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Here it is with an interview afterwards. - ASmom

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The name Weiner really suits him.nm - TakeYourMeds

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And I for one would have absolutely no problem - saying President Weiner

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with a straight face and a great deal of respect, as long as he keeps being gutsy and not putting up with Regressives garbage. As for the meds remark, that is insulting and you really ought to reign yourself in. When Progressives say something like that, all heck breaks loose on us. Nothing like a little double standard I guess.

Refreshing to see some one stand up and say - what we all have been feeling sm

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especially those from his district. I would vote for him in a New York minute.

Dream on...I'd be embarrassed to say that - Thought he'd go into vapor lock

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Somewhere along the line someone found a new term called "regressive". Too bad it has no meaning here as the term does not fit this situation. I read that term here over and over and it seems to be posted by the same person.

Watching the video was like watching a child have a temper tantrum. I kept waiting for him to drop to the floor kicking and screaming with his arms and legs flailing.

First, all heck does not break loose when the liberals/progressives give remarks to conservatives/independents regarding meds. In fact we've been called worse and said worse to. So, no, you are wrong - all hell does not break loose. In fact here in your post calling anyone who is not in your club a "regressive" is an insult, but hey, to each their own.

Being gutsy in politics is one thing. I say gutsy is calling out the president when he lies. Now that took guts. And after everything was said and done we find out that he was lying. Now Joe Wilson was gutsy. I say good for him too. He said what everyone else wanted to say.

Wiener is gutsy, he's obnoxious, rude, and condescending. I just plain out feel he is wrong on a lot of issues. Anyone can come out and insult and ridicule the other party. That's not "gutsy". It shows a level of immaturity in the politicians who are supposed to be working for the people of the country.

In the link you sent watching it I realized he was whining. He's giving the "poor us" routine. And people say Beck is animated??? This guy is making a mockery of the political system screaming and yelling. I watched that and was thinking to myself...what are you 12? He stood there screaming and shouting very rudely telling someone to sit down? He should have been led off the podium, told to calm down, and told that if he can't speak in a clear and concise manner he would not be allowed to speak again. How dare some of these politicians speak to others the way they do. I don't care what political party you belong to. Show some respect man! All he did was make himself and his club look foolish.

I don't agree with Weiner on a lot of issues, but this outrageous display of childish behavior just furthers my cause not to support him. He's wrong on the issues and when he doesn't get his way he goes into a childish tantrum.

My question is this...if it was a republican up there screaming at the top of his lungs, acting in the same insane manerisms, disrespecting congress politicians in the democrat party, screaming and yelling at them to sit down, calling them this and that, would you show the same respect for them? I don't think so. I think you would be saying how dare he/she, etc, etc. But it's different because it's a democrat politician being disrespectful. Seems like whenever I see a democratic politician acting in this manner I hear over and over on this board from liberals - way to go, I really respect him, I'll vote for him, etc, etc. However, when a republican gets up and displays the same disrespect towards a democrat I read the - how dare he, what a jerk, he's a hipocrit, he's disrespectful, and a whole other slew of nasties.

But this display on the floor of the senate was rude and uncalled for. But if you respect politicians being rude, and screaming at the top of their lungs, jerking around about to go into vapor lock, well that's your choice. I just don't agree with you.

Also when I watched his sickening display up there the first thing I thought of was Mel Gibson going on a rant to his ex calling her this and that.

So because of his disgusting childish rant that's why you would vote for him. Well I guess as they say...to each their own. Not me though. I will vote for someone who is not going to have an anger management problem. I want a politician who is an adult, can calmly discuss issues and simply talk about why they are for or against an issue. Not screaming at the top of their lungs for someone to sit down.
Catch Fox this afternoon, did we? Your post is an - instant replay of their reporting on this.
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Off base on all accounts, just like they are and predictably hypocritical (yawn).
I highly doubt that - see message
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I have not watched TV today. In fact I ate my lunch at my desk because I had tons of work today and don't have time to watch TV. I pulled up the video from the original poster and that's what I watched and I have no idea what TV station did that video. I wasn't looking at who put it out, I was too busy watching Wiener make a fool of himself.

Anytime anyone comes on and says something opposite of what you want to hear you pull the ol drive-by that they are repeating Fox.

Well guess...I'm going to have to do a Wilson. You got caught red handed.

Since I wrote my own thoughts in the earlier post I know for a fact that what you are saying is not true. Can't pull that one off. And if they did say it, well good for them. Bout time someone tells it like it is. Oh wait...maybe they are aliens and they zoomed into my brain patterns and know what I wrote and repeated it on air.

And you know what...my account of what I wrote was spot on! Of course you don't like to hear it. You support them...a bunch of sniveling little children that will have a temper tantrum on stage for the world to see disgracing the office. No wonder why we are the laughing stock to the world. People like Weiner does not do the country any favors.

And your throwing around the "hypocritical" word as well as you do the "racist" word. Sorry...aint gonna fly either. There was nothing hypocritical in my post, but there is in yours.

Yes...I have to yawn at the typical liberal canned reply.....yawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnn
Maybe you are psychic. No need to remain in doubt. - Fox will be
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repeating its coverage of Weiner ad nauseum so you can take a peek and see what I mean. Verbatim party line prattle.
Well I guess it's true - see message
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A reknown psychiatrist wrote about this - the liberals are clinically insane.

I just said in my post I have not watched TV today. What part of that don't you understand. I'll explain. I sit in my room all day long and type. When someone says they have not watched TV that means they have not turned on the TV (i.e. picked up the remote control and pressed the on/off switch).

I'm going to be watching Fox tonight to see what they said. I can tell you this. I know for a FACT they did not say what I wrote in my post. That is just impossible.

Whenever I read posts like your and the one who claimed I watched Fox even when I say I haven't seen it, all I think of is Ripley from Alien - "Did IQs drop sharply".

So I will watch tonight and see what they say, but guarantee you it isn't what I wrote.
Too little, too late. - sm
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Thing is I would not have posted the instant replay obsevation without having seen Fox News myself this afternoon. Otherwise, the obsevation would not have been possible. Like I said, maybe you are psychic and simply predicted what you will see later this evening. Fact remains that you are towing party line verbatim. Whether you realize it or not is of no concern to me.
You know what.... - see message
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It would not matter what I post or when I posted. I could have been posting it as it was happening live and the ones who like to cut down others on this board would have said I took it straight from Fox when they hadn't even aired it yet. You know, I could have watched the station and made something up, but I didn't. I don't know if you are the poster who kept replying. I am not going to "assume" like some of the posters reply to mine have been, so I will say you are not her, but it doesn't matter on this board anymore.

If what I wrote reflected what Fox had said or Fox reflected what I said then all I say is I feel pretty good to know my observation of the whole tantrum was pretty intelligent and spot on if that's what they said.

I still have not seen Fox news tonight so can't tell you what they said. I've had the TV on, but I'm not seeing a news story about the incident. I might be missing it each time I walk out of the room. But I have been trying to listen so I could hear what it is I was accused of doing. I did hear that Juan guy who was sitting in for O'Reilly tonight, but I don't remember him saying what I said. Also the tiny little detail that I wrote my reply before the O'Reilly show even aired, but I guess to that poster that makes no difference. But you know what...it doesn't matter anymore. Whoever keeps replying to my messages is going to keep up the snipes. They don't like the fact that there are people with a difference of opinions, and they sure don't like it when anyone points out a fault of someone in the democrat party. This board has been filled over the past couple days with a couple liberals/progressives (could be the same one) immediately attacking those who have a difference of opinion then them. And they don't address the issues, they attack the poster for his/her viewpoints. She uses terms incorrectly and I guess it gives her great joy to cut down posters. You can have a difference of opinion with people and be respectful of them. The outright disrespect this person displays with every post cutting down posters who don't agree with her, calling them nice little nasties like regressives, hypocrits, and whenever none of that works comes back with the same ol line of Fox this or fox that. You call her on her drive by's and she even has a come back for that too.

I am towing no party line here. I tow my own opinions and observations. Whether it lines up with Fox, MSNBC, CNN or any other station I could care less. I have a mind of my own and I say it like I observe it. If they think by saying that it mirrors Fox then what they think is an insult has backfired on them because Fox is the only one who really tells the truth, so I consider it a compliment when I am told that what I write is in line with Fox. And whether you realize that or not is of no concern to me.

Truth be told I wrote my opinion of what I thought of his sickening childish temper tantrum on the floor. Not what someone told me to write, think, say, or do. His tantrum was a disgrace to his fellow politicians.

I also find it amazing that so many people would vote for someone with such an obvious anger management problem.

So to that poster all I say is flame away...it's what you are good at. What you say anymore has little significance, and I won't even be reading your one liner drive by snipes.
Don't have time to respond to your entire post - but having just skimmed
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it I will say that it is obvious how Regressive is being used. Progressives want to move forward and make things better for ALL Americans. Regressives are all about keeping things for only themselves and resisting moving forward, or accepting the new-such as climate change or the fact that gay couples can make great parents or any number of topics that "Regressives" seem to have a problem with. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct.
Secondly, just remember this post the next time someone makes a "take your meds" crack at you because it is something that has surfaced on several occasions here, usually with the conservative having the full blown hissy fit (guess it was okay for those on this board to "have a tantrum" but not Weiner, huh?) No Regressive will admit it but it has happened more than once. Just remember than if it is ever directed at you.
Lastly, as stated elsewhere in this thread, Weiner obviously has realized that Regressives do not respond to reasonable or civil discourse. They are just more interested in stalling and obstructing. Talking like regular grown adults does not work with them, so he reacted the way many adults do when dealing with children-he got fed up and gave it to them right between the eyes. They deserved it, and more. I doubt it will help, but they deserved it.

I wouldn't have a problem, either, saying President Weiner. (sm) - Nikki

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I've been watching this guy for about the past year, and each time I do, he impresses me more.
Isnt that who we have in there now? Pres. Weiner?nm - MN
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Was that supposed to be a joke?? Because - they don't fall much flatter
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than that. You aren't funny. When someone is so determined to undermine the current president that they will try to make a joke like this in a thread that isn't even talking about the sitting president-you really need to turn off Fox, Rush, and all of the other propaganda you are clearly listening to and find something better to do with your time-like maybe taking a class in making jokes?!
Actually, that WAS funny! LOL LOL LOL.nm - mtt22
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Actually, mtt22, we already know how easy you - are to amuse. Not surprising.
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I also think it was hilarious!! nm - TX
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Well then, I guess we had better get you a box - with a marble in it as well.
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See - message.

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