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How do you feel when a religious person

Posted: Jun 4, 2013

I have to say, I don't want anybody knocking on my door without calling first. I take no offense in particular to religious people doing it, but I get more of them than anyone else, so that's why I'm using this forum.

I think it is intrusive, whether it's a friend, family, religious person, or someone looking to do lawn work. Just the other day, I was just getting out of the shower when the doorbell rang. It was 1 p.m.  Okay, maybe most people take their showers before that, but I take mine when it's most convenient with my work schedule or other things I'm doing. I threw on a robe and subconsciously opened the door to someone who wanted to spread the word. This was the third time in 2 weeks, not all the same person, but the same theme. I am always polite. If they feel they want to leave me a brochure, that is fine with me at that point, but I would prefer not to be intruded upon. It's my personal time or mine and hubby's, or whatever, and I do not appreciate the doorbell ringing unless I'm expecting you.

Maybe I'm sick.  Maybe I'm taking a nap.  Maybe I'm working.  Maybe I'm in the shower.  Maybe I'm on the phone. 

Do religious people who want to spread the word realize that an unexpected knock on the door is simply not polite?  It's also scary to open a door to a stranger, no matter how nice they look.


what I always say - see message

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and fortunately there have not been many here lately, but I say I realize you have to do this but I'm just not interested. Sometimes then they want to leave stuff with me, fine I'll take it, but my mind is made up on religious matters so I'm not going to read it.

Put up a sign that says No Soliciting - or Religious Material Accepted

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or one that says "Day Sleeper" DO NOT DISTURB. Worth a shot...

My local Jehovah's Witness is really nice. - LOL

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I'm like you--I don't like unexpected visitors. But I can't bring myself to send them off when they're so darn nice. I'm not Jehovah's Witness, but my family are. I don't know them because they say they cannot be a part of my life if I don't ascribe to their beliefs. So when a JW came to the door and was super nice to me, I just smiled and said thank you and took the literature. Now she comes back like once a week and even sends me postcards from her vacation! LOL I can't bear to tell her I will NEVER be JW because of the bad history, but I don't want my past to ruin her day. :)

They are all nice - OP

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Never really had a rude one, they just need to stop ringing my doorbell. I have thought about posting some kind of note about no soliciting, no religious material, etc. It's not THEM I oppose, it's their coming to my door uninvited.

Actually, only one was sort of rude. I said, "I'm really sorry, but I'm busy working." And she said, "You are too busy for Jesus Chris?" I said, "No, but I am too busy to discuss him right now."

I'm the same way, hate people coming to my door - without being invited, especially bible thumpers

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I have 2 huge dogs (160 and 180 pounds). When I'm expecting company - how it should be - my dogs are put away so as not to overwhelm guests at the door. When people show up unannounced it annoys me beyond words because my dogs take off for the door, barking and slobbering, basically acting like Cujo, and I have to calm them down before I can open the door.

Of course, this works in my favor when bible thumpers come to the door. We have one of those tall, skinny windows next to the door, so usually I just let the dogs do their barking/slobbering/rabid dog thing at the window and people leave real quick like. They don't usually even leave a card because they don't want to touch the door. LOL!

The particularly brave ones who stay, I will crack the door open, dogs barking and growling, trying to shove their giant heads through the tiny crack in the door. I usually can't hear over them so I just say "Sorry, my dogs are trying to get out and you don't want that to happen. Is there something you need?" and they say no and leave. Works like a charm.

So I guess my point is, get some big dogs. :)

LOL - nm

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can't stand the bible thumpers either - Godless

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I never said - OP

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...that I can't stand bible thumpers. I just said I don't think they (or anyone else)should be knocking at my doorstep. It's rude and intrusive no matter who you are. They just seem to do it the most.

If you are godless, why are you on this board?

Big dogs! - MGM

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I love the dogs coming to the rescue. Thanks for the smile. I needed that!

I seriously think it is rude - see msg

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Would they want us coming to their door when they're half naked or having an intimate moment with their spouse?

How about - anon

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Don't answer the door. Or, put a "no soliciting" sign up like the other poster recommended. They are doing what they feel called to do. It's your responsibility to be proactive and discourage people from knocking on your door (again, hang a sign) if you don't want unexpected visitors. It's not rude on their part, it's a lack of responsibility on yours.

I still think it is rude - see msg

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I have a screen vestibule. There is no place to hang anything except for perhaps inside on the wall, which they may or may not see. I like the idea of the sign, just don't have a good way to display it.

The only reason I answer the door is this: You never know when it's someone trying to see if you are home or not so they can burglarize it.

I think people should respect one another and not show up unannounced.

Not to mention, here in FL where I live, we are allowed to shoot to kill if somone is on our property (in our out), if we feel in any way threatened. I myself would not shoot unless I was SURE my life was threatened, but there are plenty of people in this state who would not hesitate.

Use tape. nm - anon

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LOL - I may need to do that!
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It is getting to that point.

Hanging a sign, here's an idea....sm - LoveMT

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When you said that you had nowhere to hang a sign, it just popped into my head that my cousin, who does in-home daycare, has a little wooden sign that someone painted all nice and neat for her (kind of like a craft thing). It has a little rope attached to the top of it so she can hang it anywhere, and it's attractive because it looks decorative. It says, "Please don't ring my doorbell between the hours of 1pm and 3pm. My babies are sleeping!"

:) Just a thought. You might could find some crafty person to fix you up a sign that says "Please do not solicit or ring my doorbell with religious materials." or something to that effect. I'm sure someone could come up with a much better "saying" to put on the sign, but you get the idea. :)
Thanks! - Maybe even a little post
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...in the garden near the door. That might work!

I do not see how it is a breach of etiquette or rude--sm - anon

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I kind of consider the front door as public domain. If you asked them not to return, then that would be rude if they were to continue. If you are not prepared to receive visitors and it is someone you do not know, you can still yell through the door that you are not interested. If they were to come at an inappropriate hour (too early or too late) that would be rude but simply knocking on the door is not rude. If it is a recurring problem, you could contact the church body they belong to and ask them to keep people from coming to your house.

My property - Is not public domain

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And there is no saying what an appropriate hour or inappropriate hour is. People have their lives that don't necessarily match the "early" or "late" rule. People may be ill, people may work odd shifts...people like me like to take their shower in the afternoon, etc., etc.

People knocking on door - Old Pro

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I smile and say, "I'm Jewish and not interested, but you have a nice day."

I so do not like the religious salepeople. I always have to point to my - no solicitor sign. They act as though

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I didn't say anything.

My relationship with my Lord is a very private relationship between Him and me. I don't like telling people my feelings or my religion. Sure the religion sales people are nice, I take their brochure, smile and say thanks, close the door and throw it in the trash.

What I have learned to do is bring my phone (cordless) to the door with me, then say on the phone (which there is nobody there), "hold on please". Then I smile and say "I'm sorry I'm in the middle of a conference call with my work".

I did see a sign for no sales. Here is a link in case you want to buy a sign. This should give them the hint.


I don't know why these people think it is their job to go door to door "spreading their word". Talking to me about religion and how I feel is like them asking me what I do in the privacy of my bedroom with my husband. It just really gets me me.

I hear ya on the opening doors to a stranger, but now I just don't answer the door

They make it their business - for some reason

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I think some of them truly believe we all need to be saved. In their mind, they are helping us. However, they are not helping my attitude towards them when they ringi-ding my doorbell while I'm in the midst of something private with my husband. Maybe these people only "do it" in the dark, I don't know.

A funny little story - AnaPhylaxis

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A few years back, I was visiting my parents and my dad was out working in his side yard garden. Well, my mom went to call him in for lunch and when she looked out the window saw he was being "solicited" by 2 Jehovah's Witnesses. Now, my dad is too polite to just say, "Thanks but no thanks," so he was out there another 20 to 30 minutes in the heat listening to them prattle on instead of sending them on their way. When he came in, my mom said we had seen his predicament and just wanted to see how long he would let it go on. We all had a good laugh and my dad teasingly told her "I'm gonna get you back for that one!"

Fast forward a couple of months. My mother is in the shower washing her hair about 9 in the morning. My dad comes into the bathroom and tells her, "Dear, there's someone at front door that needs to talk to you." My mom said, "Well, who is it? Tell them I'm in the shower!" He said, "I did, but they said it's important." My mom wrapped a towel around her sopping wet hair, threw on a bathrobe, tippy-toed out barefoot to the front door...And the next thing heard was the door slamming LOUDLY.

Yep, my dad had gotten back at her. It was the same JW's that hemmed DAD up in the yard while MOM laughed at him.

Ahhh, good times, good times. Oh, and the JW's didn't come knocking at their front door for a long, long time.

Oh, very cute! - LOL-nm

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As far as the JWs, just tell the next one that comes by--sm - MT wallet

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that you are not interested and no longer want them to come to your house and to let the local congregation know. They will make a note of it and no one will stop at your home when they are in the neighborhood. Problem solved, no big deal. JWs are used to rejection. I know, former JW here. :)

So... - OP

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...can you enlighten me as to WHY they do this? It is mostly JWs, if not all JWs. Are they concerned that THEY are doing something wrong if they don't come to my door and try to sell their religion? It almost seems like they think that there's is the ONLY religion. Same with some other types of Christians.

The Catholics don't do this, the Protestants don't do this, the Episcopalians don't do this...and I thought we/they all believed in the same Christ.

why Jehovah's Witnesses come to your door--sm - MT wallet

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from the JW website, jw.org: (FAQ section) (a bit long, but I wanted to answer all your questions) :)

Jesus told his followers to “make disciples of people of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19, 20) When he sent out his early disciples, Jesus directed them to go to the homes of the people. (Matthew 10:7, 11-13) After Jesus’ death, first-century Christians continued to spread their message both “publicly and from house to house.” (Acts 5:42; 20:20) We follow the example of those early Christians and find that the door-to-door ministry is a good way to reach people.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus:

Yes. We believe in Jesus, who said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) We have faith that Jesus came to earth from heaven and gave his perfect human life as a ransom sacrifice. (Matthew 20:28) His death and resurrection make it possible for those exercising faith in him to gain everlasting life. (John 3:16) We also believe that Jesus is now ruling as King of God’s heavenly Kingdom, which will soon bring peace to the entire earth. (Revelation 11:15) However, we take Jesus at his word when he said: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) So we do not worship Jesus, as we do not believe that he is Almighty God.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe they have the one true religion?

Those who are serious about religion should think that the one they’ve chosen is acceptable to God and Jesus. Otherwise, why would they be involved in it?
Jesus Christ didn’t agree with the view that there are many religions, many roads, all leading to salvation. Rather, he said: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:14) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that they’ve found that road. Otherwise, they’d look for another religion.
Thank you! - OP-nm
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You're welcome! -- nm - MT wallet
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