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Germans uncover massive Iran nuke cheating;

Posted: Jul 14, 2016

snapback sanctions. Not news: Iran is already cheating on the nuclear agreement it signed with the United States. That’s been both expected and obvious since the day the agreement was signed, since it was clear from the word go that the Obama Administration would have no interest in ensuring compliance nor in imposing sanctions for noncompliance. News: German intelligence has the details, and they’re extensive and explicit, and several Republican U.S. senators are doing what they can to hold the administration accountable for its negligence on the matter.... ;

The report proves Iran lied and used forged documentation, - used front companies to gain

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access to technology. Iran wanted to have technology shipped to bogus companies in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and China. From there the goods would be shipped to Iran.

There is lots more. We were right to be worried.

Thanks Obama and Kerry for making the world a more dangerous place.

Likelihood of holding this administration or anyone in it accountable - is slim to none.

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This administration is nothing short of a criminal enterprise.

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