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Obama's massive ego deflated after crowd walks out AGAIN!

Posted: Nov 1, 2014

This time it happened in Wisconsin.


Sounds like conservative wishful thinking - mbmt

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WND, Weekly Standard, and other conservative sources claim this, so I guess we are supposed to believe that some people left because they disapprove of President Obama. I have lived in Wisconsin all of my life (61+ years). Wisconsinites voted to elect and reelect President Obama.

After 30 folks paid $16,000 per plate - at DNC fundraiser

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the president again packed a high school stadium with 3,500 sold-out crowd who had been waiting in line for around 5 hours. Before entering the main event he appeared in the overflow room at the North Division High School rally in Milwaukee to greet those who didn't have seats. They left after he left. Pretty simple stuff. Just like last week.

Not only that but Michelle and Hillary both - were heckled at separate speeches

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Thank you America for finally waking up. There is nothing whatsoever those 3 bumbling whatevers are saying that they think is so important.

Americans are tired of being lied to and they are coming out and showing that.

The good news is that the republicans have a good lead. Only 3 days to go. I imagine that is why hawwy if begging for money and votes and Rangel is turning everything into racism. They are in panic and none of them want the one and only there.

Not sure if the O could ever have his ego deflated, it's way past being too big.

You mean the DREAMers - who also

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targeted Marco Rubio on multiple occasions?  Remember when those two DREAMers cornered Rand Paul and Rep Steve Calves-the-Size-of-Cantalopes King at that Iowa fundraiser in August?  As soon as one of them mentioned DACA, Rand Paul threw his burger down and he and his aid ran straight for the door.  King's response was one of raising his voice, pointing fingers in her face, and asking if she's a drug dealer, though she had been raised in the States and just graduated from Arizona University.  

By contrast, Michelle Obama's reply was, "I hear you sweetie.  I will wait and let you finish.  I'm going to wait and let you finish, Babe.  I hear every word you are saying."  The crowd chanted "FOUR MORE YEARS !  FOUR MORE YEARS !" and that was the end of that.  Hillary's response to the "heckler" was "YAY !" and that was the end of that.

Now, about that wake-up call.  Latinos blame the GOP for the failure of immigration reform by huge, huge margins, just like they support Hillary Clinton in 2016 against and all conceivable GOP candidates:

In May, Latino Decisions polled on potential match-ups between Secretary Clinton and several potential GOP. The results were astounding. In the climate of recriminations and no progress in the House, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton led her rivals with shocking margins. Clinton led Senator Marco Rubio 62-21, with about 15% undecided—and that was the closest match-up. She led former Florida Governor Jeb Bush 68-25 with the rest undecided. Clinton led Paul Ryan 69-20, with about 10% undecided. And she led NJ Governor Chris Christie by a whopping 70% to 18%. In every case, among those expressing a preference (netting out the undecided), Hillary Clinton would defeat her rivals by margins larger than President Obama defeated Governor Romney.


This, however, was not the worst of the news for GOP hopes. Among Latinos who blame the GOP for blocking immigration reform, Clinton beats Paul Ryan 74% to 13%, with 13% undecided, Clinton beats Jeb Bush 80% to 14%, Clinton beats Christie 81% to 9%, and Clinton beats Senator Marco Rubio by a surprising 84% to 7%, with 9% undecided. Rubio, whose ethnicity and past support for reform helped him poll best against Clinton among all Latinos, is hurt the most by the House’s refusal to take up immigration reform.

Any of these margins, when adjusted for undecided voters, would yield historic Democratic margins among Latino voters in 2016.



Nope, wasn't talking about that. That has nothing to do with what I wrote - were heckled at separate speeches

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but THANKs for the REPLy, even though it has NOTHINg to do with what I wrote.

Oh okay I confess,DIDN't read past the name Marco Rubio. Since it DIDN't pertain to WHAt I was WRITINg.
Both of them were heckled - by DREAMers
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so it has everything to do with what you wrote. Immigration activists heckle politicians of both parties because of the lack of progress on immigration reform, but the info provided previously on which party they hold responsible and how they end up voting illustrates how utterly futile it would be for the GOP to dream they could somehow capitalize on those types of campaign trail protests.

Thanks for posting. I got a big kick out of remembering how Rand Paul abandoned his burger, turned tail and ran as fast as his feet could carry him away from the Big, Bad, DREAMer and recent college graduate. Real GOP presidential material, for sure.
Nope - were heckled at separate speeches
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Yep. DREAMers heckled them both at two - separate events..
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Michelle listened to the DREAMer's concerns and tried to quiet the crowd's "Four More Years" chants so she could hear what she was saying. The rally was in New Haven, Connecticut.


20 DREAMers from the United We Dream group questioned Clinton at a Maryland rally.

DREAMers in Maryland. DREAMers in Connecticut. They're everywhere, they're everywhere! With Rubio in South Carolina. With Boehner and Cantor in DC. With Paul and King in Iowa. With Boehner again at Pete's Diner in DC. With Rep Pearce in New Mexico. With Cruz in Texas. With Gardner in Colorado. With Sessions at the Capitol. With Issa in a House Judiciary Hearing. With Ryan in Colorado. With SOS Kobach in Kansas. With Romney in New York. At the RNC in Florida.

Yesiree. Those DREAMers sure do get around.
That's not what I meant by nope. Done with your baiting - were heckled at speeches
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me into a conversation that has nothing to do with what I wrote. I refuse to take your bait. If you continue to write you will be having a conversation with yourself.

If you wish to talk about what the OP and what I posted that's a different story, but evidently you don't, so...

Good luck with that.
Discussing Michelle, Hillary, hecklers and - separate speeches
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is not allowed under a subject line that reads, "Not only that but Michelle and Hillary both - were heckled at separate speeches"....unless the reply says exactly what you want it to say. Got it!

Camera Catches Tons Of Empty Seats - ProMT

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At Hillary Event Despite ‘Space Limited’ Warning: Hillary Clinton might be a catch for some Democratic candidates to campaign with.

However, it really doesn’t seem as though all that many members of the voting electorate are terribly interested in her presence. At least, if you go by crowd size…or lack thereof.

At a Thursday event in College Park, Md. featuring the former secretary of state and U.S. senator in support of Democrat gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown, loads of empty seats could be seen as a camera panned the crowd.

While the lack of enthusiasm was evident from the view, don’t tell that to the Maryland Democratic Party, which sent out an email Tuesday night saying this was “guaranteed to be a fantastic event, so don’t miss out.”

And for the kicker, they also made it clear that “space is very limited.”

Mitch McConnell and Bobby Jindal - Restore America shindig

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could only muster 250-300 voters while Alison Lundergan Grimes pulled in 16,000 October 29.  McConnell LEFT THE EVENT before Jindal gave his speech. Empty seats galore.


Grimes is way behind in polls. - sm

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Way, way behind. LOL

McConnell just may be the new senate majority leader. Poor widdoe Hawwy.
With the lofty goal of making Obama a 1-term president? Good luck - with that.
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Chicks have yet to hatch.
I've always wondered: Why do they keep - talking about a "one-term" - sm
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President, when he's already halfway through his SECOND term?
LOL - Good point. That's what I often wonder too - sm
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They keep talking as though he just occupied the seat yesterday. Still hearing "one term president". I say to them....duh, he's in the second term now, dincha know?

Falls right in there with "well he can't do everything overnight". That's when I say...no, nobody could, but its been over 2,000 days (not 1).

President is relegated to gubernatorial stumping. - The big boys don't want him.

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No one trusts him anymore. So much for hope and change, eh?
What big boys? He'll still be top of the heap on - Nov 5
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regardless of outcome. So much for hate and fear, eh?
Yes he will - the stinking garbage heap called - The Obama Presidency. nm
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Actually the stench is coming from the 111th, 112th and 113th - sessions of Congress
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whose approval rating was at 8% last week, pathetically 20% that of the president, despite the GOP's most desperate efforts. That means for every 1 voter who approves of the heap, 5 approve of the guy on top, no matter how you want to slice it.

Then why did he feel forced to "loan" his campaign $1.8 million - of his own money?

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Could it be he's having trouble getting his corporate sponsors to fork it over? Why does he have to bus supporters around the state and pay them to show up at sparsely populated local rallies? Enthusiasm gap between ALG large numbers of small donors and McC's small numbers of large donors? Why did he have such a hard time finding Kentucky women for his pro-women attack ad on Grimes and end up having to hire a women from Mercer County Pennsylvania to fill that spot?
This should be under the Grimes is behind - in the polls post. nm
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