I was banned once for telling the truth about this charade of an administration
He really is a president we can be proud of.... - sm
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We were in such bad shape six years ago and look where we are now. I am now very optimistic.
Me too. Iran with a nuclear bomb is something I dream about. - Abby
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Oh me too! If only Bibi and the AIPAC could just.... - sm
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come out of the closet let the American people know that it is in our best interest for Israel to guide our foreign policy. Obama is obviously incompetent and just leading us into another unsinkable war. Sigh.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE BiBi - Obama could learn alot from him, but O
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way too arrogant, way too obnoxious, way too rude, way too condescending. If BO could acquire the grace and intelligence that BiBi has in his little finger - it would be a 1-million fold improvement for BO.
I know. He is a true leader. Even extended the olive branch - but O wasn't having any of it. Petulant boy
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Nothing to be proud of with ole crackhead - Love your post Abby!
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You nailed it!
We went from bad to worse. Yeah, it's always nice to be so proud of how bad - The Sarge
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circumstances for millions of Americans, a tanking economy, unemployment skyrocketing past what they are telling you, AND telling you their figures are wrong and they are lying, then you've got more lying, drones, worse foreign relations, etc etc than ever before. Oh, and did I mention lying.
Oh yeah, that's something to be proud of (insert rolling eyes).
You forgot the WH-approved IRS targeting of - TruthHurts2
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groups with views different from his own.
Thanks Truthhurts - That is a HUGE - The Sarge
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I'm sure they are proud of that. Still rolling my eyes.
It this does not get stopped we are going to be North Korea here. Guess that's what they want.
Yeah I love the $8 Trillion debt we have now - Truthhurts
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and those two spending a fortune on vacays, flights, golfing, and whatever Michelle does when Obama leaves her alone.
I also love the way he's breaking the law changing laws, bypassing Congress, letting terrorists go free and letting terrorists walk all over him. Real strong leadership there. NOT!!!!!!!
The Globalist is gutting America - Transfer of Wealth
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If you support Obama, You do not support your country. As a Canadian, I say this knowing that my own country is also dissolving and the future of true Canadians is bleak. Importing poverty (all truck drivers from anywhere in the world are now welcome in Canada) and exporting our resources is leaving the middle class jobless. It's the same down there. I hope you understand that you have 200 trilllion dollars of debt and unpaid (and unfinanced) liabilities (social security, etc) and the day is soon coming when the bank stops covering the debt - as planned. Americans are under attack and if you think the issues down there are not relevant, you are not paying attention.
Prepare your children for tax slave status.
You are correct. Well-put. - American without blinders on
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It's the cold, honest, brutal truth, and many Americans are so loyal to the radical left they refuse to believe it and villainize everyone who doesn't idolize Obama or Hillary.
Some thing here with truck drivers, etc. - Truthhurts
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We have a very low bridge underpass. Last year 142 trucks hit it and peeled open their trailers and their tractors like a can opener plus got themselves stuck under the bridge for as much as 8 hours.
Why? Because 3/4 of them couldn't read or speak English, so all the signs were to no avail. Most were Hispanic, but even had some Chinese.
The state finally put up barriers that if the trucks hit them, they'd realize it was a warning. Still had 5 trucks stuck so far after that plus the barriers were broken many times.
That is pathetic that so many - Truthhurts2
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did that. And many on the left would blame the municipality that didn't put up signs in their language, instead of blaming the bad drivers.
I'm not sure why there are 8 dislikes to this post, as fact is being stated.
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