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SC Lt. Gov. compares people getting gov't help to "stray animals" who breed

Posted: Jan 25, 2010

South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, who is running for the Republican nomination for governor, held a town hall meeting yesterday where he argued government should be tougher on families whose children receive free and reduced-price lunches. Bauer said that parents should be required to “pass drug tests or attend parent-teacher conferences or PTA meetings.” To make this argument, however, he compared people receiving government assistance to stray animals:

My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed. You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that. And so what you’ve got to do is you’ve got to curtail that type of behavior. They don’t know any better,” Bauer said. [...]
Later in his speech, Bauer said, “I can show you a bar graph where free and reduced lunch has the worst test scores in the state of South Carolina,” adding, “You show me the school that has the highest free and reduced lunch, and I’ll show you the worst test scores, folks. It’s there, period.

Bauer later insisted that he “wasn’t saying people on government assistance ‘were animals or anything else.’” (HT: Jamie Sanderson)


freebies...........sm - I know what I see......

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What he said is pretty much spot on. I know where I live, the HIGHER the free and reduced lunches, the the higher the horrific test scores. A lot of these kids around here show up because they have to, their parents don't give a rip, and THINK it's the school's place to feed and babysit their children so they can sit on their butts all day and do nothing until their kids come home. Then they gripe and beeeaaatch when the teacher has to call them in because their children are doing horrible in school. The parents put ALL the responsibility on the teachers. The point that they should be sitting with their children after school and seeing that homework is done, helping them to read, etc., is COMPLETELY lost on them. Many (not all) are purely lazy. They have been given hand outs from childhood, have babies at 13 and 14, and continue on from there, and will reproduce, reproduce, reproduce, all on my dollar. For those that don't live in those areas, they don't get it. For those of us that do, we understand perfectly well what he is saying.

You know the saying âGive a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetimeââAuthor unknown.

In other words, stop all the hand outs and teach them to actually WORK for a living, something their children will inherit, the willingness to WORK for a living, not sit around moaning and griping about waiting for that monthly check!!!

there but by the grace of god my dear nm - renee

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Right on, Renee. - nm

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Medical mystery-GOP descendant from poverty shoots self in foot. - Blue blood hemorrhage baffles MDs.

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Differential diagnoses include:
1. Genetic predisposition after multigenerational inbreeding of racial stereotype disorder.
2. Oxygen asphyxiation attributable to burial under party platform rubble.
3. Psychosomatic overlay from trickle down economics that defy logical explanation, diminishing returns on fear-mongering campaign tactics and anxiety over structurally unsound party populist facades.
4. Viral acardia contracted via audience membership in the Rush Limbaugh Show.

1. Verify coverage and acquire preauthorization from insurance carrier. The patient does not qualify for financial assistance and unfortunately will have to be discharged without treatment if denied. Take care not to document any suggestion of pre-existing conditions.
2. Contact employer to establish job security and employer contributions to financial benefits plans. Consider labor statistics on earnings category, possible future increases in income and any looming hostile takeovers or overseas outsourcing.
3. Contact banker for release of asset information, with special emphasis on mortgage status, recent stock liquidation, college tuition savings plans, imploding retirement savings, pending bankruptcy, etc.
4. Monitor visitor status, identify those with wealth and transmit information to appropriate Grants Funding and patient accounting personnel.
5. Assess impact of possible future disability on ability to meet current and future rising costs of care, then proceed with
6. Consultation with Cardiology, Psychiatry, Pulmonology, Infectious Disease and Spin Doctor Team.
7. Precautionary isolation. Notify Disease Control and Prevention.
8. Workup to include genetic markers, arterial blood gas, PFTs and immune status testing. Innoculate if indicated.
9. Transfer to outpatient rehab for long-term sensitivity training.

Prognosis: Severe damage has been self-inflicted but outcome is unclear at this time.

P.S. Add drug testing. Verify sterility; consider involuntary eugenic vasectomy. - Withhold food until ability to pay is established.

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Inform psychiatrist of impending meltdown once the patient realizes his political career is toast.

There's need and there is freeloading...... - 2 different things..... NM

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The utter disregard for racial stereotype and its human cost - in this post and Bauer comments....
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and particularly NM's tacit blind dismissal only help expose the sham that is the pub and conservative so-called populist groundswell claim. Do you not understand just how politically damaging this kind of mentality is? You are stuck back in the 80s with your Regan Era racist rhetoric. Wake up, Rumplestiltskin. Thirty years have pass. We've come a long way, baby. Get with the program.

I will not even bother to address the REAL issues at hand which are way above your head, such as who benefits from entitlement programs, what those programs look like, when they are authorized (or more often, not), their geography and circumstances, how benefits are distributed, relationships between wealth distribution, income stagnation, jobs loss, educational and health care access, financial and corporate thuggery and the policies that support it, and a litany of other factors that perpetuate poverty, class distinction, etctera, ecetera and the role of racism and discrimination.

Bauer and his defenders would actually rather starve poor children into extinction than face these issues head-on and figure out how they undermine our economy, our overall well-being and the nation's moral fiber. Go right ahead. Be my guest. Wage that war on a considerably vast and diverse group of economic refugees in this current political climate while claiming to understand Middle America and see how far you get. Your inability to distinguish between need and greed will inevitably doom you to failure.
Get off your high horse and get real!! - sm
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I don't need YOU telling me about entitlement programs, what those programs look like, their geography OR circumstances, much less HOW they are distributed!!! Believe it or not, some of us actually look into these things, since it is our tax dollars paying for them.... and unfortunately with little oversight and, therefore, GREAT waste!!!

How about you get over that corporate thuggery, class distinction, etcetera, ecetera and talk about plain old get off your butt and get with the program.

MORAL FIBER!! How about parenting your children instead of expecting schools to do it. That would be moral fiber!! How about finding a job instead of using EVERYTHING in the book as an excuse and showing your child that hard work does get you somewhere, including self respect!! That's moral fiber!!!

Perhaps you need to get in touch with the conservative black party. They would just love to talk with folks like you who use that poor downtrodden folks' card to excuse everything!! They find it disgusting that THIS government in particular is using the race card to perpetuate entitlement programs and I for one agree with them.

Moral fiber comes from within....you either are taught it or you are not! You either have it or you don't!

NEED is when you actually have gotten off your butt and tried and circumstances may present themselves when you do actually need help. I'm all for that.

Take my town for instance. ANY child graduating from ANY high school in this county get TWO, count them, TWO free years of college here. Take a gander at how many utilize that FREE college!But they can sit on their stoop, usually at mom's house, produce baby after baby, both genders, and complain! Can you distinguish between laziness and fortitude?

I don't call giving someone 2 FREE YEARS of college undermining anything. But I'm sure you have an excuse for those that don't utilize that as well.

Your inability to know the difference between need and greed will no doubt doom you to failure.

I see this laziness in my community ALL the time and it is quite sickening to know so many could have free education, be hired into the community or find jobs elsewhere, be active members of their communities, actually contribute to the tax base for those TRULY in need, and do nothing ALL DAY LONG!! At least nothing worthwhile.

At some point, we have to stop finding excuses. I know what it is to be poor, grow up poor, and have very little. My mother didn't take a penny of govt assistance, but chose to WORK for a living instead. No one gave her a brand new free condo to live in surrounding by wrought iron gates, swimming pool, clubhouse and 24-hour security, all paid for by the taxpayer. I drive through these "gated communities" (public housing) and wonder how they can be getting all these freebies/luxuries, while all the while have a new model Lexus, BMW, sitting in front of the condos, people walking around with their free cell phone also paid for by me (another govt handout), all the while affording a dog to walk on a leash. You tell me, if these people are in such poor situations AND if they can afford that car, why can't they put those several hundred dollars a month on their rent NOT paid for by me?? How can they afford pet food/supplies but can't afford their rent? Afford a new model car, but not their own rent? Not everything is how you see it on the liberal TV screen you obviously look at. I get to see what my taxes are paying for up close and personal. You going to tell me those folks are economic refugees? Why can't they live in an old house like I did growing up....100 years old, holes in the floor at times. I know of many families with both parents working and they can't afford barely a vehicle to drive, let alone a LEXUS or BMW!! Get off your righteous high horse and stop playing that pity card that is handed out all too often.

Everyone is not living in a high rise ghetto building, as you seem to think they are. Many are freeloading off a system that is vastly in need of an overhaul and OVERSIGHT!

Like I said, there is NEED and there is laziness!!
Thank you for taking the time to reply. - Just a couple of things....
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So far, the only clear message relayed in the first paragraph is somebody somewhere has touched a nerve and activated self-defense mode. When you are ready to be more specific, more fruitful discussions may be more forthcoming.

Brushing off corporate thuggery, class distinction and whatever is not a viable argument when addressing all those folks whose reactions range somewhere between frustrated and consumed with outrage over enough is enough already (especially in light of the CEO bonus season that wonât go away and the recent SCOTUS directive), so Iâm volleying that get with the program ball back to your court.

Speaking of high horses, before hurling all that moral profanity toward the poverty class, consider a few numbers. The top 1% of the population controls 35% of the wealth; 71% goes to the top 10% and the bottom 40% holds 1%. Your rage against this bottom tier presumes that a full 40% of the population are unfit parents. Your defense of this status quo seems far from moral.

Schools feed children to mitigate against educational disadvantages these kids face in an effort to break poverty cycles, making school lunch programs very much their business. Guess you feel more self-righteous while throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Furthermore, most working poor hold multiple jobs (2 full time, 3 part-time or various combinations thereof). So much for the so-called lazy bum approach, speaking of which, what about the real bums at the top who live their entire lives off of wealth, never working like the rest of us poor schleps who rely on income and wages?

How about finding a jobs, you say. Job. What job? Just as one has to have money before they can pay bills, jobs also have to exist before they can be found. Take a little trip down the page and read the Hereâs What My Middle America Looks Like post and its poster's followup before preaching about setting examples for kids to follow and then get back with me on that one.

Directing me toward the conservative black party again reinforces racial stereotyping and ignorance of the who, what, when, where, why and how of modern day welfare. Again, my dear, you are stuck in time. The âexcuseâ excuse cannot stand up against modern day economic recession reality. The government is not playing the race card. Their programs do not favor race over universal need, but you do not hesitate to drag out a race card of your own to prove your point. Go figure.

Moral fiber is a mighty subjective perspective. The reference I made was not to individual or personal morality, but rather the morality of our country as a whole. We are the wealthiest nation on earth but if you had your way, we would continue to treat poverty in our own country with disdain and disgust. It is irresponsible parenting if you are prepared to pass on morality mixed in with a sprinkle of racism and a dab of human despair on to your children by turning your back on neighbors while supporting corporate welfare and cowering ever time the banks, health care conglomerates and corporate bullies bellow out their latest threats.

At this point, the butt references are getting a little tiring. I will leave your hometown story of 2 free years of college for you to crow about. Parochial pride will not address more pressing national problems such as adult literacy rates, bilingual education, the embarrassment of hunger in America (including more than 1 million children), eliminating high-school drop-out rates, achievement gaps, income disparity and upward mobility skewed by race, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation and such.

The only thing worth noting in the incoherent rant in followup to the need and greed issue is that high horse rearing its ugly head again: ââ¦and they do nothing ALL DAY LONG!! At least nothing worthwhile.â Your ascendance out of poverty tale and its intertwined racial stereotypes is every bit as much of a crock as Bauerâs, and brings us back to the same place we started. Racism ainât cool. It vaporizes votes by the millions and sends campaign contributors stampeding to the 4 corners of the earth in their haste to make distance. Keep up the good work. Keep on keeping on, sister. Your post has only dug you in deeper behind indefensible racism that is sure to bring Bauerâs political career to a screeching halt and has thrown your party into full damage control mode. Enjoy.
Excuse me, but racism fires me up big time as does - GOP style war on poverty
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Geeze back at ya.
Sugar.... I ain't no party to the GOP! Way off the mark - on that one.....
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I was only speaking for myself. Off base is putting words - in the mouths of others. sm
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and viewing a post as being directly aimed at you. The GOP war on poverty reference is only meant metaphorically to underscore the an ideologic contrast to LBJs War on Poverty program. I thought it was appropriate since I was describing what gets ME fired up and it was not my intent to upset anyone.

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