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Can I say thank you to the person who stood

Posted: Apr 20, 2013

I could not believe the replies I got on here just for asking about decorating, or easy things to fix for kids when you are working, etc. I am in no way unable to take care of kids, provide lunches, give them shelter, keep them safe and that above all is what I am about. I am not only a grandmother but a great-grandmother at that. One person wondered about why the parents were not "letting" my g'children visit. My g'children are grown themselves. My granddaughter has a child. When smaller we spent days, hours together and they also went on vacations with me. The g'children are like most starting out, they don’t have loads of money to go across the country so I make the trip myself ever so often to visit them. I have ran my own home for years prior to my present marriage, owned my own house and raised my 2 children literally by myself. The only reason I asked about the things I have were I NEVER ever worked from home with younger children around and I want to make it as easy for me plus the fact want them to feel at home when they visit. Someone said about their coming way across country to visit. I just went to where they were last month and visited on their spring break with the entire family. I know these people, the mother, father, grandmother, uncle, the 4 children, all of them plus their extended family in my town. I have no idea why people keep talking about them not knowing me or me not knowing them for X number of years. Gosh, there are people who get married not even had known the person for as long as I have this family. I would never try to kidnap a child. I would love to have been able to be the Godmother to the younger child but I could not accept that because of my AGE. You need a younger person to be able to step in in case of a parent's demise and I am 70. I have raised mine and these are like grandchildren that you can spoil and then send home. The girls went on a vacation with me on their fall break from school last year. I drove from my state of Georgia to Florida and had a wonderful time. My daughter came by today and we spent time together, is joining me and the girls on 1 of our trips this summer for a 3 day trip I am planning because we all love to travel, see new sights and enjoy life. I am so sorry some took this in the wrong light because only trying to get all my ducks in a row prior to their arrival. The reason for my now answering earlier about the g'children visiting was that my daughter came by and we spent time together. She helped me when we went to BestBuy and she hooked me up with Roku for my television and then set that up plus Eye-Fi for my camera. I asked for help when I need it, she did not mind helping me out but apparently others here saw my asking in an entirely different light, which heavens knows is not me. My daughter is also planning on making 1 of the trips with me and the girls this summer. I can make trips by myself but with a lively group around it keeps me young and I love it. Again thanks for the heads up. ;

My apology (and some common sense) - anonymoose - sm

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First, I am sorry if I offended you. You must know though that the whole thing thing sounded strange. To you its all innocent being a grandmother/great grandmother, but you are writing this on a board where people have no idea who you are or what you are like. You could be Aunt Bea from Mayberry, or you could be Jeffrey Dahmer's mother bringing him dinner. I'm sure its the first :-). My point is many of us didn't read your first post and you made no reference that you wrote a post explaining the situation. You didn't even use the same moniker. You keep posting under different monikers. I can tell it's the same person because of your writing style, but I never saw your first post.

You do have to admit that it would send up red flags for anyone to hear someone is sending their young girls to another state to stay with someone who is not family without them being there. I guess it happens, but I've never particularly heard of it. I just always read these bizarre news stories involving young kids and witnesses will always say, gee he was so normal or this or that. I can remember a really long time ago reading about some lady who was taking in borders (retired men). Nice grandmotherly lady and they found out she was burying the men in her back yard and kept cashing their social security checks. Of course I'm not saying that is you, but what I am saying is people said OMG, she was the nicest littlist old lady. She never hurt a fly was so kind to everyone.

All I'm saying is most people now adays do not just ship their young children off with people who are not related to them in some other state. You can't expect people to know you're character since we know nothing about you.

I'm sure you are like Aunt Bea and a lovely lady and kind for spending your time and money on this family. All I'm saying is take a step back and try and see if from people who don't know you viewpoint. I can see where people had red flags. Especially because my husband is an investigator and runs across too many cases weird cases.

It's just when you don't say why you are taking them, what happened to the parents, what kind of people lets their young girls go out of state without her being there. You ask for lunch ideas, but your husband is a cook, you ask for bedroom ideas, you ask what to do with them, where to take them, what they can do while you work. Then you say you are 70 years old, the first thing I'm thinking of is if your husband is so rich and you are 70 years old why are you working. Then when you asked about ideas to decorate a bedroom it just started getting, not weird, but just a little strange. First thing I thought is why are you not down at the stores looking at the girls bedroom department for ideas or going on Google where you can actually see pics of really cute bedrooms and get some ideas from that. Unsure what kind of ideas you would expect to get from us without knowing you, the girls, your favorite colors, or any of that. All you get is hang up a picture, put a rug on the floor, buy a pretty bedspread. Then in another post you said you had a daughter. Why don't you ask her what she thinks.

It just got more and more "red flags" the more you kept writing. Then bragging about how much money you make, all the money you've spent on them, and when you said you were kind to children and animals I thought oh there is more to this and I will stop reading.

So just want to apologize if I hurt your feeling. I'm sure your an Aunt Bea with a kind and generous heart and I hope everyone has a good time.

Answers - P

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I did ask my daughter today about helping out on the room and she told me the last time she did a room was when she was 16 and that was not really something she was good at. I will have to agree- she had big blue room with sunflowers all over the place, curtains, lamps, bedspread but she loved it and decorated like she wanted. My husband drives an 18 wheeler and is gone every other day in the week, home on weekends and loves to cook, no one makes him cook around here. How did you come to the conclusion my husband was rich? I do not ever remember seeing that and I know I sure did not say. I have worked since I was 14 and do not see any reason to stop as long as I can still work. I only work 3 days a week now, so it is not like in the past when I worked 2 full time jobs always and wsa working that way until he and I married in 2000. As far as why do I still work. There is a simple answer there. No I do not need to work because I have other money coming in BUT my husband and I have separate banking accounts. He buys what he wants, I do the same. He buys guitars and amplifers, I love to travel. There is no way and I mean no way would he want to and I surely would never want him to know what I pay for my vacations and I absolutely love to travel. I take many, many trips with groups in the states, Canada among other places. We half the big bills around our home, property taxes, auto insurance yearly, etc. If and when I decide not to work any more, then that will be the end of my travels perhaps or at least not as big ones as I have had in the past. I plan ahead on trips, already have a trip for myself to Alaska set up for July this year. i pay in increments and have some fabulous trips because I pay in installments.

As far as talking about the animals and kids I worked in animal rescuing before and loved it. A friend and I went in together but I went and bought the animals from the humane society, I would get them fixed and she would find homes for them. We did not do for a profit but because I wanted to save the animals lives and felt extremely good about doing that. Working with the animals was by far the most rewarding work I have ever done. We would still be doing that but our working together eventually lead her into her dream job of being a director an animal shelter so she has few hours now to just rescue.

I am nothing like Aunt Bea, by the way. I might be 70 but so far, so good health wise. Just because a person is 70 doesn’t mean you're decrepit because far from it. Like I wrote prior the girls and their mother and I all went to Florida to Disneyworld this past summer and were there 2 weeks. I thought I would wear out first and actually the girls were dragging far before I was. Last summer my friend, her 3 children and the girls, their mother and I all at the pool here in my community and friend's girl who is 10 was surprised to see me diving into the pool. I guess people think you get a certain age maybe you should just keel over?

I guess I should have gone to a close by store and got some ideas but like I said thought others here were more up to date with decorative ideas than me.

Oh, just for your info: The girls parents moved away just about 7 months ago to Texas. The girls did not want to leave and the parents were going to let them stay here so they could get settled there and then I was going to fly the girls home in the meantime keeping them in their schools here. My husband and I (as required here in our state) both went and passed background checks in order for them to stay. By the time their mother and I had finished jumping through all the hoops for them to stay, the father had found a home, school, etc. and they moved on away. We spent probably 4-5 days a week together, all of us and I miss the entire family terribly. I guess I must be one heck of a trusting soul because this is not the first parent who has trusted me with their kids. Years ago a lady who lived down the street from me let me take her little girl to Jamica with my daughter. I borrowed a kid so my child would not be bored. We had a wonderful time.

You get even more strange - with every post you make

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And I've read probably all of yours recently. You start out by kind of replying to the previous poster, but then go completely off on "money." It doesn't matter what was said before, your responses always end up almost bragging about something you've bought, some trip you've taken, or something else related to money. That really turns me off of wanting to read any more from you. I cannot stand people who brag about what they have and don't have, where they have been, how people "love" them and they just don't know why, etc.....

And I think the previous poster was being complimentary to you when referring to Aunt Bea, but you completely took that the wrong way, just like everything else. Wow! You definitely are one strange person!
If you are that annoyed by her, why are continuously - reading all her post? Gee whiz...
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You complain that she brags, are you jealous? And not only that, but her posts are extremely long and not even broken into paragraphs (I cant even read them all), YET you take the time to read every last one of them (so you say) BUT you are so annoyed. You call her strange, I think you are strange. Who does that? If someone got underneath my skin that much, I would quit following their post. But yet you say you have read them all.
She's like a train wreck - .
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This is how I wind down after a full day of work. I'm not sleepy yet so I come here and read. I have a boring life. Her posts are very long and very hard to follow so I probably haven't read them all. But I have a decent idea of her from what she has posted. Not jealous at all. I just can't help myself, can't look away....
Well I respect that, at least your honest. - nm
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Are you the same person - that posted several times a while back

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about people being soo rude to you when you go to the doctors and about having issues with your doctor and some surgery that they were suppose to do but didn't?

I wish you said you were like Aunt Bea and left it at that - I LOVE Aunt Bea - anonymoose - sm

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But no, you are nothing like Aunt Bea. You provided more information than I wanted to know or that any of us should know about you. You should not be so eager to tell strangers such personal information about yourself, especially about all your money or how you like to keep things secret from your husband and I certainly did not want to know who in your family pays what bills. I myself am in my mid 50s and one thing I've learned in life is you don't tell strangers your personal business and you certainly don't brag about all your money. So you work 3 days a week and make $4000. Good for you. Also, we don't care. My dad taught me growing up that it's not a good thing to gloat. When people are going through hard times (which if you read this board you see many are), it just doesn't sit right with people that you brag about how much money you have, all the trips you take and how you keep it secret from your husband.

I never said, thought or implied that you were decrepid. Don't know where you even got that. I have a lot of older friends. Some in their late 60s moving like they are in their 30s and some moving like they are in their 90s. Again, never said, thought or implied that you were decrepid.

As for the age, I only know of a few in their 60s that are still working. Most of them have retired and are always traveling. Everyone is different. I have been working since I was in 3rd grade (worked on a farm). As for me, as soon as I hit the age mark I will be retiring myself unless I find myself something I want to do the rest of my life. I like my job and all, but I don't want to be 70 years old sitting in front of a computer typing reports.

Something else does not add up. You say you make 4000 a month but only work 3 days a week. Again, none of my business and I do not want any details, but I know of no MT that is making that kind of money. You actually think we believe that you make $334 a day (over $41 an hour as an MT?). Again, don't want to know any more about that, just is very hard to believe.

I did love your paragraph about working in Animal Shelters. I think that's great.

But as for the rest of it, the old saying goes "less is better". Especially since you don't know who is reading these messages.
Sweet how you say you don't want to know... - sm
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And then proceed to throw down a challenge and pretend you don't want an answer/response! As in: "You say you make 4000 a month but only work 3 days a week. Again, none of my business and I do not want any details, but I know of no MT that is making that kind of money. You actually think we believe that you make $334 a day (over $41 an hour as an MT?). Again, don't want to know any more about that, just is very hard to believe."

Also, your posts seem to be as much on the lengthy side as hers are...hmmm...

You're a very judgmental, accusatory type, just going by your replies. She's got an excuse for her lengthy posts: She's trying to defend herself against some of the things/accusations posted by you and others. What's your excuse for putting so much time into posting? How can you blame her for trying to defend what can only be described as character attacks?

anonymoose, red flags, and probably NM are all - the same person.

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nothing better to do than stalk a 70 year old woman on the message boards? Get a life. Where is that detective or investigator husband you say you have? Is he not keeping you busy enough, not to mention your adopted daughter. You should be spending your time with them instead of hanging out here abusing this poor woman.

You have just proved the saying about assuming (minus the me) - anonymoose - sm

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I am anonymoose. Don't know who the others are. Nobody is stalking anyone - get a grip! You see, this is a board. People post and people reply. Don't know about any adoptive daughter you are imagining. Nobody is abusing this "poor" woman. She's not poor and you made a "poor" choice of words.

If she didn't want anyone giving their opinions she should not have kept replying AND on top of that getting more and more bizarre and narcissistic as she kept writing.

But hey keep going with your assumptions. Shows your character too.

I'm off. I wished her well and hoped she and the girls had a good time. She didn't need to reply giving everyone in the world all her personal information, which is pretty bizarre. I know, maybe she should hire a TV crew to follow here around so she can show the whole world what she is doing for them and how they should be grateful to her. Sure hope she doesn't hold that over their head all the money she is spending on them, and then come on and complain if she doesn't get a thank you letter (again).

And you and the OP and others are probably - the same person

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You cant post ANYTHING on here without - the paranoia gang weighing in (NM)

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No message.

You really do not owe - these people or anyone

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an explanation of your life! This one person is just attempting to tear you apart and retrieve information that is truly not hers to have and she is attempting this by bullying you verbally into giving it up, and the more you try to defend yourself, the more she knows she is getting to you and will not stop until she is satisfied that she discredited you in everything you say and feel. Personally I would not even bother responding to her any longer. Keep your family situation to yourself and if you simply want ideas on decorating and such, just ask those specific questions, and don't let anyone delve into your personal life expecting your private life to be made public knowledge. It is none of her business what you do with these children, family, friends, relatives, how much money you make etc. You may not realize it, but she is attacking you verbally simply to make herself feel better and nothing more. She is like a little kid who thinks that the more they annoy someone, they will end up getting what they want. again, it is none of hers or anyone else's business. Stop feeding the machine! and good luck to you!

Thanks, taking your advice and no more - posting. OP

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I read these and you are 100% right about - verbal abuse

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the original poster said she brought in over 4000 a month, said she worked part-time but had other income besides the 3 days she worked each week. Moose lady made that out to be the OP made more than 300 a day at her job. Laughable, right.

again... - nobody's business

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moose lady is posing as more than one person. - nm

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Don't assume. You are not good at it. - anonymoose - sm
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I don't need to post under multiple names.  I say what I have to say and not afraid to speak the truth.  Also if the OP had left things alone then that would have been the end of it.  She is the one who decided to keep posting bizarre posts and brought it on herself.

As for the other posters you seem to think are me?  Well one of them answered you below.  Besides, if you don't believe me or them you can ask the moderator.  She can tell you what I am telling you.  We are not the same.

You really do not owe anyone is right - At least - one of these posters appear to be using 2 monikers

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I dont know what sick thrill they get from antagonizing you, but apparently they do. It appears to be only two people though and one of them is using two different monikers. Like the above person said, leave it alone and quit trying to defend yourself. You dont owe them any explanations.

Do pray tell, which 2 do you know for a fact are the same - I know, lets as the moderator

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She can tell you if these are the same posters.

You do know that different people can see the same thing. Just because you don't like what they have to say does not mean that only one person posts replies.

Again, ask the moderator. All she has to do is look up the information and she can tell you.

No, the OP does not owe anyone any explanations and I wish she would stop telling everyone her personal business. More info than she should be telling anyone.

And for your information, just so you don't have these imagined thoughts anymore, I am anonymoose. I don't need to post under any other moniker because I say what I have to say and I put my name to it.

So, maybe you are the same person who posts multiple posts under different monikers.

Again, ask the moderator and she can tell you. As a previous moderator I know she can look up the info.

would like to set the record straight - red flags and all

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I don't follow people around to abuse them, but I do follow this board and recognize patterns. So this OP has been talking for months on end about the situation, I had more to say, especially when she was the one who came out swinging at me.

For the record, I'm not attacking her in this post and I haven't changed my moniker in the current thread. This is the only post I have made in this thread. I think if the OP would just leave things alone already, everybody else would too.

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Leaving aside passages in which he quoted a Chicago pub owner and a letter from a citizen from Georgia, President Barack Obama used the first person singular—including the pronouns “I” and “me” and the adjective “my”—91 times in a speech he delivered in Chicago Tuesday to explain his unilateral action on immigration. But as often as Obama used “I,” “me” and “my” in Chicago this week, it was no match for the ...

For The Person Below Who Doesn't Think Unions Help Raise Prices, Here's A Few Teeny FactsApr 15, 2011
A few facts for you. There are 3 large unions in the U.S.: the AFL-CIO, SEIU, and National Education Association. Do you know what the AFL-CIO initials stand for? The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a voluntary federation of 56 national and international labor unions. They represent 12.2 million members, including 3.2 million members in Working America, its community affiliate.  Affiliates of the AFL-CIO are: Airline ...