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Love Greg Gutfield. (sm)

Posted: May 14, 2015

Who really ginned up class warfare, huh?  



Good for President Obama--voicing a lot - of frustration with FOX

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Many of us are amazed and shocked and tired and worried and sickened with what is called the news station FOX.

I am glad President Obama finally feels the freedom to take them on. Someone needs to. Perhaps this will be a trend and we can finally be rid of them.

It just sounds like more Obama whining to me. - sm

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Poor baby, Obammy. LOL

I'm pretty sure the video was posted so Greg/Fox News/people here could whine about Obama again - Julia Sugarbaker (nm)

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No, I'm pretty sure it's all from Obaby's whining. - nm
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Because neither the OP, nor these comments and many others, are evidence of whining about Obama - Noooo - JS
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though he's only going to be in office 20 more months.

And if anyone expects the next president to "save" us, regardless of party, then they must believe in Santa Claus, too, a man that could travel to every house around the world all in one night, all by himself, too.

The truth hurts, doesn't it? - sm

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People who want to do away with freedom of the press are paranoid that Americans are actually smart enough to know the truth from lies.  Fox News tells the truth.  The liberal rags and stations spread propaganda and expect Americans to be gullible to fall for it.  That's what's known as "drinking the Kool-Aid."

I realize this is hard, but a WHOLE LOT of - people don't agree with you

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Make that MOST people. - nm
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You can speak for yourself, but you do not know that. Uh yeh, sure that's why they are the - number one news source across America
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And in other countries. Maybe you don't like them and some other people, but that doesn't equate to "most". Ratings DO matter and it shows they are at the top.
Um, not really... - different poster
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It only shows that old, scared right wingers still get their news primarily from TV.
No, sorry. Fox is NOT the "number one news source across America." - NOT EVEN CLOSE - LOL
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Fox News is number one in CABLE news, but not even close to many other broadcast news channels.

According to Nielsen averages, Fox News viewership was down 6% in 2013 with 1.75 million viewers, but it still drew more viewers than its two cable competitors combined: 619,500 at MSNBC and 543,000 at CNN.

During that same time period, an average of 22.6 million viewers tuned into one of the three commercial broadcast news programs on ABC, CBS, or NBC, a 2.3% increase over the average viewership for 2012, with NBC Nightly News being the ratings leader.

NBC -- 8.4 million
ABC -- 7.7 million
CBS -- 6.5 million
FOX -- 1.75 million
MSNBC -- 619,500
CNN -- 543,000

Nielsen averages show that Fox News pulls in roughly 20% of the audience of the NBC Nightly News...... so NOT even close to the number one news source across America and pulling an average of only about one-fifth of NBC!
Ya know it's funny - the actual truth never hurt me, but Faux Truth tried - awfully hard too - JS (nm)
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Here are 4 apologies by Fox News off the top of my head, 3 since January - JS (see video links)

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And these are major news stories they got wrong, not fillers/fluff:

1. "No go zones" in Europe



2. "White House didn't call Texas ISIS supporting terrorists "terrorists"


3. "Unarmed Baltimore man shot in the back by police"


4. "Obama privately funded Muslim museum"


There is absolutely NO excuse for a network news source to get things wrong this much, in such a short amount of time. That suggests they are not interested in reporting fact, they are interested in planting "power of suggestion" seeds of suspicion, hoping they'll grow.

i am sickened by what is called the news station MSNBC - Truthhurts

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and CNN is a close second. As a person, Obama is totally hateful about Fox because they do investigative reporting via Bret Baier and does one-on-one interviews. Guess Obama didn't like the questions Bret had asked him, nor when O'Reilly had his chance (I didn't watch that one). Too bad people don't keep an open mind about Fox but, then again, MSNBC is really good at bashing Fox because they beat MSNBC in every ratings report.

I need to turn off MSNBC when Tingles and Sgt. Schultz start their screaming attacks, plus I never have that station on when the race inciter's show is on. It's just a wasted hour of time.

Boy, that's a fact. I'm not lying when I say I'd rather watch - LM

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Al-Jazeera America

If only his argument points were as good as his (marginal) sense of humor - Julia Sugarbaker

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Well, about time someone in the conservative camp found a political satirist. Liberals have been ahead of them for years and are still funnier. Greg still comes off as angry.

As far as Greg's actual argument points, let's begin with the basic premise and title of the clip "Obama's misguided obsession with Fox News." If Fox News wasn't obsessed with twisting every little thing Obama says and does, Obama wouldn't have to constantly address and defend himself. And let's face it, Fox News has gotten caught getting their facts wrong and having to issue apologies more than most network news.

As for Obama's point about Fox News "demonizing the poor" vs Greg's point about "it's the policies we're demonizing, not the people"?

Well, just last night, Fox News cult members posted on this very forum on the likelihood people on food stamps would be obese. And also on this very forum, Fox culters have clearly associated public assistance and poverty with blacks, as evidenced in the fact a video was posted on that subject last night with a comment this morning stating poor blacks were "rageful" people. And let's not even mention Fox culters' comments under other posts insinuating people on public assistance are just lazy, exactly as Obama said. I'm pretty sure that's demonizing people, not the programs.

There are always going to be people that try to abuse the welfare system regardless of race, just like there are always going to be people who find ways not to pay their fair share of taxes. Cheating and selfishness are character flaws not limited to the poor
or black, they're just more justified.

And false sense of entitlement isn't a character flaw limited to just those on welfare, either. Consider one of the videos I posted on black rioters vs. white rioters. The white kid stated "I paid good money to be here and have fun, I have the right to do this!" (which is not something that would ever come out of a poor black person's mouth while rioting).

THERE'S your actual false sense of entitlement: "I own it" or "my team won" really means "I am superior and therefore I have the right to abuse it" in white man's land.

Thirdly, Obama did not start welfare or these other policies, he just supports tax money going to them - but note how Greg carefully words his tirade, as do his conveniently-raced buddies, sitting around for 20 minutes afterwards gossiping about him and blaming him entirely for these programs, despite the fact it is much harder to fraud these programs and they are much more stringent than now than when they began.

Lastly, I find it hysterically hypocritical the far right acts like they're mad about taxes and government spending. No, they're mad because it goes to people and programs they don't like and that we often brought here, mistreated and promised things to make amends they never received.

Because if that money went to Homeland Security to round up all the Mexicans and Muslims and deport them, they'd be ALL about that. Or programs enforcing their religious beliefs and family values on everyone else. Or astronomical defense spending. Or space exploration.

Here's a poem/song to that effect by Gil Scott Heron. It's called "Whitey on the Moon" :)


Pretty much all you have to do is listen - to the group of short-skirted hens

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on Fox for, say 10 minutes, and they will demonize someone not of their approved ideological affiliation.

Showing skin for ratings has become universal, I think. Sexist but - women benefit from it, too

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Because society thinks women can't be both smart and sexy, and that you have to choose between caring about your looks or your brain. This of course is not true and there are many women proving that wrong in whatever way they like.

(Unfortunately, none of them are on Fox News;)

But yes, despite how they're dressed, the gossipy conclusions they jump to remind me of old gossipy church ladies at my grandparents' southern baptist church.
No doubt they ARE better-looking though - LOL
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Did you hear Andrea Tanteros make a jab at the Amtrak wreck equivocating it with Bill Clinton. (Suppose she's heard of "too soon" or is it all about the shock value at FOX?)

I remember, probably 15 years ago, I had a small TV next to my computer, and when a school shooting or something would happen, I would immediately tune into FOX because they were always good for the most "detailed" (translated to gory, probably inappropriate details available). Sort of like watching Nascar for the wrecks.

Nowadays if they do the detailed coverage they make sure they demonize a liberal or a Democrat in the narrative over top of the scene. They were better when they were just tabloid fodder. They could just do Entertainment Tonight type stuff. Stay out of the intellectual subjects. Hey, the good side is they are giving a lot of marginally employable intellect a place to appear and make money. They are doing their own little bit for the unemployment rate!
Women, yes. Men, no. CNN's the place for hot men - grrrrrawwr:) - Julia Sugarbaker (edited)
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Men who are smart AND good looking. But they broke a lot of ladies' hearts when Cooper and Lemon revealed they were gay lol.

CNN has some pretty ladies, too. I think Erin Burnett is beautiful AND smart. She just doesn't wear a pushup and buy both her lingerie AND her regular wardrobe from Frederick's of Hollywood ;)

I say women work it if you've got it, but let's think about that a second. Though we know women can be both, why would Fox specifically choose women that don't have both?

Because in typical right-wing form, that's all ladies are valued for. They don't care what you say or if you say anything at all, while on their "panel", they just want you to sit there and look pretty;)

And I remember that about Fox News, I'd forgotten! 9/11 coverage was good and even the Oklahoma City bombings, if I remember correctly? My god, if that happened now, they'd be the last to report it and somehow find a way to pin it Obama somehow lol.

I'm not sure what happened, maybe the better reporting was before incorporation or at least before Rupert Murdoch took the full helm and then later went crazy later and started stalking politicians and celebrities, even tapping phones in Europe to get news?

Fox News is a hot mess now, to be sure.

PS - Didn't know that about Andrea, Clinton and a train wreck lol. You have a link? Guess I'll be adding that to the Fox apology list I just made under another comment soon
The Fox News ladies may be sexy, but they're - certainly not smart.
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That's what I was trying to hint at in my parenthetical without being mean ;) See also - followup discussion - JS
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