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The New Birther Conspiracy *or* Green Eggs And Scam
Posted: Nov 2, 2013
The actual document versus what the Obama birthers see:

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As GLENN BECK always says DO NOT take my word for it, research it yourself or just save this and see if it is TRUE or NOT.
Too bad this much planning is for personal gain and not for the good of the country.
PL ...
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It's great to have this as a place where we don't have to keep a straight face. Love it! ...
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http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2011/04/26/exp.nr.toobin.birther.claims.cnn?iref=allsearch ...
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Well then, she should be asked to disclose all info about Trig's birth too
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List Of Failed Green Energy Jobs & Companies – By Obama
Update: 7/19/12: The Amonix Solar: FAIL &ndash ...
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Southern Fried Green BeansNov 23, 2014Thiis is something I make a lot. I cannot give an EXACT recipe but can give the main ingredients and how to do it
About a half package of bacon cut into peices/strips and try to separate as best as possible.
1/2 onion (optional) finely diced
6-8 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic chopped and miniced or garlic powder.
I package froze green beans.
Saute bacon, onion and garlic in olive oil or cannola oil. I cook the bacon until done but not "super crispsy."
Add frozen green beans to ...
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What do you do? ...
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It is happening in Australia, in the State of Queensland, ironcally rich in coal deposits:
The Sunday Mail of Brisbane explains ...