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Obama allies call Hillary an out-of-touch Romney
Posted: Jun 24, 2014
Some of the anti-republican rants noted below are now beginning to make sense. LOL.
Warning: Fox News Alert with help from "The Guardian" and "Washington Post.";
So here is the same old Republican tactic. - sm
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When Hillary narrowly lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama after that long drawn out primary, there were a lot of really frustrated Hillary supporters. Republicans actually thought they could get angry Democratic votes by having a woman on their ticket. This is where silly Sarah Palin comes in. Republicans actually thought a lot of Hillary supporters would just vote for ANY woman. Would we call Sarah Palin presidential material? LOL!
Fast forward to now, and conservatives are trying to paint Hillary as an elitist out-of-touch woman just like Mitt Romney! Since 55% of women voted for Barack Obama, I guess they just think we all didn't want Romney so we won't want Hillary if she's made out to be a female jerk.
Speaking for myself, I think these conservatives are pretty slow learners. After all this time, they still think if they somehow change us that they'll have our vote, BUT:
* They're against equal pay for women.
* They're against raising the minimum wage.
* They're against a woman's right to choose.
* They're against the ACA/Obamacare.
[I could go on.]
Yet somehow in their minds, they're convinced that they can somehow change our minds without changing that stupid platform!
Sarah Palin is not a silly woman - Repub who hates rinos
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Sarah Palin had a long and very impressive political career in Alaska. As governor, she went after corrupt politicians relentlessly; party labels meant nothing to her. She also is an expert on the oil industry, and was a go to person by the mainstream media for information for many many years.
I don't know why Palin was so trashed, but I think Romney was behind it.
As a woman, you ought to be angry about the way Palin has been treated, it was every bit as bad as the way the Obama people treated Hillary, but the mainstream has been much kinder to Hillary than to Palin. And they had no reason to brand her as a silly stupid person, she is anything but. Do the research and don't listen to the propaganda.
Okay. I did the research. - sm
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And I watched the movie "Game Change" based on the book. The guys who picked Sarah Palin said the movie was an accurate portrayal of her with dialogue almost verbatim. Sorry to say, but all I saw was Sarah is silly. I can't believe you would actually compare silly Sarah to Hillary and suggest sexism.
Liberals don't think Sarah is silly because of her gender. We think she's silly because she's intellectually challenged and seems to be an angry divisive unprepared and extremely misinformed person who wasn't remotely ready for the position and never could be.
They know no boundaries, - sm
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those Obamabots, when it comes to trashing republican women or anything conservative. They listen to whatever pseudointellectual spin is out there and then they glom onto it.
It's not about gender or political ideology! - sm
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Kelly Ayotte is an intelligent person whether or not I agree with her politically. I actually do agree with Sarah Palin on some issues, but that doesn't make her any less intellectually challenged and divisive. I thought the exact same thing about George W. Bush, and it wasn't because he was male!
Are there any conservatives out there that just might actually understand why somebody might conclude Sarah Palin is not intelligent or do you all just dismiss anyone who thinks she's not?
Until conservatives learn to stop lumping people into little categories and putting labels on them and dismissing everything they say, your party is doomed to remain the party of exclusion.
Try re-reading your last paragraph. - sm
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Change the second word to liberals, change the last word to takers and you have precisely described Obamabots. Case closed. LOL.
I like this argument. - sm
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This "taker" argument worked so well for Mitt Romney that I hope conservatives just keep using it. Only a conservative would take a failed argument and keep pounding it into the ground hoping it worked.
My 91-year-old grandmother is a taker on Social Security she paid into for years. When she heard Mitt Romney's 47% "taker" speech, she voted Democratic for the first time in her life (her and lots of her "taker" friends in Florida). When she walked out of the voting booth, she said, "take that you 'Mitt'." It seems someone forgot to tell Willard Romney that quite a few of the so-called "takers" are, I mean USED TO BE, Republicans.
So keep up that losing argument! It sounds like a winner to me.
If you knew about entitlements, you would not say that. - sm
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Anyone who is up with current events knows that "takers" do not include senior citizens receiving social security, to which they are 100% entitled. I think you do know what "takers" to which I refer, you just want to play a game. Go for it and have a ball. LOL.
I assume you're talking about the biggest - offenders--corporate America.
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No, I am not. - sm
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And I must apologize, but I do not have the time nor the disposition to teach you Economics 101. This may be part of the information issue Rush and others talk about. <:-)
If you actually DID know anything about entitlements - sm
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You would not be insisting that Social Security was not one! LOL
You would not be insisting that Social Security was NOT one! 

Palin was trashed because she was the most - ridiculous choice for VP candidate EVER.
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Insanity is described as trying the same thing over - & over, expecting different results.
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