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I am thinking, just how much more the GOP

Posted: Mar 16, 2016

The latest Trump ad is to show Clinton as a barking dog? I am totally surprised by the fact that he acts like a buffoon and curses, shows total disrespect for women, thumbs his nose at the GOP and threatens about what would happen if for some reason he was elected by the delegates, has no clear cut answers to any worldly issues going on and people vote for this? I really and truly believe the ones who are voting for him are the most uneducated, mostly white older people who fall for the first thing that comes out of his mouth. I am not scared of his nomination because frankly believe Clinton will win anyway but for the life of me just do not believe what this person has gotten away with and continues to do so. Why are people not more offended by his talk? Lord only knows I would hate to see someone like that as leader of the US. ;

What about what Clinton has gotten away with? - She's a pathological liar

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You can't believe what he has gotten away with? What about what SHE has (so far) gotten away with? I can't wait for the day that the indictment comes down on her! She'll look good in prison orange

Funny, the way I see it the people that are voting for Clinton must be uneducated people to fall for the crap that comes from her mouth.

Just what is you think Hillary will be indicted for - nm

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Oh come on everyone knows the answer to that question - SMDH

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Her emails
So what? Prove something. - Bush, Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld
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Now there are some criminals.
Old news - OP
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That's old news. None of them are currently running for President so they are all totally irrelevant to this election. None of their IT specialists are currently cooperating with an FBI investigation against them. Clinton is still under that FBI investigation. It's only a matter of time and I personally cannot wait to hear those words "Hillary Clinton indicted"
Clinton's emails are old news, too. - Its time to move on, people!
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But the potential damage to our national security - is still ongoing
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Others have gone to prison for less than what Hillary has done.

I am not forgetting and I am not moving on -- and neither would you if you gave this matter a little serious thought.
Not moving on is the problem with the GOP. - THEY are the threat to natl. security.
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Umm...NO! - RMT
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Clinton's emails are not old news. She's still being investigated so that makes it CURRENT news. The time to move on will be when they hand down the indictment and then she can move on to court and then to prison!
As long as there's an FBI investigation, Clinton's emails are NOT old news - Truthhurts
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In fact, there's more than one investigation going on; the emails are just one of them.

I sure would like her to be indicted for murder, too, while SOS. Then she had the NERVE to say no one died in Libya?????

What world is that b**** living in because it certainly isn't on this planet?
The FBI will prove it - It takes time (nm)
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And if they were not indicted for war crimes - old and burned out
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Hillary will not be indicted for emails.
We shall see! - RMT
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Her IT Specialist is singing like a canary. She's going down!

And the GOP candidates don't lie? - nm

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Did I say that? - NO!

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They all lie, we all know that.
Geez - stop shouting. - :(
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It's the people NOT offended by Trump that - are a threat; mob mentality at its worst.

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Trump is popular because he refused to cringe - to accusations like this.

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Charges of racism, etc. long ago became meaningless.

It's weird how Trump is compared to Hitler but the left pretty much ignores the murderous communist Stalin. Draw your own conclusions.

He doesn't cringe because he, himself, is - the cringe-worthy one. sm

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And I don't think he is "popular" as a person. He's simply pushed the right fear/anger buttons in people who don't know any better than to vote for a potential dictator.

It doesn't work anymore. The left needs to come up - with something else. All

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the anti-women rhetoric is a fail. Women work and live in the real world and don’t have the luxury of a "chick card" unlike wealthy DC women, so they don't care.

None of it has any effect.

Exactly. That's why they have to resort to riots now - to get attention. They usual

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characterizations aren't working and thus it is making Trump more popular.
The right needs to come up with something new - instead of claiming Dems started the riot.
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Standing there disagreeing, or holding up a sign, or even shouting do not constitute a "riot". Getting all the cowardly bullies and wannabe "tough guys" in the audience to beat up (outnumbering the beatee several hundred to one) is a "riot".
Disagree. It's been proven that George Soros and Moveon.org - Truthhurts
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along with other Soros a/k/a lifelong Democrat and hedge fund manager, hard left affiliations are the instigators and the protesters are paid to cause a commotion.

Just like Michael Moore, Soros was funding OWS and is funding BLM, he's paying these protesters and people going along with them are totally STUPID and uneducated. All they see are $$ which is probably due to the awful economy created by this administration.

Trump is popular - old and burned out

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because he gives voice to every hateful, bigoted thought that people are hesitant to express for themselves. I doubt that a more unqualified candidate than Donald Trump could be found if we searched high and low.
I disagree - We have one now
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And her name is Hillary

The cry of racism, etc. has become like the little boy - who cried wolf. Overused

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and has become a gutter tactic. so no one pays attention.

Attributing hatred for political ends is a tactic Obama et al excel in.

If the term seems overused, it's because racism - has become over-prevalent.

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It's not Trump supporters who are rioting. It's the "genuises" - and rent a mob who don't

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work for a living causing all the mayhem and violence.

Keep it up geniuses. You're just making Trump more popular. He still won Illinois.

Trump's "popularity" is in his own mind. Those - being suckered in by the con man -

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don't seem to have the education nor the insight to see any further into the future than simply "winning" a shouting match today. They don't see the implications of what could be coming down the road tomorrow.

because she actually was barking - Dagny Taggart

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That clip was accurate.

I can't believe anyone would vote for someone who lies like she does. She lied about Benghazi, she even lied to the families of the people who died there... and now she is lying and saying that no one died! She lied about the emails, lied about her foundation. She can't be trusted.
At least with Trump you know where he stands. He may not say things in the most elegant way. He talks like a normal person, not like a politician.... and he doesn't use a teleprompter!

She lied to the parents of the agents who died - in Benghazi too. I can't

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repeat here what they said about her.

How on God's green earth could ANYONE have that kind of loyalty to Hillary, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE, have they been living under a rock somewhere!!! It just absolutely amazes me.

Disagree on Trump talking like a normal person - Truthhurts

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Do you use all those curse words to identify people? i use a couple of those words once-in-a-while BUT I would never, EVER use those words if giving a speech at a rally.

It's a shame that people think he supposedly represents them. He doesn't but they won't find out after the fact if he's elected, just like a lot of people found out that Obama didn't really represent the people until it was too late. They both are examples of pathological liars and egotistical maniacs.

and you think Hillary will support you? - Dagny Taggart

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Hardly. She is only looking out for herself. She wants to be the queen and rule the world and will use any back room deal, lie, or financial manipulation to get there. She cannot be trusted, and she does not care about YOU!
Who said I'm for Hillary? She's another Obama, too - Truthhurts
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and just as disgusting as Trump.

I'm even thinking of sitting out this election. Don't blow your stack but I REFUSE to vote for an idiot and the front runners are just that.

Wish Trump supporters would wake up and see just what he's all about (himself). it's just another challenge to him. He'll NEVER beat Hillary in a debate because he has no clue on how the government works and has NO solutions, just loud mouthed accusations of anyone and everyone who tells the truth about him, his background, his past, etc. Trump doesn't want all that info out and his supporters dont' believe a word even if it's true. That's sad.

Clinton portrayed herself as a barking dog. - So what's wrong with him using it?

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I am a Republican women - anon

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who is not offended by his comments and honestly feels that he can do a good job as President. I am educated, I am older, however, I do not expect things for free. I worked to pay for college, I had no handouts. He wants our country to be safe so if his immigrant policies are not what you like, well I do not know what to tell you. As well as foreign policy, Obama really had no foreign policy experience to speak off when he took office 8 years ago but with the help of people in his cabinet (which if Donald Trump wins he will have) he will have guidance along the way. We have to use a little common sense these days which the media acts like we, voters, do not have. If they have a brokered convention there will be, I think, upheaval because it should be what the voters want, not the elite GOP. Time for change and need to make America great again.

"Obama really had no foreign police experience - Truthhurts

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Obama really had no foreign policy experience to speak off when he took office 8 years ago but with the help of people in his cabinet (which if Donald Trump wins he will have) he will have guidance along the way,"

Look where Obama's people in his cabinet got us. That's not a good example. ;)

Who uses common sense these days? The media just pushes stupidity and people fall for it.

The electoral college chooses our candidates anyway, not the voters. We haven't had a voice in the elections for years so I don't know why everyone is getting so upset over the convention rumors.

How mean of you - anonie

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I am one of the old white people you talk about. You are no better than Trump or Clinton. I am educated by the way.

How mean of you to say this.

Sorry, but I believe the ones voting for him are - Truthhurts

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young, liberal college-educated uninformed people who think isolationism is the best way to go. They have not done their homework on any candidate and are just going for the loudest and most crude candidate that doesn't show any respect for anyone but himself and his family.

Isolationism didn't work in the 1930s and it definitely wouldn't work now.

He thinks he can bully the leaders of other countries like his does his business deals. His language is atrocious, too.

I find him quite disgusting and I don't care who doesn't agree with me.

BTW, this whole political campaign on BOTH SIDES is disgusting - Truthhurts

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None of the leading candidates care for anyone. They only care for themselves.

Trump hates being anything but #1 and he's doing it for his ego and nothing more.

Hillary is doing it for her ego and because "they're broke." JK. She's doing it to push her progressive Alinsky/Obama/Davis agenda.

Sanders is doing it for the people but the math will never match up and nothing will change.

Cruz is doing it because he believes in the Constitution and the people but is TOO conservative for most people.

They all suck.

That's why Bernie Sanders has my vote, - even if hes no longer running!

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He's the only one who's not in it for his own gain. He sees the big picture, and the future. The rest only see right now, and how much they can gain for themselves.

He's a socialist and the math doesn't add up for all his free stuff - Truthhurts

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His programs would put us into double debt, not just the $19 Trillion, more like $36 Trillion. Something to be wary about and researched.
Actually the math DOES add up. Those whose - taxes go up are the rich, not us poor folks.
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Oh, he's still running #STILLSANDERS - #NOTMEUS

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25,000 at Seattle venue tonight. Huge crowds everywhere he goes. Now, if we can keep Bill out of the polling places on voting day and the Clinton machine from cheating their way to the nomination...

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