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The Dems still ....

Posted: Dec 15, 2010

The Democrat Omnibus Bill: 1924 pages, 6,488 earmarks, $1.27trillion equating to $575.13million per page and only 3 days to read and vote on it.

Just as news breaks that congress has received it's lowest approval rating in Gallup Polling history, 13%, with an 83% dissaproval rating, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid whips out a monsterous spending bill in similar fashion to the Obamacare bill.

Senator John Cornyn of Texas has previously criticized the Democratic majority for not passing budget resolutions and stated,"today we learn Senate Democrats now want to sandwich them together, totaling almost 2,000 pages, and jam them through in the waning moments of this lame duck session before anyone can read them. This political end-around reveals just how quickly my colleagues across the aisle have already forgotten the voters’ message in November.”

Senator John McCain gave a speech on the floor of the Senate pointing out the absurdity of the last minute bill and pointed out:

"One thing is abundantly clear to me – that the majority has not learned the lessons of last month’s election. The American people could not have been more clear. They are tired of wasteful spending. They are tired of big government. They are tired of sweetheart deals for special interests. They are tired of business as usual in Washington. And they are tired of massive bills – just like this one - put together behind closed doors, and rammed through the Congress at the last moment so that no one has the opportunity to read them and no one really knows what kind of waste is in them."


In a move to embarras Republicans, earmarks that were requested early in 2010, long before the voters spoke against out of control spending the mid-terms elections, were included by Democrats. A comprehensive break down of ear marks by DC reporter Jamie Dupree show that the lions share of earmarks belong to Democrats. Here are just a select few:

$247,000 – Virus free grapes in Washington State
$413,000 – Peanut research in Alabama
$125,000 – Fishery equipment for the Guam Fisherman’s Cooperative Association
$349,000 – Swine waste management in North Carolina
$277,000 – Potato pest management in Wisconsin
$246,000 – Bovine tuberculosis treatment in Michigan and Minnesota
$522,000 – Cranberry and blueberry disease and breeding in New Jersey
$500,000 – Oyster safety in Florida
$400,000 – Solar parking canopies and plug-in electric stations in Kansas
$165,000 – Maple syrup research in Vermont

Senators Tom Coburn, Jim DeMint and John McCain are leading a republican charge demanding the bill be read in it's entirety on the Senate floor by the clerk. It is estimated that this will take 40 hours and force members of both sides of the aisle to face the reality of the bill.

Harry Reid has warned that this bill will get passed, even if he has to keep the Senate in session until January 4th, the last official day of the 111th Congress. Having an 83% dissaproval rating and being party to the greatest political loss in the US in 65 years does not seem to be slowing down the Senate democrats.

Interestingly, the House had already passed a stripped down Continuing Resolution to allow the US government to operate until the new GOP controlled House can deal with it in January.

Here is the URL for the comprehensive breakdown of how many earmarks were requested by each member, and their party affiliation:



Needs debunking--source does not add up - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I went to your source document and added up the earmarks quickly and Republicans win the earmark count with 1727 to the Dems lowly 1384.

Add them up slowly. I come up with totally different counts - Backwards Typist

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41 pubs had an earmark total of 1661
56 dems had an earmark total of 4008

Did you miss the duplicate earmark totals? There were a few that had the same number of earmarks; i.e., Bingaman 86, Durbin 86, Cantwell 69, Hagan 69; Crapo 41, Risch 41, McConnell 35, Roberts 35, Shelby 32, Inhofe 32 and so on.

In this count, I did not add the Independent, Sanders, who had 33 earmarks.

counts - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
No disrespect to anyone, but does it really matter who has how many? The point is there should not be any! They both throw their earmarks in and then cry that we have to cut costs. They are both full of it!!!
I just replied because I did a count, too, and was - Backwards Typist
[ In Reply To ..]
completely different from the above.
The post stated 'debunking...' and then went on to give counts.

I pointed out the difference because facts are facts. I'm not being disrepectful.

The counts are only important to some people if the pubs have more earmarks than the dems.

I read some of the earmarks and don't think they're all wasteful. One that caught my eye was the drinking water. I don't remember which, or who, put that earmark in but it was to provide clean drinking water to a town. I don't find that wasteful. I don't find flood control levees wasteful earmarks either.

What I do find wasteful are biking trails, parks, etc., mandatory logging on public lands, funding for a jet engine the Defense Dept. doesn't want, and others in that category.
count - sm
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Did not meant to direct my post to you in particular. Just meant that they all need to stop the earmarks. If a state wants help with drinking water as an example, then that should be brought up separately, not as part of a package with something else. I just think they have to stop the game playing and stop saying I'll do this if you do that. It is ridiculous. They need to have funds for certain things and our representatives need to request help out of funds appropriated for that certain thing and so on. I'm just tired of all the game playing done in congress by both parties.
Oh, okay. I apologize. - Backwards Typist
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I agree they need to be done separately, but that's the reason they're all in the Omnibus bill. According to one news report, these earmarks were voted down during the past year, so they figured they would tack them onto the spending bill to get them passed.

After all, the public doesn't want the government to shut down according to them (meaning Congress). As for shutting down, it has happened twice during Clinton's presidency and it didn't hurt that much. They figured/thought the people wouldn't bother to look at the bloated bill and it be smooth sailing.

I'm so glad people are waking up. We have to keep the pressure on our reps to do the right thing.

okay - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
Yeah, they were voted down, so let's make this a trick to get them passed anyway. LOL What a bunch of crooks on both sides. I guess since they didn't get their way, they need to try to manipulate it so they get their way.

Yes, I agree that we need to wake our government up. Keep writing! I don't believe that just voting one party out proves anything. The new party does the same thing when they get in. This has been proved time and time again over history. We just need to let the ones in there know how we feel and no matter what party they are, they need to do what the people want. People need to really get more involved in politics and start taking stands on what we want.

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