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So...I was sitting on my couch thinking...

Posted: Oct 23, 2012

and I remembered the debate in which President Obama pointed out that Mitt Romney didn't have an actual plan outlined and that if anyone had gone to him with an idea without the plan outlined, that person would have been crazy to invest in it...kinda thing.  I find that funny actually.  Didn't we do that with Obamacare?  Pelosi said we had to pass it to find out what was in it. 

As far as having a plan, what happened to Obama's plan when he ran in 2008.  He didn't make the rich pay their fair share of taxes during his first 4 years.  So now that is his plan again.  Um...okay?  What happened to his plan to cut the deficit in half?  Apparently that plan is no longer as I have yet to hear him say much in specifics on cutting the deficit.

I also find it mind boggling that the groups of people (women, hispanics, blacks) who vote democratic and voted for Obama in '08...are the same groups of people whose unemployment rates are higher for them now.  They are worse off now then they were...but still plan to vote for Obama. 

I also find it interesting that the very people who are rich and say the rich should pay more in taxes...don't do so voluntarily.  There is nothing keeping them from paying more if they feel they should.  I just find it ironic that those who say they aren't paying their "fair share" won't voluntarily pay their "fair share" unless everyone else is made by law to as well. 



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Awesome post!! EXACTLY what I say to people when I argue with them. There should be a check mark on the tax forms to voluntarily pay more and a blank to fill in the amount they want to pay. I think it's ridiculous that they want to give away everyone else's money!!

Well, you do know that you didn't earn that on your own - ;-)

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Along the same lines with you didn't build that is their thinking "you didn't earn that on your own", so why should you get to keep any of it. That most likely is why they are giving away everyone else's money.

On the encouraging side, the 57% of voters who chose Obama - WEREN'T all Democrats or all black,

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hispanic, and certainly not all poor. A big, big lesson in that election is that is what a very INCLUSIVE group who came together to elect him. Many of these were former Republicans who left the GOP to became officially independents and voted for the other guy (Obama). We even included a small but notable number of registered Republicans who voted for Obama too.

Please note: Only 1 in 3 conservatives now identifies as Republican. That is a wow! worth thinking about a lot. Why did this amazing shift away from the GOP happen?

Sitting down and thinking is a great move, but if it's going to lead to wise decisions you need to fuel it with good, solid information.

Most of our friends in this area are conservatives. Only a few are deluded fools and a lot of decent people "think" with their tummies ("because"), but some are pretty darned smart and can come up with good sensible reasons for their positions. There ARE good, sensible reasons, and they have the fuel. They don't have to make up lies and hope no one notices, including themselves.

This news is even more encouraging. - backwards typist

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A survey of registered voters conducted July 23-29 found that 92 percent of Americans who voted for McCain in 2008 plan to vote for Romney this fall and just 5 percent have switched sides to support Obama.

But among Obama's 2008 supporters, just 86 percent are planning to do so again and 9 percent are switching their support to Romney.

Overall 11 percent of voters who say they cast ballots for Obama or McCain are supporting the other party's candidate. ;-)

Should - Romney

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get in office, do you actually think his plan will be completed? If you are, you are delusional. All politicians make promises, that's what gets them in office. I'm not even saying they are lying, as Obama has been accused of. I am saying they may have good intentions, but they are not rulers, they are presidents, and they have to pass their ideas through Congress. I am voting for Obama and I know why a lot of his policies have not passed. I believe in his ideals. I am not voting for Romney because I don't agree with his ideals. I do not want Obamacare stopped. I think it is a good thing. I also know it won't be abolished, as he claims he will do, but I don't think it is a lie that he is claiming he will get rid of it; he really wants to, but he just won't be able to as president. I won't get into all the ideals of his that I don't believe in, but that is why I am not voting for him.

I also don't believe it when pubs say Obama wants to raise our taxes. That is not what he wants to do. He wants the tax cuts to remain in place for everyone but the very rich. The pubs in Congress won't let that happen, so Obama is accused of wanting to raise our taxes. Pubs can cry all they want that the rich shouldn't have to pay more than they are, but the fact is that they should. Many of them are paying less than most of us due to loop holes. The middle class are taking way more of the burden than the wealthy and that should not be the way it is (this is my opinion, maybe not yours).

Yes, the wealthy who say they should be paying more, should pay more, but we all know they are not going to if laws are not in place to do so.

Anyway, these are just some of my thoughts.

I think we have no idea what Romney's plan is. He's working the numbers - and lying to our faces with a smile because he

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thinks the voters who come to despise him will be outnumbered by those who either are clueless or would vote for the devil before they'd vote for a Democrat.

do you even know what his ideals are? - OHMT

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I think that before you say you believe in Obama's ideals, you need to do some research first. Watch 2016 to find out what his ideals really are.

Obamacare is NOT a good thing. It is socialized medicine and it WILL cost us more money. It already costs me $100 more a month. I can't afford that.

Here's what a lot of people don't understand about the wealthy paying taxes. A lot of them have already worked hard and made their money, so they don't have to work for it anymore. The taxes they pay are on capital gains. Rich people can afford to take a chance on new companies, and the tax they pay is from those profits. But if they lose money, they don't get a break. Keep in mind, since capital gains can come from stocks, many middle class people would be hurt by raising those taxes as well; retirees who count on their investments to enjoy a decent lifestyle that they've worked hard for all their lives. Even if the rich were taxed at 100%, it would only be enough to run the government for about 8 days or so. Obama just wants more of our money to spend, instead of making a budget and trying to stay within it (like all of us have to do).

The reason I think Romney will do a better job is because he's done it before, both in the private sector and in government. He knows how to fix failing companies, how to balance a budget, how to take a money-sucker like the Olympics and not only turn it around, but make it a profitable business.

My husband owns his own small business, and I am self-employed as an IC. We know first-hand how Obama's policies have affected us. Business is down, expenses are up, and we have been unable to make any headway in the last couple of years. We are both in our 50s and are working hard to put something aside for our retirement, but it is all we can do just to keep our bills paid, let alone put anything aside for the future. I am quite literally scared to death about what will happen to us if Obama gets reelected. I want someone who knows the value of hard work and money earned, and who will let me keep more of my hard-earned cash in my own pocket.

Research consisting of your obviously biased opinion, - a conspiracy theory video, and

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not one link citation, the presumption being that anyone supporting Obama must be either stupid, unread and uninformed, and in need of your charitable intervention and guidance. It could be your post has something insightful or contributory, but I can't get past the arrogance of its initial sentiment.

Fact is that Romney's so-called "ideals" are unknowable, since he presents them in dress-up fashion in accordance with the daily polls, his audience and which way the wind is blowing at that moment. He cannot articulate them, nor can he defend them. I will not be voting for Romney for the simple reason that there is no way to know who or what you will get with him, and I do not appreciate his attitude that handling voters in this way is supposed to be the new normal. It smacks of the same arrogance found in your opening statement, and his sense of entitlement, not to mention a low regard for the rest of us underlings.
The pot calling the kettle black - MT
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Everything democrats are accusing Romney of doing such as not being able to give ideas, flip flipping, not able to defend ideas, etc., is the very same campaign Obama ran in 2007, yet it was a-okay to vote for him then. You go ahead and vote for Obama and we'll be another 4 trillion in debt, on the verge of becoming a third world country, with 60 million people on food stamps, and half being unemployed because of all the companies closing due to not being able to afford the tax hikes Obama is going to put in place for the "rich." I love how when democrats refer to the rich, they are talking big business, big oil, but Obama is talking about a measly $250,000 and all the voting democrats say, "yes, let's steal from the rich because they can afford it," well you do that and plan on eliminating even more jobs in the meantime.
Staying on topic of Romney's ideals or lack thereof. - You should try it sometime. nm
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OHMT, you sound very sincere, but I've been interested in public - affairs for over 40 years. 2016 is garbage, lies,
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propaganda produced with the specific purpose of influencing its viewers, with the purpose of achieving results that are never mentioned.

It is very much in the interest of a few very wealthy people who want to direct the country themselves to keep the rest of the citizenry turned on itself--so we can't work together to stop them. We are supposed to use our power to control our country for everyone's best interests, and we are failing that duty, and ourselves.

Whenever anyone tells you everything wrong with our country is another political party's fault--take a cool, careful look at that person and ask yourself what he has to gain by your believing this.
Have you watched 2016? If not, why? - backwards typist
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To have an open mind, you need to see both sides and weigh the options.

I haven't seen the movie yet but plan to. I just need to do it when hubby isn't around.

I'm really interested in seeing how much of this movie has Obama's narration from his audio book "Dreams of My Father." I hear it's quite a lot.
Backwards, the story it tells isn't new, it's just on film is all. - I read A LOT and not just what pleases me.nm
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Then that's good. I need to see the film because my eyesight isn't what is used to be. LOL - backwards typist
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Well said and I agree. - backwards typist

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I was also an IC and did very well until 2008, as did my self-employed hubby.

In the past 4 years, he has worked less than 200 days. In fact, this year he has only worked 22 days and the season is winding down.

He also became eligible for Medicare this year and pays $100 a month. He pays for his supplemental only $39 a month but it's going to be doubled next year. We have no idea if Medicare will be going up next year or even if his cardiologist will continue with his care.

We wait on pins and needles for the outcome of this election.

Funny - Obama says Romney's math doesn't work as the debt clock ticks closer and closer to - JC

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17 trillion with trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.

I pray Romney wins. We all know he is not perfect and don't agree with all his policies but I agree with almost none of Obama's policies.

I agree and here are some other points about the anointed one (i.e., Obama) - JC

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Obama has kept some of his campaign promises like Obamacare but there were a lot that he didn't that I think made non-Democrats vote for him.

Some of the promises unkept:

1. He said all major bills would be available on-line five days before a vote. Has never happened.

2. He said the health care debate would be televised on C-span. All of the deliberations were done in private.

3. He said he would close Gitmo. He signed something to close it, but it is still open.

4. He said he would cut the deficit in half. I understand he inherited a large deficit in his first year, but the last three trillion plus dollar deficits are all his.

5. He said no lobbyists would be in his administration. That went out the window almost on the day he was inaugurated.

6. He said he would take a scalpel to the budget. I don't see any reductions in Federal spending. Seems like the only budget he wants to cut is the military. I think the military and all other federal programs could be leaner and meaner, but we need to be careful about cutting the military too much. I think the Federal government's main purpose is defending the country, ensuring that interstate trade is fair, and maintaining a currency.

7. He said anyone making under $200,000 wouldn't see their taxes raised one dime. Obamacare includes taxes for people under $200,000, namely the tax you have to pay if you don't have insurance. Obama claimed that wasn't a tax until he tried to defend Obamacare to the Supreme court, then all of sudden it was a tax.

Some things he criticized Bush for:

1. Using executive orders. Obama has used executive orders to circumvent congress and law. The work requirement for welfare was waived by executive order even though the law specifically states that requirement cannot be waived.

2. Excessive debt. Obama said Bush was unpatriotic for the $4 trillion in debt accumulated in Bush's 8 years. Hello, at least $4 trillion was accumulated in the last three years by Obama.

There are a lot of other things I know I am missing.

A question I have to ask Obama supporters is: If the president was white and republican, would they approve of the things Obama has done and would they vote for him?

Another question, why do you think it is okay for taking more and more money from people. Who cares how much they make. I am middle class and I don't think we should have progressive tax. We should have a flat tax. Get rid of all the deductions and tax credits. Make the first $40,000 tax exempt and pay 15% on the rest. Most tax deductions are there because of lobbying by special interest groups (pretty much the whole tax code is due to lobbying by special interest groups - just follow the money and lobbyists).

Just a - couple things

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We shall see, should Romney get in office, if he can get the deficit cut as much as he claims. I'm willing to bet not so.

If the president was white and republican, I would vote for him again. I vote for ideals, not color or party.

I don't believe in taking more and more money from people. I believe in sharing the burden fairly and it is not that way now. The middle class have more of the burden than the very wealthy. I would have to do some studying on what you suggest, but it might be a good idea.

There are not new taxes in Obamacare. Perhaps you want to call it that, but it is a penalty for not having insurance. I believe Obamacare needs revision, but I believe in the idea of it. I do believe that everyone should have healthcare. It's not a right, per se, but everyone should be able to have it in this great country of ours. It is not just the poor that are using ERs for free care, many people who can't or won't get it have something major happen and we end up paying for it. That is not right.

I can appreciate if you are voting on ideals, then we just disagree on the ideals - JC

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However, I disagree about the burden being fair or unfair. The top 1% of wage earners pay 40% of the Federal INCOME taxes, while the bottem 50% pay no Federal INCOME taxes (we all pay payroll taxes but that is to fund Social Security benefits we will supposedly get back when we retire). If most of their income is capital gains, then they would pay the flat capital tax rate. Otherwise, most of their income would be at a higher rate. What you pay highly depends on how well you or your tax preparer understands the tax code. You could to go to 10 different tax preparers and they may well all come up with a different tax due. The tax code is more the problem than the tax rates.

Couple more things... - MT

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I DO NOT get the rationale of democrats who think "everyone should get insurance for free." NOTHING IS FREE!!!! I live in Minnesota, 90 miles from the border to Canada, and every weekend our area is invaded with Canadians coming here to shop because EVERYTHING in Canada is about 3x the price that it is here. Why do you think that is? They may be getting "free" healthcare, but EVERYONE is paying for it by everything being hiked up. So instead of the people who can afford healthcare paying for it, while the people who can't afford it only pay for it when they need it, everyone is paying for triple expense items to be able to go to the ER with the sniffles any time they want for "FREE." I don't buy the whole "we end up paying for it scenario" because as someone who has medical bills in collections, hospitals/clinics/medical facilities DO NOT let people off without paying their bills. They will put a judgment against you and get their money one way or the other. I also find it ironic about all of those on here who say "we need Obamacare" and "we need free health insurance" are probably the same people coming on here whining about how their jobs are being taken away and MTSOs are taking away their hard earned money. Well guess what? By voting for Obama, you are voting for your job to be taken away!!
Um...how exactly do you think Romney made his millions? - RC
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By taking peoples' jobs away...

Just saying.
Not exactly - MT
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They are both guilty parties, but I'm talking about YOUR job. I'm talking about the world of MT. It is Obama's fault!! Why do you think that MT has gone so downhill in the last few years? OBAMA is why!!!! When he campaigned last time, his big speech was to make healthcare affordable. Part of his "making healthcare affordable" is by mandating the electronic records, which in turns eliminates our jobs because facilities will not receive certain reimbursements if they are not in compliance by 2014!! Obama also promised to close loopholes and deductions for companies offshoring their jobs and bring the jobs back here, which now four years later he has not done and is still promising that! So if you are going to vote for Obama, DO NOT even have the nerve to come on here and cry and whine about how you make minimum wage or lost your job altogether!
You think Obama ruined MT? - RC
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The thing that ruined MT was being easily replaceable by machines.

It was going to happen, no matter who was president.
Yes, it is Obama...not machines - MT
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Speech recognition has been around for a very long time and MT was still profitable because doctors didn't want to mess with it. Medical facilities are only choosing EPIC and programs like it because they are being made to believe that that is what they HAVE TO HAVE in order to be compliant with Obama's mandates so yes, Obama did ruin MT.
MT, that is a rather surprising projection. Usually it's - technology driving nations and presidents. sm
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You know, we have a...quite outspoken neighbor. His wife can't take him anywhere because he can be counted on to call a spade a spade. It takes him a few more words to insult Democrats in general, but he always can be counted on to get his point across. He hates us and wishes we were dead. No reasons given. It's just the way he feels. After a full dose of the various excuses others come up with for what's inside them, I can actually enjoy hearing him. Honesty. It's refreshing these days and I respect it, if not him.
That would - be
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a false statement. The software companies ruined it, not Obama. Obama never said you had to use VR to be compliant. EMR is not about VR, it's about electronic medical records. The companies that you and I work for have taken you job from you and replaced you with VR by convincing unknowledgeable administrators in hospitals that they need VR to be compliant. Wow, you people will twist everything around won't you? Like many say about the pubs, it doesn't matter what Obama wants, they just want him out and will make stuff up just to do that. Luckily, there are many of us who know you are full of hot air.
EMR takes jobs away and it is Obama's fault. As the other poster said, - backwards typist
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it has to be put in place by 2014.

Doctors are forced to switch to EMR so they don't get penalized. My doc was very upset because I worked for him for 18 years but he had to start switching to EMR. His secretaries are doing that job.

The doctors aren't hiring new MT's or keeping the outsourced MT's to do this. They're using their own employees to do it. I've seen some jobs on the board for converting the records but what do you think will happen once those records are all converted to EMR?
He invested other people money in start-up companies or companies on the verge of bankruptcy - JC
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Romney company invested money on the behalf of hospitals, universities, etc.

Obama gave federal monies to overseas companies, so what is your point?

If Obama created an environment that made companies run to America, then it wouldn't happen. Excessive regulations and taxes push them away. Regulations and taxes in other countries are nonexistent in places like China.
Rubbish. How does one look for information and come up with that? - More to the point--why? nm
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Wikipedia it (not always accurate but accurate enough) - JC
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They don't mention the fund source but Newsmax had an article on it.
"I'm not a destroyer of companies, I liberate them!" - LOL
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MT: Try only 1 point on for size: NO ONE claims the ACA makes - insurance free. It stops the free ride some
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were taking on the rest of us, by making them pay their own way. This is a good thing.
Then why a 2,000 page bill to say you will pay for your own health care? - JC
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How about this for a bill instead of Obamacare:

If you don't have health insurance at the time you receive healthcare, you will be pay a penalty equal to the going rate of single health insurance in your state from the last time you you were covered by a health insurance policy, attained the age of 18, or the last time you paid the penalty.

There, now people will pay for their own health insurance. Scrap the remaining 1,999 plus pages of Obamacare.
Question: How can those that can't afford health insurance now - backwards typist
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afford Obamacare? If they don't buy insurance, they'll be taxed/penalized. How will they pay the tax/penalized? Ever think of that? If not, you should.

Sure, some people can afford the insurance and don't buy it, but a lot of people can't afford to buy insurance and DON'T QUALIFY FOR MEDICAID for some reason or another or aren't old enough for Medicare.

What about those people? Do they go to jail? Does the government take their homes? Garnish their wages? What happens to them? I seriously want to know your answer.
Umm - I don't
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believe I said we should get insurance free, nor have I seen anyone else say we should get free insurance. Why do people automatically assume because you think Obamacare is good, you want insurance for free.

Most of the jobs that have gone away, went away years before President Obama was even in office, so I'm not sure why you say if I vote for Obama I'm voting for my job to be taken away. In fact, many jobs are coming back now, while Obama is in office. You really should listen to what people say before you start accusing people of things that they didn't say.
Did anyone happen to notice that we starting losing 800,000 jobs a month AFTER Obama was elected - JC
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Can you possible concede that businesses knew was what coming and chose to scale back operations as a preemptive measure?

Right now business have lots of cash but they are not hiring because of the uncertainty Obama has created. They don't know what new regulations are coming down the pike. The aren't sure what Obamacare is going to cost because it will not be fully implemented until 2014.

I guarantee, when Romney wins, there will be a surge in hiring.

You said no new taxes in Obamacare. Yes there is. - backwards typist

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On medical supplies, new drugs, medical equipment, etc.

Did you forget that during the ruling by the courts on Obamacare, the attorney for Obamacare stated that Obamacare was a tax and not a penalty? That's the only reason that the law still stands. They switched the wording. If it was a penalty, it would have been unconstitutional.


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You say, "Obama did not make the rich pay their fair share of taxes in his first 4 years." How prey tell was he supposed to do that? He cannot just walk into office and say, "Okay your taxes are going to be different now." Those tax rates have been effect for over a decade, and are due to expire. The Republicans want them renewed. Obama does not. Even if he is relected, he can only do so much, as Congress has to allow it.

Furthermore, FYI, people do not pay more in taxes than they owe. Say, you are an IC and pay your own taxes quarterly. There is a penalty if you over-pay the same as if you under-pay; at least there was 8 years ago, as I was threatened with it by the IRS.

Congress - MT

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The congress argument makes me so mad because when Bush was in office, it was Bush's fault, Bush's fault, but we tried to say he had a democratic congress, he couldn't do what he wants. Oh no, it's not Congress' fault the dems would say. Obama got in and had two years of a democratic congress. He could have done what he needed to do in those two years. Now, it's a republican congress and now Obama can't do nothing, nothing is Obama's fault because of Congress??? Where was this logic during the last two years of Bush?? Everything is a-okay per the dems if it's their guy regardless of what he is doing is right or wrong.

Point was the tax rates were not due to expire during his first 2 yrs. - What logic are you talking about.

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Poster didn't say (and I quote) "Obama can't do nothing," just an explanation why the taxes are still so low for the rich.

Furthermore, do you really want to bring up George Bush's record? Nuff said.
Bush's economny did really well until the last two years when the democrats took the house and - JC
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That's when everything went downhill.

The Democrats were unwilling to do anything about Freddie Mae and Fannie Mac.

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1mt Got Me Thinking About CinammonJan 12, 2012
Here's a great thing to do with cinammon when you need a little pampering:  Put a handful in your tub!  It makes your skin super soft; it's really lovely and relaxing!  You can get cinammon really inexpensively if you can buy it in bulk somewhere. ...

I went to lunch today for a change in scenery.  I had a cold bay shrimp salad with a butter herb vinegrette dressing and a passion fruit tea.  It was nice on the patio today, warm with a slight breeze and I was happily munching away when all of the sudden I started to CHOKE!  I mean for real, gagging, retching choking!  As if that wasn't bad (and embarrassing) enough, NO ONE WOULD HELP ME!  It seemed as if a whole 2 minutes went by until I ran from the patio into t ...

Single4ever, Thinking Of YouMar 24, 2011
I hope you are feeling better and will let us know how you are.  hugs ...

I Cannot Stop Thinking AboutNov 03, 2010
by another employee of my company.  She has suffered many hardships since working for this company.  She has lost her home, her car, and recently had to visit a food pantry just to get something to eat.  She didn't specify in her post, but I'm certain she has tried to find something else for quite a while now, for I think we all know that jobs aren't nearly as easy to come by as they used to be.  I have been thinking a lot about her lately and will be praying f ...

Worth Thinking About - SmMay 23, 2011
As you open your pockets for the next natural disaster, please keep these                              facts in mind:                               The American Red Cross President and CEOMarsha J. Evans  ...

Seeing Things On TV That I Am Thinking What?Jan 08, 2013
I saw 3 different things this morning that I am puzzled. First, people having baby ultrasounds in their homes inviting all the family for an ultrasound party to let them be the first (along with the couple) to view the baby. People doing the ultrasounds do tell the gender of the baby and that again is not 100% sure each time, even for people who routinely do ultrasound in medical settings. The people doing not medical, say no diagnosis of any kind made but as we all know not every pregnancy is a ...

Justice? I Am Thinking NotApr 29, 2013
Sitting here on the pity pot.  Just found out that the neighbor that burned our apartment building to the ground bought a house and recently a $30,000 hour.  This occurred AFTER the insurance company said he had no income to go after.  Here I sit still struggling and he is living life to the fullest.  I am still struggling to pay for the necessities.  Makes me boiling mad.  He has never apologized at any time for the chaos/damage he caused.  Don't believe ...

I'm Thinking Thyroid?Oct 08, 2015
Okay, for the last month or so I've come to realize my hair is exceedingly dry.  I normally have to wash my hair every other day because it is oily, and even though this is great that I don't have to wash it so often, it is a real change from what I am used to do.  So far I've let it go 4 days, but by the looks of my hair, I could go longer.  It doesn't seem oily at all.  Also, at night I'm a furnace (this has been going on for a while though).  ...

To Midi: I've Been Thinking Of You Today. SmMar 22, 2011
I hope you can find some inner peace tonight and are able to get some rest.  Please take care of yourself.  {{{Midi}}}} ...

Just Thinking About Something Related To Politics And MTMar 15, 2011
Wouldn't it be great if we had an MT union (not going to happen; too late for that) and we see headlines that say, "We are troubled because union MTs make 12% MORE than non-union MTs."   Just a thought. I think that might be a very good thing. ...

How Do I Stop Thinking About FoodMay 10, 2010
In the last couple of months, I have realized that I think about eating all the time. I am not fat, but if I don't watch it, I'll get there. How do I stop this? ...

I Do Not Understand The Democratic Way Of ThinkingOct 09, 2012
I have had numerous "debates" with some of my friends and family on the democratic way of thinking. They say republicans help the "rich get richer" and republicans are "greedy," etc. What I don't understand is how democrats cannot understand the simple concept that the rich will STAY rich no matter how many taxes they have to pay in. The "rich" are the ones who create the jobs. The oil companies (I will admit their profits are excessive), but they provide MANY jobs, corporate companies ...

Put On Your Thinking Caps About PeopleApr 17, 2013
I have a dear friend who continues to have issues with stones, had some kind of procedure plus ESWL and now at the ER with problems yet again. Do any of you MTers who do this day in and day out know or have heard of a good treatment for these? I would have put on health board but not sure how many go there. Thanks. ...

Thinking Of Switching Careers...Oct 12, 2016
Looking for ideas on getting out of MT.  I came across a job listing in my area for an optician.  I never thought about this before, but why not? There is an optical center that provides on the job training, and pay starts around $15/hour.  No brainer? ...