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What about a Gingrich/Cain (or Cain/Gingrich) ticket

Posted: Nov 2, 2011

Been thinking about this.  What are your opinions of a Gingrich/Cain or vice versa ticket.  I think with Newt's government experience and Cain's business experience they'd be a good ticket.  What do you think about them and what are your pros/cons of them.  Oh yes, please don't respond with any of that bogus harassment crap.  Again looking for a serious conversation, not unsubstantiated rumors.  I think we need strong candidates.  Perry and Romney I don't trust as far as I can throw them.  Perry has too many ties with Al Gore and IMO is a democrat but just calling himself republican cos he thinks he will get more votes.  Romney has too many times with big money and his religious organization.  We need smart and strong people and they both (Cain and Gingrich) are definitely that. 

Wondered what y'all thinks.


If you are looking for serious talk, why did you - post a punch line?

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With Gingrich's stellar infidelity record, discipline for two counts of tax violations and lying to the committee in an attempt to cover his behind, and Cain's repressed inner Long Dong Silver aspirations and brewing campaign finance woes, don't you think that ticket would be a bit ethically challenged?

Me thinks y'all oughta mosey on back to the drawing board.

Thanks for the not so serious discussion - nice try though

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No message is needed.

Republican/Tparty infighting, lack of family values, - Where are the jobs?

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Sounds like the Kardashian's or some other silly "reality" show.

GOP can sweep ethics under the carpet within their ranks but not - within context of national election.

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Seriously. If the GOP goal is to WIN the election, Gingrich/Cain or Cain/Gingrich is their ticket to winning the race to the bottom of a hisorically colossal and deeply humiliating defeat. Get real.

Liberals dont know or care about serious discussions - which is why we have O in office. nm

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Yes, but Obama is a GREAT example.. LOLOL !! - Thats the BIGGEST joke!! nm

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At this point, anybody BUT Obama, destroying the USA.nm - Indy

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Newt and Cain - !!!!

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Stop watching solely Fox "News" and you will soon realize NEITHER of them are viable candidates.

Excuse me - sm - STOP ASSUMING!!!!!!

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I DON'T WATCH FOX NEWS! In fact I don't watch any news cos I'm too busy working. The only news I see is when I pull up Drudge every maybe 4 days. DH tells me what's going on in Iran and other countries sometimes and I have no idea what all that means, cos I'm usually thinking about having to work and juggle everything else I do around here. I have no idea where the candidates are in the polls or if there has even been any polls.

So please people spare me the insult of "Stop watching solely Fox" blah blah blah. In fact if I do watch any news I will watch CNN. Blitz kind of makes me crazy, but I like him. I don't trust Fox or MSNBNC as far as whatever. They don't give you the real news. If I did have time to watch it would probably be Greta, but again, no time.

From what I've seen in the debates, the last one I watched was maybe a month or so ago and at that only bits and pieces cos I was working while it was going on, but I liked Newt and I liked Cain. The crap about harassment with Cain is just that. Oh and guess who is involved in that little slime trick. Your good ol buddy Rahmee. Yeah, but ya won't see that on your good ol "news" stations. COS THEY DON'T FREAKIN TELL YOU THE REAL NEWS. If you want to know what's really going on look it up on the internet (and not Fox, MSNBC, or CNN website). Look at independent sites.

So please before I bust a blood vessel here stop insulting me with your assumptions that I watch Fox. I asked for serious conversations. I was hoping people would actually be adult enough to have a conversation without insults, but guess that's too hard for you. I barely have time to come here and when I do it's all children fighting and spreading rumors and lies.

Well guess what...the republicans better have good candidates cos they need to win this election. If they don't this country is going to go right down with Greece. We cannot afford another 4 years of the same ol same ol. Do you realize people are losing their jobs and houses every single day. It's not getting better and there is no "hope" with the current crowd. We need a good strong leader because we have not had one in over I don't know how long. Typically I and my family and friends have always done better under a republican. But every time a democrat gets in there someone I know is losing their job or their home or both. Clinton years were hell. I never wanted to go back to that again. Bush got in and things improved. Then the current crowd gets in and I'm back to the same depressing financial times that I was with Clinton and you know what, it just sucks. Yeah, I know the president isn't actually at fault and it's congress, except Bush of course, everything was his fault as I've read here too many times. So you know what, pardon me for wanting a better life and for my family and friends too. We sit and struggle here not knowing what to do. We have to move so family can get a job cos there are none here. But then there are none anywhere else. We don't know what is going to happen in the future and we can't plan anything and worry about our kids. All those big promises I voted for were all just a bunch of crap - a con to vote for him when he actually had no plans to move the country in a better direction. No instead we have him and Marie Antoinette running around showing off their "bling". Just sick and frustrated with it all.

I want the country to do better. I want my family and friends to get jobs. I want my kids to have a future to look forward to. I'd like to retire one day and not have to work until I'm 110 and die at the keyboard typing. That's not going to happen with what's in there now.

So, excuse me for actually believing there would be a serious discussion about this. No one has yet to address what they like or dislike about Newt or Cain, just unsubstantiated lies and insults.


Newt's infidelity and ethics sanctions are not - unsubstantiated gossip or lies

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and Cain's ongoing unfolding sexual harassment and campaign finance woes are facts of political life, whether you want to face them or not. Speaking of unsubstantiated gossip, that Rahmee flap out of The Washington Times is rather poorly sourced, dontcha think (an unnamed "friend" of the Cain camp BELIEVES info and influence from the mayor's office MAY have propelled the leak)? After all, if an unnamed NRA employee works in their Chicago office, Rahm MUST be at the bottom of any trumped-up treachery, right?

It's all too absurd to even rise to the level of a wingnut conspiracy theory. A prime example of Cain's mangled crisis management is how his chief of staff, Marlboro Man Mark Block, revealed how Cain lied by accusing Curt Anderson, Perry's aide, of leaking the story to Politico, thus confirming that Cain initially feigned ignorance of the accusations against him. BTW, the Rahmee thingy is being reported all over the liberal media as well, (i.e., Politico, NY Times, the Chicgo Sun-Times, just to name a few) for exactly what it is...wildly desperate speculation.

Here's a real fact for ya. A Newt/Cain ticket, regardless of who is on top or bottom, is an ethically challenged combo that is doomed to defeat. Guess you didn't get the lock-step supportive feedback you were expecting, so next time, be careful what you ask for. It is impossible to take the idea of a Newt/Cain run seriously, given the excessive baggage and prevailing bawdy circumstances. They are unelectable. Deal with it.
Thank you - sm
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I never expected support, what I did expect was a little bit of an adult conversation with some here is the good and bad of the two. You finally mentioned that here with resorting to the lowest of lows of assuming that I watch some station that I do not and cannot stand. Nothing more irritating than being accused of something you don't do. Oh wait, guess I know what Cain feels like now.

All I want is some decent conversation. I was curious as to what people thought of them good or bad. I didn't expect to get childish answers with insinuations that I watch a specific channel. All I know is the country has to have a change this next election or there is just no hope for the country. I am hoping the best candidate will win. If that's not Newt or Cain I'd like hear what people think of other candidates.

Thank you for the message, even though you assumed again that I expected support and you managed to get a couple digs in, but that's okay, at least you gave some viable reasons why you wouldn't support them. That all I was asking for and if you read my OP again I mentioned no such thing. I simply wanted to hear peoples feedback (good or bad), not childish antics.

I agree. Gingrich's experience and Cain's common sense - Huge improvement over Obama

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Who has little experience and NO common sense, especially on economic matters.

I agree - OP

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While they may not be perfect, nobody is. For every issue with Cain or Gingrich there is a worse issue with what is currently going on. While I don't think Cain has the foreign experience he does have the intelligence to elect people who do. Obama didn't have foreign experience, but Biden did. Unfortunately, well I won't even go into that. Would be to long to post. We need someone who knows how to get the economy back. Cain has that experience. I think Newt would bring back integrity to the white house and follow the path the founding fathers wrote down. He respects the Constitution and I think he'd be a good choice. He also has experience which we have all learned the hard way is what is needed.

I think people are looking for candidates with common sense and that is why Cain is rising up. After the last 3 years of pretty speeches, but no improvement I think people will be looking for common sense.

Thank you for your reply. Glad to see there is some decency left on this board.

THAT's what we need: A CFR guy & a Fed guy - LMAO

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Gingrich is Council on Foreign Relations.

Cain is a former "fed" guy and gives speeches defending them and their policies.

That's what America needs more of: globalists who will sell us out, especially the little guy. /sarcasm


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