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Michele Bachman,TP spokesperson says Obama is waving a tar baby

Posted: Apr 21, 2012

I bet there are at least 2 on the board who would say it is Obama's fault. ;

Michelle and Sarah - twin loons

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Will say or do anything to get their mugs in the news.

Twin loons - Sounds like a few posters on this board

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No one's taken your bait yet - .

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"tar baby: a tricky situation; a very troublesome situation, especially one that is difficult or impossible to get out of." (source: Bing dictionary)

traditional lisle stocking laundry - day

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Evidently you did, or you wouldn't be pretending - the word has no racial conotations.

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Of course, the denial ploy is not entirely unexpected. At the very least, MBs selection of the phrase in lieu of less charged words (such as quagmire, for example) shows a certain insensitivity that has been displayed by conservative pols in the past, who later apologized for using it. Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-CO was one of them. Guess who else apologized for the poor word choice? Mitt Romney!

The Urban Dictionary often reflects a variety of definitions derived from common use absent in formal compendiums and provides a more accurate picture of what people actually think the word means when they hear it. UD offers up quite a number of race-based definitions:

1. Tar baby is a synonym for N-word, except that it is only used in bigoted manners, whereas the N-word can be a sign of respect, if the speaker is also African American. It comes from a children's story in which the dark skin and seeming ignorance (caused by a lack of schooling) of slaves were explained by the idea that black children were baptised in tar, which made them dark and dumb.

2. An African American baby, most likely very black.

3. A black person, or a white person covered in tar...that looks like an N-word.

4. A black man. See coon, N-word, etc.

5. Now used as an insult to black people, the tar baby was originally a jet black baby doll (because it was made out of tar) used to trap Br'er Rabbit Rabbit in an American folk tale.

6. An extremely offensive word created in slave-days to make a black person feel inferior.

The synonyms they give may also be of interest. Most of them are quite offensive: N-word, black people, porch monkey, swamp ninja, moon cricket, African American, blackie, darkie.

Being from the South, unfortunately I have NEVER actually heard the word used in any other context except as a racial slur.

Add GOP Rep Tom Davis, John McCain and Tony Snow - to the list of

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tar baby offenders. Romney said he was unaware that "some people" find the term objectionable. Too privileged to know about stuff that offends black people no doubt. Maybe he thinks his black vote is DOA like the Latino vote, though he seems to be more concerned about the latter since their voting block is bigger. Poor Mitt.

The Conservatives should be more respectful - and patriotic
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terrible example for their children.
This is very interesting... - BHN
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...the striking differences as seen on these posts between conservatives and liberals. It's almost as if they are wired differently, their responses are so predictable. A fascinating study in human nature.
2 immediately did the knee-jerk dislike - blue sky
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These Conservative also claim to be open-minded indepedents who do "research," yet keep copying and pasting the same old Rovian/Alec/Koch Brother talking points that are fed to them. It isn't really interesting any more except it is a bit entertaining to see how fast they can hit the predicted "like" or "dislike."
Read your post - sm
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Since you are talking about how fast someone can "like" or "dislike" thought you should know it took me all of 2 seconds to dislike yours.

Not a "knee jerk" reaction either. I read your first sentence and knew right away it was a bunch of trite.

Conservatives at least post articles of importance. And since you mentioned the Rovian/Alex/Koch Brother (have no idea who they are, I'm assuming they are conservative, you really don't want to get into who the talking heads discussion of who is running the democrats and posters here so blindly follow and worship now do you? No, didn't think so.

What's not interesting anymore is to see the brutal attacks on conservatives when they show any difference of opinion. The cut downs, the retaliations etc. I read all the posts and I do understand it is fear that is driving most. Fear that your boy might possibly not be put in position again. you can site any poll you like to. The simple fact is he is not as great as posters here post. As one poster pointed out if he was so perfect as you all profess he'd be leading Romney double digits. Now I don't like Romney and will not be voting for him, I will write in who I want, but the fact is your lord is not doing as great as you all profess. Yes, I know its a bit unnerving that there is the possibility he might not be put in the position again. But the least people could do is not be hypocritical.
what is up with that - BTK
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That like and dislike thing-when did that start here? I thought it was probably an appendage of a program, but I see that people actually "vote." seems strange to me, like standing at the watercooler, making a statement, and having 3 people applaud and 2 boo. Just weird to me.
Solution is don't use it if you don't like it. - nm
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This is so biased, it's hysterical - Dems have NO TOLERANCE
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knee jerk every comment that THEY think is conservative or rebublican, all with their vile, disgusting insults and name calling, they are famous for. Guess that is supposed to pass as their little bit of humore..yeah, very little. "It is really interesting anymore except it is a bit entertaining to see how fast they can hit the predicted like or dislike"....the more insulting and vile the dems/libs poster, the faster the "like".
I couldn't agree more. - sm
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I'm starting to believe that Republicans/Tea Partiers/Conservatives/right wingers, etc. have infiltrated this country because EVERYTHING (not just here and there -- EVERYTHING) they believe is the complete OPPOSITE that I and a significant portion of REASONABLE people are still hanging around.

They are so illogical, they MUST be space aliens!!

JUST KIDDING (for all you Conservatives who will go on to complain about this post to the Moderator).
This is a fantastic, pure message - BTK
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That should be repeated daily. One can disagree with policies without the nonsense. it is the little things like this that teach our children that manners and civility are unimportant. the attitude this teaches is that you should be extreme in dress, thought and action and maybe you will get famous. All the talk about flag pins and flags at the same time profoundly disrespecting our political leaders.

Hypocristy is alive and well in - Dem/LIb camp
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How quick the knee jerkers forget the horrible, disgusting comments of their own, just to name a few.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Joe Biden
Ed Schultz
Bill the pig Maher
Alan Colmes
Rev Sharpton
Rachelle Madcow
Joe Klein
Jhameue Green
Marc Allan Hill
David Letterman

That's just a few...there are plenty more. BTW - None of them apologized for their hideous comments. Typical Dem/Lib lack of respect and common social graces.
Dems should be more respectful and patriotic - They're a terrible example for ALL children
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It's bad enough that the Conservatives want - sm
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to outlaw birth control products, now they want to take over our children, as well???? Between a Democrat and a Republican, I'd feel much better if I had to send my child somewhere, I'd send her to a Democrat, knowing what their true feelings are, and NOT the terrible things written by the Conservatives on this board.

I really can't see MB spending a lot of - time on

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urban dictonary to get the meaning of words. I usually only go looking up words that I my husband comes home with that would not be appropriate for this site. Websters lists it as "something from which it is nearly impossible to extricate oneself". Makes a little more sense if you go back to what she was talking about. To me, racism is usually intentional and really not hard to figure out. What she was talking about had nothing to do with race and made sense with that the actual definition means.

I'm from the South, and I'm not sure that I have ever heard anyone use tar baby.
Connotations - mbmt
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Personally, I do not think MB was using the term tar baby in a racist way. I do, however, think it was a poor choice of words considering who she was talking about. It would be like saying Michelle Bachmann's husband's behavior is a bit queer.
I don't know how old you are, but - sm
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I just turned 59, and I grew up hearing that derogatory phrase for black people, and I grew up in the Northeast. The phrase has been around for a long time.
Close to your age - mbmt
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I will turn 59 this summer and live in Northern Wisconsin, and I agree that probably most people our age have heard the term (no matter what part of the country) and that many of us did not know where the term actually came from. But, if somebody said there were six tar babies playing basketball on the playground, we certainly would know what they meant by that.

I still think MB (even though I cannot stand her and think she might be somewhat racist) did not mean to use the term tar baby in a racist manner but rather was talking about a sticky situation. It was a poor choice of words.
I think MB knew exactly what she was saying, - sm
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made certain she used an inflammatory phrase just to stir up the racial issue and really get the Republican Klan worked up and ready to vote for Romney.

Maybe its a northern term or maybe - it is because I
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almost half you age, but I've just not heard it. I have heard many, many racial slurs. I actually agree with mbmt. If she were using it in a racial context, that would be one thing. I just don't see how it is being considered racist when she was talking about oil and using it in the correct dictionary form. I see racism as a hate, and I really don't think that was her intention whether I like her or not.

I think with my age group we have probably heard a lot less of this as we have grown up differently. It would have been common in my youth for you to have black friends in school, after school, lots of interracial relationships in my age group.
I enjoyed your post, especially the part where - sm
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you discuss your age group, and if anything, it seems that most of the people in your peer group probably are hearing less and less. I believe their attitudes are a LOT different and maybe even on the liberal side regarding racial comments.

It would not surprise me if MB actually DID mean it when she said it. Unfortunately, not everyone is like you. Hopefully, your generation will help to make racism a thing of the past.

Again, thanks for your post.

Uh...does this have a point? - Trigger Happy

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What tar baby? Where is the story here? Did I miss it? The only thing I see is an accusation of racism and a snide comment as the actual message.

The story here is that MB used a racial slur - (while feigning ignorance) SM

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that the term had any racial connotations. They try so hard to deny their true colors but it is becoming increasingly clear to me. JMO.

To be honest - Trigger Happy

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I haven't heard about this. I also must admit that I didn't know what a tar baby was. I had to look it up. I guess that was never a racial slur I've heard before until now.

I guess my whole point was the story behind it. I get her being accused of using a racial slur but what exactly did she say and what context was it used. I'm not trying to be difficult...I just wanted to know the whole story here. Nevermind....I guess when I get time from typing I'll look it up.

I honestly did not know that tar baby was anything BUT racist - Obvious

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I think almost all people would ONLY draw a conclusion of racism.

You probably haven't heard about it - because saying that

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it is a racist comment is really stretching it. She was talking about Obama's energy policies and said "This is just about waving a tar baby in the air and saying that something else is the problem. I have never seen a more irresponsible president who is infantile in the way that he continually blames everybody else for his failure to first diagnose the problem, and second to address, the problem. It is always everyone else's fault."

She was talking about oil prices. Apparently, there is some correlation with that and racism? Go figure.

I didn't want to see her as the president, but this racism thing is kind of stretching it.

I guess libs are so despirate to cry racism they've gone too far - whats next - if you don't vote for Obama your a racist

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Thanks for your post. So the comment WASN'T racist after all. Guess they try and stretching anything into what it isn't.

what if
Thank you for not blaming Obama, just the people who vote for him - nm
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"some" correlation with racism? - social studies review

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Ms. Bachmann orchestrated this pretty well, in my opinion. She gets to appeal to the lowest common denominator while individuals unfamiliar with this racial slur point fingers at the "silly libs who see racism everywhere".

Tar baby is indeed a well-known racial slur. You have to remember that there is an entire world out there that predates your own awareness. That you are younger than I doesn't bother me. What does bother me is your willingness to buy into flimsy logic absent any effort to research the subject.

The term "tar baby" is DEFINITELY a racial slur - sm

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and has been for many, many years.

When Dems/Libs have nothing to say of value - scream "racist" & ignore DLs racist

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Typical Dems and LIbs. Give a pass to any one on their side, castrate everyone else, no matter how offensive their group is. Example below:


David Letterman may not get any flak from NASCAR, but I'll bet he does get some 'flak' from the NAACP, and others such as Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jackson will absolutely go nuts !!!

David Letterman's Top 10 reasons why there are no black NASCAR drivers:

# 10 - Have to sit upright while driving.
# 9 - Pistol won't stay under front seat.
# 8 - Engine noise drowns out the rap music.
# 7 - Pit crew can't work on car while holding up pants at the same time.
# 6 - They keep trying to carjack Dale Earnhardt Jr.
# 5 - Police cars on track interfere with race.
# 4 - No passenger seat for the Ho.
# 3 - No Cadillacs approved for competition.
# 2 - When they crash their cars, they bail out & run.


# 1 - They can't wear their helmets sideways.

NASCAR top ten? This is a prime example of republicans not - sm

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researching and posting whatever crap the right wing radicals feed them via viral email and radical faux news websites. Just a simple post on Google brought up the truth.

Racist anyone? Surprise, Surprise! Anyone who - sm

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would believe David Letterman would say this on network TV needs their head examined.

he can always - get a job over

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at Media Matters.

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