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So, fellow Dems

Posted: Jul 30, 2013

I've read a campaign for Hillary has already raised over a million dollars in its first quarter--I really think she's planning on running. This article also mentions a likely Biden run.

What I want to know is, which would you rather see run? I hope it's Hillary--Biden is fine as a VP, but I think he's a little too off his rocker to be president.  Tongue out


You really think Biden will run? - ZvilleMT

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I think once Hillary makes her official announcement, it's pretty much over for anyone else. Biden of all people knows how popular she is, having worked with her for four years in the WH and in the senate before that.

Who knows, though - she was the favorite until Obama came along, too, so maybe that leaves the door open for just about anyone. I've also heard rumors about Cuomo (sp?) running as well.

Hillary was the favorite until Obama offered her a deal. (sm) - Abby

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She sold her soul to the devil. Now she is worth just as much as him = ZERO.

Abby, speaking of 2016, how do you think the Republican field will - shape up?

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Any predictions or opinions regarding the current frontrunners?
Right now, IMO, it's a sad state of affairs. I don't (sm) - Abby
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see any front runners except maybe Christie. The only ones that could take the country in the direction it should go won't be nominated. The Republican party needs to get its act together, and I don't see that happening any time soon either unless they wise up. Of course, ask me a year from now and I'll probably have a different answer.
As a dem I find Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, and - Paul Ryan EXTREMEly promising. :)
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The need for media to feed the 24/7 news cycle is terribly troublesome, but at least by pumping these guys up to national stardom it's working for me. That's on a very shallow level, of course, but maybe this next time as the unelectables become better scrutinized and fall out a genuinely good choice will be left.

BTW, I still believe Romney was answering what he believed to be the call of God, and he's still rich enough to select himself to run, so, not to alarm you, but he's not off the table.

Or Santorum, whose viewpoint is so rigid and righteous that he has no idea of his limitations. And Donald Trump still loves the cameras as much as always, so maybe this time he'll actually sign up. Oh, DH just reminded me of Governor Perry, also being pumped up by the need to fill the newsday; he should have been up in the top sentence. How about Allen West? He's out of a job and supposedly much admired by some on this board.

Maybe, just maybe the spring of 2015 will see someone intelligent, principled, and competent step up. Someone I can be both afraid of and grateful for. I like elections where the nation can't really lose bad.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I like all those you mentioned. (sm) - Abby
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I like Mike Lee. The problem is, the "establishment" Republicans, the McCains and the rest of the RINOS will fight them to the death, to the detriment of their own party.
Abby accidentally posted after me. I forgot to mention - Mike Lee. I like that one too! A dem. :) nm
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But it's a very intriguing dynamic - sm
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You really gotta hand it to those guys, though. For a fringe to be so powerful that it throws the whole party off the tracks is pretty impressive.

I don't see a majority of Americans ever getting behind guys like that, but what will be interesting is if the Republican Party will continue to regard them as legit.

I'm not trying to insult you personally, I promise, but we are quite polar in our social and political places. Being a liberal, bleeding heart as they get, I could warm up to Christie because, sans the recent redistricting (one of the reasons the TP is so strong), he could pretty much restore the classic Republican principals and silence the power of the right fringe. Not silence them completely. They obviously have a place, but IMO, just too much power for middle-of-the-road America.

Christie's recent banter with Paul pretty much crystallizes his intolerance of the extreme that Paul represents. So that tells me that as a president, he wouldn't be likely to support or encourage those principals.

Even though I am a Democrat, a very liberal Democrat, I will probably vote Democrat, and I may be woefully naive, but if Christie did become president, it would at least hopefully get things moving again in Congress. I see Democratic leaders being much more willing to compromise than Republicans (going by the past 5 years). We just want to move forward, right? ...do things that help all Americans, special interests and prejudices aside (not talking race, just generally).

IMO, when one is at either end of an extreme, we should never completely get our way. I'm on board with socialized medicine, like England, Canada, but I know a majority of Americans don't agree, so I accept compromise or some kind of deal where both parties work together to solve a huge problem for Americans. When a fringe is powerful, it messes up that balance. But, of course, just my humble musings.

It will be interesting to see how both parties shape up and looking forward to healthy debates here in the future.
Great post. I couldn't agree more. - Libby
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It should be pointed out, tho, that many TPs were funded - and elected to safe, gerrymandered districts
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by special interests who intended them to serve their funders' ECONOMIC interests. Political observers consider the top 10% of the top 1%'s success in convincing very passionate social conservatives to bring their passion to support of wealth-accruing laws a major, major victory for them.

This didn't just happen. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) founded in the 1970s by Paul Weyrich and supported ever since by the Koch brothers and many other very wealthy people and corporations, has been working continually for the past 40 years to create safe districts and choose people to fill them who would serve their interests.

Have to admire the right-wing extremists in the House for their "accomplishment"? Not exactly. Now, if "them" meant those others, yes, subverting our system of representative government of the people, by the people, and for the people has been quite an accomplishment.
Rand Paul doesn't stand a chance... - ZvilleMT
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and I don't think Romney will try again, even with all of his money. As it stands, I really don't have a favorite or anyone I'd like to see run and would happily vote for. Unfortunately.
I have to agree with you. Rand Paul would be my first choice too. - Unfortunately.
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Strange story, contradicts patterns of a lifetime. Her - goal was the PRESIDENCY, and

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she worked her derriere off to achieve it. You won't find that peculiar notion in any account by those acquainted with, or who've studied, the Clintons.
Exactly. Remember in the primary how strange it was? (sm) - LM
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She was way ahead, then all of a sudden - boom. You could almost see the deal go down. There's a lot more to this story than we will ever know. Oh well, at this point, "what difference does it make!"
Sorry, no. The campaign was so heavily scrutinized by - experts. What happened is known--she lost. nm
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Have it your way. Most of us know there were shady - dealings with media involved. (sm)
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when you have the media in your pocket, well.....we see all the tough questions Obama gets, don't we.
Anyone with PLANETWIDE media in her pocket had - no need to cut deals--Just claim her office.
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I don't think you quite understand. There is no one media--there are many thousands, plus hundreds of thousands of individual reporters, scrutinizing our elections. No one could "throw" an election without the whole planet buzzing over what could have happened.
Are you talking about the GLOBAL media? - That would be Obama's.(sm)
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I think you're the one who doesn't understand. My God, he won the Nobel prize and hadn't even DONE anything. Wake up.
Why must you be so rude? (nm) - Libby
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Libby, it's probably somewhere in the "must." - I wouldn't have tried to discuss if
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I'd realized the strength of her beliefs.

What kind of "deal" and please provide links to substantiate. - Libby

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Deals with the devil don't have links. - Silly girl.
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Well that's convenient for you. - nm.
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Independent Voice - My Opinion

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Assuming the Republican candidates are either a slimmed down Chris Christie or Marco Rubio and Ron Paul (as usual) and maybe Rand Paul as a Tea Party favorite and assuming the Democratic nominees are Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, then...........

This independent female is voting for Bill Clinton to be the first gentleman and Hillary Clinton to be the first lady President of the United States.

I can hear the cries of "sexist" going on as I type, but IMO it would be refreshing to have a POTUS who was not completely a white male (or any fraction thereof). Now I can hear the cries of "racist." No, I don't qualify for either of those names, as I have been voting a very, very long time, and I always vote for whom I believe is the better candidate after weighing all the issues. Until recently, I only ever voted for 100% white males for President, as those were the only choices presented on my ballot. Recently, however, I voted for Obama twice. I first chose him over the old man who IMO chose a poor running mate and then chose Obama again over the lying candidate who either couldn't or wouldn't stop insulting the majority of the people of our country and who IMO also chose a poor running mate.

If people think I am stupid, I don't really care. It's something that comes with age, I guess, but I stopped caring what other people thought about my beliefs years and years ago. I will always listen to someone's point of view and defend their right to their beliefs without stooping to name calling, even if I don't share/agree with their beliefs or have the same skin color, etc. Probably why I am an Independent, actually.

Excellent post! Thank you. I couldn't agree more. - Libby

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Just too early. Others will show up. I like her, but she'll - have it tougher when she's not the only topic

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Almost forgot him. Biden's very underestimated, but I've never seen anything that says he's a match for Hillary in commitment or drive. If he was, he'd have been president before this. She doesn't exactly seem to have her husband's brilliance either, but what she's made of herself over the long years of constant work is admirable. I favored her over Obama in the primary and would be glad to have her for a choice next time.

She'll be 69 in 2016, though, and it's a killer job. Not for anyone who can't do those ferocious hours any more. Much less any mental or even just memory decline. Just look at President Reagan. His White House turned into a candy shop for special interests. He would have done a much better job 20 years earlier.

Her age is a consideration, but I think - sm

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her brilliance factor is much higher than Bill's. I think sometimes his charisma enhanced his brilliance, but Hillary is an incredibly intelligent, savvy woman. She can put more into one sentence than many can put into one speech.

Biden, I think would be very committed and probably would do a great job as president, and probably get more accomplished because from a purely pragmatic viewpoint, he would probably be better received by Congress, if we are to glean anything from recent history regarding how Congress, especially Republicans, regard women.

However, I don't think he is as electable as Hillary vs Republican candidate (of course depending on who they nominate or how cannibalized the Republican Party is by 2016--but that's another topic for another time). Biden is too spontaneous--a loose cannon of sorts? ;-) Candidate Biden--Talk about candy stores, the Republicans would have one full of Biden sound bites at their disposal. But I do think he would be incredibly dedicated, and a president who would serve the people well.

Hillary's age definitely is a factor, but contrasting to Reagan, statistically women live longer than men, and I trust her to not put herself out there if she has any health issues, but I guess one never knows when the mind is going to "go." But I do agree with you about Reagan. I have a feeling Reagan's was going long before he was out of office. I'm not being sarcastic either.

Regarding others showing up, you are right, but Hillary's resume may be hard to match. I'm just hoping the Democrats will not go the way of the Republican Party 2012... having nothing left other than the spoils of destruction after a nasty primary season.

I really basically agree with you. Including that Hillary - wouldn't put herself out there

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if she felt herself losing her edge. Also about President Reagan. I read a couple of well regarded biographies about him and would be very surprised if he hadn't started "slipping long before he was out of office." He may not have been brilliant himself, look at his time as governor, but he was sharp enough not to let himself be lead around by the nose.

In any case, I'm usually pleased with the better part of my options in the primaries. Even proud at how they tend to stack up overall. Someone's been talking about honor on the board, and it actually made me think of Biden because few people use that word these days, and he was raised to consider honor and duty to his family and its legacy guiding principles.

A repub will win is my bet - just saying

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They have to take turns every 8 years to keep down revolt, so I will be *very* surprised if we don't see a minority or a woman repub as the next president.

Doesn't matter - Americans will settle for either a Dem or a Repub again... 35 different salad dressings in your typical store to choose from but Americans are 'satisfied' with the so-called TWO party system. Sigh

Hadn't thought of it that way... - ZvilleMT

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I can't think of one repub woman I'd vote for (wasn't even crazy about Bachman). I could see the minority, though - plenty of African-American and Hispanic pubs are making a name for themselves.

You're right, though, it does seem to go in cycles, generally. You have the odd times of one-term presidents or a VP winning after a two-termer, but with nothing else to choose from (with the exception of Rosanne Barr or Ralph Nader) that's all we've got.

Neither - Too many other qualified better people - sm

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Hearing that she is even thinking of running makes the hair on my neck stand up. After everything she has done she should automatically be disqualified from ever taking that position. She lacks experience and her actions prove she does not have the best interest of the country at heart. We are still waiting for the dust to settle on a lot of issues she has been involved in.

It chills me to the bones that anyone would even want that in there. Biden, serious is just on the brink of senile, so don't understand how anyone would think he would be okay.

If you are talking about a viable democrat candidate there are so many to choose from that have good voting records, that have shown they have the people they represents best interest at heart. I'm sorry but Clinton do not. We also need someone new. We don't want a president with either the last name of Bush or Clinton. Those peoples times have come and gone. On top of that she should be disqualified for the simple fact that she is married to a president who was impeached. He should not be allowed within 10 feet of the WH.

So with that, here are my choices I like. I have a friend who said it really well when we were talking about (eeks) Hill getting in. She said "The country is ready for a woman president, but not just any woman, and not that one". When picking a president people need to be smart about their decision. It's not just going to affect our lives, but our children and grandchildrens. If people don't care and want the country destroyed vote for her, but there are so many other better choices.

Elizabeth Warren would be my first choice.
Jeff Merkley
Richard Blumenthal
Kirstin Gillibrand
Mark Udall
Tom Carper
Mazie Hirono
Dick Durbin
Max Baucus
Joe Donnelly
Tom Harkin
Heide Heitkamp
Joe Manchin

And others - ANYONE BUT HILLARY!!!!
Here's why"

1. Lying under oath. How can anyone actually trust her. You don't lie under oath.
2. Benghazi.

Those 2 there should take her name off the books, so to say.

3. Pathological liar.
4. Travelgate
5. Chinagate.
6. What difference does it make now (can she be any more obvious she cares nothing about Americans lives).
7. Married to The Impeached one.
8. Whitewater.
9. Filegate.

She has the attitude that she owns that position. She does not. The position is supposed to be awarded to the most qualified candidate. She does not fall in that category. On top of that her husband is constantly out running his mouth in support of her but like her keeps getting caught in lies. I could go on more about it.

While my opinion of Hillary is much higher than yours, I would LOVE - having a Prez Liz

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She is amazing. Incredibly smart, common sense, no nonsense, not afraid to venture out of the Party box... the whole package. If she was president, she probably would qualify to be her own cabinet too!!

Remember Bosnia? - sm

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Here's why not.


From Daily Kos - Interesting article

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Looks like I'll be reading more of them.


Sorta, but flawed bad. BTW, our first serious WOMAN - candidate was NEVER a "sure thing." nm

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What do you think about the new Hillary movie? - ZvilleMT

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I forget which channel is doing it - NBC or CBS? Do you think this will help or hurt her? Apparently it starts right before Bill runs for president (that's just rumor, I'm not certain what times it will cover).

Grateful I don't have TV - LOL

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I'm just not into propaganda. I think I read it's NBC, which is not surprising. I think the timing of it is very strange and I can bet you $100 they will not actually post any truths about her life. At least those are my thoughts. I guess she's made such bad mistakes and responsible for things that have happened, but you know that will never come up.

I'd like to watch it but am not sure when it's on. - Libby

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I'm not sure either... - ZvilleMT

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I heard about it, but I can't remember if it's ready to air this fall or if it'll start production this fall. If I find out, I'll post :)
Thanks. And likewise about the posting. :) - Libby
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They haven't even made it yet. It's just the media starting - up the buzz.
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I don't have TV, so I probably won't see it. - :( nm.

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