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CNN and Media on Romney beating Obama

Posted: Oct 4, 2012

See the youtube on excerpts from CNN.  I did not get to see this.  Is it true? 


Lots of media spin going on. Romney still...sm - oldtimer

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has problems with explaining the details of his plans. I was hoping to have more details and pointed/specific questions asked by the moderator. I cannot say I learned anything new. IMO, Romney was too aggressive and Obama was too polite, never bringing up so many issues.

Obama polite? I'd say more like fearful - Texan

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I agree with oldtimer's post - but would add

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that the Romney who showed up last night at the debate is not the same Romney who has been campaigning, especially when compared to the Romney who debated during the primaries. When you compare last night's Romney to primary and campaign Romney, there are blaring problems with truth stretching and outright lies. Here are a few:

"I don't have a $5 billion tax cut plan." Cutting marginal tax rates to 20% by itself would cost $5 billion.

He says his (undefined) tax plan would not raise the deficit or taxes. Numerous studies have indicated that it not possible.

Romney disputes Obama's claim that his tax plan would give millionaires another tax break and raise taxes on middle class families by up to $2,000 a year. Obama's claim received a "mostlyh true" rating from Politifact.

Romney repeatedly claimed Obama would cut Medicare benefits by $716 billion (the exact same number used in the Ryan plan). Fact is those savings are reductions in Medicare Plus subsidies (not the main Medicare plan), insurers and drug companies. Medicare recipients in fact get more generous drug coverage and preventative medicine coverage under Obamacare. No cuts have been made to currently allocated funds. Those savings are aimed at FUTURE funding.

Romney tried floating a modified version of "death panels" by saying Obamacare creates an unelected board in charge of dictating how physicians can and cannot render treatements. Politifact rates this as "mostly false," since the board's purpose is cost reduction and efficiency and does not dictate medical treatments. In fact, the board is explicitly prohibited from choosing the benefits to be restricted to achieve savings.

Even one of Romney's advisers has already admitted that he lied on stage regarding coverage for pre-existing conditions under his (undefined) replacement health care plan after he repeals Obamacare.

Fact challenged candidates - Fanatical Hypocrite

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Definitely agree with your post. I mean I think Romney won the debate last night. But debates are about subduing your opponent, not telling the truth. If you can convince the American people the sky is green despite your opponent's protests, you just won.

Not getting into Obama's various character flaws and policy failures, I have to say that Romney's got an uphill battle winning me over that I can't see him doing. The sad thing about this is that I don't even think Obama's doing such a great job, so logically it shouldn't be so hard for someone to win me over, but I don't trust what Romney says. I certainly never trust the president (any president), but wow, the guy contradicts himself every 5 minutes. Plus, every time I see something featuring Romney from a few years ago, he's clearly a different man. Elections do that to a person, but even I have my limits of how much I'll allow a candidate to flip-flop.

Obama is rich and out of touch, but Romney feels like the very manifestation of the upper class. Like the economy, in it's wroth, manifested into physical form and named itself Mitt Romney. I have to give him credit though. I expected him to fall flat on his face in the debates. He's always been so inarticulate. He really surprised me. He told a much better narrative than Obama.

I'm still going with Obama because he's different. Not as different as the right fears or the left hoped, but he's certainly not the same old thing we got 40 times before. Romney may not be the classically presidential figure we've had before either, but his policies sound all too familiar: Everything for everyone.

I'm not sure what you're asking. - (see message)

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Is what true? That Romney is beating Obama (as in the polls or the entire election)? Or that Romney did beat Obama (as in the debate last night)?

I hear a lot of opinion today that Romney "won the debate" last night. Of course, one debate performance does not equal the end of the election; but, personally, although Obama did not hit Romney as forcefully as I might have liked to see, I thought Romney had his share of negatives last night, too. I thought he looked nervous and/or anxious (IMO), and his frozen half-smiling gaze while Obama was speaking just seemed weird to me, at best. Then, there's the question of how much of what he said will end up being disputed as to how truthful he was. Time will tell.

The best comment I saw online last night - sm

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asked how low are the standards, if Romney managing not to embarrass himself for once counts as a win.

When you watch reruns of the debate take...sm - VTMT

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note of Romney's blinking.

I agree with you, VTMT. - (see message)

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I did notice a lot of blinking on Romney's part and mentioned it to my husband. I told my hubby, "Just try matching him blink for blink....it's almost HARD to blink that frequently!" Then I noticed that Obama was doing a fair amount of blinking right after that, too. I don't know--maybe they were both lying (LOL), or maybe being under the lights on stage dries your eyes out too much(?). At any rate, I did think Romney was the "Blinker in Chief" between the two of them. :-)

You take a closer look next time. - He always does that.

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Grasp at straws much?
My opinoin? - Sure you really want to hear it?
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To me, Romney had a pained expression on his face, as if he was trying to have a bowel movement.
People see what they want to see. - nm
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