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I do not feel like working today

Posted: Oct 7, 2013

I don't feel like working today.  But I will work anyway.  Because I have to pay for rent, food, health care, child care, and cell phones.  Then once I've taken care of all the people who just don't want to work, I will keep working because I have my own house payment, food, health insurance, and cell phone to pay for.  Because I think it's wrong to expect someone else to pay for all those things for me when I am able to work and provide for myself.


I - wonder

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if you can show us any other country where they think starving unemployed job seekers, working poor, the underpaid, single parents and teeming masses of middle class families with kids and denying them basic medical care and housing is an effective way to build a nation. Just one.

Lurching between moral superiority, pontification and tiresome self-pity parties doesn't cut it out here in the real world, so get to work and be thankful you are not one of the unemployed your fellow hostile partisans think nothing of dumping all over.

i am not against helping those who actually need it - Dagny

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Just for the record, I grew up on the system. My mom worked two jobs, and when she got sick and could no longer work, she received disability. But she was proud and ashamed that she had to use food stamps, so we would drive out of town to grocery shop. Now it seems to be a badge of honor to "milk the system" and get as much free stuff as possible.

The people of this country are the most generous in the world and are the first to help anyone who needs it. I have no problem helping them. I was one of them. But I just cannot stand to see people who CAN work choose NOT TO work. They seem to think the government has an endless supply of money to just give away to anyone who sticks their hand out. Remember the Obama phone lady? She had no clue where the money came from and she didn't care. Well, the money to pay for those free phones comes from those of us who actually work for a living. And we pay for our own phone as well. Please tell me what is fair about that?

If you want to build an effective nation, then get the government out of the way. Stop with all the ridiculous regulations that make it impossible for businesses to grow or even get off the ground. Then maybe more people will be able to find jobs (well, those who want them). The bottom feeders who only want a handout will just have to fend for themselves.

I don't know what has happened to this country. People used to take pride in their work, even if they just pushed a broom. They were providing for themselves and their families. They refused to take a handout. We seem to have lost that. Some people actually brag about how much they can take from the government without having to do a thing to earn it. It's disgusting!

I'll not be addressing your - ******

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but if what you say is true about your upbringing, then you might want to take a moment and reflect upon WHY your mother felt driven by shame and guilt to grocery shop out of town. When you and yours find themselves caught up in that scene, "pride's" imperative is to separate yourselves from all the other "moochers," who couldn't POSSIBLY be just as deserving as your mother was. The GOP is not just driven by their concern over the relatively small percentages of assistance recipients who actively engage in fraud. They want to defund, privatize, and eliminate the safety net for ALL of them, whom they perceive to be "takers," seniors on Medicare and Social Security among them. That would also include your mom back then who was just trying to feed her kids and families just like yours now. They do not distinguish between the two the way you claim you do.

Let's see here. After they shut down the government, did House repugs tell government to get out of the way when bad press forced them to grapple with the military pay issue? Weren't they the ones who donned the white coats in last Friday's kabuki theater performance pleading their restore-government-funding case for kids with cancer? It's the very same party who LOVES mega-government when it comes to controlling women's reproductive systems and inspecting their genitals, invading the bedrooms of consenting adults, promoting government's-way-or-the-highway family planning, bailing out Wall Street and other financial institutions too big to fail and/or prosecute (read W's original $700 billion TARP Dodd-Frank slashed by $325 billion), oil and gas and other such corporate welfare queens and hostile takeovers like first separating SNAP from the farm bill, then trying to defund hunger so they can stuff the pockets of Gigantic Agriculture.

I think I'll leave the wistful hankering for days gone by, hubris and hypocrisy of tiny government to stand on its own lack of merit.
you are making assumptions - Dagny
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My mother was from the generation who believed able-bodies people worked for a living and paid their own way. How difficult is that to understand?

Are you lumping me in the pot of the GOP? Please don't assume to know my political affiliation. But for the record, you're wrong that they want to eliminate all safety nets. But they do realize that if things keep going as they are, Social Security will not be available to you and me when we retire. There are other options that would be more beneficial to the people but most politicians are afraid to suggest them.

One word that gets bandied about by both parties that totally infuriates me is "entitlements." They lump everything into that category. An entitlement is something I've paid into, therefore, I'm entitled to get it. Welfare, food stamps, free cell phones are not entitlements.

Your second paragraph sounds like a lot of left-wing propaganda that I'm not even going to address because I don't have all day to argue the ridiculous half-truths, untruths, and lies.

I think the entire government is corrupt, both sides. Most of them don't really care about us. They just want to stay in power and keep the great pay & perks they've voted for themselves. They think they are above the laws they've written for the rest of us (are they signing up for ACA? Doubtful). If they had to actually follow those laws like we do, you can bet a lot of them would be changed or eliminated.
Again, no assumptions needed here. - sm
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Most Americans old and young alike subscribe to that same work ethic. In that respect, there is no "special" generation that rises above the rest. Your mom's generation, which I suspect could be my own, had it's share of slackers too. How hard is THAT to understand?

This is a partisan issue and my comments are argued from that stance, where "you" is used both in the singular and collective sense. Beside that, your (singular) posts have appeared here many times before. They never fail to argue on behalf of either GOP/cons views. How you (singular) identify your (singular) political affiliation is of little consequence to me or to the rhetorical issues at hand.

My second paragraph accurately reflects longstanding past and current GOP policies that have become much more extreme of late. Whether you want to admit it or not, there are many areas where mainstream GOP support Giant Government intervention (generally in the social engineering and corporate protection arenas) and where they stand in opposition to the TP's destroy-government-at-all-costs approach. Sorry you (singular) can't think of a way to avoid those inconvenient truths.

I think - it is

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unfair to judge people who are in "the system." You, yourself, said you were in the system. With anything, there are people who take advantage of things. All in all I think most people don't want to be in the system, having to depend on you for help, but they have no choice.

You don't know what happened to this country. Well, look around. There are no good jobs, people are having to work two and three jobs to support their families. I know people who take pride in their work, no matter what the job is. I also know people who are receiving help and feel horrible about it, but have no other choice.

As far as regulations, I want to keep using things that are safe, drinking clean water, eating food that will not kill me, so if you want regulations removed, you should move to China or somewhere where they don't have strict regulations to keep us safe. People would be able to find jobs in this country if the greedy businesses would stop shipping our jobs to other countries for cheap labor, and if the higher-ups would stop thinking they deserve ridiculous salaries and bonuses, and appreciate our US workforce and allow them to survive on their jobs.

Personally, it makes me feel good knowing that with me being fortunate enough to have a job, I can help those less fortunate than me. It is tough to live on my wages, but at least I can eat, have shelter and go to the doctor if I need to.

Amen to that. It would be an entirely different story - if you were UNABLE to.

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