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Like we need this education? Good grief!!!
Posted: Jul 16, 2013
This woman needs to go back where she came from. Miami is it?
if you conclude that she "needs to go back where she came from" - then yes - someone needs an education
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Ignorant and racist posters. - Very sad
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I am astounded at the ugly attacks on this black girl who happened to be a witness in the Zimmerman trial, especially on MT Stars. I thought MTs were logical and reasonable but the hatred for black people including but not limited to the president comes through loud and clear.
And there are some who like to say racism does not exist. It is abundantly clear there are people on this board who consistently spew hatred for black people and just like George Zimmerman attach stereotypical qualities to a person because of his skin color or ethnicity.
I have no idea what drives people to hate but it will eventually lead to health problems, mental and physical.
Miami, dearheart, not NY. She is all in it for the dollars now. - It's obvious.
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she was subpoenaed; she had to testify - (who said anything about NY?)
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She is in NY on her celebrity tour. Comprende? - Where she came from is Miami.
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Get it?
Celebrity tour? - Hardly.
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What is your PROBLEM? Seriously.
Sounds you might be a fan. Is there an app - to track her appearances?
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Or should we just check with you for updates?
no, I do not get it - sm
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I said this: "if you conclude that she "needs to go back where she came from" - then yes - someone needs an education".
The response made no sense: "Miami, dearheart, not NY. She is all in it for the dollars now. - It's obvious."
If you want to explain it, fine. Otherwise, Spare me the snark.
Why bother? No rhyme or reason to responses - Snarky people snark
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Please do not encourage this Rachael (black) hater.
What's obvoius is how enraged the lynch mob is - now that
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they can see that Rachel didn't retreat to the corner and start sucking her thumb after they unleashed their venomous hate on her all over the social network after her testimony. Instead, she is more determined than ever to defend her friend whenever the opportunity presents itself. She is finding out the meaning of the well-worn Nietzsche quote, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." She was composed and, in fact, very much at ease during that interview and came across the the real deal, the same way she did in the courtroom.
Now, I'd like to hear you explain why the haters defended the jurist and publicist yesterday who wanted to capitalize on their participation in the trial, but somehow the same privilege is not extended to the teen, who just might be trying to raise money for higher education so she can wave her in-you-face degree around in a couple of years.
BTW, the jurist has since decided to back out of the book deal after realizing the extent and depth of pain the verdict they rendered inflicted across the nation. She wanted no part of it.
Wonder if the jurist is watching critique of her interview - Her relating to "George"
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"George's heart was in the right place" but things went wrong. OMG, he profiled, stalked and murdered a black kid but his heart was in the right place? Really?
She is sickening. Not only should she not write a book she should go into hiding with her good-hearted "George" the guy who got away with murder thanks to her.
Just watched interview - Apologist for Zimmerman
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I dislike her very much. She has incited a lot of people and commentators are pointing out her errors in judgement. I wonder if she regrets her interview.
He did not profile, stalk. - He did not start it
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Update: Publicist dropped her like a hot potato after - successful Twitter campaign.
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Z apologist not so sensitive to the extent and depth of the pain expressed across the nation after all, just to the dismal prospects whether or not her cash cow would actually produce. What a shock!
Juror getting hammered. She's "gushing" over - Zimmerman per commentators
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Anderson Cooper asked her if she thought Zimmerman would have reported a suspicious white teen in a hoodie.
Amazingly she jumped right into Zimmerman's defense to say she thought he would call the police on anyone, white, Asian, etc. Now how would she know what Zimmerman would do?
The juror reminds me of Zimmerman, talking way too much to defend a position that seems more than shady. I would like to hear from the 3 jurors who wanted to charge Zimmerman and see who talked them out of it and what the reasoning was behind it.
In it for the dollars... - sm
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Amazon $13.49, released before the jury even reached a verdict.

Saw him promote his book on Dr. Phil - Money going to Zimmerman
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In his testimony, Osterman said all proceeds from the book sales are being given to Zimmerman since he can't work (poor guy). Murder a black teen and you have nice racist people support you.
That leaves lots of dollars for Zimmie's food budget.
I do wonder how many of the aptly titled books have sold.
Before they get funneled into the Trayvon Martin Foundation. - Civil suit attys
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need to stay on top of this and keep a running tally on just how big of a monetary settlement they should go for in their upcoming successful wrongful death action.
Ironic, Martin family would end up with BFF Osterman - book money.
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Love it.
Who cares? - Is this somehow important?
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Is it a slow news day? I don't see how this is political. Do you have any actual news to share, or is this just gossip hour at MT Stars? This place is worse than a hen house.
Piers national audience cares - Rachael rocked
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For those with open minds, Rachael explained herself without being harassed by the crypt keeper, Don West.
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