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So what's up with bipartisanship and only have Dems

Posted: Dec 7, 2009

at the Sunday meetings behind closed doors? That's bipartisanship? I don't think so.

Don't want to rile anyone up here, but you would think if O was completely for bipartisanship, he would have had some 'pubs at this meeting. What was the meeting about? Health care reform? He certainly should have had some 'pubs there. Where's the transparency he always talked about in his campaigns? I see none of it. I see a lot of closed door meetings. Did I hear right?  Campaign contributions to the dems from the health care industry has exploded. Why? Because they are getting what they want and the American people are going to be screwd big time again? 

I'm beginning to believe all the stories I have heard about O and I definitely believe Pelosi and Reid are off their rocker esecially concerning the comment he made this afternoon. They need to go!!!!!!!

Think, people. Something is not quite right with this whole government. I'm beginning to get really afraid of what's coming down the line. So far, they have not listened to the people, only ridiculed those that protested, have not tried to compromise, and....and this is BIG AND, I heard tonight (but haven't been able to do research on it yet) that the Salishsi's (sp) were plants to cover up a convict that attended the weekend soirie (sp). I'm definitely going to check up on that. 

As I stated before, something is NOT right with this government. They need to be taken down a few pegs. According to them, there is no constitution, we have no rights (shoving everything down our throats even if we don't want it), and more rights will be eroded over time....gently but slowly until no one realizes what's happening.

BTW, I re-read some of the health plan over the weekend and abortion for incest, rape, and something else is in there, but some dems want all abortion rights in the health care bill.


As usual, whenever there is something good/bad going on I can't get CSPAN.  How come? It sure is odd.


You want in, come up with something worthwhile - NJ

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Bipartisanship doesn't mean implementing worthless ideas just because you want to give the other side a shot.

The best idea anyone in the GOP has come up with lately is to have our elected representatives take part in the public option. It was meant to be a joke, but some dems have leapt at the chance. That quieted down those republicans immediately. Too bad because it was a good idea, though it sure wasn't meant to be serious by those who proposed it.

As to the rest of your conspiracy theories, go ahead and spread them while you research. Yah. Right. Swiftboat. Oh, I'm looking into what a coward Kerry was. Haven't done all the research yet, but "they" say he's a commie coward.

Uh huh.

Didn't your parents tell you not to spread rumors? Naughty naughty. Might only be coal in that stocking if you keep that up.


That's not the issue - just me/hmmm

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The issue is that the republicans are not being heard. All these closed door meetings and "fear" messages put out by the democrats. Now according to Reid "If you don't support this then you're for slavery".

The point that I took from Backwards Typist is that the republicans' ideas are not being heard because the democrats keep having closed door meetings and not listening to their ideas. (i.e. they are not allowed in the meetings).

There are no conspiracy theories here. There is nothing to spread. And what does swiftboat have to do with this. We are talking about the issues at hand, not something that happened a long time ago.

It's too bad that Bush totally screwed up so bad that now the hatred for the republicans is so bad that everyone thinks its okay that nobody is listening to them.

I read post after post after post here from liberals thinking the GOP has no plans but you ignore anything they have to say. And since you aren't posting the ideas and what they have come up with it shows that you don't listen to them or don't care to hear anything they have to say.

All I say is the sooner we get the house/senate cleaned out the better. All I know is I sit back and watch the different stations and read the articles and the country is getting worse and worse and worse (still waiting to hear about this breathing tax they'll try to pass). The country is going down hill fast and it's just hard to believe there are people who actually do not care and support the loons in the congress.

It's exactly the issue - NJ

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Post their ideas. Go ahead. Write a post that, instead of complaining how nasty the bad bad dems are for not listening to republicans, explains what's being offered by republicans.

Speak up.

Outline the plans.

We're listening.

Yeah right, NJ. When have you EVER listened to - anyone from the other side?
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Anytime someone who disagrees with you makes a point, you label it as "conspiracy theory" or similar. Apparently, America IS finally waking up to Obama and this sham of a Govt. His approval is now 47pct and dropping. None of his policies are helping the country so far, and regarding health care, all he does is cheer on the Democrats against the Republicans. He is no uniter, just a divider and a big disappointment to America.
I have. In the past I posted..... - just me/hmmm
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what the plans that the republican congress are trying to get heard, but instead I was met with nasty hate-filled rhetoric from the libs making fun of me for believing such a plan (sour grapes, racist, etc.) Never do you listen to the other side. It's always....your picking on Obama, you're just mad because he won, etc., etc. Until you can come together with other people and not cut them down I'm not posting the exact specifics. It would do no good anyway.

All I say is the congress is comprised of both democrats AND republicans. Sorry to disappoint those, but yes there are republicans who are our elected officials, and they have every right to be there voting on issues as much as the democrats, and the people in America are getting pretty sick and tired of being walked all over. They better start listing to the republicans and they better start sitting down together and start listening to their ideas. This is exactly why there is supposed to be a check and balance, so one side does not run amuck like what is going on now.

So you can go and do your own research. The information is out there if you want to find it.
Can't find what doesn't exist - NJ
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This is a politics board. It's to discuss politics. It's for debate. If you don't like that, perhaps the comedy board would be better for you.

You complained the left wasn't listening. I said, go ahead, tell us what your plans are. You didn't/can't. You epitomize what's happening with our elected officials.

Now, I suppose you'll complain that I am stopping you from speaking up by telling you to speak up. Makes as much sense as the republicans in the house and senate.

No need to be so angry/argumentative - just me/hmmm
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You do not need to state the obvious. We all know this is a political board and, yes it is a place where we can discuss issues, but you don't seem interested in discussing issues, you seem to be in the attack mode. You just want to argue and I�m not going to fall for that. Please do show me in my post where I said I do not want to debate. I'm up for a debate � just not an argument with you.

And I'm not going to fall into a trap and keep answering you because there is no point. You still see only your side and are not interested in looking at things objectively. Your post is filled with nothing but contempt for anyone who is a republican, and there is no reasoning with you.

The fact remains that democrats are not listening to the republicans and including them in the meetings. They are having closed door meetings with only democrats at the table. Letter after letter has been written only to be unanswered/ignored. If you think that is acceptable behavior then I can't wait until the next election this year when the house/senate will be cleaned.

I also stated in my post that I have posted links to websites that talk about the republicans plans/ideas, but you don't understand that. What that means is I�m not going to post the links again to be called a bunch of nasty names. You know where the information is and you can look it up.

Whether you like it or not there ARE republicans in the senate/congress and they will be there for a long time, and in 2010 we are going to see even more of them. I can't wait to see the insane people like Pelosi, Reid and other democrats who are dragging the country into Marxism/communism gone from their office. America is fed up and the democrats better start listening to them and including them in the meetings/discussions. They represent the people of the country. Something the democrats in DC are not doing. Republicans are there, they are there to stay and they will most like win this next election so we can bring some sanity and balance back to the senate/congress.

So once again let me repeat�.I have posted before on this board with links and plans the republicans have. But before I was ridiculed, called sour grapes, told my sites not "valid" because it is a conservative site, etc, etc. I'm not about to come on here and post the same links again and be told the same thing. Been there done that. Don�t need to hear the cut downs again.

And you really should not assume things. Your last statement about me complaining that you are stopping me from speaking up. Really? That makes no sense at all and makes one wonder why you would have even written something like that????? As Spock would say "That is highly illogical".

Until you can discuss this without arguing and cut downs I have nothing to discuss with you. You know where to find the information. Research is a wonderful thing. You might just find out the truth�if you want to that is.

Have a nice day.
Laughing all the way to the voting booth - NJ
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Misdirection, parroting old arguments used by the other side, panic, and refusal to debate. That's what the republican party is about these days.

I ask what you'd like to see as a bipartisan effort and you refuse to answer. Instead you resort to trying to lead a witch hunt because I dared ask what you meant.

What a joke! The dems will be laughing all the way to the voting booths. Republicans are running away in shame over such tactics and lack of leadership. Again in October, only 20% identify as republican. You want bipartisan? You want the dems on that sinking ship with you? I advise you jump while you can.


curiosity - cj
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Do you know what percentage identify as democrats or independents or other? I can tell you as a bipartisan effort I would like to see no closed door sessions and no exclusion of any party from the table.
No, I don't - NJ
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My guess would be that most of those who no longer identify as republican do not identify as democrat. It's not getting more support for the Democratic Party, it's splintering the opposition to that party.

As to the closed door pep talk by Obama, I think it's unreasonable to expect republican representation there. The health care debate is very much drawn along partisan lines, and that is as much the fault of republicans as it is democrats. The pep-talk meeting was not doing anything except discussing strategy, I would imagine. Why invite the opposition to such a meeting? That does not make sense.

It's not like excluding the republicans from voting on the issue. It's not hiding any of the facts of the bill from the American public. It's talking to the people who can work to get this done.

It's inappropriate. - Kendra
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This was not just a Democrat meeting, it was a meeting with the president, who whether he likes it or not, is the president for both Republicans and Democrats. It is inappropriate for the president to hold a behing closed doors chat with one party or the other. It would be inappropriate were this a behind closed doors meeting of Republicans with a Republican president. Even the appearance of impropriety is bad when it comes to presidential behavior.
Thank you Kendra - well said - see message - anon
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He seems to forget that there are more than only democrats in the senate. When someone campaigns on listening to both sides and working with both sides, then both sides should be included. And for anyone to believe otherwise shows they have little understanding of history and why there are two parties (checks and balances, etc). I'm sure they would not want all republicans and only republicans being heard and the democrats excluded. The senate/congress has people of all parties. The issues don't affect only democrats. They affect people from all parties, and when we elect a republican or independent congress person to represent us then he better start listening to them and they better be included in the same meetings. Otherwise we need to have 2 presidents and divide the country in half. Democrats in one group and republicans, independents, and all other parties in the other group. Then when the democrats want to keep taxing and spending, and servicing themselves they can rule over all the democrats who voted for them and they can be responsible for paying. They want socialized health care, let them have it. They want to be taxed higher, then let them be taxed higher. They want to cover everyone for everything then they can pay for it. Then the other party can take care of the people, listen to the people and work for the people of the country. Everyone can join whichever half of the country they want to, and they can run their Marxist/socialist country they want so bad, and leave us alone. They want it so bad they can have it. Let the rest of us live in freedom and peace. Then they can pass whatever it is they want to enslave the people in and since they all voted for him they would have no problems paying for everything they want.

I have never seen the country so divided in all my years (and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin, it has everything to do with his policies), and it is very unsettling to see what is happening. I say if they want it so bad they can have it, and leave the rest of us who want our country to be free, and grow, live by the constitution that was created for the people of the country, and for us to be able to open small business, hire employees and give them good health care, and have our politicians we elect work with each other and do what the people want then we should not fall under the communism programs they want so bad.

I say divide the country depending on how you vote and who you want in there you. You reap what you sow, or you can live in freedom with politicians who work for you and build the country up. Seems like a win-win situation for all.
Since when? - NJ
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Is this a new rule for our current president?

Not a new rule. Please research - anon
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history, politics, the constitution, checks and balance, etc, etc, etc. Since when has it been appropriate for congress to have closed door meetings only allowing one political party to the meetings making decisions and ignoring the rest of congress simply because they don't belong to the club. On the same hand you'd be screaming if it was a republican president and they were only allowing the republican congress into the meetings and closing out the democrats. But since that is not happening and it's your party that happens to be in on it, you are fine with it. But if on the other foot you would have every right to scream and shout that they are ignoring your elected officials, just as the rest of us have that right when they are ignoring our elected officials and keeping them out of the meetings they should be attending.

We have a two party system in America and there is more than just the democrat party in congress.

What DC thinks is that they have is a single party dominant system. "Some examples of a single dominant system is Communist states such as China. Some other examples can be found in Fascist states such as the way Nazi Germany was between 1933 and 1945. The single party system is thus usually equated with dictatorships and tyranny". (Wikipedia's words, not mine.)

It is not a "new rule" that when meetings are being held in making decisions for America, the representatives of the people of America are involved. That is why we elected them. There are 177 republicans in the house and 40 in the senate. That means 217 republicans congressman/congresswoman have been elected to represent millions of people in the United States. The democrats do not get to have free reign and exclude them from meetings.

We have more than one party as a check and balance to guarantee that no part of the government becomes too powerful. There is supposed to be an even balance. It is unfortunate now that as we can see one party "thinks" they have the power. I'll be smiling on the day they find out how wrong they are". Luckily their time is short. People have become so disillusioned with what they are doing that this next election is going to be quite exciting.

There is no rule stating that one party can overthrow the other and refuse to allow them in the meetings that they are supposed to be attending as our elected officials. It's just common sense.
Um, what rule? - NJ
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Smoke and mirrors. There is no such rule about letting the opposition into strategy meetings and anyone who says so needs to back off the intoxicants. Seriously. This is not an official session of congress passing laws. There is no such rule.

I gotta ask, since people are being so dense about this. Do the republicans invite the dems into strategy meetings? Can someone, anyone, give me an example of republicans getting together and calling up some dem and saying, "Hey, come on over and listen in! We wanna let you know how we're going to go about defeating you! Coffee and donuts on us."

Checks and balances...oh my, I am so glad you remember that. It's been so many years since we used that system. But its back now, no worries. Dubya is just a painful memory.

The only "dense" that I see - anon
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Is that there are people who think it's perfectly fine for closed door meetings with only the democrats in attendance trying to push their communist agenda.

And there you go again trying to go to the past with Dubya when the fault is at present hand.

This isn't an election...there is supposed to be no strategy's on how to "defeat" the other party. If they are talking about issues that affect the country they better include them in the meetings.

Checks and balances...yes...you should read up on it...you might learn something.
What are your ideas on the House GOP Solutions Group - meetings?
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Do you believe they should be open to Democrats?

Do you believe President Obama should be included since he is a Democrat? Or do you believe he should be included because he is the President?

Do you believe it is wrong for the President of the U.S. (whoever that may be) to attend/call meetings that do not include both parties?

What are your thoughts on this?
I'm wondering who the President should invite. (sm) - Nikki
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Would you like to see Jim DeMint there? His very well publicized goal is to stop Obama on health care reform so it will "break him" and be "Obama's Waterloo."


How about Joe Wilson, who screamed out loud calling Obama a liar during a joint session of Congress?

The Republicans are trying to "break" Obama. They've been very vocal about that.

Secondly, Obama is not only the President, he's the leader of the Democratic party. Healthcare reform is one of his goals, so, as NJ pointed out, he's inviting the people who are willing to get the job done, not those who would "break" him.

Makes perfect sense to me. The Republicans have placed themselves in the position of being Obama's "enemies" and have acted in a very partisan way on everything.

I agree with NJ. He wants those present who are willing to get the job done, not those who wish to "break" him.
Kinda like Capone, team players only... - or else
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And he has all the Chicago thugs he needs in the White House. Bringing down the country is the Obama way.
oh baby - vapid
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NAG, NAG, NAG. You'd complain about the rope they used to hang you.
Obama is a liar - Terry
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What is wrong with someone calling him a liar. Did you not see it when Bush was there. The Dems were yelling stuff all the time but it did not get publisized.
Dream on Dear - djm159
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I believe there will be a mad dash to the voting booths but I don't think it will be to support Obama or the democrat-controlled congress. Is it 2012 yet? 2010 will be a blood bath and Obama will reign until then. Health care is not a "right" guaranteed by the constitution, but life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a right and Obama is working diligently to ensure that does not happen. The forthcoming massive Medicare cuts in 2010 is the first step to rationing health care for seniors, but seniors actually go out and vote unlike the entitlement generation and it will be messy and frankly I can't wait. Next time we should elect someone with more experience than a community organizer who spent 104 days in the senate. On the job training is not an option.
Right on!! Excellent post! - just me/hmmm
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Thanks for posting. 2010 is right around the corner. I too can't wait for the election. Yeah, baby! (that's in my best Austin Powers voice).

I heard someone say "Once the novelty wears off the reality sets in. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice..."

People are starting to see the reality setting in and it's not a pretty sight.
Like a governor? - NJ
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The constitution was shredded by Dubya. You remember him, the guy with all the experience as governor. Anyway, we can tape it back together under the dems.

So, an expansion of Medicare (seen the news lately?) is interpreted as "massive...cuts" by the right? Heh.

Why are you always so sarcastic? And Bush didnt - shred the constitution, but O is trying to.nm
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What are you suggesting by the comment: (sm) - Nikki
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"2010 will be a blood bath and Obama will reign until then."

Interesting choice of words, since I thought Obama was supposed to be in office until 2012.

Sadly, though, you may be right, given the rhetoric being spewed by some members of the extreme right fringe element.
Remember what happened in New Jersey 2009 - LOL
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The Dems weren't laughing. The tide is beginning to turn.
just use 1 random event to "prove" a trend - vapid
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dont think so, Nellie Jo.
stop the hang-wringing - vapid
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There have ALWAYS been one-party meetings. I hate it when the ill-informed make silly accusations when a simple fact check would show them that what they consider outrageous is in fact just part of governmental workings for decades. Repubs have had countless opportunities for bipartisanship and have rejected them. Obama is willing to move forward without them and fulfill his promises. No one - not even your republican leaders - takes anyone seriously who starts that marxism communism stuff. They just write you off as Beck heads. Selective amnesia prevents you from remembering what state the country was in before Obama was elected. To wail and snob about how the country is going to pot is being disingenuous.
Deny it all you want, call people names, but Obama's - policies have made it so much worse.nm
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NJ is not argumentative - ever. - Makes valid points.
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Just because you don't like the message, doesn't mean you have to shoot the messenger. Read NJ's posts over time, she is not argumentative at all. She simply makes good points that others don't want to hear.
PULEEEEEEAAASE - that is funny. That's all she does! - Look around....or can you see...nm
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There you go again, throwing YOUR digs in - Yes, I see PLENTY..right through you.
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Read NJ's posts again and then show us where she has insulted anyone or called them names. She states her point of view, but always respectfully, unlike most others here...ahem....
Through your rose-colored glasses... - nm
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Oh, come on! It's one thing to defend NJ, but - your statement is laughable.nm
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I stopped replying to her a while back because - just me/hmmm
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I get tired of being attacked for my viewpoints. She is argumentative and rude and nobody should have to listen to that here. That is not why we come to this board. You agree with her and that's fine. Everyone has a difference of opinion, that's what makes this a great country, but to hear the utter disrespect she has for anyone who is not a democrat with the her cut downs gets very old. And when you answer her she comes back with the attitude. Just don't need that and not why I come here. It's very hard to have a decent conversation with posters when you get replies from her.

She is not argumentative??????? Are you kidding me??? Guess you haven't been reading her posts. Or you think that is okay because you agree with her.

1. "This is a politics board. It's to discuss politics. It's for debate. If you don't like that, perhaps the comedy board would be better for you."

I never said it wasn't a place to discuss politics or debate. And that is exactly what I was discussing. Where she got that idea from who knows. And stating that if I don't like it "perhaps the comedy board would be better". She is the one who didn't want to discuss the issues. Maybe she should be the one who would be happier on the comedy board. It made no sense whatsoever for her to write that, when I WAS discussing political topics.

2. "Now, I suppose you'll complain that I am stopping you from speaking up by telling you to speak up. Makes as much sense as the republicans in the house and senate."

Why someone would even say that? Is that her answer to everyone who disagrees with her? "Now I suppose you'll complain that I am stopping you from speaking up". I never suggested that I thought she is stopping me from speaking up. And when I find something wrong you bet I'm going to speak up. Unless she thought she would win by saying that.

There are other posters I disagree with on some issues, and agree on other issues like Colleen, Nikki, and Smitty and a couple others, but at least they post respectfully and you can have a decent conversation with them (and at times I learn some new things from them), but not with NJ. Her posts attack and when you try to have a conversation she goes off topic and nasty and attacks posters for their viewpoints. So I find it best not to even answer her posts.

She asks for information, you provide it, and then that isn't good enough for her. She'll call you all sorts of nasty names and suggest how ignorant you are. Her blatant contempt for anyone not a democrat comes through in her posts. On top of that, she is the first who started the argument by replying to the OP with the statement -

"Didn't your parents tell you not to spread rumors? Naughty naughty. Might only be coal in that stocking if you keep that up."

And you think that is not argumentative?????
I suggest you go back and read your own posts! - SM
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You are a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.
No I suggest you go back to my message - as I stuck to the issues.
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I just read my post again called. It was all pertaining to a political issue and there was not one thing (attack) said about the poster I was replying to (NJ). Sorry but saying "you can do your own research, the information is out there" is not an attack on a poster. Her reply back was a snippy attack and that is when I replied back to her.

Please make sure you read all messages before accusing someone of calling the kettle black when they are not.
Stop reading - NJ
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You stop replying, I think, because you have no answers to my points.

I also think that's what makes you so mad at me. I win more than you do.

By the way, what were the things you wanted the republicans to present to Obama about health care at that meeting?

Selling insurance across state lines... - Kendra
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tort reform. Those are two very good solutions that have been offered by Republicans and rejected by Democrats.
Thanks - NJ
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Thanks for posting some republican-backed options.

Although the polls go back and forth, the public option is now a favorite of the American public according to Reuters. At the same time, the American public is having a hard time believing health care costs will go down. I think that's because the public option is such a big arguing point that the rest of the reform package has largely been overlooked.

Tort reform and selling across state lines aren't enough IMO. It's too little too late. We are fighting a monster (for-profit health care system spiraled way out of control) and drastic steps are needed.

I would like to see more of a crackdown on fraud, both for private insurance and medicare. I'm not talking about the neighbor down the street who hurt his/her back and still runs in the local marathon. I'm talking about the doctors and health care professionals who have lists of non-existent patients and rake in hundreds of thousands by submitting false claims. Reform would involve growing government, hiring more investigators, but we need to curb the greed.

opposites? - cj
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That is kind of opposite of what rasmussen says, where only 41% favor the reform and public option. They state that public opinion is hardening against it. Once again, the polls can say whatever the pollster wants to find!
Like you say.... - anon
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It all depends on what you want to find out. However, Rasmussen is the most reliable poll and why ALL stations no matter whether they are liberal or conservative use them.

A public option is not the favorite of Americans. No matter what the people who want it say.

Most of Americans are against the public option.
You say not enough... - Kendra
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but the current bill doesn't do even that. I think that these are essential pieces to any constructive healthcare reform, as is cutting down on fraud. I don't think that the public option is the way to do any of this. Certainly, as Medicare has shown, fraud only stands to skyrocket.
Reform, not just public option - NJ
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I didn't have to write in my whole subject line since I've had to use it before. I just chose it as a dropdown option. But again:

The bill will address health care costs. That's what it is designed to do. Details are available at the white house website.

The talk about the rest of the bill has been hijacked by the health care industry which is frantic that a public option may be included.

I have said it before and I'll say it again... - Kendra
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I am all for a constructive health care reform, but I think that tort reform and allowing the sale of insurance across state lines are essential to a constructive reform. I also think that a public option will raise healthcare costs, rather than lower them. Allowing people to purcahse insurance after they are sick will raise the costs for those of us who are responsible enough to be insured while we are healthy, in case of illness (thus the whole "insurance" name). Otherwise, we should just call it "health coverage when you get sick that pays more out than you will ever pay in". I know that you think this is selfish, but I don't want to pay to insure other people who have cell phones and cable tv and go out to eat anc spend their money on other things. Many people who are uninsured and say that they can't afford insurance simply choose not to. They have other priorities. I do not feel that they are entitled to health insurance on anyone else's dime--rich CEOs included.

Coal in my stocking-sounds good to me! - Backwards Typist

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That's what we heat with for the last few years. Can't afford oil anymore, so if you want, you can send me a 6' stocking filled with coal. That will give me a day's heat. LOL

The GOP came up with some good ideas, which the dems promptly threw out if they even got to present their ideas. Some were killed before they even came up for debate.

It's the closed door meetings that I have a problem with lately.

Didn't your parents... - NMMT

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teach you that things are not always as they may seem?? Naive, naive... If there was coal in your stocking, you'd think it was a diamond. ;-)

Didn't your parents.... - NMMT

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ever teach you that things are not always as they seem?? Naive, naive. If you did have coal in your stocking, you'd think it was a diamond. ;-)

So NOW you want bipartisanship? - Where have you been?

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Obama reached out to Republicans repeatedly in his early days of office, only to be rebuked at every turn. Why should the Republicans be given another chance?

The Republicans are getting what they asked for - complete partisanship - only they're upset because they aren't the majority. Too bad, they threw down the gauntlet, now they have to live with the consequences of that poor decision.

No kidding, and how about that transparency? - MMMM

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We got transparency..... - nm

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alright, you can see right through Obama. One-term only president as far as I am concerned. And the rest of the dems and rinos are going too. Obama is not for the people of the United States, never has been. He is determined to get the HB passed no matter what, and is on his way to making the US a poor country.

If not for transparency... - NJ

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If it weren't for transparency, you wouldn't know that a strategy meeting was held.

Do the republicans invite Obama and the dems to their meetings on health care? Do the teabaggers invite them? Does any sane person invite the opposition to a meeting on strategy? Oh, wait, that would mean the teabaggers would do just that...^^


Excuse me. I have been to a tea party, and there - were pubs, dems independents too !.nm

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I believe that the "teabaggers" - MMMMMM

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invite anyone who cares to show up. haven't you been paying attention. They even invited Janine Garofolo (however you spell her name).

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