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Let's talk about Gingrich, Palin, Bachman, and the rest

Posted: Apr 1, 2011

I'm ready for a new topic, are you?

What do we know about Republican heroes and heroines who are expected to carry the torch in the next election?

Given the choice of the three above, I would choose Gingrich. He appears to be more intelligent and at least doesn't say things that are completely off the wall. He has lots of years of experience in politics, so he knows his way around. He would be my choice of those three.


I agree with you.... - my assessment

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First I have to say...can people get Palin & Bachman's name to stay out of it. I guess liberals think they are being cute by bringing up those two, and I guess they have to keep pushing them because its a guaranteed loss if they get in, but those are two of the most un-qualified people to run. Someone needs to tell Bachman...this isn't a local beauty pagent you are trying out for. This is for the position of President of the United States. You are not qualified and to keep saying you are going to run takes away from the importance of the position. Heck whose next to run? Joe the Plumber? Celia the cleaning lady? George the garbage man? No offense to those jobs and in fact they would probably be better candidates than the two beauty pagent girls.

Now...Gingrich I have mixed feelings about. I think he's one of the more qualified candidates. Understands a lot and has some good ideas. I don't agree with him on everything, but he's one of the most qualified out there.

Who I'm keeping an eye/ear out for is Mitch Daniels & Tim Pawlenty. I really like Paul Ryan and I hope to hear he is going to run. There are a few others I'm interested in so now just listening to everyone.

One thing I can guarantee you is this. If Palin or Bachman get in it's a 100% guarantee for a loss again next election. I'm looking for qualified people. They are not it.

ANYbody beats who is in control now, and - I DO mean anybody.

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straight republican ticket again in 2012, for second time in my life (midterms the first). The only way to stop this runaway train is to change engineers. Just wish we could do it sooner.

Sorry, I disagree - my assessment

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I know things are bad, but I don't agree that just anybody can beat what's in control. If you are talking about Obama in control, he's not in control. He's just a puppet that does what he is told like every other president before him. With that said I don't think just anyone can win. We are going to need a very strong, intelligent, and experienced politician. I was listening to a radio show guy out of Texas, Herman Cain, and he was saying that unfortunately it comes down to it it's all about race. No white man will win over a black. So, we need a strong, intelligent experienced black man to win. If for some reason a white man wins every white person in the country will be called a racist. It's really sad it has come to this. I am very hopeful for some candidates and I really hope that it doesn't boil down to race, but when you have more people voting for someone just because they are black or white or any other color it's really sad. However, I've heard so many black people come out and pubicly state they were wrong to vote for him because he was black. So, I'm hopeful that enough people are intelligent enough to see it's a mistake to vote for someone because of their race. I am hopeful that some of the more intelligent and experienced politicians will run for the position. Sorry, but Palin and Bachman have neither the intelligence or experience for the job.
I disagree - wileo
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Give me a break! The current president had a matter of DAYS of experience in the senate with no executive experience whatsoever. How can you say that about Palin or Bachman? Really! They are also quite intelligent if you listen to them.
I have listened to them - my assessment
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I've heard them interviewed on Fox many times. No, sorry, intelligence falls quite short when it comes to them. Bachman and Palin are treating this as though it's a local beauty pagent. It is not! There is a lot at stake here. This isn't a joke. They do not have the experience. Maybe Palin more because she was a governor for a short while, and yes, if it was a choice between her and what's in there now I would go with her. Backman though, sorry....no experience and no intelligence. And if she was the choice I won't vote. If she is going to get up and talk to people about issues or even history she should know the facts. She and Palin have been caught in so many blunders it really is not funny. They need to stand back and let experienced people apply for the job. They are disrespecting the people who have the experience who should be running. They both remind me of the guy who calls himself "Mr. Sex" and shows up every year to try out for the show "So You Think You can Dance". He insults the dancers with the real talent and so do Palin and Bachman. And get their faces out of the camera. I am soooooo sick of seeing them. There are more qualified people for the position. They need to back down and quit getting their faces on the camera every 5 minutes.
yikes, a little harsh?LOL - sm
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I'm with you in that I don't want either of them to run, but both Palin and Bachmann have more experience than Obama had when he ran. At least they have had jobs in the private sector in the past. I have never met Palin, but I have met Bachmann. She did not give me the impression of being an air-head in the least.

I do have to disagree with you, though, because the King of Blunders is Joe Biden - hands down. No one comes close, so far, at least!
yes, Biden is the King of Blunders, and Obama has had - his share of big ones -"57 states".
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But its always easier to call a woman an airhead than a man. Fair? ..no, but it happens all the time.
I agree and disagree and more explanation - my assessment
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I didn't think I was harsh. Just tell it as I see it. Well, yes, maybe I was harsh I guess, but someone has to be.

Yeah to you for agreeing that you don't want to see either of them run. I don't feel alone now :-). Palin I will give a little more credit to because she has held a job as a governor, but I watched her during the campaign and followed her afterwards too. She is the most hated woman in America. I particularly don't hate her, but I don't particularly like her. I just wish she would go away so I don't have to hear her anymore. She was a huge contributing factor as to why McCain lost. I don't want republicans to lose next election. If they pick her as a candidate its a guarantee the republicans will lose again.

Maybe I mis-stated my last post. I don't think Bachmann is an airhead, but she is way out of her league and no where near experienced enough to do the job. People voted in someone who was not experienced and look what happened. I don't want that to happen again. She needs to step back and learn so much more before even thinking she is partly qualified. I compare her wanting to run as though it is a local beauty pagent because that is what it reminds me of. Someone very inexperienced wanting to play with the adults and thinking she's all that when she's no where near that. She has not been in office long enough to know most of what needs to be done or know how to work with foreign diplomats. Last I heard she didn't even know her history of our country.

What I have to clarify is that I meant that both Palin and Bachmann have been caught is way too many blunders, which gives them the appearance of not knowing what they are saying or doing. However, I agree that Joe Biden is the true King of Blunders. Nobody will ever top him. I used to respect him a lot and then as soon as he won it's like Yikes...he didn't say that again did he? LOL.

Palin and Bachmann need to back down and the republican party should be telling them that. Unless they are letting them go all over the place to look like the republican party doesn't know what it's doing. All I have to say is if there is any hope for a republican to win, it's will not include either of them.
I think you are wrong about Palin being the - most hated woman in
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America. She had a lot to do with the shellacking that took place in the midterms. Doesn't sound to me like the majority of people who voted in the midterms think that at all.

What a nasty thing to say.
I disagree - my assessment
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And there was nothing nasty about what I said. She IS the most hated woman. People are publicly saying (tweeting or whatever) they wish she'd go down in a plane crash. Don't you remember people rushing up to her motorcade during the election trying to push her vehicle over, effigy's of her hanging with a noose around her neck. People hate her with venum and the utter nastyness the media has shown towards her proves it. BTW, she did not have as much do with the last election as people who like and support her think she did. And I really don't like the word "shellacking". It's a term that Obama used to make light of how serious the republicans winning the elections were. What happened last election was HUGE. Palin had nothing to do with the way I and most of America voted. What happened last election had been coming to a boiling point for quite some time. The democrats in DC did it to themselves. They had been showing ever since Obama was elected how much they didn't care about the American people. They did it to themselves and Palin had nothing to do with it.

I hope Palin keeps her word and doesn't run. I think she's smart enough to hold a cabinet position, but not President or VP. I won't even go into Bachmann. She just needs to stop getting her face into the camera every 5 minutes. Oh yes, and if she's going to give a speech and try and talk about history she should at least now her facts before showing she doesn't know what she is talking about. Palin & Bachmann are weak people that don't have the experience or knowledge of what the job entales. They couldn't handle it. And their voices are enough to turn people off.
Sorry, don't agree with you. And she would - not have her face in a
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camera "every 5 minutes" if the cameras didn't follow her. It is ridiculous. She will post something on Facebook and within 3 minutes it is all over the news and even posted here. If people really wanted her to go away, wouldn't they just ignore her?

Palin still draws huge crows wherever she goes. I will agree with you on one thing...she is probably the most hated woman by liberals. That's pretty clear with Bill Maher calls her a tw@t (crude female vulgarism, not twit) on national TV and NOW ignores it. If a Republican male called a Democrat female that word we would never hear the end of it.

I don't think she will run. But if she does, she gets my vote, because she does have some experience at running a government without running a deficit, which puts her light years ahead of the present President. Straight Republican ticket for me, no matter WHO they run, because my objective is to get Obama and Biden OUT of there and hopefully a Republican majority in the Senate as well.

And if they fail to listen, as the Dems did at midterms, they should be out on their keesters as well.

As a side note...repeating a nasty comment, whether you perceive it to be true or not...does not make your comment any less nasty.
Cannot believe you accuse THEM of blunders... - when Obama and Biden
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have made as many, but give them a pass...and then call THEM unintelligent. Come on....

And I am looking at what Obama has done...circumvented the Constitution at least 3 times (you know that document he swore to uphold and defend)....and you think another Democrat is going to be any different? Look at Congress! It should tell you, it WON'T be.

A nonvote is a vote for them, so don't kid yourself. If they get back in you will be part of the problem, not part of the solution...which I suspect is your intent anyway, otherwise you would not engage in petty name calling before candidates are even announced.

Have a nice day.
I was not comparing the two - see message - my assessment
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Just because Obama and Biden are the King and Queen of Blunders does not mean that other people cannot make blunders. I was not comparing Palin & Bachmann to Obama and Biden. I was talking about them as individuals. If you want to talk about what Obama has done and the democrats that is for another post. That is not the topic I was talking about. I was talking about Palin & Bachmann. Since we already know what it's like to have two people in office who every time they give a speech it's embarrasing, why in the world would you want to replace it with the same (that's not a question, its a statement).

A non-vote is not a vote for them. Them meaning who? It could go either way. If I was going to vote for the person you don't want to win, would you rather me vote or not vote? A non-vote is a stance I will take if I am not happy with either candidates (whoever they may be). I stopped being a democrat one month after Clinton was elected (first term of course) and I stopped being a republican during the 2nd term of Bush. I am a person without a party because they have both failed. That means I can make a decision as to who I like without being loyal to a party and not thinking clearly because all I see is the party has to win, not the person

I don't want Palin or Bachmann as candidates because they don't have the knowledge needed, they don't have the experience needed, and every time they are interviewed they prove it. I don't want to go through another 4 years of constant blunders and people not knowing what they are doing.

Last and most important of all...there are more qualified people for the position. It's an insult to them to keep bringing up Palin & Bachmann's name. Those two are way out of their league.

People need to stop bringing those two's name up when they talk about running for election. They are not viable candidates (and last thing I heard was Palin said she is not running). So lets start talking about real candidates with experience and knowledge (Mitch Daniels, Paul Ryan, and others). People who will actually be able to win against what is in there now. What is in there now is pretty powerful. We see how they have brainwashed a majority of the people, so we need good and strong candidates if anyone besides them are going to win. They are going to have to be intelligent, experienced, and actually have some good ideas and plans and not just campaign slogans and empty words. Lets start talking about real candidates. Sorry but Palin & Bachmann will never win against what is in there now.

Yeah, you have a nice day too.
A non-vote can go either way, true....and if you - are willing to roll the dice
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on another 4 years of Obama and a majority of Dems in the senate, then more power to you. And that is exactly what a non-vote would be. Taking your "stand" and taking a roll of the dice that you will have the same old thing for 4 more years, making the midterms meaningless. But by all means...take your "stand."

I am not willing to take that chance. Hence straight Republican ticket no matter who is on it. That being said, I don't believe either of them WILL run, certainly not for the top spot...but if for some reason that happens...they get my vote.

I hope the first thing they do is put Trump in the cabinet. At least he knows how to run a business at a profit and knows what works and what doesn't. I would love for him to be czar in charge of going through all the social programs and reorganizing them like you do when you take a business over that has failed.

THAT would be a good thing.
Trump has declared bankruptcy in the past and you think that - would be a good thing?nm
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One of his companies declared bankruptcy... - he is worth millions still
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today. Let's do some comparitive looking: think of Trump like the US. The US has hundreds of programs (like small companies) that don't work and operate at a loss daily. Trump had one company go bankrupt....he is not operating at a trillions deficit.

The US is operating at trillions deficit...which do you think is better? Being worth billions or operating in trillions deficit? Which do YOU think is better?

I think someone who pays his bills would be the best. - nm
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Yes, but when you get rid of the puppet - you get rid of the string-puller.
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and the basic premise is still the same...I am ready for some change I can believe in, and that change is sending Obama back to Chicago. It could not possibly be worse unless he is replaced by another spend like crazy in spite of the deficit Democrat.

Straight Republican ticket for me.

Hmm, this is the Republican logic, huh? - me

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How 'bout my pet chihuahua for prez?

Why is Obama such a demon to you guys?
I don't consider him a 'demon'. I consider him - Backwards Typist
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a bullsh**er. I knew he couldn't do what he was promising in his campaign, even though it all sounded good. I fell back to my old mantra, "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is." But many people heard what he promised and believed him. That's why he got the votes.

He is too inexperienced to run a country. He didn't have any foreign policy experience. That's why he campaigned around the globe. He figured his eloquent speeches would be all that was needed to run this country, even though he made a lot of blunders.

He thought being President would be fun. If you noticed, MSM doesn't give air time to his parties anymore. There have been too many parties and people are angry about that. He is finding out differently that being a President is hard work and I know I will be bashed for this, but I doubt he ever worked hard in his life, but he's so beholding to certain groups and individuals (no need to mention names) that he HAS to run again, whether he wants to or not.
Never said Obama was a demon....and the - chihuahua comment is
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pretty silly, doncha think? I made the post and I am not a Republican. I am an Independent. I don't like what Obama is doing, that is backing the spend spend spend when the account is empty. The budget he sent to Congress was LUDICROUS in this economy. The Democrats absolutely do not get it.

And the only way to change that is to send Obama home in 2012. I don't think he's a demon. I just think he is a lousy President, and ANYBODY who understands we need to stop spending and address this deficit is better than him. PERIOD.
I understand your post above better - my assessment
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When I read your post above I thought you meant that just anyone would be better than what's in there now. Now I know what you mean. The only thing I would have to say is the crowd in their now is pretty powerful. They can throw the race card out at any time, put the "you're demonizing me" pity party and he knows how to mesmerize people with his speeches. Whoever runs needs to be equally powerful, have good ideas and not empty words, and actual experience to back the ideas. They need to have common sense and speak to the people.

Yes the chihuahua comment was pretty juvenile and usually what they say when they have no true argument. But doesn't surprise me because that's what Obama does...he gets people to think he's being picked on and "demonized" when all people are talking about is the policies.

I really don't think the democrats have learned their lesson from the last election because they are continuing on with the same ideas that got most of them fired last election. I think a lot of people are going to go straight republican ticket next election. Last election was not a strong enough message for them. I still want to see and hear the candidates.
didn't Obama pretty much run against Bush who, by the way - wan't running.
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If he can get elected for not being Bush, maybe my chihuahua can get elected for not being Obama.

Palin said she's not running for prez. She said it a couple times. - Backwards Typist

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I'm glad she isn't planning to run. She knows how bad the dems and liberal talk shows will pull everything they can to make a fool out of her. Look at the last election and they still can't shut up about her. I wish they'd leave her alone. It's getting old.

We have 2 choices in 2012. Corporate run - United States backed SM

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by the government or corporate run United States with the government unwilling or unable to stop it.

If you think those are the only choices then I - prefer corporate run US

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that operates either even or at a surplus than one that is in the red and sliding down the hole toward bankruptcy as we speak. Democrats are in the pockets of corporations and unions, that's obvious, because without the big corporations to unionize, the unions would be out like an old pair of shoes.

So please don't patronize people thinking Republicans are the only ones in bed with corporations.

And try to think about this for a minute...what happens if all the independent corporations, who are, whether you like it or not, the backbone of this economy...just went away?

Take a trip to Venezuela and Cuba if you want to know.


They can't leave her alone. They're afraid to. - I don't know how one

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little woman from Alaska got all those liberal knickers in a knot, but she sure did. The degree of the the reaction borders on obsession. They claim they want her to go away, and they won't let her...LOL. It really borders on pathological.

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