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Why is anyone FOR the rest of Keystone?

Posted: Nov 14, 2014

Bring an accident to your town, state, area of the country?



We say, well the pipeline south of Nebraska is already there, this will not be new pipeline, but it will be used that much more, that much more stress, that many more accidents.  I suppose it will bring jobs in cleaning up the environment and repairing pipeline! 

Sort of like encouraging traffic accidents so we can have more paramedics working through the night and more healthcare staff taking care of victims?  Sure there will be a one time start up construction employment, but surely we can find something else to build that doesn't have such a negative effect.

President Obama today - " I have to constantly push back against this idea that somehow the Keystone Pipeline is either this massive jobs bill for the United States or is somehow lowering gas prices.  Understand what this project is, it is providing the ability of CANADA to pump their oil, send it through OUR land, down through the Gulf where it will be sold EVERYWHERE ELSE."


Because the Republicans are in the Koch Bros pocket - nm

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What you mean is "Because the Republicans aren't here with us - in George Soros pockets."

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This is such a loser argument for anyone to make. L O S E R. Every political party has its "pockets" - and you know it.

Koch facts versus fantasy land - see message

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Reuter's says:

"A SolveClimate News analysis, based on publicly available records, shows that Koch Industries is already responsible for close to 25 percent of the oil sands crude that is imported into the United States, and is well-positioned to benefit from increasing Canadian oil imports.

A Koch Industries operation in Calgary, Alberta, called Flint Hills Resources Canada LP, supplies about 250,000 barrels of tar sands oil a day to a heavy oil refinery in Minnesota, also owned by the Koch brothers.

Flint Hills Resources Canada also operates a crude oil terminal in Hardisty, Alberta, the starting point of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.

The company's website says it is "among Canada's largest crude oil purchasers, shippers and exporters." Koch Industries also owns Koch Exploration Canada, L.P., an oil sands-focused exploration company also based in Calgary that acquires, develops and trades petroleum properties."
Then, I guess we might have to consider that the - folks at Koch are experts in this subject.
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I'm not sure you liberals realize how often you destroy your own position. If you wanted to know what was good for the airline industry, I suppose you'd consult a telecommunications expert.

Your argument consists of the logical error known as "poisoning the well" - not to make a pun.
Kochs = corporate greed, plain and simple - nm
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But George Soros and Tom Steyer don't =corporate greed. - WAKE UP!
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Guess not. Only those that donate to Republican party are the evil greedy enemies of the people. Is that the way it works?

Those that donate to the Democrat party are not evil or greedy enemies of the people? Give me a break, PLEASE.

Your hatred of Republicans and/or conservatives shows you are one sided in your research methods.
Kochs are known to be financially involved - in this oil business-
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Keystone. They will be profiting from the environmental mess that Keystone will create.

Interesting read. - nm
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Why I want to see it built... - Thinking ahead

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Some of the oil that is brought to the gulf coast to the refineries will come from wells in North Dakota - that means less oil tankers on the road and less on the rails going through metropolitan areas.
But probably the most important thing for me is another step toward energy dependence. At any given moment, our source of oil in the middle east could be gone - and then we would be relying on our own oil only - I want the United States to be ready for that day - with enough refineries and the capacity to get the oil to those refineries - in the safest way possible.
Yes, there is a chance of a leak - the Alaska pipeline was built in 1974 - 40 years ago - over some very rough terrain - in much more volatile weather conditions. There have been leaks, but the biggest ones were man-made - someone intentionally sabotaged it. That pipeline is above ground, vulnerable to such attacks.

Sometimes we have to take the lesser of 2 evils - a train wreck in the middle of Chicago or a pipeline leak - everything is being done to prevent both - it will be pretty tough to live without oil
The link is to a list of our everyday products that use oil -

Short-sighted - Safety disputed - ClearMind

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Not everyone agrees with the safety of these projects, particularly the people potentially affected!



They might as well paint a big red bullseye on - it, because it will be attacked.

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Talk about a target for terrorists.

Why? - You ask....

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WE need oil in our every day lives - the genius who says he/she will ride a bike to work - where are you going to find tires for your bike - they are made from petroleum - anything on your bike that's made of plastic - comes from petroleum - yes - we will eventually find a substitute - but how long and will the substitute be any healthier or "greener" than oil? Maybe, maybe not.

Yeah, and gee, we all know we can believe the Liar-In-Chief - and his lying minions.

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Safety: After 6 years, even the governmental review hasn't been able to come up with any substantive objections in this regard. A pipeline is one of those happy coincidences where the safest way to do something (in this case, transport oil) is also the safest way to do it.

Jobs: If you need an economist on this point, doh!

"Oil Will Be Sold On The World Market And Won't Specifically Benefit The US". First of all, the US participates in the world market - another doh! Second, to the cost to the US of oil that we purchase in the world market you have to add transportation costs from other producers - which obviously would be minimal for oil purchased from supplies coming from the Keystone pipeline, right down the road from our own refineries. Another doh!

By no means is the pipeline among the most difficult Washington issues to understand.

Going by your logic, why do we build highways?! - TrampledUnderfoot

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"Oh no! They're building a new highway through my town. More highways mean more accidents, more people killed!"

Let's face it. EVERYTHING has its dangers. Riding a bike to work is REALLY dangerous. Even if in your utopian world, everyone is riding bikes, many people have been injured/killed in bicycle accidents even when not involving cars.

Once it has poisoned the aquifers - ClearMind

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we will see it is not same as removing people from the highway. The highway accidents can be controlled. We can simply restrict traffic, build a better road, traffic patterns can be altered, speed limits lowered, traffic lights, limit access.

I fail to see... - TrampledUnderfoot

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I fail to see how "highway accidents can be controlled" (especially since highway accidents include the biggest variable - the driver behind the wheel) but this pipeline (according to you) is guaranteed to "poison the aquifers". You seem to think we have the technology to control auto accidents, but not build a reasonably safe pipe line. Look around; there are pipelines everywhere and the vast majority have operated safely for 50+ years. Most of us are not even aware that they exist since they were put in before we were born.

The Chicken Littles that run around screaming "Poison the aquifers" have as their only goal to raise alarm by shouting certain inflammatory statements.
I love your logic! - sm
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The "clear mind" must be afraid of the natural gas lines running everywhere in this country, too.
When the water coming out of your tap can - be lit on fire, YOU will scream the loudest.
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Build a better road...from what? - Truthhurts

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You do realize that roads are made of petroleum a/k/a oil-based products, too, don't you?

In fact, name something you use during the day that is not petroleum a/k/a oil-based products (and I'm not talking about metal products).

Are you really ready to give up the following products because you believe fossil fuels should be outlawed?

Just because no Keystone does not mean - ClearMind
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no petroleum products. The analogy being made for the roads was engineering design selection not that they shouldn't be built. Did I say fossil fuels should be outlawed?

Not relevant - apples/oranges - nm

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