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Love big dogs?

Posted: Apr 20, 2013

Does anyone else share my love of big dogs, specifically Dobies and Rotties? (And no, they don't bite!);

I do, even though I do not have any - I have cats

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Love Rotties, absolutely love them. If I didn't have a houseful of cats that made it impractical to have a dog (no where to put the cat food up where my blind cat can still get to it and BIG sand pit in the back yard for cat poo aka dog treats) I'd have a rottie.

Have you seen Chad Dressen's youtube videos of Ramsey and Pablo and now Suvi? Ramsey is a doberman and Pablo is a chihuahua. Chad got a girlfriend/significant other a couple of years ago and she came with an adorable pit bull.


Ramsey and Pablo are getting up there in years now (they are both 10) but Suvi is still only about 3, so she's the most active one at this point. The videos will make you laugh.

To I Have Cats - Old Pro

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I love the Ramsey youtube! And bless you for taking care of a blind cat! I love cats and have had them on and off throughout my life. Rotties are great, but require a lot of care (walking, playing, etc.) They are quite stubborn, so much be trained from puppyhood as to who is boss. (Ha!) I love pits, too, but have a family member who says he absolutely will not visit if there is a pit bull. Strange, how people buy into images and stories. My hairdresser has a pit and the most danger you face from Daisy is that she will lick you to death!

Awwww I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my dobies! - DobieLover

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I have always had dobies, I love that breed and I really think they are the BEST breed out there. I had a professional portrait drawn of my big male dobie and actually had it tattooed on me...that's how much I love him.

People have said to me that they can't believe I let them around my kids, that "they turn" or "their brains swell" and all kinds of craziness. They aren't aggressive at all, they are just protective, big difference. Just the other day, a "stranger" came in my back yard and I didn't know he was out there and let my dobie out and he ran after the guy, jumped up and pushed him down and pinned him down and just held him there. He didn't even try to bite him, just basically gave him a warning. They guy even said my dog tried to bite him and I told him no, if he TRIED, he would have, he needed not to come in my fence, we have a front door to knock on if he needs anything.

They are so smart too, they understand commands so quickly and easily. I talk to mine like they are people, I tell them what to do and they do it. I could go on and on, I love them:)

DobieLover - Old Pro

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Your male Dobie sounds fantastic! I would love to see the tattoo! When I was a child (long, long ago) I wanted a Dobie but for some reason, my mother was terrified of them. She called them "killer dogs." She had never had a bad experience with one, so it was kind of funny that she had such fear. I currently have a friend who has the same fear of Rotties. But both breeds are just big old sweethearts. I always encourage people who want Dobies or Rotties to go for it! Have a great day with your Dobies!

Big dogs, yes. - I do.

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My shelter pup is a black lab/great dane. That's the consensus anyway. Favorite is the Newfoundland. The most gentle breed I ever came across. Sorry, Old Pro, but in my 6 years working for a veterinarian, a dobie was the only dog that bit me--no warning. Never blamed him, though. He was, after all, at the vet's getting poked and prodded. I would bite my MD, too, if I thought I could get away with it.
: )

I like big dogs. My favorites is Golden Retriever and Old English Sheepdog. Also like - I would want a dog with a "real" bark -

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Rottweiler and Dobermans and I like the Border collie and Sheltie.

I actually don't have any dogs. I'm more of a cat person because my lifestyle is more laid back and I love to curl up on the couch with my cats. But if I had dogs I would definitely get those.

If I ever get a dog it would definitely be one of those breeds. My best friend had a Rottie. They got it after their son was born and he was so protective of the baby and gentle as anything. I would like a Dobie for protection. I've heard they are loyal dogs too. But if I was ever to get a dog I'd get a big one. One that has a "real" dog bark, not a yip.

Funny how I am a cat person because everyone else in my family has dogs except me.

Love my 2 German Sheps - sm

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the bigger the better..And no they don't bite either..Big ol teddy bears

had St. Bernards most of my life and would have another if I had the time - SOSDD

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but any dog I don't have to bend down to pet is my kind of dog LOL

Yes, had 2 dobies, want another; loving and loyal. - whatsthebuzz n/m

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A shout-out to big (and little) dog lovers - Old Pro

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Glad there are other big (and little) dog lovers on here. (I love cats, too, but have a family member with allergies.) I find it interesting how many people are afraid of Rotties. Dobies, too, to some extent, but it seems that people are especially afraid of Rotties. I have a friend who won't come near them, says "They're vicious killers." I asked him if he had ever been bitten or had a bad experience with a Rottie, and he said, no, never. I think he has seen too many movies or something. The only dog I am afraid of is a Chihuahua! My neighbor has one, it is cute, but it must think it is a guard dog :)- because it barks and snarls at everyone. Its owner is a perfectly nice woman and a nice neighbor, but I am just afraid that the dog would take a piece out of me if I got too close. I have no doubt that if given a chance it would even attack a Rottie! I have two friends who are vets (each in a different state) and they both tell me that the dog they are most afraid of are chow-chows because they have each been bitten several times by them. I love chows and would have one, but do not want all of the grooming that goes along with them, and do not think they would be comfortable in a warm climate as California. But they are so beautiful. Martha Stewart has several. Anyway, here's to our canine friends, both big and small!

hehe ... love my chihuahua, tiny guy, big bark, no snarl. - he is a small dobie, same color and spots above ey

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spots above eyes, - whatsthebuzz n/m
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Love Chihuahuas - Chihuahua mom
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Actually she is a Chihuahua mix. She is adorable with a capital A. I totally agree about the bark.
Chihuahua mom - Old Pro
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Strangely enough, I am afraid of Chihuahuas! They are the only dogs that try to bite me! They are cute and charming, but I am afraid. People ask if I am afraid of Dobies and Rotties--well, no, but yes, I am afraid of Chihuahuas! :) A friend of mine had three and he took them out for a walk one night. He called me and said "This cat with a white stripe down its back......" Long story short: The "cat" was a skunk and it got him and all three dogs! The poor dogs smelled so bad that the vet had to come out to the parking lot to treat them. My friend had to throw his clothes away. I told him that if he couldn't tell the difference between a cat and a skunk he needed glasses--or a better animal education.
They don't know they are little! - Chihuahua mom
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Sometimes our little Chi mix scares me because she if a big dog (or any dog) comes near us or her yard she will actually go after them. Her bark surprised me when she was very young, as I expected to hear this little "yap" instead of the deep throaty bark she has. However, if someone visits the house she will carry on for a minute, and then decide they are no threat to her family. She has never snapped at a person, just dogs. I sure hope ours never goes for a skunk, but I could just see doing that if it got in her yard!

I love big dogs, little dogs, and medium dogs. - Mom22dogs

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Biggest dog we had at home when I was a kid was an Irish Setter with a registered name of Baby Doll Sunset Sundae. We called her Bridget. We had dogs of all different sizes when I was a kid. As an adult I have had medium-sized dogs, and right now I have 2 small dogs, a rat terrier that I rescued from the shelter and a min-pin I picked up as a stray. I am very much a doggie and kitty lover!

I have 2 cats now, but they are beyond old and - so I am thinking dogs next, however,

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I dont know what to get. I had a husky as a kid, and a poodle (miss you Tiger!). I have been leaning toward a golden retriever, or a dalmation. But, then I remember how much I loved that poodle. All my neighbors have small dogs and they say to get a small dog cause it will have small messes.

Can you take a small dog for a 5 mile walk? I like to walk and I would enjoy some company. Never could figure out why the cats couldnt handle a 5 mile walk!!! :)

Any suggestions for me?

To 2 cats now - Old Pro

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Well, they are surely not small, but Rotties are wonderful walkers, very strong, like to be out and about. As to why cats won't walk, our vet has a sign on her wall that says: DOGS HAVE MASTERS, CATS HAVE STAFF! :)

My neighbor has a toy poodle - sm

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I am thinking that dog could walk 5 miles with no problem, she is HYPER! She is super smart, poodles are ranked like number 2 in smartness, but my daughter goes next door to get her to come over and play with her, LOL. She goes and her owner lets her out and the poodle runs to my yard and inside the fence and it is just run, run, run, jump, jump, jump, nonstop. It looks like a movie in fast forward or something, that dog has some SERIOUS energy! I think she is like 7 years old too and she runs like a puppy, she NEEDS someone to walk her and wear her out, I think.

greyhounds - Effie

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I have three greyhounds and a boxer. Unfortunately the boxer who was originally my ex son-in-laws dogs is an aggressive horrible dog... we have to keep him separate from the greyhounds and try to make double sure that they are never turned out together.. we have had a few slip ups in the year that I have had the boxer and he almost killed one of my greyhounds.. sigh...

Hmm, what happens if Boxer gets out when children are - around? nm

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2 different behaviors - sm

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Aggression toward dogs and aggression toward people are 2 different and unrelated behaviors in dogs.

Yikes! - Empirelady

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:( with the boxer. Can you find another home for the boxer to be in a 1-dog home?

I'm on my third greyhound now. Aren't they amazing?

Do you think the solution for a vicious dog is to give the - problem to someone else? So what SM

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if you give it to a family with no other dogs? What about when THEIR neighbor child wanders into the area of the unsocialized Boxer? It my child ever got bit by a dog in this situation I would sue the current owner and every prior owner since they are the ones who didnt have the guts to truly handle the problem and just passed the mean dog down the line to the next person.
Some people... - Empirelady
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... are better equipped to handle dogs with these types of problems. As well, they would have the kind of secure property setup that would be necessary. I wasn't suggesting just handing off the dog to some unknown person with who-knows-what experience. Perhaps a boxer rescue organization would have more answers. Many dogs are better suited to be in 1-dog homes. Really, we have no other info than what was given us. This boxer could just be this way with other dogs and not humans. Having worked with rescue dogs, the personalities run the entire range from needing to be with other dogs, needing to be with big dogs only, to being in a 1-dog home, etc.

I was just trying to think of alternatives to putting him/her down, which I would think would be the last resort. We really don't have enough information to venture too much of an opinion. That's why I was asking questions. :)
We know the Boxer almost killed a greyhound. How much - more info do you need? SM
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And would you want to take the risk the Boxer "is just like that with other dogs" with YOUR grandchild or neighbor. I worked in a vet clinic for 30 years, and I know once a dog is aggressive you can never be safe or sure that trait will not come out in a different situation.
As a vet clinic worker... - Empirelady
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... you should be very aware that anytime you get more than 2 dogs together in a pack situation, the dynamics change completely. A slight "disagreement" can turn into a free-for-all in a heartbeat, any breed. It wouldn't take a whole lot for a boxer to almost kill a grey.

Furthermore, I'm going to guess that the boxer was probably highly stressed having come out of what sounds like a divorce situation, and no, we have no information on how much stress was involved there, but there definitely had to be some, and then on top of that was rehomed. Huge stress factor.

Case in point: My next-door neighbors had a golden female who, it seems, was there only to be a brood dog and pump out puppies. She was kept outside in all weather (and yes I called animal control, but as long as she had shelter, food, and water, there was nothing they could do). She eventually got to the point that when she was around other dogs, she went crazy. They finally let her go to the pound. I saw that dog a few months later after she had been adopted by another family. She returned to being the most wonderful nonaggressive dog, a model golden, again.

All I was saying is that we don't know all the circumstances, and I would like to give any creature the benefit of the doubt before putting them down because of one incident. Now, if this dog has a history of this and has been aggressive more than once, then you and I are in full agreement that euthanasia is probably the way to go, as it would be untrustworthy in any situation.

Didja read the owners post? There were "a few slip-ups." Even the - poster says it is an aggressive, horrible SM
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dog. I just feel like a dog that is aggressive is always too big a risk to have around people.

I am sure we would both agree that this Boxer was not socialized. And if he had been, he would be your typical Boxer. There is a lesson here about how to raise any dog. But this dog is aggressive, and in my book that translate into "not to be trusted."
You are correct - Empirelady
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Re-read, and you are correct. I think I read it on the fly between jobs the other day, and for whatever reason, it didn't register.

You and I are, indeed, in agreement. A sad situation.

I find this hard to believe! Boxers are very gentle! sm - Boxer owner

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I have been around Boxers for years. Never met one that just did not want lots of attention. Never aggressive though. Only thing I can say is when my 2 teenagers start fighting (not fist fighting - just yelling at each other) she does get between me and them. Yep I love her to death!

Well, it is true. The owner posted this!! I knew a mean - Boxer, could not be trusted SM

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around anyone but family and even they were very careful how they acted with the dog. I also knew a mean Golder, which you never hear of. And I havent seen another mean Golden other than that one. My point is, dogs, like people are all different. You can have a bad apple in any breed. Btw, those 2 mean dogs had to be put down after biting people.
Dozer the boxer - Effie
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Dozer is an aggresive dog..and I do so wish I could find another home for him.Believe me, I have tried.. no rescue will take a half blind 8 year old boxer (he was blinded in eye in another fight). My grandchildren love this dog and they have been through so much.. they were kidnapped by their father and hidden for half a year before we found them.. (Thats a whole nother story) and they have had to move and etc etc.. They come over to visit the dog and it makes them so happy... We have instituted numerous rules, and I am planning to build an outside kennel for Dozer as soon as I can afford to. So while ordinally I WOULD put this dog down, for my grandkids sake I will do all I can to make the situation work.
also.... - Effie
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I also meant to say that poor Dozer was NOT neutured when I got him..my macho ex son-in-law would not hear of doing it. Dozer is now fixed. but the aggressiveness towards other dogs has not lessened. Its hard when a dog is 8 years old. He would probably be a very different dog if he had been fixed young.
I would be terrified the Boxer would bite one of the g'kids. - And I know you are going to say he SM
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loves those kids, he would never bite them. But this is an aggressive dog. Dogs act like dogs, they are not hairy ppl with the power of reason. And what do you think being confined in a pen is going to do to this dog's personality? It aint gonna help it, that's for sure. You may think this dog would never bite one of the kids, but isnt that horror always in the back of your mind? Tell the kids you found a farmer who was looking for a Boxer and Dozer went to live with the farmer and then do what a responsible dog owner should do. Btw, tell the kids the farmer lives a long ways away so they dont expect to visit him.
Dozer - Effie
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I know you are right.. and yes I worry.. I like the story of the farmer.. LOL.

I am sorry that I turned the conversation to my problems with Dozer. I guess I needed to vent cause it is a huge problem for me.
Well, I think this was a good learning opportunity for all dog - lovers. When my daughter was 3-4, we had
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a springer spaniel. Took him to obedience class and was in a class to teach him to track. But one evening, he tried to bite my husband. That was all it took. That dog was about face level to my child and I could not take the risk, she would be next. The next day, I took the dog to work to be put down and that is when the farmer story was born. Sure, my child missed the dog for a while, but she quickly got over the hurt and every now and then she would say something like she bet Mike was happy living on a farm.

Having been attacked by a Boxer, I am totally - afraid of them.

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I'm sure that as a whole, they're just dandy. But my neighbors had Boxers that would always get loose, and one day the male came into my yard and came after me. I ran inside the house, and he kept trying to get at me through the glass door. I can't tell you how incredibly frightening it is to be pursued by a dog like that. I called animal control and they had a hard time getting close enough to catch him. We had to wait until the owners came home.

Any dog can turn into a monster if it isn't socialized properly. And a Boxer that is a monster is SCARY.

love big dogs too- - different breeds than yours

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Love my retired racing greyhound--all 90 pounds of him. Yep, he's a lap dog. Can't say enough wonderful things about the adopted racers.

Also love my boxer/beagle mix. Yep, another lap dog at 66 pounds.

What do I love about the big ones? Most everything. They are true buddies. They keep me warm. I can actually wrestle with them. They give hugs. They scare off unwanted visitors. They can play tug-of-war which equals a good workout for me. They are easygoing, thinkers and clowns.

Been asked by many people why I don't prefer the small breeds. I just don't and probably never will.

God bless the big dogs and the people who love them.

You bet! - Animal Lover

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Dogs in general; any size, color, breed . . you name it! My friend's daughter and husband have a female Rottie. She is so gentle, and she has a perfect Rottie head and expression. I love cats, too. My niece's cats are so beautiful and comical. Watching them is better than cable!

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. . .  and I'm not being facetious.  This is a “Faith” board, is it not?  Regardless of what any one of may have faith in, I somehow expected more positive and uplifting posts on this board. We have boards where the disagreements run rampant – line rates, companies, whether to even BE and MT.  But, come on . . . this is the FAITH board.  We don’t all have to believe in the same things.  We don’t all have to feel the same way.&nbs ...

I Love My Cat But HELPFeb 18, 2013
I have several cats but one in particular that I cannot seem to get this under control. This is a mostly white cat, has some markings like calico. She is shedding so much that I carry her on my clothing anywhere I go and sometimes do not know there until I look, see and ashamed did not get off. This is what I have tried: Gave her a bath last night with deshedding liquid from Petsmart- got really good reviews but bless her little heart, she was not used to that and shaking like a leaf afterwards. ...

If You Love Your JobJan 17, 2014
You can do it 7 days a week. "WASHINGTON -- Wisconsin state Sen. Glenn Grothman (R) is attempting to roll back one of the state's progressive labor laws, arguing that workers should be allowed to work without a day off if they so choose." "Current Wisconsin law requires employers to give their workers at least one day off for every week on the job, but a new law being proposed in the state assembly could change that. Two state politicians working with the local business lobby have i ...

I Love Bing - Anyone Else?Apr 08, 2012
If you haven't checked out Bing you should.  I love the pictures each day.  I see so many beutiful places and things.  Sometimes there is a moving picture.  Today's is especially cute.  It's 3 bunnies and if you pull it up give it a few seconds and the picutre will move (think its a movie going over and over).    ...

Does Anybody Else Love The Sing-off? Jan 18, 2011
I know it already ended but I loved the show, concept, the talent and the fact that it never failed to wow me... Anybody else a fan?  ...

You're Gonna Love ThisSep 15, 2016
Enjoy! ...