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I actually met a Birther in person recently

Posted: Apr 1, 2011

When he started in with the bellering that they do, everyone else in the room was trying to keep straight faces. We just sat there and, as he went on and on and on, we just looked at each other. Then of course we all avoided him, but we didn't 'engage' him in conversation.  After his tirade, he just sat there with a mad look on his face until it was time to leave.

It's great to have this as a place where we don't have to keep a straight face. Love it!


Don't believe a word of it, but thank you for - posting. Are you the same

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one who witnessed the tea party march with the guy in the bird suit?

Thought so. And the tin foil hat person? Uh huh.

Personally, I wonder about someone who is willing to take Obama's word for the birth certificate and doesn't wonder in the least why he doesn't just release the darn thing....oh wait...weren't we just talking about tinfoil hats?

Come ON. lol.

There you go again with the Birther rhetoric - Tsk Tsk

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Just like the guy in that story above, it goes on and on and on.

You need to adjust your antenna...don't - think you are getting

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good signals. Thank you SO much for proving everything I said. Good grief but you guys are predictable! Or should I say you guy....I am beginning to think it is just one of you posting like crazy. What do you get...25 cents a post? lolol.
How many Birthers do you think we have on here? - LOL
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Sounds like a "How many Birthers does it take to change a light bulb" joke - but it is not funny
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There is really nothing funny about Birthers.
"Birthers" are people. - see message
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Your message does not make sense. "There is nothing funny about birthers". A birther is a human being who is just asking to see the birth certificate that every other candidate and president except Obama has had to show for proof. People who are asking to see the birth certificate are not there for people to think they are funny or not.

Until the BC is shown people like Donald Trump and others will continue to ask to see it. And I'm sure he doesn't care whether anyone thinks he's "funny".
About as many as Democrat/liberal/whatever - who take great joy
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in demeaning, name calling, and denigrating people. Personally, I would applaud those who are concerned about their country and want to see the birth certificate, which is their legitimate right in a free country.

The rest of you should just be ashamed. You can disagree but is it really necessary to descend to junior high name calling in an attempt to, in your twisted vision, be "cool."

Just stop already.
I just don't get it. Obama's birth certificate looks just like mine. - me
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At least the one that I've seen all over the internet.

Was there a different type of BC issued to older folks who were born in the middle part of the 20th century? 'Cause I am always scratching my head about this. It makes absolutely no sense to me because Obama's BC looks just like mine. And as far as I know, lol, I was born here.
His looks just like mine too, and it has been accepted all my life - Born in the USA
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That has always confused me too, because it looks like the one I got. I've used it all my life with no problem.
You should really stop. I know better. - Your parents could
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not have gotten you into school or your social security card without your original long form birth certificate or a state certified copy of it. Depending on how old you are, COLBs might not even have existed then. If you move to Pennsylvania from out of state, you have to have the original long form or a certified state copy of the original. They will not take a COLB. I know, I tried. Had to wait 3 weeks to get a certified copy of the long form from my home state.

So please...there are those of us who know better. It is too easily forged.

The issue remains...if he has the original legal long form, then why not produce it and spend money to defend lawsuits when all you would have to do is show it?

Because he doesn't have it or there is something on it he doesn't want known. There is no other reasonable explanation. Shouldn't surprise us though...the Constitution doesn't mean squat to him either.
And his birth notice published in Hawaii newspapers - doesn't matter too?nm
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I'm heavily into genealogy and have ordered birth certificates from other states - Genealogy Lover
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The one I've seen of Obama online and on television is just like the ones I've been getting. They have been good enough to get me into organizations that required proof. Mine, which also looks like that one, was good enough to allow me to get a passport to travel all over the world. In fact, it has never been contested for any reason.
If you don't live in Pennsylvania, move there - and try to get a driver's
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license with it. You can't. Without the original or a state certified copy of the original, your parents couldn't have gotten your social security card. I don't know what passport regs are, perhaps they will take a COLB, but they are among the few that will because they can be so easily forged. What you are ordering from other states is not a certified copy of the long form birth certificate with the signatures, etc., and if you are, they are in violation of the law, because no one but the parents or the person whose certificate it is can obtain a certified copy of the original legally.

Don't believe this for a minute either.

I'm heavy into genealogy, too, but I haven't gotten any - Backwards Typist
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certificates that look like that. Mine have been true certificates complete with footprints.

Contact your state bureau of vital statistics - pay $15 to get a
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state certified copy of your original long form birth certificate. THEN you will know the difference between a COLB and a state certified copy of your original long form birth certificate.

And what you all keep missing here is he does not deny he has the original long form...he just refuses to produce it. EVERYBODY born in the United States has the original long form birth certificate with all the info on it.

The first COLB that his campaign put on the internet didn't even have a state seal on it. When that was pointed out, they produced one with a state seal.

Bottom line is...either he has it and should produce it because the constitution demands he be a natural born citizen and a good deal of Americans would like to see it...or he has it and it has something on it he doesn't want known or....he in fact doesn't have it.

If yours looks like his then yours is not your legal long form or a certified copy thereof.
Mine has a state seal, and it looks just like his, and works fine - Working fine for me!
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Mine looks just like his and has worked as my legal, certified (with state seal) birth certificate. I can't ask for anything more.

I also checked my deceased mom's and my deceased dad's which I had to order when they died.
long or short form - sm
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Do you live in Hawaii? Each state is different. Hawaii issues long form certificates, your state may not. The lack of the long form, which HAD to be issued, is what people are questioning.

Many states automatically provide the parent of a child with a copy of the long form birth certificate, for a fee, when one is requested from the vital records office in the state in which the child was born, although some states only issue the short form. 

Most states do not recognize the COLB - (which is what you have)
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as legal record of birth. Hawaii is one of those states who does provide and require the long form. They have said themselves that the document posted on the website (the COLB) is not legal in Hawaii as proof of birth there for legal identification purposes.

LOL.. Good one... I dont believe the OP either.nm - Frank

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just call me a verifier - skeptic

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Funny how maintaining every successful con is based on the idea that anyone questioning the con is not with it; is crazy and stupid. (Not that it really matters anyway, Obama's father was not an American citizen so he is not natural born citizen.) And frankly, now in my 60th year of life, I think I recognize a con when I see it. I would rather be called a fool than allow myself to be deceived because I am so simple minded that I am afraid of someone calling me a name. So show me the certified long-form hospital birth certificate and I will apologize -- not for being crazy or foolish which I'm not -- but for being suspicious and concerned for my country.

Excellent post - anon

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You said that very well and I am joining you too. Funny how when you get to our age you can recognize a con.

I watched X-files when it came out and I have adopted their words - "Trust No One". I'm like you. Until I see the proof I will too be suspicious and concerned for my country.

Wow, even Glenn Beck seems annoyed by birthers - me

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And he seems to have made it his life's work sniffing out cons

Yeah, I actually met a little green man from Mars too - see message

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First birthers don't come out and introduce themselves as "birthers" ("Hi, I'm John. Nice to meet you. I'm a birther".) Sorry...no go. And people who want to see a birth certificate do not have a show like you claimed there was. Your story is not believable. Maybe you wish it to be that way but it is not. Most people who just want to see the birth certificate do not stand up and start "bellering" or have a tirade. As you all sat there letting them go on and on not "engaing" him and "trying to keep a straight face".

Nice try. Next time a story like this is invented people should at least try to make it sound like it really happened.

Whether you believe it or not doesn't matter because it happened - sm

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I know that people who engage in that kind of hateful conduct, bellering about how the president doesn't have a birth certificate and isn't really the president, etc., which makes him a Birther whether he identified himself like that formally or not), don't like to hear that others don't like it. It was an uncomfortable situation. It was a conservative group. The man lost all credibility, but everyone was polite and just let him go until he ran out of steam.

conduct - sm

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What do you mean by "engage in that kind of hateful conduct?" Seriously, what is hateful about it?

Of course, I wasn't there and didn't witness his tirate, but to call it hateful is a little extreme, don't you think?

"Hatred (or hate) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects. The objects of such hatred can vary widely, from inanimate objects to animals, oneself or other people, entire groups of people, people in general, existence, or the whole world. Though not necessarily, hatred is often associated with feelings of anger and disposition towards hostility against the objects of hatred."

That's pretty intense in describing someone's behavior while raising a question about someone's BC.

Hate is such an ugly word, and it disturbs me that it is being thrown around so easily lately. I've been called a hater by some who disagree with my politics but actually, I'm probably one of the nicest people you'd want to meet.  :-)  I don't have a hateful bone in my body.

Here's what I know. Say that someone accused me of not being born in the U.S. They believed that I didn't have a right to my job because I wasn't a citizen, and they even tried to take me to court to prove that I was not a US citizen. You can bet the farm that I would immediately produce the document(s) necessary to shut them up and make them go away.  That's just me, of course, but I would be wrong in assuming that most people would react the same way?

The guy was red in the face and yelling, so yes, I would call it hatred - although I also dislike that word

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I agree with you. That is a harsh word.
Why do YOU think he won't produce the long - form? Seriously. nm
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Because it's better to ignore whackos. - nm
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Exactly! That's why I've ignored several remarks from Birthers on here - They are incapable of learning or knowing
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I honestly believe that they have bought into those theories hook line, and sinker. They can't help it. They are incapable of seeing or hearing truth. It does no good to engage in conversation with them. It is best to smile and leave their presence as soon as possible. Discussion is impossible.

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