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The inaugural crowd reeked of marijuana.
Posted: Jan 22, 2013

Someone must have slipped some potent psychedelics - into your morning java.
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Hallucinations out of control. Can't even dredge up the usual winger site coverage of this. Just a singular twitter feed or perhaps "eyewitness" text report from a disaffected observer that was repeated on a smattering of news sites. I suspect the source shares the same bad-acid-trip fallout that appears to be clouding your morning-after judgment.
from "your daily dose of right-minded campus news" - link
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Though I suspect the OP read it on Daily Paul:
Bwah ha ha - RC
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I like that the *most read* article is Naked Coeds: Student Stripping Grows More Popular.
lol... try scrolling down to the comments! - Pinky
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First comment (when I looked) uses the term "low information voters!" Gotta love it. How many times has that been used here on this board? Lots of totally hilarious (not!) racial jokes too. At least those can't be regurged here without being removed.
I wonder... - sm
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are these self-congratulatory little right-wingers paying cash for their own college education? I imagine not one of them would want to be caught taking a government loan.
They are, though. Sad to see attitudes so circumscribed - already. People are "supposed" to start
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out liberal and idealistic and get more protective and conservative as they acquire possessions and status--a way of having it all. :)
That said, Altmeyer's The Authoritarians was researched mostly using students at his college, and he apparently had absolutely no trouble getting all the well-formed authoritarian followers he needed to volunteer.
LOL! Over 1 million "potheads" made that trip, - beating all estimates. nm
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So says one person, Katie McHugh from Allegheny College? - nm
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Who better to recognize the - sm
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smell of marijuana, then, than a college student?
not at all. - sm
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it's always good to know the source of one's information. It's not a slight.
yeah! They are all hoping that their - medical marijuana will be
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covered by Obamacare and be "free". they are the only ones that they can get to support him! ha! :-P
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