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When it walks like a duck..

Posted: May 15, 2012

He was raised as a Muslum. He read the Koran. He lived in a predominantly Muslum country. He used to be a Muslim. And what's funny, his pastor of 20 years whome he said he never listened to, used to be a Muslim as well, and changed over to the Black Value System at his Trinity Church in Chicago. And that's where he spewed out hate speech after hate speech about how America is "God-damned" and hates "ignorant, arrogant white people". And Obama listened very carefully, though he said he didn't.  Wright got his Masters degree in "Islam in West Africa" in a book called "The Audacity of Hope", a book obama wrote.  On top of that Obama's white mother was a communist, his father was a communist, his senior white house advisor Valerie Jerot's mother and father were communists, and Michelle's parents were good friends off Valerie's parents.  Their agenda is to get rid of evil capitalism and control the population with taxes, energy mandates, food, healthcare, etc.


GIVE ME A BREAK - Why do you hate so much?

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Too much hatred in this world. Give it up!

Pray for our president - Godis4us

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Coming against our president will get us nowhere. We do not have to agree with everything that he does. We need to pray that people are sent his way from God that will change his heart and he will be making Godly decisions. He is there for a reason. God has a plan and makes no mistakes.

? how is this about faith? - nm

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I think that this person may ASSUME that all people - sm

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of faith are republicans and share his/her dislike of the president. Probably the same kind of people who listened to the false prophets and called for Jesus' crucification.

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